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>Following the successful relaunches of Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake, The Loyal Subjects inked a deal with Hasbro to give the same treatment to a host of legacy brands, including My Buddy, Jem, My Pet Monster, Popples, R.O.M. the Space Knight, and the oft-requested M.A.S.K.
>M.A.S.K. has all the crazy features, vehicles, small figures with removable helmets, closed-box packaging with that killer logo splash, artwork, and product shots — all coming back. They’re in the same scale, and we’re serving it hot and fresh like ‘85 never left.”

>The Loyal Subjects
And I'm out.
Isn't Ramen Toys already making their own third party M.A.S.K. vehicles?
With ML ROM, I wonder what this set of ROM toys will be about. Them basically continuing the MASK line is interesting, I wonder if they'll be modernized or kept vintage style.
Maybe something like the original electronic toy
this. I assume TLS is going to focus on reproductions and replica of the original toys for each respective license, the way they have with strawberry shortcake and rainbow bright already.
Not every old shitty toy line needs new toys.
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I had Raven, Hurricane, Slingshot, and the mack truck.
Im gonna get those for the woman fka the mrs, her birthday is in a few weeks. They look decent but i never really played with them when it was still around. Hopefully MASK ends up decent.
it'll probably be ass quality, but easier to get than the hasbro releases over the years, i just don't trust them to make a toy with moving parts
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Nice. With my brother we had Thunderhawk, Switchblade, Condor, Piranha, Gator, Vampire, Raven, Firefly, Razorback, Iguana, Pitstop, Stiletto and Barracuda.
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Don't forget the collector, the toll booth
I may have had Jackhammer too. I remember the pop out turret.
my sister is a huge collector of them and she fell in love with TLS' efforts at first sight. far as I can tell this is effectively strawberry shortcake origins in all but name. comically they're even more posable than MOTUO figures, more comparable to Masterverse in sheer POA. Given the precedent they've set for Shortcake and Rainbow already I'd say these hasbro properties are in good hands. My Pet Monster might be the most successful with kids but I expect MASK to do especially well with collectors.
forgot to note, they have also previously handled care bears complete with vintage recreations. If they managed to grab ROM I'm hoping they can work something out between Hasbro, Disney, and Marvel to get dibs on Inhumanoids and Wuzzles. ROM himself seemed like a never-ever, so at this point the sky's the limit.
>My Pet Monster
So are Beetleborgs and VR Troopers on the menu?
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Yep, Ace has teased Switchblade and Pirahna for their next 2 pieces.
This. What's next, are they going to dig up the corpse of Vissonaries?
I'll buy any half-decent ROM figures they make, especially if they make the other Space Knights
>other Space Knights
Marvel or IDW?
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Marvel, obviously.
noone is guy to buy a seven hundred dollar six inch scale fire truck with one figure
I always imagined a proper Rom toyline would have maintained the electronics play features for everyone
It's just re-releases of the original toys according to the LA Fall Toy preview where they announced the news.
All I need is a new centurions toy line and my bad-cartoons-on-reruns nostalgia will be complete
They really should be shouldnt they?
I will be genuinely surprised if TLS doesnt make some Legends compatible ROM line. It's the big money maker here.
Micronauts return when?
>the original ROM toys from the '70s and '80s
wasn't there only the one?
Takara owns the toy rights but Marvel owns the rights to the comic book characters sold under that name, so it's a legal mess that'll probably turn out the same as the Machine Robo/GoBots mess did.
I know they managed to reissue the mobile exploration lab before, but considering the lengths they've gone to to recreate other vintage releases already Id encourage them to just remake the line from scratch. micronauts fans are starved for new figures.BTW Hasbro owns Micronauts now, they have for the last couple of years. There were talks of some kiddie revival for a time before they pulled the plug outright after the crappy stretch armstrong show fizzled out.
Marvel owns the non-Rom Spaceknights that showed up in the original comic
Hasbro owns the IDW Spaceknights
I didnt know that. Funny how both IPs got screwed over by rights issues like that
Idk man, never i guess. Why some one wont just make some cool figures without the name is beyond me. Micronuats, micro man just give me some cool modular figures. Last time i saw micro man takara was doing some cool ass godzilla stuff.
Hasbro is making classic ROM as part of their Marvel Legends line, so obviously they've got something worked out
Anyone who actually likes the good ROM and not the shitty reboot
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Lego missed an opportunity here...
>Who the fuck cares about that generic design
I do, ROM is awesome. I have not been interested in MCU movies since Endgame, but if Marvel did a ROM movie, I would be hyped af.
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When Marvel quietly announced Rom and Micronaunts omnibus's were coming people on the toy side were wondering.

Also? Hasbro has been trying to kickstart a cinematic Hasbroverse with GI Joe, Transformers, Rom, Micronauts and any other IP they have been sitting on so they probably didn't want to commit to a line until the cinematic plan had been mapped out.
Too niche
I'm pretty sure there are already Lego themes with this sort of gimmick
Do they know "command" doesn't start with a "K"?
>you put mask accessories on the figures
Why do I love this shit so much? Is it just boy dress up? Instead of pretty pink dresses you deck your figure in battle armor? I loved that Tim Burton era Batman figure with the bat suit pieces that you put on it and the cowl with the cloth cape.
I think it's the tactility of it

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