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Full Power Frieza [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta - Unwavering Saiyan Pride (Reissue)

King Cold [Web Exclusive]
Son Goku (Mini) - Daima
Super Saiyan Goku -Z Warriors [Store Exclusive]

Trunks - GT [Web Exclusive]
Vegeta (Mini) - Daima
Son Goku - Super Hero (Reissue)
Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku (Reissue)

Super Android 17 [Web Exclusive]
Piccolo (Mini) - Daima

Super Saiyan Trunks - Infinite Latent Super Power (Reissue)
Pan GT & Gill [Web Exclusive]

Vegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]
Frieza - First Form (Reissue)

Medical Machine [Web Exclusive]

Gomah - Daima

Tamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series

Tamashii Nations Surveys

Previous Thread >>11133978
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Twintails Videl announcement any day now.
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Why is one purple metallic and the other is glossy?
They never released a final form Freeza with that purple. I don't get why the new one didn't have it.
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What the people want.
Because one is old as fuck and the other is brand new.
Because we need a 2.0.
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What the people WANT*
here's the question: would they make a new body for him or would they mostly reuse the current Gogeta body?
if the answer is the former, how heavy will the outcry be for a ss/updated ssb gogeta?
>[Web Exclusive]
>[Store Exclusive]
what is this faggotry?
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Swap the lower half around to make the 100% seem even ridiculously bigger. LOL!
Anyone tried swapping the heads and arms? Should be fun.
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To anyone who has the Tonsen Trunks; is the head/neck swap compatible with the recent Trunks 2.0? I'm thinking on skipping pic and go straight to Tonsen's Bojack (A) version. This way, I could use the 2.0 head if I want that BTTF look, and at the same time utilize the Bojack saiyan head on Armored Trunks, hitting three birds with one stone, or something. I got too many Trunks.
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>Bojack Trunks for reference.
Bootlegs aren’t allowed here.
Wrong, rules changed yesterday, is actually all bootlegs now.
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imagine still buying shfslop instead of being chink toys only chad
They would probably make a new body since they'll need to sculpt a new torso anyway, updated pants, maybe new tech for the shoulders? Biggest problem I see is the hair so I wonder how they'll deal with that.
>Biggest problem I see is the hair so I wonder how they'll deal with that.
The same way they did SS4 Goku?
>t. bandai shill
fuck off and die
They can be swapped yeah but the Tonsen Trunks heads are a bit tight on the Bandai Trunks neck joint.
they are allowed actually, tamashiicuck got his sperg post deleted and banned a while back for sperging out over bootlegs
Well yeah but doesn't Gogeta have a huge fuck off collar? Not to mention those shoulder pads.
this is dragonball general not figuarts general, dumbass
doesn't the new kid buu have a discolored chest and upper arms popping off?
>Buffku has discolored chest
>recent Figuarts Trunks arms constantly pop off
Yeah, but I'm not going to fault a third party for things Figuarts can't (or won't) fix themselves.
If you call SHF stuff slop for those issues, the same applies to 3P.
I saw some people have this issue but havent noticed it on mine.
I buy both, so I don't really consider either slop. I've gotten official releases that have the QC of a poorly made bootleg and I have also gotten bootlegs that have the QC of a properly made official release, but that doesn't mean I am going to universally dismiss one line because a single release had some minor issues.

My point was more people give Bandai a pass on the same shit that they hyper focus on for third party releases; neither are perfect and both have their good and bad moments.
>I buy both, so I don't really consider either slop
No problem with that?
>My point was more people give Bandai a pass on the same shit that they hyper focus on for third party releases
Well, I made the comment because I saw the opposite. In a vacuum, idc if third party releases have QC issues (unless they're so pervasive they basically ruin the figure), but if you're gonna dog on Bandai for issues, then praising 3P is lame. Same as people dogging on Bandai for "revoltech shoulders" while praising revoltech.
>stop complaining about the multibillion dollar company !!!!
Holy fucking cringe. Glad shf is dying
>announcing new stuff more or less weekly
You have a funny concept of "dying".
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>quantity over quality
you truly have the mind of a cuck
I love how anon collects pics of broken shf and just spams the board all because he got mad at people trolling in the nendoroid thread. Truly a mental illness.
sounds like you are the mentally ill one lol
No matter how you spin it, announcing new figures weekly is not the mark of a dying line. Sorry.
are white pedophiles allowed?
says the anon who lets SHF live rent free.
...you have literally nendos living rent free in your head. You are just projecting
>daima is going to have super saiyan 3 vegeta
>instead of long hair it'll look like gohan beast's hair
I hate this
>Citation needed.
FP Frieza isn’t as good as it could have been. It feels flimsy and the neck gap is hideous. Almost as bad as Namek Vegeta. It really only works as a figure with Buffku. It should have been at least Buffku quality for that price. Maybe bootleg fags are right.
>It feels flimsy
It sounds like Bandai just fucked you over in that part, mine feels fine.
Though the neck does irritate me because it always wants to pop back to place when I try using a more dynamic range.
My FP Frieza feels fine. But the shoulder and neck look hideous. You have to hide the weird gaps. It’s dooable but it’s not good when a lot of neutral poses look bad.

