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But is it $200 peak?
Do you feel like it was worth $200? I feel like they almost look like $200 figures but I'm not enough of a Halo guy.
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It looks so bland.
Noticeably plastic and the paint apps aren't as sharp to make up for it.

Doesn't even better than a $9 McFarlane figure from 2011, but I'm sure they engineered it to be more poseable but that isn't even worth $30 more, muchless $190.

For $200, it should look like game art. A digital render made physically into an action figure is worth $30.
Looks way to clean. What a piece if shit.
Looks good and most likely a great figure, but ~$200 for a figure with few accessories is pretty jarring. I plan on waiting for a sale or the bootleg since the KO Chief mogs McFarlane.
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Saw this at Ross for $12. Think it’s worth? I really want a chief figure but, I don’t want to spend a lot of money. Doesn’t seem like there’s a cheap halo 3 version these days either.
The helmet is what kills me the most. There is a shot in the falcon early on where Six’s helmet catches the light and looks like that very briefly, but it’s otherwise completely wrong. Weathering is barebones on this one as well, Six’s armor should look more banged up. Paint apps in the chest area are especially lacking. Still, the chrome visor looks excellent and the accessories are well done for what you do get. He’s easily the best Noble 6 yet. Not quite worth the price tag, though.
It's well worth the price for the figures alone.

The vehicles are fun. Very standard paint jobs that makes them look cheap, but the details are great and the plastic is quality. I paid full price for mine when they came out and i felt they were worth it. At $12 with the two figures? An absolute steal. I'd buy more if i weren't running out of space.

Accessories are shit though. Rubbery, too thin, and soft details. Jazwares is pretty inconsistent that way.
If this was like a $70 model kit I might buy it.
Waiting on mine to arrived, their MC was great.
looks really limited articulation wise
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I can't believe at nearly 200 dollars he doesn't even come with a removable kukri.

Even the 20 dollar Jazwares was able to do that.
He looks pretty fucking great. Pricetag is a bit silly but that's 1000toys for you.
Man, it's kind of interesting how we went from one kinda shit line for Halo (McFarlane) and now we have three much better ones (two by Jazzwares and one by 1000toys).
Why did 1000toys give up immediately after Noble Six? Emile and Carter are both getting Energy Swords as bonus weapons. No Spartan Laser, no grenade launcher etc. What gives? Not enough pre-orders?

happy meal-tier aesthetics, terrible selection, no cortana figure or statue, no six inch scale covenant fodder to go with the spartans. Where's the appeal?
yeah HOLY SHIT bro the hecking wholesome100 six inch kinos, imagine that
no kukri is quite a dealbreaker
Youre the motherfucker who sent my Master Chief back, arent you?
Is jazwares even still continuing the line?
>he doesn't even come with a removable kukri.
Oh, I was really considering buying Emile, but they're fucked if they think this shit is even remotely ok.
Why would they when even Microsoft isn't continuing halo?
Good thing Microsoft isn't discontinuing Halo. I mean, maybe they should with 343 at the helm, but they haven't yet. Fwiw, there's no word that Jazzwares has stopped with Halo either. I think there was a wave early this year and the designers have said that it's going last I checked. You just don't get any announcements or anything. I don't even collect this line but I would like to get my hands on a decent Halo 3 chief figure if the somewhat decent Jazzwares one didn't cost $200 on the secondary market now.
Id actually buy Jazwares if we got correctly scaled covies and marines...
Companies don't make announcements that they stopped licensing a series.
They quietly let the license lapse and hope no one notices. Even the licensor doesn't want everyone to know their property is so shit it failed to sell toys.
Jazwares has shown nothing in probably a year and most stores stopped carrying the line almost just as long, so it's safe to say the line is dead.

I mean, at SDCC this year, they were showing something off at the bottom corner of their booth, but that's because they still have the license and are forced to market it still to honor the license that is expiring this year. You probably won't even see what they displayed this year, because the figures htey put the Halo display at shin level. I don't even remember what they had on display, except it was nothing new.
They also didn't announce anything at their panel either.
Halo toyline is as dead as 343.
And to think I was remotely considering this and feeling bad for waiting on them. Jeez, what a shame.

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