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/lit/ edition

Previous thread: >>11123512

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful. ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

Plus there are tons of people on YouTube with pretty good videos on techniques etc.

Some sites to purchase models, extras, and supplies:
https://www.dersockelshop.de/ (GER)
https://www.scalehobbyist.com/index.php (US)
https://www.alfahobby.se/ (SWE)
http://spruebrothers.com/ (US)
https://freetimehobbies.com/ (US)
http://www.hobbyeasy.com/ (HK)
http://www.luckymodel.com/ (HK)
http://www.hlj.com/ (JP)
https://www.modellbau-koenig.de/en (GER)
http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/ (JP)
https://www.hannants.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.jadarhobby.pl/index.php?language=en (PL)
https://www.bnamodelworld.com/ (AUS)
http://volksusastore.com/webstores/scale/ (US) (Carry Mr. Color and GaiaNotes paint)
https://www.emodels.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.super-hobby.com (EU/UK/RU/US/PL)
https://plastmodel.pl/ (PL/EU)
https://m-zone.pl (PL only)

Jannie feedback for really, really big retards:
im really slow when it comes to making kits, im going to try to bomb out a snap kit car in a week and a half, I need that serotonin release from the sense of achievement. gunna do pic
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I just learned why zvezda's logo is a shooting star. It's because zvezda means shooting star.
I'm flabbergasted.
Also it's pronounced [zvʲJzˈda] / zvizdá.
Also you may not have noticed, but the colors of the logo subtly reference the flag of the country where Zvezda hails from. Russia, with the white referencing the color white in the Russian flag, the blue referencing the blue in the Russian flag, and red referencing the red in the Russian flag. The colors are also (probably coincidentally) the same order as in the Russian flag.

Also there's the not well known hidden Easter-egg hinting the companies Russian origin: the companies name, Zvezda is actually a word of Russian origin.
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I ended up just getting some paint from the hardware store. Looks pretty decent I'd say. Still waiting for the paint to dry, even almost 2 hours later its still a little tacky. I should probably just leave it until tomorrow but I'm impatient.
From here one its just adding the chrome bits, a few decals here and there, and the suspension. Its absolutely miles better than anything I would have shit out as a kid, but far from actually GOOD...
Pavel's Feed and Seed
Whoohoo, first thread photo!
>/lit/ edition
I wish, put Clockwork Orange down right away, the made up slang language constituting 70% of the dialogue was just too much for me.
>From Old East Slavic звѣздa (zvězda), from Proto-Slavic *gvězda, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *źwaisdā́ˀ, from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰwoysdʰ-.
Fine molds upcoming releases.
They released IDF shit recently just to cash in on some genocide, I'm not buying any of their shit.
Is there a list somewhere, I can't watch the video
I hope they release some wartime japcrap, I am fascinated by the Chi-Ha
・1/72 アメリカ海軍 F-4B 戦闘機 VF-84 “ジョリーロジャース”
・1/72 アメリカ海兵隊 F-4N 戦闘機 VMFA-531 “グレイゴースト”
・1/72 アメリカ海軍 F-14A トムキャット™ VF-2 “バウンティハンターズ”
・1/20 アメリカ陸軍1/4トン 4x4トラック (トレーラー・機関銃付)
・1/700 ナノ・ドレッドシリーズ マントレットセット
・1/48 ナノ・アヴィエーションシリーズ フォーメーションライトセット(F-15用)
>36 roadwheels
Reminds me why I moved to mostly planes
Waiting for a model company named *ǵʰwoysdʰ-. Ultra based.
It just means star. Also TZD
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Same reason i'm not buying anything related to Ukraine until it's over.
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For the Tu22m3
>Begemot decals
>Ukrainian photo etch
im glad this didnt turn out to be one of there super engineered super car kits, I dont care if i cant see the engine, it seems this wont cost as much as the GMA t.50 or the mclaren Senna
I just ordered some 1/72 aftermarket Luftwaffe insignias from them, shipping is taking a while, that's my only complaint so far.
Guessing you never buy any models then
>buy new month's model mag
>go to squadron 2-page spread
>select models from tiny b&w illustrations
>cut out order form
>fill in order form
>go to P.O.
>get money order
>fill out, seal, mail
>4-6 weeks later get new kits
>put them aside, will get to them soon
>forget about them
>new issue of model mag
>repeat process

This is where all the boomer hoards, including the ones full of duplicate kits, really came from.
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what color are you painting yours /smg/?
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I just ordered ICM Ukrainian tankers for the Trumpeter T-80BVM I'm building.

