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Welcome to the Diecast General, your one-stop shop for everything diecast! Whether you're a Hot Wheels fanatic, a Jada Toys collector, or simply love miniature metal marvels, this is the place for you.

From cars and trucks to figurines and statues, we celebrate all things diecast. So buckle up, join the conversation, and let's roll!

Previous thread: >>11120928

>Hot Wheels:



>Auto World:

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>Tomica/Mini GT/Ignition Model etc:

>Archived Threads:
Do you all keep your HW/MB carded or do you open them? Recently started buying ones I like which are mostly the different Batmobiles, the street beasts, Loco Motorin' variants, etc. I really like a lot of the "not a real car" ones. I'm just not sure how I'd keep them displayed opened up.
>keep your HW/MB carded?
>or do you open them?
I always open, mainly because I don't have the space to keep them NRFB.

When I was a kid I repainted almost every car I got my hands on. I'm slowly getting back into that, but with adult budget, tools and patience. Might even try printing my own water-transfer decals.
>When I was a kid I repainted almost every car I got my hands on.
I've been doing the same, but making them pieces for Gaslands.
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There are plenty of options for displaying loose vehicles. It just depends on scale and number, really.
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>Do you all keep your HW/MB carded or do you open them?
If you are not retarded, open them, otherwise I got some bad news for you
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Nope, all of mine have the mirror back.
>If you are not retarded, open them, otherwise I got some bad news for you
Whats the bad news? Cause yeah, theres a retarded and autistic part of me thats like yeah, leave them carded. But I also recognize that takes up far too much space.
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Some one for dcg said i should post my car paint job here so uh here you go, be gentle
ERTL 1989 base
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>I'm just not sure how I'd keep them displayed opened up.
I don't see the point in keeping everything I own displayed at all times, so I usually just have between like 5 to 15 cars on my desk depending on my mood, and I keep the rest stored away in cases. It's actually kind of nice to have stuff out of sight and out of mind, because when I dig the cases out to rotate my display, I find myself being drawn to certain cars simply because I haven't seen them in a while, or maybe even forgot I had them.
This was a neat surprise at Costco today.
I'm not a regular to /toy/ and don't know where I should post this, but I figure it fits here.

I'm trying to figure out what a toy was I had when I was a kid in the mid-late 90s. Die cast, at least partially. What I remember:

>Roughly the size of a Hotwheels car
>Surprisingly heavy for its size
>Build more like an APC than a car/truck
>Heavy sci/fi style, obviously not a real vehicle
>Neon green paintjob
>4 axels, 4 wheels on each side
>Small black plastic satellite dish on the roof that rotates
>No windows except for the driver, which was more like a cockpit canopy than a driver's seat

Does anyone have any idea what this might have been?
Sounds like Radar Ranger to me.
You should open them up and display them in a diorama batcave. find a dinosaur and a giant penny
Holy shit. That's the one. Thanks a lot, Anon.
That's exactly what I've been wanting to do! Been trying to look for ideas online. I have a couple 3D printers so making some of the pieces like stairs or rock wall sections should be simple enough.
Are there any rigor motor radiator/headlight part replacements for the modern casting?
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>didn't see this thread so I'll repost it here
This 70's Plymouth Superbird just came in the mail today. Absolutely love the paint job. Had to immediately get it for my collection.
I finished collecting all the Batmobiles I want, been looking to get a Barracuda or Roadrunner next. Haven't found one that caught my eye yet.
I just love taking pictures of them.
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I would absolutely love a Richard Petty Superbird aswell. Already have a extensive wishlist. Rip
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>2018 dodge challenger srt
Took this last night. Used the rbg lights from my laptop.
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>stocked case of hotwheels tonight
>find Casa-de-taco car treasure hunt
>find the Pontiac firebird super treasure hunt
The firebird is fantastic
Not that I know of, but I'd love to retrofit that older radiator with the skulls onto the more modern castings.

This exists. Just search for "hot wheels vintage racing superbird". But you'd be better off looking for an old Racing Champions or Action casting rather than the Hot Wheels.
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nice pics, people should post moar about their collections
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waiting to see the finished result
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I've got about 2700 pieces in my collection. The majority of those are cars you can find in big-box stores in the United States- think 3" Hot Wheels and Matchbox. But I have a decent number of cars across all the major scales from more 100 different diecast brands.

I like real cars so most of my collection reflects those tastes. I don't really care about Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Tomica, etc. If it's decent and acquirable I'll buy it.

Pic is some cars I picked up on a trip to Europe earlier this year.
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I love the 70s sci-fi aesthetic of stuff like the Hot Wheels Radar Ranger >>11152550 and Matchbox Planet Scout
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Got one of these Track Dwagons and really like it, alt colours are dark grey with yellow transparent plastic iirc.

Perfect for Gaslands. I number my cars when I paint them, and this one already having 009 on the side is perfect as it would be my 9th
Give it a wash.
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LFA from Focal Horizon
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1988 Ford Thunderbird
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I have been looking for one of these bitches for over 5 years. Had a little snafu after scooping it up on eBay but it's finally arrived- hell yeah.
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I wish Jada would do more wrestlers in their Hollywood Rides line. I want Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart and Razor Ramon.
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I recently went to a flea market where I found a chinese uncle selling a bunch of 1/43s, either stolen, found, or no idea what he had (typical here). He had a bunch of Minichamps and Neoscale for 10 eurobucks each, ridiculously cheap
I picked up these two, along with a CLK and a 996 991 Turbo

He also had a C1 Corvette made by Neoscale which I didn't get because I'm a retard
If you had to pick between G-fans and MoreArt dioramas, which tiny world do you want to drive around and live inside?
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Gaslands soon
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I'm a Godzilla fag.

Really wish they'd make proper Godzilla vehicles like the Maser Tank or the Super-X vehicles

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