Can we please get 2nd form, and perfect cell (updated). Oh and buu saga is really missing. I’ll be happy with shin, kid buu, and Dabura. Babidi as a pack in accessory is fine.
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Got my Tonsenarttoys Buus in, I have to say while I can really appreciate the craftmanship, especially in regards to the headsculpts which are truly on another level beyond what Bandai has put out in recent memory, overall I think these are pretty skippable regardless. They feel like they haven't had the playtesting or durability testing a major company is likely to do with their toys, the arms and legs both fall off on both copies for me. I see that is a common issue, and I suppose is somewhat more forgivable considering the scale of Tonsen than if Bandai put it out, but still, the inevitable Kid Buu from Bandai will probably blow this out of the water in my opinion. The plastic quality is fine but i'd rather have a much more sturdy and higher tolerance toy than this, which looks great, but is very frustrating to handle. Also the pants are cut up in a pretty retarded way, I guess it works fine functionally but doesn't look good

TLDR; i'd give the Tonsen Buu's a 6/10 rating myself, much to left to be desired in the quality department but very pretty toys that will at least look great once you manage a decent pose.
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sorry to hear that, mine only had stiff shoulder joints, which got loose with a bit of oil
the sculpting of the legs looks horrible from the back but that's it, the face are really cool and it seesm abndai is bent on never making more buu saga characters
3rd party Son Goten and Chibi Turunksu when ? They can do what needs to be done.
DF actually did kid trunks render once years ago but thats as far as it went
The heads are really amazing and definitely what Tonsenarttoys does best. How is the Trunks? I have those coming and haven't heard of any qc issues with him
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Got my Tonsenarttoys Kid buu and trunks. The problems I have with these figures are some parts are too loose, and others need a bit of lubricant. I needed to super glue the magnets in place for trunks's sheath. Other than that these figures are fine.
>that knee joint colour difference
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Very solid
Only the hips are a bit stiff but the figure is greatly sculpted and all the extras it packs leaves the Bandai ones in the dust
Already preordered the Boujack movie version
I agree to an extent. He's is the best looking Frieza next to his 2nd form but I'm not the biggest fan of how he feels. The neck gap and tramp stamp is unacceptable and his legs feel a little loose. That being said he's really fun to pose with Buffku.
State your favorite figure and list it's biggest flaws.
Limited arm movement and i wish he was just a little bit taller so his shoulder height was the same as 2nd form Frieza
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2016 EE Broly
>beach ball shoulders
>tiny head and feet
>Off model in general
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Your mom, she had you as a child
Buffku. Shorter than I would like, wide hips that makes him look boxy if he’s not in a dynamic pose, screaming face is amazing from the front but looks like he has a underbite from the side. Still think it’s an amazing figure.
How tall is he?
He’s about the same height as the rest of the Goku’s. His face sits lower on his neck than the other Goku’s so it makes him look slightly shorter. But he looks larger at the same time because of how buff he is.
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Hello, on your guys reccomendation I got a Billy, very excited to start posing and displaying figures. Any other billychads here feel like showing off their displays? If you don't have one thats cool too, I would just like to see what you guys do to display all your figures. I have some ideas but inspiration would be great.
>IKEA crap
>of all things, the Billy shelf
Dragon Ball only here. Go start a shelf thread.
Metallic purple looks better.
Billies are great but getting the glass shelves and doors are really a must.
Not him. I remember a guy on Instagram posted his collection collapsing in a glass shelf. I know glass shelves can hold a lot of weight, but I'm too scared of the possibilities
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Figuarts IMMINENT.
Risk with glass in general.
>still buying figufarts
We can only hope.
And with him, a bunch of requests for a 3.0 Gogeta.
When they do him I won't be able to get one until like maybe the third reprinting anyway due to scalpers and bandai fuckery in general.
I've had several detolfs for 10+ years and never had an issue. Can something go wrong? Sure. Is it likely? Not really, especially not with lighter figures like these.
>Super 17 not in the game
>He's the one getting a figure
It's over....
But that's not Videl
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Found the cards I got with Mecha Frieza, Devilman was the third one.
SHF, let's go!
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If they make him, I wonder if they'll do an Omega Shenron as well. It's funny, because I'm super split on him. On the one hand, he'd be a cool bad guy to have, I guess. On the other hand, he's kinda also lame in his own way.
He's lame? He just spends his screen time beating the shit out of everyone. He also has a solid motivatio. That ties into Dragon Ball as a whole. Him being defeated by some kind of ascended Goku was perfection. I even really like the little movie with his great great great grandson.
nta but he's just the lamest looking out of the main GT antagonists, but idk he IS kind of cool? I can see him working as a figure with the big spines and some sick translucent dragon balls on his chest.
Omega looked kind of plain, but I never really thought he looked bad. The spikes and stuff were kinda cool. Considering Bandai usually does pretty good on the bigger figures in the DB line, I think he'd turn out pretty good, too.
SSJ4 Gogeta in DBS artstyle looks wrong, dude needs a bigger chin
If we got him, I assume he'd be GT-styled like Goku and Vegeta.
Is there a reason Bandai hasn't revealed much of anything about the Dragon Ball series?
dead line
My guess is they have more daima stuff planned, but the popular theory is bandai is trying to push more of their other shonen stuff since the legal issues between shueisha and CC tokyo began over dragon ball's IP rights
enjoy your daima garbage lmao
Daima figures and CC drama is still happening so they arnt pushing the brand as hard.
Wouldn't it make sense for CC to just sign a deal with Bandai to continue making DB figures? Free money for CC and DB, aside from bugmen, has to be one of Figuarts most profitable lines...so I really can't see Bandai just losing it. I get CC hates Shueisha (or maybe the other way around), but I'm not sure why CC would actively turn down free money from Bandai to keep the license going. (Nor do I think Bandai would just walk out without some form of fight as DBZ is a pretty popular IP.)