Also thinking about next projects:
>Zvezda's 1:35 Tor, paired with Hasegawa's 1:35 Yanmar tractor
>Zvezda T-90, painted as "Maestro" (pic)
Any other non-political build ideas?
Israeli Caterpillar D9
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I feel the same way. I was interested in some of the Meng combat engineering vehicles but given they use them to knock people's houses over, its just not going to bring me joy to build somehow. Massive hypocrite of course, built every other type of war machine. I will admit its about feels but its a hobby not a job.
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Honestly it's kinda a boring conflict modeling-wise, I wish Hamas had tanks, or at least armored vehicles.

We need another war with arab tanks going toe to toe with IDFshit. Unfortunately syriachimps are too busy never having not killing each other ever again.
47 USD apparently. but Porsche kits aren't known for having full engine details so yeah.
black to pair it with the recently-released Fairlady Z street custom.
I have Trumpeter's T-80BV in the stash and just ordered these decals
In WW2 would Soviet SPG crewmen wear the same uniform as Soviet tank crewmen?
Rookie here, only really into planes, no bigger than 1/72 scale. I've fallen out of modeling because I've gotten to the point on a kit where I have to paint the fuselage. I've only ever brush painted and it kind of blows so I've been loathing it, and depression too of course. I'm thinking of picking up an airbrush after work to make it more enjoyable. Do you all have any good resources for airbrush 101? I'm using AK Air acrylics. Also should I pick up a collapsible desk top booth? I'm restricted to bug pod apartment

This will also motivate me to do the 1/72 EC-135 Looking Glass I'm sitting on
Buying stuff isn't going to fix your depression, lack of motivation nor inexperience. Skill can only be acquired by practicing.
Why though? You can just pirate them with your mind, brush and decals that already come with the kit
You are violating Star Decals intellectual property, goyim!
Because I don't want to brush paint large flat surfaces? I enjoy model planes, I dont enjoy hand painting the fuselages. I dont get this argument you're making saying. I'm not wanting an airbrush because it'll fix my depression, I want one because it can make the part I dont like easier/enjoyable. Do people here not use airbrushes here? Or do you believe only happy people can buy things?
Should I buy a Starfix clipped wing Spitfire? I know it is bad, I am doing this for the sake of humor at my own expense.

Unless any of you anons can think of a worse aircraft kit.

I also want recommendations for a good kit of Fokker Spin, has anyone built a lot of this subject as most brands that make the kits are fairly obscure.
If you can get it very cheap, yes. Everyone should build at least one Starfix if they can get it cheap or free, because something that awful genuinely counts as a life experience.
I'm too retarded
The Hasegawa crew look like they'd be fun to party with. And bring Aoshima with you but don't tell the squares at Tamiya where we're going.
I don't really buy into this fad for MrHobby everything but Masking Sol NEO (a) works and (b) is water soluble so you can thin it and it still works within reason.
>fad for MrHobby everything
What fad? The only fad I know is anything not mainstream like gaia colors or using citadel for anything not wargaming. Mr Hobby is mainstream as fuck.
Which paint brand should I invest in?
I have an airbrush and some vallejo paints but not too many for me to feel a desire to stick with them except for brush painting
By invest in I mean the paints themselves and the equipment to use them and use them safely
Oh yeah, I mostly want to do 1/700 to 1/200 ships but that means a lot of photoetch, plastic and resin
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Laptop died again, looks like I have no choice but to finish my models after work
why commit to one brand? I use a bunch
Mr. Color
For small scales like 1/700, water-based acrylic (WBA) like Vallejo would be more useful. You can prime the plastic and resin with stynylrez, which works with vallejo airbrush thinner, and the brass with a brush-on primer for white metal miniatures (Reaper makes a decent one). Because of the small surface area masking will be a pain in the ass and detail brushpainting probably easier. All of this favours WBA for ease of use.

For large scales - 1/350 or bigger - enamels are best. You'll be masking big areas and you want robust adhesion so you don't pull off sections when you remove the mask. You can also do a lot more work with masking and an airbrush. I built a 1/350 Bismarck, a 1/350 Graf Spee, and a 1/72 Snowberry with WBA and while it worked... it would not be my first choice if I did them again.

Alcohol-based acrylics like Tamiya and Mr Color count as "enamels" for the purposes of this post since they have better adhesion than pure water-based acrylic.

In any case, your choice here is basically whichever type is going to make your life easier at the scale you're working.
I've found vallejo to be a bit of a shit meme
We don't have a major importer and people see it on YT videos and think its special secret sauce.
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I'm ignorant about aircraft, so can someone explain to me what these colors are intended for?
I know the metallics are for the exterior of cold war jets, and the emerald color for late cold war cockpits (?).
What about the rest?
Emerald is for Soviet cockpits. Though not all of them do.
They're in case you also want to build some tanks as well.
why are you asking on a message board if you can't read
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>120 euro kit
>has full interior
>interior color instructrions and decal placement nowhere to be found
>missing a whole small tree of parts thus had to make my own because ... chinks
Th...thanks tiger
The interior yellow green is for the wheel bays. The rest is obvious.
I find it hard to believe
What am I not able to read nigger?
There are 3 different colors for "interiors".
And a green color which I don't know if it should be used always or only with specific subjects.
>Radome & wheel hub green
>The mig 21 profile uses that color
Hurr I wonder what it's used for
Lol, you dumb fucking nigger.

