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File: DdAyIBDVQAAEuNo.jpg (58 KB, 750x482)
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Do they support your habits, maybe even pay for them? Or are they angry that you spend so much on kid's playthings? Do you have any horror stories about a parent throwing out your stuff or a wife demanding you get rid of your toys?
I have neither.
They like them and support the hobby.
i remember my dad being a cunt that i was still playing with and wanting to buy toys. i was fucking 8. I think he was just mad that my step mom was losing 90% of his income on gambling but i didnt find that out for years. Didnt work, since i still collect im far "too old for".
Do you think the mask stays on during sex? Do you think Mrs Skullface cries out "bone me harder" as Bobby goes balls deep? Do you think that when he can't find the clit, he just hamhands her with his giant sausage fingers like she's TFC Toys Hound, and he loudly proclaims "I don't need instructions" as he punches her mound with the fury of a child playing whack a mole?

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