Granted, I have almost no understanding of contracts and licensing agreements when an IP changes owners...but Hasbro still kept Star Wars even after the Disney buy out, so I just assume Bandai would do the same with DBZ.
Something new soon, Vegito didn't count.
They have all their engineers working hard on being able to balance Appule since his head is so fucking big. Supposedly makes Ginyu’s articulation look like a brick in comparison.
>Full Power Frieza [Web Exclusive]
is he worth the 60€ on amazon?
He's great, so yeah.
Has one issue with the neck thing, but otherwise is a primo figure.
What's the neck thing?
His neck's natural position is a bit forward, but it can be pushed back. A lot of the time it will kinda just spring back? But you can move it past that point or in a way where it doesn't spring back. I don't quite get it myself. It's not a major thing, though. His natural neck position isn't really bad, and moving it all the way back creates a bit of a gap anyway.
From what I understand the upper management of CC hates Bandai. TOEI, etc. If they get the rights don't be surpised to see something like Figma Goku.
R-Revoltech Goku, at least?
I think you mean PLAMATEA Goku
Probably all. I doubt it'll stay exclusive to one company.
DB and Bandai are so intertwined it would be crazy if they split. Not just figuarts but Bandai puts out everything DB related. Prize figures, adverge, grandista, figuarts zero, model kits, banpresto and more. You'd need people to do all of this stuff to hit the same numbers you had with Bandai. Then there's also BoA that fills shelves with their own lines like dragon stars and limit breakers over here. Everything involving the card games is also Bandai.
it's pretty wild to consider
Oopsie mobile posting makes me stupid for not checking which tab I’m in properly
>the upper management of CC hates Bandai
My uncle
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5ktoys says it's gonna release by chinese new year
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I think they know their lunch is getting taken by 3rd parties and it's best to wait until they have better reveals to go along with the Daima slop they have to put out. We still have this bad guy, the SSJ Goku, SSJ vegeta daima figs to go.
is turles good?
He was a bad guy iirc
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My flatmate passed last week and left me these, he used to literally do crack in his bedroom and spend his entire income on dbz figures. Anyway, will these be worth keeping? Not looking to scalp anybody but I just don't have the space. They're sealed
Straight into the bin.
I think those Kong Gokus retailed for around 50, so I'd suspect around that range give or take a few dollars.

Just throw them on ebay at a 1.00 starting bid with like a 75 dollar buyout and the rest should take care of itself.
Why does he look the prime minster of Isreal?
Don't spoil Daima, now.
>Israel is the final Dragonball boss
What did Toriyama mean by this?
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More Daima villains? At least give me the cool-looking ones...
Are the cool ones standing behind the Karmen Rider jobbers?
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Another person converted to third parties. Bandai is in real trouble.
nice tits lol
>Trunks with boobies
There are some neat things about it for sure, but the grey plastic makes him look cheap, like a model kit or something.
I always like these kinds of posts because like 90% of third party figures are heavily based on Bandai's work. If not 1:1 the sculpt, then absolutely the engineering.
This. And it's not like Tonsen makes cheaper stuff, it's usually just that they make a character before Bandai does. Though, to be fair, they make solid face sculpts.
Not shitting on them tbf. They fill a niche Bandai fails to or isn't yet filling, and so do pretty well. I still think I prefer Bandai's newer face sculpts when they try (Full Power Frieza, Legendary Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan 4 Goku, etc.), but a lot of third party face sculpts do admittedly heavily mog the 2.0s and 1.0s.
Third party's cool. At worst, they give people something Bandai won't give. At best, they put a boot up Bandai's ass to get something out rather than resting on their laurels (still waiting on that 3.0 Goku tho...).
But it's just funny to see the "OMG BANDAI OWNED THEY'RE PUT TO SHAME!!!" posts for figures that are basically SHF retools rather than 100% custom figs.
if you grabbed it on preorder, that trunks was just 40 bucks and with all the extras it comes, it shits all over bandai
Titty Trunks lol.
cope bandai bootlicker
hope you enjoy the daima garbage you will get shoved down your fucking throat for the next 5 years
I just got FP Frieza son.
Getting King Cold soon.
You enjoy Trunks but with bare arms and cowtits.
Tonsen, make a 2.0 FF Frieza using Full Power Frieza sculpt and engineering as a basis (just slimmed down and without veins and scuffs) and I will INSTANTLY pre-order it.
dont expect it for another... 2 years if he starts now, only things id expect from him anytime soon are Bardock & Goku super saiyan headsculpts, Regular SSJBlue Vegeta head sculpt, bojack trunks, and bike manga cover goku
My pain is palpable. Tangible.
Yeah don't worry anon I wasn't shitting on 3P either, I like that at least they try to go do things Bandai probably never will. Didn't even know they were making a bike manga cover Goku? I still haven't found one I found interesting enough to PO but might change with Bojack Trunks.
True, the accessories ARE sweet. Might grab Bojack Trunks. How's the QC and plastic quality?
I really enjoy Tonsen for making characters/versions we don't have. I don't point at them like they're the gold standard, but I'm getting sick of seeing third parties continuously making mostly gokus and vegetas. I respect kong for making something slightly different, but I'm just not interested in Heroes/Fan Fiction stuff. Demoniacal Fit I mainly buy their stuff for repainting and fodder, they don't release the stuff I genuinely want from them like Kid Trunks, Gotenks Base/SS3 Head set, Buutenks Set, Bandit Yamcha, and Future Gohan.
I really want Third parties to make characters bandai won't make, but people can't get enough goku and vegeta
The only Gokus and Vegetas I would be interested would be (No weighted clothing VS Raditz) Goku, Yardrat Goku, SS Grade 2 Vegeta, Badman Vegeta, and (Baby Arc) GT Vegeta
Is there even a difference between Kid Goku and Kid Goten?
afaik it's just the long sleeves, longer belt and undershirt on Goten but it's a LOT different if you compare him with say OG DB Goku, and even Daimaku seems to have slightly bigger eyes.
bigger cock
nta but since when don't db characters have giant pecs. LSSJ Goku looks like he has the same level of breast tissue and he is le official. If anything the faces look awful on the Tonsen trunks, at least choose a meaningful critique if you're going to compare
3rd party has always been better than shf. Bandai can't lose the license fast enough. Nothing but trash
he says as 3rd party literally apes and reuses bandai
they're shf-styled figures for a reason, hater-kun
Learn to read you coping esl-tard
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>3rd party has always been better than shf
I received both my Tonsen Trunks and they're definitely some of the best "SHF DB" IMO. I didn't get the bonus accessories though. We're these only available under certain conditions?
too bad the shf keeps breaking after a week. I went through 2 of these already. NTA btw
Basically only Chinks got it, and some global stores randomly.
Without a doubt. I'm never giving bandai my money ever again after how many times the figures broke.
If Bandai loses the license because they're "so trash", what molds and engineering are third parties going to steal to make their figures? :^)
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all ginyu force figures were pretty bad and broke easily
Question for people who got Metal Cooler: how has he held up? Any scratching? Other quality issues? Paint getting screwed by elements or any minuscule amount of dirt?
I've got mine in a box and I'm shit scared of removing it out of fear that the paint job gets ruined with the slightest mistake or even just the passage of time.
He's doing fine for me. If you want to take him out of the box I suggest you wash your hands or wear gloves if you don't want finger prints. For dusting, I use pressured air
How much have you posed him so far?
And I'm thinking of trying to find a way to get as little dust on him as possible.
I pose him like 1-3 times a month since release. If you want minimal dust, I suggest putting him in a glass case/shelf with a door.
I do have a detolf for my figures, but even there, dust accumulates. I guess I'll just have to be dilligent in maintaining it, at least for him.
Thanks for the info. Maybe I don't have to be as much of a scaredy cat.
his legs are super flimsy and there are paint issues. I don't pose him much these days since he's kinda meh to begin with
>his legs are super flimsy
How so?
>and there are paint issues.
Yeah? You mean existing issues or ones created by articulating him?
>This retard doesn't realize 3rd parties use Bandai figures as a blueprint.
It's so funny when people shit on Bandai because 3rd party made "le 3.0 Goku" and then that Goku is basically 90% Super Hero Gohan.
You have it all wrong. SHF lost the technology required to repaint Super Hero Gohan and add a (better than anything that's come before) Goku Head.