Hey guys, don't ever give this retard gorilla a real answer.


"walkaround" and some other dude making that model.
Yeah i already molded required parts from the other sprues thankfully

At least the parts fit really well and seamlines are non existent

The boat is almost complete will upload after washes and weathering
you are so unbelievably braindead
Blue grey is for early cockpits, it was already in use with the mig-15 up to the very first models of the mig-21. Then turquoise green replaced it, but always check your references.
Radomes and wheels hubs are kinda self-explanatory. Again, checking your references is mandatory since the color may vary.
Yellow green, as the other anon said, is for the wheel bays
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god i hate painting the rubber on the wheels
Wut kit
tamiya summer of 69
Its almost as if the solution to your ills is right in front of you.
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those are only for my cellar people.
For the sake of clarification I meant the circle template on the left. Paint the wheel black then use it as a mask and spray the green inside. I knew my poor powers of observation would get me in trouble eventually.

I want to know what the fuck he meant by his cellar people. You got Abby Shapiro under your floors?
i thought you guys were referring to the glock mat and the razor blades, kekeroni.

the circle stencils are there but i didnt use them till now.
how do i do that?
first paint the black rubber and then with the stencil the inner of the wheel?
overread u just explained it

ive already sprayed the wheels, now handpainting
Hand painting is at least 5x slower 99% of the time. Masking and airbrushing isn't very fast, but faster than hand painting and using stencils is a breeze if they can be used.
man, i bought a haganah k98 BECAUSE it was used to lead-spray mudslimes.

Tamiya Merkava III is on sale on amazon right now, gonna get it i guess.
time for sinai field gray.
if they dont fit peoperly you have to spray and hand brush afterwards to correct the overspray.
speaking of time, that airgun doesnt clean itself.
exept its a revell standard, this one just needs a schlorp of thinner blown thru and is good to go.
>if they dont fit peoperly
Then make them fit properly.

>that airgun doesnt clean itself
Takes like a minute or two.

>exept its a revell standard
Jfc dude, get a proper airbrush. You can get okay chinesium ones on aliexpress for like 10-20 bucks, just use a proper compressor. Siphoning airbrushes are gay.
i mainly paint 1/16 tanks and 1/32 planes. i need quite some paint.
the leo is my 2nd 1/35.

standard class can do everything but slower, on the other hand its more comfy. that press and pull back double action airbrushing makes me nervous, esp. on bigger models its annoying after a while.
although i have a master class/flexible for very fine stuff.
its just what you are used to.
Oof, good luck
fitting is good exept the main gun, that was a fill&sand fest. tracks... well, could be worse. the real issue is the soft plastic (sanding must be done fine grain=slow) and the cast structure on the hull, which i decided not to gaf.
but for a 15 bucks kit, fuck it.

i thought about a snow camo with white stripes but meh, too lazy to mask now.
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hi /SubMachineGun/

I'd like some help with improving the exhaust on my DML/Zvezda Brrrt-70, 1/35.
Are there any rods, syringe needles or w/e I can use for scratch-building?
The hole is no thiccer than a toothpick.
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You can buy dispensing needles from aliexpress. One of the stores probably offers a variety pack.
Buy brass tube at your hobby shop of choice
roll some paper, genius
Stretched sprue and drill a hole
Ballpen mines can have tubes from different diameters and materials. Just have to clean the ink out.
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this little big bird is about to be finished soon to.
started 10/21
You'll stop again right before the finish line and you'll end up completing it in 2027
plane niggers, what do you fags use for stands? to display in-flight
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aliexpress? don't they sell them in pharmacies/drug(like medicine not acid) stores where you from?
Whichever is cheaper for you.
I hang them from the ceiling with some fine fishing line
Reminds me that I have a Ho 229 that is already base coated, but I still don't really know how to paint it. Has been like that since like 2019 I think.
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My 1:35 Ukrainian tankers should finally arrive like Monday-Tuesday. I sure hope ICM stepped up their game these past years, right?

