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After hearing so much about these toys I decided to buy some of them.

I'm a fidgeting fanatic and I buy these stress balls to fisget around.
So I did think to myself
>Hey lets see how these things are for fidgeting.

I got mantaro and the red dinosaur (pictured) and I'm not impressed the dinosaur is like extra hard (are we sure that these toys are for children) I also removed the top part of its head since the plastic is disturbing to fidget around.

The mantoaro figure is .... eh it has like a capt made out of rubber that is very uncomfortable and is in the way and since it is water based I suspect most of it evaporated (despite me buying if fresh from the store) it is like not enough water and the fidgeting is meh.

The capt is the most annoying part of the whole thing I'm almost ready to take scissors and remove it.

What are other peoples experiences with these toys and are they any good?
>I have a handful of them and all of them are great.
For like using?
My feel bizarrely strong and hard to stretch as for children toys.

>I have a handful of them
Name the ones you have.
>You sound very autistic
The guy described himself as a "fidgeting fanatic," he is definitely an autistic zoomer. No offense, OP.
>I also removed the top part of its head
what the fuck nevermind this guy is psycho
>what the fuck nevermind this guy is psycho
it is easy to remove and reattach. The head is in the way and fells wrong. So this is a improvement.
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The only ones worth buying are Foogoo, Crusticoid and Squidor because they can stand up. They're sadly also the rare ones for some reason
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What is that Content Creatorâ„¢ going to do with those scissors?? I have to click right now and find out!!!!
>the dinosaur is like extra hard
For me thats the best part. Its great to punch it.
Get a huge Mochi. It will be better for you as it wtill have no plastic.
>because they can stand up
I literally do not care if it can stand up. It is fidget toy for me I squish it. This is all.
>Its great to punch it.
Punching? I only stretch and squeeze the thing.
>What is that Content Creatorâ„¢ going to do with those scissors?? I
they are added in Photoshop peak click bait.
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This reminds me of that art where Sonic is a toilet and Shadow's sticking out of him
This is for sure somebody's fetish
The normal ones aren't nearly as cursed and are actually kinda neat.
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I wanted to say sometihng then decided not to post however you guys motivated me to post my thought streams on this subject.

Anon this looks like the most autistic shit that I have ever seen.

Imagine something as autistic as sonic getting even more autistic.

*Autistic sonic music blasts*

I swear there is something to the sonic muzzle that screams autism.
No wounder autists are obsessed with sonic.

Do companies not have guidelines before they left them make a toy? How was this aproved?

Oh wait sonic is basically an autist magnet so saga has guidelines how to attract the most autists to its shit.
Never mind.
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>The normal ones aren't
He says this while posting a commercial.
Sorry I swear to god either these companies have 2 products or literally use AI and video manipulation hardcore.

Ever seen a goo jit zu toy review on youtube?
And ever did have that thing in hand? IN reality?

These things are incredibly small in adult hands.
I have no idea how cancerous clickbait toddler exploitation farms like pictured >>11146385 make full videos with the toy in the hands of an adult where it looks 300% bigger then what you actualyl get in reality out of the box.

My theories:
1) They give him a super special extra big toy to review
2) He uses strategic holding in hands to make it look bigger
3)He is actually a dwarf or has one of these genetic disorders.
4) He uses advanced video filters and/or/+ AI to make the toy become bigger then it is in reality.

And commercials are even more deceptive. So no I will not trust how it looks in a commercial. Especially not one made by the company, I do not even trust anyone reviewing toys on youtube.

Surprisingly going into amazon reviews and the 1 star reviews while using common sense is the best guide these days in 2024.
>this guy is psycho

>stand up
Wait what do people do with these toys on /toy/ ?
Buying for display? LIKE FUCKEN LOL?!
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>Wait what do people do with these toys on /toy/ ?
>Buying for display? LIKE FUCKEN LOL?!
>an MCX and Goojitzu collector
I kneel
Explain the concept to me.
1) These toys are not very detailed
2) They are very simplified in their details

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