They NEEDED a Third Party to redefine the bar by which we judge all future Goku releases because they can't do it themselves.
Based third parties showing Bandai the way...
Putting the mockery aside, I AM actually grateful to them for making stuff like 3.0 Goku (even if I think Bandai could make a way better base Goku head now than them, and honestly, with the improvements made to the "3.0 body", better engineering and articulation too). I had hoped that the Kong and DF versions would push Bandai to hurry it up and give us an official 3.0 Goku release, but sadly no dice so far. Gone are the days where Bandai would hurriedly sweep DF's legs out from under them with the Ginyu Force. Pity.
But yeah, this narrative that 3p is "BTFOING" Bandai because they can't make toys is super funny. There's a reason 3p DBZ figures are basically emulating SHFiguarts, and aren't their own full 100% custom-made thing.
I really, really, really want a 3.0 Goku who has a compatible neck peg for the Legendary Super Saiyan Goku.
Another part of me fears having to collect another generation of newer, more accurate face and hair sculpts for every form. And them not being made available for years, if ever.
I wish Bandai used a compatible neckjoint for fucking everything, but they keep changing the size of it.
Yeah, it's pretty bad. But even if they made 2.0 heads compatible with 3.0 bodies, my autism would still demand to get 3.0 updated versions of every form.
And since we just now, after over a decade, got a SS2, and it was an exclusive, that doesn't bode well.

>Third party

Right, bootlegs
Hard to call them bootlegs since they don't BOOTLEG existing figures. A bootleg would have to be a 1:1 non-licensed version of, say, SROE Goku.
Third parties skirt the line by quite clearly checking Bandai's homework, but not literally yoinking the molds.
A good way to establish if it's a bootleg or a third party figure is this:
What Bandai figure is the Tonsen Kid Buu bootlegging?
Cool, bootlegs
Bootlegs of?
Speaking of bootlegs I know they're gatekeeping their 3d figure scan models to their chinese group chats, hoping one day someone releases them publicly
you gonna cry?
Are you kidding? At minimum, like 3/4 the figures are just repaints of Gokus, Vegetas, and Trunks. Kid Buu is just the top half of Super Buu scaled down. Which is why the top half looks really good, but the bottom half/legs--the parts that are newly sculpted--look like shit.
Anyone have both the demoniacal fit and official rehash super saiyan vegeta? Which one do you prefer?