Right, /smg/?
ICM is perpetually garbage. (Except for their FCM-36, which is somehow superb (apart from the wobbly running gear and rubber tracks))
Thats it. The other thing to do with tank wheels is, if they are in a complex bogie and can't be painted before construction, spray the assembly black, then spray chipping fluid, then spray green trying to avoid the rims, then chip off the overspray on the black. Its still much easier than painting the rims by hand.
It's literally exactly like painting the rims by hand (after the spraying) but with the added step of chipping.
I find the margin for error with water+friction is much wider than it is for paint.
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this sorta looks like shit ngl
Oh shit the C-Stoff and T-Stoff are leaking into the cockpit again.
ICM has always been top tier with figures until Tamiya blew everyone away by cheating (3D scanning).
Eurolovers were coping last thread when I pointed this out
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Painting some bombs. I tried to texture the middle area with brush strokes but I don't know if it just comes off as a shitty paint job instead of intentional. I might stipple paint on tomorrow to get the accurate texture.
Not a car fag, please elaborate. Looks like a car to me.
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it simply looks like a cheap children's toy in the promo images
Looks pretty nice to me. Maybe sponging would give an even better result. Also a great place to utilize oil paints.
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ICM kits are made of some brittle light plastic, but if they are anything like their 80s Soviet tank crews, the plastic is hard and plastic cement doesn't really do anything
>Except for their FCM-36, which is somehow superb
Superb for ICM, the turret halves not aligning properly and the side skirts geometry not fitting on the hull were the only major defects I had to encounter
icm has one of the finest figures I've ever seen in that price range. their ww1 infantry is most outstanding well made. but i guess their earlier models are like everyones early kits, the start of a steep learning curve. actual kits are marvellous.

if you want a really bad kit, try anything zvezda from the 80s/early90s.
their soviet licence build vickers (T26) was my one and only model kit threw in the trash unfinished. nothing aligned. tracks like tumors.
hobby boss has some fine T26 now btw.
It's a post '09 Porsche, what do you expect?
Modern cars look like electrical appliances
a common misconseption.
its the fumes of the so called "Reichsbong".
the junkie pilots only tried to trick Goering.
"Pilot dissolved by corrosive fuel fumes" was the flight crews code for "Pilot to high to fly" to avoid penalties.

what we see here is a cockpit completely saturated by fumes of super potent black sun marijuana, invented by the Lebensbaum (tree of life, lel, another cover up organisation for nazi pot heads) insitute. it was originaly made for the super soldier project. but everyone in the Fuehrerbunker got super high instead, till they lost the war.
Kampfgruppe Steiner = Hitlers personal code for "Lets get stoned".

and this is why you all should say no to drugs.
Fuck I'm so excited about the flyhawk cowpens
I don't even really care that much for modern ships but I'm going to get it because it's flyhawk
why do they have to be chinese
Damn, I wish I was beta cuck. You're pathetic.
Why not spray them first and then brush paint the rubber? A steady hand and a single small rotation and you're done.
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Are Flames of War and Team Yankee (World War III) vehicles accurate 1/100 scale? They're advertised as such, but I'm wary about their primary function as game pieces that would take priority over accuracy.

I'm actually looking for 1/00 models of real-world vehicles specifically to use as a scaled weathering reference for 1/100 Gunpla, but it appear to me on Scalemates that 1/100 tanks are only made for games.
>but i guess their earlier models are like everyones early kits, the start of a steep learning curve. actual kits are marvellous.
Then why are you butthurt over a model from 1997 from a company founded in 1990?
You should expect the scale to serve more as a "suggested serving". Some may be dimensionally correct, others might not. But, given that you intend to use them with a scale model of a fictional mecha then you have some play anyway - being that the fictional mecha itself has a fictional scale to adhere to and is only ostensibly dimensionally accurate in the first place.

Within those tolerances, they should be near enough as to make no practical difference. This being the case, then your priority should be to look for ones that don't appear too soft in detail or too chunky. If you find one suitably crispy then it will look correct in context. Figures are where all your shit will get fucked up, though, those are the least reliably scaled.
Zvezda make 1/100 tanks
update, i only now sprayed the first layer of primer
Yes, I saw that Zvezda has 1/100 tanks (also for their own game), but was immediately put off by the lack of surface details on their Abrams. However, the box does list an exact measurement of the model (9.8cm) that appears to be accurate for 1/100 scale.

Separately, I also found pictures of a guy comparing this Zvezda Abrams to the Team Yankee Abrams. Seems that Team Yankee is _very_ slightly bigger, but probably a negligible concern for the scale given the tiny size. Curiously, while the Team Yankee Abrams has a lot more surface detail, the few surface details that the Zvezda Abrams has (panels and hatches) actually appear to be more accurate to real Abrams.

