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Seriously, why the fuck did Lego think this was a good idea?
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Can somebody explain what makes this lego loli "woke?"
Ok now explain without your leddit buzzwords
He’s underage b&, please understand.
raul julia playing gomez must have been very difficult for you
The set designed for autistic 12 yo girls doesn't appeal to you, specifically? How will they ever recover.
Just do Bionicles again, Lego. No one cares about your pseudo action figures.
An actual clown farmer in the world, how obscure!
Lego won't go broke for a very long time, they can still save lots of money by reducing quality and increasing prices
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Thanks, now I know to avoid it.
Have they not already?
Never watched the show up I am 100% certain nothing you said is true.
>the series is tranny slop
Ok, how did you get this one?
Lego have been trying to crack marketing to girls for decades, largely unsuccessfully. I guess this is the latest attempt, another spin on the doll made of Lego concept.
Just increase it further. SW fans will buy it anyway.
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Not sure what I feel about this trend of brick-built minifigs.
I switched from Lego to import action figures ages ago and it seems like many have done the same. This trend seems to capitalize on being babby's first action figure for a young Lego fan before they inevitably move onto collecting actual action figures.
>collecting actual action figures.

Sounds badass
Another one for the cum jar boys!
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HEY! It's me, Goku!
>Generic Lego Game™ but with a dragon ball skin might be a thing in the future thanks to Fortnite
Whats woke about it? Are you retarded?
he's an incel polfag, what do you expect
And you're a faggot mcretard. And I had sex with a fat woman 3 years ago for your information. Don't post in my threads again, pignose nigtard.
She spends the entire season in a love triangle with two teen boys. At no point does she show even the slightest interest in women.
>and the series is tranny slop
Oh, you're a fucking idiot. Kill yourself please, this board needs less of you.
no Christina Ricci no buy
It means he doesn’t like it but can’t articulate why with actual words.
This is really cute. When's the release date?
Yes, yes, we know.
Fat women have pussies, too, even if they are your cousins.
They should make more cats! I need more variations.
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AT least this one is well build AND posable.
I hate when they build a creayure and has 1 point of articulation
Ngl I love it
Holy damn, I thought I was the only one. Got burned out on LEGO some time back and thought it'd be a good idea to finally start getting all the figma and Revos I'd always wanted as a kid. Pretty sure my last big Lego purchase was a resold Space thing, and I've still yet to build it.

I don't know why I'm burned out on it, honestly. What went wrong?

If you get them into all sorts of cool poses and mod them as you wish (adding more parts or swapping bits out to add more articulation/more stuff you want), it can get real kickass.
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>Wants to avoid gay tranny slop.
>Posts fan art of gay slop made by a tranny.
I think this is super cute, but wouldn't buy it for a series I don't care about with Lego prices

Hope they do some other series (and not Disneyslop)
I don't want the set but that face piece looks exactly like my girlfriend.

How long do you think it takes before that piece is available on bricklick? I wanna make a moc.
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>that face piece looks exactly like my girlfriend.
His girlfriend looks like this IRL.
took a while to figure out what that reminded me of but it's uncanny
Rule 1488 of 4chan: It's OK when it's animu.
>with Lego prices
I saw LEGO for the first time at a Ross but DESU, that's only because I was combing the store; most times, the shelves probably have them and I skipped over them without even registering their presence.
Did you chop your dick off?
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It is not accurate to the comic for Wednesday to have a dark skin complexion, this is true. Then again, Gomez is more accurate than ever, and the other live action adaptations portrayed him as a skinny white guy.
this whole post says nothing except blog about seeing a thing, it doesnt offer a conclusion, a idea, a comment, its the equivalent of telling someone "I saw a dog one day"
Normal version is mad ugly but the goth dress one is cute. Still an atrocious casting for Wedsneday though. I grew up with the black and white show and seeing her be anything but chalk white is wrong.
Why are there kid shows with horror theme anyway? Isn't IRL where already sick enough
Carefully with that walkie-talkie
>Why are there kid shows with horror theme anyway?
Because those are the best kids shows and kids love horror.

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