I'm tempted to pick up the DF, as the grey armor instead of white on the official is really starting to bug me. I also know that the DF has better articulation and scale because they used the smaller majin vegeta legs for him. But not many sellers have him in stock anymore, so he's become kind of pricey which makes me think twice.
>are just repaints of Gokus, Vegetas, and Trunks.
what official releases are they bootlegging?
there needs to be an official release for something to be a bootleg
Why are you quoting me? I'm talking about official.
The only companies still pumping out kockoff Bandai sculpt Goku and Vegeta repaints are Demoniacal Fit and Black Hole toys. Tonsen's shit is entirely uniquely sculpted, he didn't even lift superficial shit like Trunk's hair sculpt or boots, and Kid Buu's torso isn't even close to Super Buu's upper torso, it uses 3.0 style engineering while Bandai's Super Buu uses the same joint setup as Piccolo, or 2nd Form Frieza, for example. Beast Deities is doing their own shit too, they even BEAT bandai to getting a 3.0 Vegeta out on the market.
Sounds like a kino
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And then there were three
Alright, already noticing some issues with this fella, but hey, I also noticed issues with my Frieza and I still love that figure, maybe it won't be too-
Have I been bootlegged here?
Like, it came in the proper packaging and everything, ordered it off of Amazon under a listing for the proper figure from the tamashi page
But like
That arm popped off while I was trying to pose one of the legs. How does that even happen?
The leg popped off because I was trying to make it do a spread
The other leg won't spread unless I kick it forward first, because it gets caught on the waist plastic otherwise
That fucking waistband piece is blocking his ab crunch
The painting on the feet, the fucking unclipped plastic
What the fuck man
Like, holy shit, this can't be the figure that I keep seeing people praising for everything but an off-color chest, can it?
I have to have been fucked over on this, right? Bad luck, maybe?
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Yeah, that's a Knockoffku.
That is 110% a bootleg.
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Also my camera was being fucky so I can't even enjoy this stupid picture that I wanted to take since I ordered him
This is probably the first figure, INCLUDING my monsterarts figures and their infamous QC issues, that I'm actively disliking
damn, he's glistening.
yeah, that seems to be a bootleg, anon. sumimasorry
Well, shit.
Guess that's what I get for going to the listings and picking the one with the soonest possible delivery date without thinking about it so I'd get it in time for my birthday.
I certainly hope that the imperfect cell that's coming tomorrow isn't a repeat case.
Lesson learned.
Has Hobby Genki gotten their FP Friezas in yet?
Oh, you're the Bardock guy.
I thought it might've been your picture quality that made him look odd, but now I got suspicions on Bardock too.
Mainly the flesh looking so oily on your pics.

I don't have a PW mail yet, so no.
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>Like, it came in the proper packaging and everything
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Or this?
>I certainly hope that the imperfect cell that's coming tomorrow isn't a repeat case
Can't wait to see it. I'm getting Zarbon and Cui and I will post them once the mod stop acting like a faggot
That's me. If the Bardock isn't real, I wouldn't mind nearly as much as with this Goku. I think it's just my camera quality and lighting setup for these pictures. I'm working off of... Fuck, what model was it? An iPhone 12 for my pictures? It doesn't look Oily in person. Also, unlike what I replied to below, his packaging is ACTUALLY accurate to the real thing with all the proper branding on it.
Yeah, after double-checking what the real packaging looked like I was definitely bootlegged.
Funny enough, whoever made the bootleg clearly changed the background color, which is oddly hilarious to me.
Honestly I feel strangely unbothered, just mildly annoyed about it.
It sucks, but at least I got something I can just put into one pose, sit in my collection, and never touch again.
Still a beginner to the hobby and everything, so maybe it's just naïveté and low standards.
I really like the photos you take, more people should post pictures of their toys
Wow, when you look at this picture closely you can see where the pieces were cut from their sprue or whatever especially on the legs, and the paint job on the boots looks horrible. Plus not the joint in his foot is orange when the boot is blue. Not blaming you for getting tricked but that's a pretty bad knockoff.
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holy shit i was going crazy looking at your pic thinking goku LSSJ was looking that bad, fuck you for gaslight my memory
As a child/teenager I used to do a lot of dumb little stop motion animations on youtube
I have a long history of posing my toys and taking pictures of them. And eventhough I lost my passion for stop motion, posing and taking pictures is still fun.
I'm sorry, anon. I hope your Cell will be alright.
I also hope you manage to get your hands on a proper Legendary Super Saiyan Goku. The documented issues aside (which desu are only really an issue if you take a lot of pictures), he's really, really great.
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Thank, anon.
I'll probably try for it again sometime week after next when I get paid again.
Gonna put less priority on when it gets here and more on looking into the seller properly beforehand.
And so long as I leave him in one pose and don't look too closely, he looks alright on the shelf from a distance, so I've got that going for me. Ain't like its ruined my birthday or anything.
Hey, at least if you get a proper Legendary Super Saiyan GOku, he can bully the bootleg.
God i wish they did the dragon ball tails the same way they do them in the godzilla figures
Said the same thing when I got my Frieza.
I can understand that it wouldn't look perfect for some figures due to the segmentation looking weird, but first, second, and third form Frieza's tails are already naturally segmented. Same for Meta Cooler.
Maybe having that many ball-joints on figures at this scale has some problems that the Godzilla figures don't have. I'd imagine they'd be a lot more fragile, since Godzilla figures have those giant, meaty tails while most DB characters with tails aren't.
I feel like if they did another 4th form Frieza, they'd do a wire tail.
Absolutely not. Godzilla is way more heavily textured so the segments are hidden better. Characters with tails in DB sre way to clean simple to make it work. Static tails are out best bet.
It sure would be better than the shit we get. The tails in this line looks fucking terrible
I don't know. results are mixed.
A reissue of a fuckin D-Arts figure hardly counts, does it?
See, this is much better, i wish the tails in the dragon ball line were like this
You said you ordered it from Amazon you should just return it. Amazon will accept just about any returns anyway, they might have a broken/knockoff return reason you can list too
>decide I can wait on tonsen trunks since his stuff usually stays up for a while
>they all sell out
>panic buy one from sketchy storefront
>didnt ship it after scheduled delivery
>get entire refund from aliexpress
>70 dollars richer
already pre ordered bojack trunks so not sure what I should use the 70 for, and yeah I know buying from sketchy aliexpress shops is dumb but i've had luck with them actually shipping out figures in good condition.
I want that shadow ball effect and use it as Frieza's death ball
It's more of a frisbee though
That misscolored chest stands out so hard why did they do it bros
that's a bootleg
oh thank god I thought the original had one for a second
Is there any more recent pics of King Cold at conventions or events or anything? He's only appeared like 4 times since him and Mecha got revealed to the best of my knowledge.
Heard from somewhere that TK Customs is doing a 2nd run/update to their Goku torso kit? Can anyone confirm? Also can they make it compatible with LSS thanks
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I love these heads man
>stabbed myself in the thumb with his hair spikes and drew blood while swapping heads
why is Bejita like this bros, even in plastic form he's a caustic asshole
>He's only appeared like 4 times since him and Mecha got revealed to the best of my knowledge.
Iirc, you are correct. He releases next month, so we should start seeing some release pictures of him within the next few weeks though.