In any case, what I'll probably do is get a Team Yankee starter set. That gives 15 1/100 vehicles to experiment/practice with before replicating the weathering on the giant robots. Could display them together like combined arms, too.
nigga, zvezdas roots date back into soviet times, so do some of their kits.
and they shamelessly revamp old shit kits with zero new parts/forms. in that regard worse than gayvell or shitaleri.
Also, I doubt you can get them anywhere outside russia and maybe china nowaday. Especially new stuff.
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Feed me B17s
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Im gonna go dab on those booty flying fortress bitches
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Jaegerfaust em doggystyle, hnnngh
don't tell me you consider that finished
nope. just dryfitting
wehraboos please go
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>Here's your canopy piece
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I love slavshit like you wouldn't believe.
Yes, everybody has to go until there are only models of early 00s American musclecars.
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Prancing gigafaggot Lazerpig said it best: "your favorite tank doesn't have to be the best tank"

I know full well that slavshit are absolute subpar garbage, every model in a monkey model, and on top of that total deathtraphs, but I absolutely love them.
Which manufacturer?
>Especially new stuff.
EU shops get them within a month of being released in Russia
Marabu PE set for AZ p-36
That probably looks pretty good though but bending it into the correct shape is probably near impossible without a jig
The Zvezda 1/100 Abrams is $16 on Amazon, which is quite a lot higher price-per-model compared to the Team Yankee five-pack, let alone the starter set.
Impressive. Very nice.
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Completely destroyed the decals on this Hurricane so I had to make a first attempt at painting on decals. Not great...not terrible I think.
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Going strong. Almost there
Oh shit, it's the Ghost Ship
Kek. Figures are not done yet. Its amazing how much work can be done when wife is away
Looks pretty good to me for a first attempt. A layer of subtle weathering should really make them look good.
Thank you. It's a cheap HobbyBoss Hurricane mkI so I think I'm going to use it to stretch my skills.
I've fucked up the roundel locations on the mid of the plane because they aren't symetrical so I think now I'm going to use it as an experiment with techniques, particularly exhaust stains.
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I don't think I'll end up using 80% of this preshading but coloring is still fun
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Weather's getting shit so it's time to get back on this half started project from spring just gotta clean my damn hobby table first
Make a dio where they push back refugees.
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I demand cars in 1/35.
I'm entitled to them.
why 1/35 and not 1/36 or 1/32
probably to match the size of his tanks
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no :)
We need more civilian shit for Ukraine. The Jap pickup is close, but we need more standard yuropoor shitboxes.
I meant why generally are we still stuck with this 1/35 faggot scale
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Get the MonoChrome/Trumpy Type 73 if you want a Pajero in 1/35 that's actually in use by Ukrainians.
came across this silly vid i wanted to share, yes its from a place we dont talk about, sue me
Ah yes that's how we used to do it, plastic models used to be fun.
>massive flooding in austria, czechia and southern poland
>post quality on /smg/ instantly improves
what did global warming mean by this?
Because batteries were the size that they were. It's the similar kind of dumb reason and then stubbornness to change to new standards that's with rail gauges.
Eastern Europe is where old beemers Benzes go to die
T3s and 469s are common
Shigeru Ishiba is the current front runner in the race to become the new leader of his party and thus PM of Japan. In an era of rising extremism, he is apparently a 1/350 man and controversially sent the JSDF to the Shizuoka Model Show so the otaku could take photographs of their vehicles. Is the future of 1/700 waterline safe with this guy in power.

He also wants Japan to have nuclear weapons but that is a side issue obviously.
>in an era of rising extremeism
He meant Boxman and his anti-waterline rants.
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I swear I don't understand, what goes through the mind of boomers selling their second hand kits at these prices?
they charge extra for the lost decal sheet and that the box is a bit soggy (they spilled a bit of Gordon's on it)
1/48 terrorists at it again
Libs like him too, he's hawkish on defence but retarded on energy (anti-nuclear). I still prefer the party elects him or Shinjirou than that joker "no more salaries for prime minister if I become PM" Takaichi.
Not recommended
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Pilot bump. I watched a bunch of warhammer mini painting videos right after I finished this so I'll try out some new tricks on the next one.
that's unbelievably good.
just apply a wash to the white tube and maybe accentuate the shading of the pouches
Already sealed away in the cockpit. I actually had a wash over the mask tube but it looked too messy for my taste so I just opted to clean it off. My next project has very nicely sculpted pilots so I'm planning to really spend some time on them.
That's a solid job
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Who makes the best MilMi 26 in 1:72?
Also how much does the base primer color matter?
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Finished the '48 Lincoln. Its nowhere near good but it absolutely blows anything I made as a kid out of the water. This kit is pretty poor quality even from my perspective and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they really like these cars. Lots of poor fitment and bad design, not to mention it's just a kind of shitty casting.