I hope we get some new reveals soon; aside from Pan, Older Style battle clothes Vegeta, and the restoration chamber, 2025 is already starting to look lighter than the past few years have been for P-Bandai releases.
I hope they don't fuck me too much with the afterprice. Hopefully Mandarake will save me again
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Damn I was hoping I was wrong lol. Ever since I was a kid I always looked at photos of toys I wanted and liked seeing everything before it came out. Against other people and stuff. So for us to be in this age and to have so many pictures of Blue Vegeta it seems odd to not have many for King Cold. At least I have this one though. 2 more months probably and then I'll have this monstrosity.
And then there were three and a half
Just look at this friendly fella
He looks like someone you can really trust
Big motherfucker too. Green boy dwarfs every other figure I've got so far, including my SHMAs. I'm sure I'll get a lot of good "6' vs. 5'11" poses out of this guy in the future. Honestly, even sitting down this guy is almost Frieza's height, and that doesn't count the crown.
What head kit is this?
god I hate how cheap the plastic looks. I had a ssj3 goku as a kid and it looked better. If only I could find out which one it was...
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Only real issue I have with him is this right wing. It pops off if you breathe on it wrong. Is there any innate problems that would be caused by just gluing that piece in? Because it's not like that peg does anything but hold it in place. It doesn't seem to be a problem with the other wing at all.
I also had a slight problem with how stiff the left leg's hip joint was when I tried to get him into a sitting position, leg popped out when I tried to stand him back up, but otherwise, figure seems plenty fine. Love that engineering on the shoulders.
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Also confident in saying that I have not, in fact, been bootlegged again. So that's good. So far I'm quite happy with him. I'll have to get a bit creative to figure out what I'm gonna make his display pose, though.
Nah, I'll just hold on to it. I can use it as a bullying target whenever I start posing and taking pictures of any new figures that I get.
Even though yeah it's a bootleg, that thing that a lot of people say is accurate, even on the bootleg. The discoloration is hardly noticeable in person, it's a lot more prominent in pictures.
I still need to get him. I hope he's still available when I have the means.
Couldn't someone matte spray it?
>those bright orange joints for the wrists and feet
I've never seen a more clear bootleggier bootleg.
The Goku's a bootleg but the Cell is real.
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They're from Tonsen Art Toys. The base and super saiyan sets are kind of hard to come by, though. Mostly you just find their god and ssbe ones that nobody wants because shitper sucks ass