I've since bought some acrylic paints, and an airbrush that I intend to learn how to use on my next model, which will be an AMT '77 Pinto I found in the clearance aisle. I'm more enthusiastic about this one and will be putting significantly more effort into it.
Ahhhh, holy shit - that old lindberg started life as a fucking PYRO kit. I'm amazed it even looks like a car. Given what you had to work with that's a fair start, they'll get better as your skills and materials improve. A chrome pen may prove useful.
Model Master had amazing paints, shame they got out of business
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help me choose:
the DDR or the poland?
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The Malian one.
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That camo is kinda boring IMO.

I'm thinking about doing a Hungry one soon in baby-poop camo.
DDR. I just saw that one built up at a show, made me want to get one too.
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>airfix was giving them away for free on orders over £40
>all the model stores have it on 50% off
damn do people not Mk.XII?
why would you think that? isn't the discount obviously because it's the only way they'll sell after that offer?
>free for orders over 40
well it's not fucking free is it
learn some marketing strategies and try not to be scammed won't you
Lads which loadout should I put on my Mirage III:
-1xMagic 530 AAM/2x Magic 550 AAM/2x 1700l tanks (full interceptor)
-1xAS-30 AGM/2x Magic 550AAM/2x 500l drop tank bomb carriers carrying 6x mk82 (multirole)
The most popular spitfire marks are I, II, V, IX, and XIV basically in a bell curve. V has a lot of representation because of the subvariants and trop mods. XII is just an odd outlier. It's nice to have it to help fill out the mark range but there's not a lot of demand for it.
>large surfaces
Are you only building jumbo jets?
There's only so many spitfire kits you can buy and build
If I had to guess the clipped wings filter people
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I went with whatever loadout the instructions recommended
Alright boys, what are we getting done this weekend?
Rearranging my backlog alphabetically.
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I have resin models to prep for someone else before I ship them
which means they're going to sit untouched for two more weeks at minimum
I'm ignoring the instructions because it doesn't feature the centreline pylon lmao. Anyway I'm going for a full interceptor loadout similar to your pic but with drop tanks instead of rocket pods.
Primer and base paint Tu-22m3 hopefully
Get the wings fitting together on my KP Hawk 75
Either oil dot filter on Takom's Iranian Chieftain, or trying to hook up with this broad. We'll see.

But I'm really behind with the Chieftain.
fuckall because family is visiting
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Chinks seem like good sports, Hobby Boss announced an 1:48 aggressor Super Hornet.
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Nah, no fucking chance I'm making progress with the Chieftain, she started texting me.

Should I start talking about video games, Warhammer 40k, and Neon Genesis Evangelion? Models are a no-go, I showed her pictures of my builds already and she thought they were great.
Ask her how her week was, bro. Then you won't have to talk about anything.
jack shit cause i love procrastinating
Ask her about her hobbies
Worked out for me with a former marvel slop consoomer former gf
No, I mean how do I blow it?

I really gotta get my backlog down.
Tell her you are busy with modelmaking and can't talk/go on a date
Oh, NGE then. Tell her you're shopping for a figure and ask what she thinks and send her some kind of coomer thing. If she isn't scared off by this then your model can wait.
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Which nose art queen /smg/? For me its middle right
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It will always be Umi Shinonome because she actually builds models.
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Topically enough a Bandai Eva Unit 02. In my defence I finished the Tamiya 1/700 Shimakaze yesterday (waterline - fuck you Boxman). I used Plastic Magic instead of Extra Thin and have found it not nearly as hot so you can (sort of) get away with using it near already painted areas. Which is everywhere on a tiny ship model with my clumsy fists. Numerous mistakes made but I got to the end which is something.
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> no Umi
Same on you and your camels!
Arr rook same
>no manual option
NOT interested
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Still truckin
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Ok, last one I'll spam from this step. Post some WIP bros.
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experimenting with engine details on this 77 pinto. I'm pretty happy with the results so far, despite my poor painting. I partially scratch built a distributor for it, using the tip of a used precision applicator as the distributor shaft because the kit only had the "head" of it. I also cut a strip of masking tape stuck together and painted it black to use as an accessory belt.
top left i'm a sucker for short hair
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should i start new project while i already have one in progress that i cannot force myself to finish for over a year?
pic unreleted.
>cannot force myself to finish for over a year
do you have brain problems
yes actually
icm has some, but mostly ww1/ww2 types
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She's finally finished. Airfix's 1:72 Spitfire Mk1 but painted in the RAF desert scheme. I had a ton of fun with this one, but it needed tons of sanding and filling. The underwing roundels and fin flash are aftermarket from Squadron.
I can't open my tamiya paints, I'm too weak... it's over
basedbot lend me your strength
Fix the fuselage seam and canopy framing. A thinner antenna wire would also be good.
Other than those not bad.
run them under hot water
run them over with your car
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Unironically get one of these, IE the right tool for the job.
nice colours. not going to cut your panel lines along those transfers?
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1/25 Ford Pinto engine is finished. Most work I've ever put into any model ever. I'm pretty happy with the results.
>scratch built alternator mount made from an empty sprue from the rest of the kit
>fan belt made from masking tape painted black
>copper strands from a wire as spark plug leads

Everything besides the engine and transmission piece were hand painted, as you can probably tell. I'm still learning how to do all this but I'm getting better. Finished it off with some black acrylic wash I had to try and make this look like an old leaky piece of shit motor.

This kit comes with some hotboy parts, like a silly looking body kit, wide slot mag wheels, and side pipes for the exhaust. I think for shits and giggles I'll use the wide wheels and side pipes. I've also ordered some stuff to try weathering. I'd like to make it look beat up and a little rusty. I think my end goal is to make something some dumb teenager in the 80s would have done with his cheap shitbox instead of making some factory fresh show car.
I think next time I'll use some stretched sprue. I need to find a better canopy masking method, I have been getting tons of bleed through using masking tape.
I'll try that, any tips on keeping a steady hand or is it a matter of just practice? I have seen people use tape as a guide but I fear that I may ruin the transfers that way.
You can probably clean up the canopy framing by scratching the excess paint off with a toothpick depending on what paint you used. It won't scratch the clear part if you do it carefully.
>any tips on keeping a steady hand
I only did it a couple of times and I didn't have any trouble going along a panel line. just cut at a very low angle. I was thinking for your roundels, they don't look sunk in well. or just go to town with more setting/softening/whatever liquids. I'm not sure if cutting them is a popular thing to do
I want to get the pontos yamato but I'm sure I'd fuck something up
Sometimes I feel like there's something deeply perverse about paying for millimetre wide details, for example bollards and cable reels
It's a bit of fiddly work but if you use a tool like an etch buddy and take it slow you probably won't fuck it up. The big factor is really how much of a timesink it will be. If you think your patience can hold out it would be worth going for, otherwise you'll lose your fucking mind.
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patience very low on this huge thing. it was mean to be a shading playground but I really want it done
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happy with followup coat. Luckily it's not hard to correct the messy preshade with varying thicknesses of white coat. Was a bit nervous bc I've never preshaded white before.
Have you built it?
Are there any details that you think could have been better?
It seems like really good value, even better detail than a 1/350 kit
I just noticed that a lot of the plastic parts have guides for you, for example the funnel rings, the rungs on the side of the ship, etc
Best 1/700 kit available also I am an IJN enthusiast
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WIP. Tried spraying on the exhaust stains with mixed results. Did at low PSI and diluted but got some spattering which needed fixing.
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Experimenting with doing digital camo with the sponge technique. So far the test shot looks solid, but I'm not sure I nailed the color down.

Trying to match all colors in a five-color camo that uses very similar colors is hell, kinda. I'd rather be doing old-school four-color NATO woodland patterns.
How it's supposed to look. I might figure out how to do a buff acrylic filter with the buff base color to blend the colors more together.
is spraying stains better than smearing pigments
Hard to say at this point. I should have mixed the paint with some clear coat to make it more transparent and slow to build up. I also get scared using the airbrush as if I fuck up, there's a whole host of things that might need fixing: In this case I needed to go back in with some base paint.

With more confidence and practise it might get better but that was the purpose of this kit. It's a cheap HobbyBoss kit and I wanted to try things out with it.
Lay off the black a bit and you're pretty much there. Obviously it won't be a 1:1 replication of the pattern, but the feel is there.
Yeah, the fifth color is just just a tiny bit of dark-gray, for which I used german-gray.
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Hungry here, I could order Zvezda's new Gvozdika from the in-country webshop right now.

Niggers didn't include Hungarian decals though. Nobody does.
Sadly yes. I asked a Polish shop if they were getting new shipments from Zvezda or just selling off the old stock because I did not want to directly support r*ssians but was ok with buying off the surplus and they were happy to announce that they were getting all the latest kits from r*ssia.
Yeah, no shit, nobody cares about Hungary, I'd much rather find decals for a cool country like czechoslovakia, bulgaria or romania
>a cool country like... bulgaria
We are the single most generic WP country on earth, vehicles are not even camouflaged and the markings consist of 4 tactical numbers
Low psi is a meme. Best results for precision spraying come at the same psi you would do most airbrushing at. Just thin the paint a lot and be careful with how far you pull back the trigger.
wait, how many fucking Bulgarians are there in this thread??