They made a couple of Majin Vegeta sets more recently, and they also teased a Goku set but there hasn't been any news on that for a while
Is Tonsen the only good 3P brand?
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The DF stuff that exists just as a knock off of official SHF are pretty good.
Dem honkers
he has his mother's genes
What material do you use to make terrain/rocks? I want two cliffs for Goku and Vegeta to do the Saiyan Saga poses.
Styrofoam, or go outside and find some rocks.
kek this is turning out to be a fujo's dream figure
Is this for sale somewhere? I have actually been looking for a doll jacket similar to Trunks' CC jacket.
Does someone here have the event exclusive Raditz? How's he compared to the OG release? I have the OG release but if I can get a version that's a little better that would be cool
>Does someone here have the event exclusive Raditz? How's he compared to the OG release?
He's fine like the standard release. Other than paint job the only thing that makes him unique is the Gohan figure that comes with him.
Holy shit he's huge. Other than Ozaru Vegeta and the Dragons, he must be the largest figure in the line. Can't wait to get him.
Do you think Pan will be able to sit on his lap?
Do you think he'll come with a grip hand so he can hold Trunks' sword?
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>order raditz from a reliable seller
>as soon as I open the box the figure starts falling apart immediately
>thighs pop off
>entire arms both pop off
>loose legs
>skirt pieces falling off
>all within 1 second of eachother
>spent few hours last night fixing the issues with nail polish
>all the parts now stay in place and figure is useable now
guessing this one was stuck in a shitty warehouse for many years but I was too stubborn to return it
Cover them up slut!
He comes with a sword.
Fitting, since that era Trunks had always wore a women's jacket.
ah. Well that works.
>Princess Trunks
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Hope this is the start of an era of proper sized characters. Big are going to be big and small gonna stay small. GT kid Goku is still a bit bigger than he should, but way better than previous small characters. This is my main reason why I still don't have Krillin, kid Gohan or Cell.
I wish they gave credit to who sculpted what so we can see whose been doing the best work. Cold looks fantastic yet the recent Namek Vegeta is a bit mediocre.
Well, Cold will still be a bit small, but it's nice to see that they overcame the "Broly limit" they seemed to be working with for so long. King Cold should be as tall as Broly's hair to the top of his head. Still a little bit small but it should be close enough.
They are screwing the shoulders for many characters recently, it's mostly visible on Vegeta. They are making them comically wide and seeming as detached form the body.
Why they dont want to go big? It's not the material cost, as those are literal pennies. People don't buy big figs or smth?
You have no issue with the giant seam on his face?
Honestly I didn't even notice it until you mentioned it
EE or the original release? If the original, then all those issues are probably due to Raditz being a QC shit show. (Granted, being stuck in a warehouse probably only made those worse.)
Really? It was the first thing I noticed when I saw reviews. The lack of definition of the feet and hands is also disappointing. Guess Cooler spoiled me on that.the way they did Cell's tail is pretty bad. Why they couldn't make half the ball black and the other half green ill never know. I wish we juat got like 2 swappable static tails that didn't have the really bad joints like final form Freeza.
Funny, as I was looking at the DF Gohan/Ghostku set earlier and saw their legs have seamlines, while the official doesn't.
Bandai can remove them, they just couldn't be arsed.
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It's not even that, WHT did they put the seam across the fucking face? Why not under the shin like every other figure? They really dropped the ball designing 1st form Cell. It having to scale to the really small final form Cell that's outdated didn't help anything.
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it's even in the meme video
I really want a new android 18
After looking at the face piece directly, I realized that the reason I didn't see the seam was the angle.
It's only really visible from a low angle, from dead-on or slightly above it's almost unnoticeable unless you're actively looking for it. In fact, you can't see it in the picture but the seam actually eventually goes at a 90 degree angle downward at his cheek
Honestly, I don't have so much problem with the feet as with the toes specifically. They're just kind of... There. They barely touch the ground, they just stick straight out. That, and the mild inconvenience that is that the nails are only colored from the top but not the bottom where they stick out
The tail does frustrate me though. I've likewise been spoiled, but mainly because my first exposure to Bandai's figures were SHMA Godzillas, and regardless of the infamous QC issues with those, their tails are pretty universally immaculate.
Next to all of these old figures first form Cell doesn't really stand out as something that was made in more recent years.
Buffku is a fucking great figure and no amount of autistic screeching about his miscolored chest plate will convince me otherwise.
holy look at those tits
He is. The chest thing isn't even an issue besides on camera. And if you're such a big shot photography chad, you should be able to fix that in photoshop in .2 sec.
You're only screwed if you do stop motion, lol.
Holy cope lmao
That's truth. Cope would be me saying Kefla is a great release.
Yeah you are coping. Like unironically. Look up the definition if you got doubts.
Don't you fucking remind me of Kefla. I still loathe how heavy they fucked that up.
Nah, not really. He's right. Legendary SS Goku is peak.
Whatever helps you cope bro. I dob't buy toys with obvious fault so I don't have to cope about it.
Well, I enjoy good toys, so there's no reason for me to cope with anything to begin with. :)
Personally, I'd prefer my gokus to not have a discolored chest but thats just my opinion.
Imagine spending dozens of thousands dollars for molds for this crap. Does SHF know good female figs attract coomers? Those guys have a lot of cash in their sticky hands.
>Does SHF know good female figs attract coomers?
not a single one
Seems so, you think they see how well Bulma sold and lean more into that. They really shit thr bed with Kefla.
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Maybe they don't want to attract them, else we'd have picrel by now already.
thats not bad but shf is just not made for coom due to how uninterchangable and uncustomizable the whole line is. It will always look shit no matter how hard you try and then the seamlines and paint issues...it's as if they try making it as unsexxy as possible. Like there are modelkits that look better and have less seamlines...
Idk what they were thinking with Keffy. Her entire lower body situation was whack. Weird sculpt that gave her lumbar issues, 1.0 hips without the drop down so it was the worst of all worlds.
So fascinating.
Doesn't cause any troubles for me because I don't see it.
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Their mistake with Kefla was actually that they made the wrong form. They made a pretty accurate to model SS1 Kefla but what people usually think of is the buff SS2. The figuarts is specifically called "Super Saiyan Kefla" while FIghterZ just calls her Kefla. Now the weird part on top that adds even more confusion, they gave her the effect part she does while she's in SS2 at the end. So in theory there can be a second figure that's actually SS2 one day.
yeah nah the lower body was also complete trash
In my opinion the head sculpt was utter wank and the main problem, it was ugly and flat as shit. Even the best body, fucking v.4 marvel of engineering wouln't save a figure with such a face. Who the fuck they hire to 3D model? This is kid learning how to Blender level of craft.
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I feel the opposite, the head I didn't mind but the body needed to be better. The face was basically a one to one of this shot and you could tell they put in the effort to match up the hair spikes to the model sheet. The head was big but if the body was bigger it could've evened out.
the head was a bit big but it wasn't really bad
the upper body wasn't great but passable
everything below that? Just end it.
>Now the weird part on top that adds even more confusion, they gave her the effect part she does while she's in SS2 at the end
She was only included because she was a FighterZ rep, so it makes sense they would throw in the effect parts for her special move in that game.

My tin foil hat theory is they knew she wouldn't be a hot seller, so they phoned her in and rushed her out to hopefully coast off Super and FighterZ hype. (Janemba, Kid Buu, and SS4 Gogeta are the only characters we are currently missing from that game, but they can release those any time and they will print money.)