t. Bulgarian
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Ooga bulgar
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He's right.
>Hungry here
Why wouldn't russia send gifts to its bitch?
Why don't you get something to eat then?
>apply enamel wash
>attempt to mess with it with white spirit
>it attacks the paint underneath
>entire thing is fucked
am I retarded
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Had these in my supplies stash from a decade ago, they're both clogged and I've tried shoving a stiff wire down into the nozzle but can't break through. They're both basically full, so I'd like to be able to use them if possible. Unless this stuff is no good, I don't recall using it much because I just used huge globs of the garbage in the red tubes
no clear coat varnish? I mean it's a pretty common mistake for people who don't know why we use clear coats
I did, but I think I must've worn through it on some protruding edges
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>not painting with giga toxic lacquers
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Pinto interior pretty much done. Really happy with how the embossing powder carpet turned out. Next up is painting the body which I'm pretty intimidated by. I airbrushed the tub, seats and dashboard but the finish is somewhat inconsistent because I have 0 clue what I'm doing. I don't want the body paint to look bad but it probably will. Need much more practice
>pretty much done
No, it's missing the perennial cigarette burns on every surface
1) Don't use this shit, get a bottle of Tamiya or AK extra thin with a brush applicator.
2) Take the needle out, heat it with a lighter. (I'm assuming they have metal needles)
I have Tamiya extra thin but it barely holds on bigger pieces/where it gets handled. I forgot I had ordered a bottle of BSI instacure+ anyways so that will be what I use in those cases from here on, it works great and cures in seconds.
They did come with needles but like I said I bought these years ago so those are long gone
Extra thin is purely solvent, for actual larger pieces you pretty much either gotta flood it or use something that has some body. Or just dissolve sprue into extra thin (it's actually just Tamiya Airbrush Cleaner) and use that.
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didn't put too much effort into this but, glad to call it done.
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next to the stuka
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What kit is that Stuka and how did you like it? I've been wanting to build a Stuka lately.
If I knew how to do that, I like the idea. Best I could come up with my current skillset is scuffing up the seat bolsters to get back down to the white plastic and make them look worn out
nice bomb bay. is this the airfix kit all the boomers were reeing about being inaccurate?
Ever wonder why companies keep making the odious decision to produce kits with rubber wheels? And what exactly is the retarded target audience that craves them?
Here's your answer.
crocodile alligator?
ye the shitty one

I think also airfix stuka, it's OK, I don't remember having to do much filling generally except for around the swing arms for the bomb, that area needed a lotta work - but the detailing is a little lacklustre.
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Are PE bending tools like this a meme or are they actually useful?
>the shitty one
how inaccurate is it? I saw a lot of complaining but couldn't get to what the actual problem is
Depends on what you’re bending I guess. All I can say is I bought the $30 chink one and unfortunately wish I dropped more. When you tighten it down the alignment goes off due to poor tolerances so it’s not as carefree as I’d like. Having dual knobs would prevent this.
I love em. With one of those and a pair of flat jawed xuron pliers you can make PE your bitch
the clear parts suck, a lot of parts are too thick for what they should be, and there's a problem at the back of the bomb bay which is a huge inaccuracy and needs a long session of filling and smoothing to get right
One of my IPMS chapter members passed away

F to pay respects
vax takes another

I feel like building my 1/200 mikasa
Now what will his millennial nephew do with his 400 F14 kits?
i wonder how irl model building will be like in 30 years once all the boomers are gone, i imagine the turnout will be 20% of what it once was unless they pander to gunpla and warhammer builders
I'll have one
>unless they pander to gunpla and warhammer builders
I'd rather see it all end
Pretty nice. Even if it's not super detailed, it seems pretty clean and I wouldn't be ashamed to put it on the shelf. Good job!
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40% off online. I live in a country that's on the decal sheet, so this kit should always be in high demand if not constantly sold out, an never on sale.

What's wrong with it? Is it just that one part is 0,2mm or 0,5° off, or it's a 1979 November variant, while the markings are for a 1980 February one, and the riverboomers now refuse to touch it and browbeat anyone building it?
Get your brain checked.
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It's the amusing hobby T-72 kit, which is superb
Get it while you still can
I've heard the AH turret has some shape issue, which I've never seen anyone accurately describe, but the Das Werk box has their own replacement turret, just because of that.
how the fuck are the supposed to work, you just clamp and bend absolutely everything to 90 degrees or sumthink?
>Have a tamiya volvo 850 btcc in the stash
>hate cars

I should just bin it, it's taking up valuable space for another 3 spitfires.
ill take it
I wrote down all the names of the model makers in my city's Facebook group.
My plan is to check the obituary daily to see when one of them kicks the bucket.
I'll be the first to loot his stash, and I'll do it for a pittance
what is the correct number of spitfires
Hard to say. I know I'll lose my model making license if I don't build one every 18 months but it might be different abroad.

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