Regardless of the above, she is easily in my top five of worst releases this line has ever seen and like 90% of that list is the earliest 1.0s...so it is impressive how underwhelming and bad she ended up being.
I thought she won a contest?
>She was only included because she was a FighterZ rep, so it makes sense they would throw in the effect parts for her special move in that game
With that in mind they definitely should've just did a buff SS2 from the go to at least be accurate to the special move then.
Figuarts rigged that shit. You might be able to convince me she was more popular than Janemba at the time, but trying to tell me she won organically over SS4 Gogeta and Kid Buu are both very hard sells.
then they rigged it
... only to deliver a subpar figure
I doubt they rigged it. Like the anniversary vote for a rerelease where the Blue Vegeta won, whoever wins gets it. But here's a real theory, Kid Buu and SS4 Gogeta were 2nd and 3rd and they said they were going to reveal later. But hey ended up going "fuck it we'll make these way later, hopefully they forgot about the vote."
People might've voted for Kefla because they figured SS4 Gogeta and Kid Buu would end up happening anyway.
I mean... they're pretty obvious choices.
I voted Kefla for that reason and I thought they'd give her a better butt sculpt.
Yea exactly like a now or never situation. Few threads ago someone asked what 5 figures you'd want before the line dies and spending it on a Goku or Vegeta would be a "waste" cause 3p will keep making them. Similar logic.
Yeah, I was also let down by her.
I voted Kefla for that reason, and.. well, aren't I the fool. Still no Kid Buu or SS4 Gogeta.
>hopefully they forgot about the vote
Just like the figma poll...
They eventually made everyone in the top 10 except Kotomine.
They made the entire cast of Love Live, who were honorable mentions, over him. Fuck's sake.
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android 16 needs a 2.0 figure badly. he’s WAY too small.
17 and 18 look pretty good atleast. They could probably use a reissue.
Many of the big guys are too small in this line
They need some new heads if they're gonna use the bodies again. They both have that old figuarts face look even on the EE versions. 18's head is also bigger.
Guess that depends on how they do them. Could see a new release with the EE colors and less accessories like Goku Black. They'd have new faces but probably wouldn't have the extra hair piece.
I'm still disappointed they fucked King Cold by packaging him with a big hunk of plastic to slam the price up by $50. He was the only fig I'd been looking forward to and now I'm not bothering.
I make to much money to care about such things. Include as much plastic as possible i say.
Lol all these years and still no kid Buu/SSJ4 Gogeta.
They said they were going to reveal the runner ups like 2 March's ago.
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>he didn't buy the 3rd party chest enhancer
>kefla design and look is shit
>figure looks like her
>wtf!? This figure looks like shit!
I'm still going to buy him even if with that price. I mean it's not like I buy lots of figure with that price anyway
>even if the price hurts
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>hes this homosexual
because there was no problem with the chest
almost like people discussed the problems with her
I just have good taste. Kefla looks like a stickman, she even have a oversize head.
DB has lots of good female designs and she isn't one of them

>almost like people discussed the problems with her
Yeah, the problem is that she's ugly in the show so the figure looks ugly too. Unless you tell me she has other problem like legs that pop off or some shit like that
So since some anons have had Kid Buu for a few days now, is he worth $60 shipped? He's one of my top 5 biggest wants from this line and who knows when/if Bandai will get back to the Buu Saga, but the QC issues I've been hearing about put me off a bit. Have never used shock oil and have heard it mentioned several times in reviews for this figure.
>Yeah, the problem is
that the lower half was completely garbage, using a 1.0 setup without drop-down hips which meant they had all of the cons of 1.0 hips and none of the pros and moving the legs up meant scuffing the paint and causing it to grind up against each other
and also the lower body sculpt was just strange, like some amateur with no grasp on anatomy took over when they got to the waist and below
>So since some anons have had Kid Buu for a few days now, is he worth $60 shipped?
I think so, but he for sure has his issues:
>Version A (gold detailing) has very tight shoulders, the arms pop off more than I would like, and the hands are an absolute bitch to swap
>Version B (yellow detailing) doesn't have any of the shoulder issues A has, but has much looser legs that make posing a bit harder
>aesthetically, both look fantastic and are on par with standard Figuarts release.
>jank factor is on par with some of the worst recent Figuarts releases (like the recent Trunks)
>that being said, both come with a solid amount of hands/heads/and extras, so if you can get past the weirdness it is a really fun and expressive figure
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Only five and a half months to go..
gad dam that sean lime on the deltoid
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Maybe someday, Bandai....
Sorry I had a stroke while I was typing this, apparently.
>Goku's gross hands
This shit always cracked me up.
Why doesn't the toyotaro figure come with these hands???! bandai being cheap again!
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So...this isn't fitting the LSS legs right? Don't have a 2.0 Goku so can anyone confirm? iirc they have a neck peg to swap for it to be compatible with 3.0 heads.
for anyone that missed it 5ktoys has kong's rose goku black in stock again
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New reveal soon?
SS4 Gogeta any day now.
Trust the plan.
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what I want right now
>kid buu
>3.0 goku
>4th form cooler
>4th form frieza 2.0
>perfect cell 2.0
>ss2 teen gohan 3.0
what I'll get
>onio, the random spacedwarf literal who nobody cares about from daima
what I want right now
>onio, the popular protagonist spacedwarf everybody loves from daima
what I'll get
>kid buu
>3.0 goku
>4th form cooler
>4th form frieza 2.0
>perfect cell 2.0
>ss2 teen gohan 3.0
anon no bandai is watching
They changed the neck slightly on the reissue Buffku. Corrected the chest discoloration and made his facial features pop more with slightly darker colors.

Why do you guys continue to defend Bandai's beta releases?
>Corrected the chest discoloration
Not really. The difference is minimal if at all there.

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