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So what's the deal with BBTS? Why do I keep seeing them called a scam site? Should I not be using them?
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It’s one spammer who keeps saying it, just disregard it.
The only valid criticism with them, is since they’re a US company it’ll take longer to get your item since they have to first receive it from Japan.
Also they upcharge imports, but after you add shipping to Japan based places, it ends up being about the same anyways since they have the flat $4 shipping.
Overall, I love BBTS and their pile of loot system.
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Not a scam, just a massive upcharge for convenience.

Now THIS, this is a scammy site.
it’s just one lone autist, most likely athena since he seems to be responsible for almost all of the other shitposting on this board
>with cheaper shipping
That’s just a straight up lie? BBTS is $4 flat rate shipping. Show me any Japanese site that’s charging less.
They upcharge for domestics like TRU/Gamestop, but also imports like EVERY US retailer. They have clearance, but it's never as good as other retail clearance or even Ross

but may be your last resort if you miss any for some reason
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They upcharge on imports but shipping balances it out mostly
They upcharge on domestics but shipping balances it
They get stuff in later than most stores most of the time
they do over charge massively some times and it does not balance, I notice this most in chinese imports because china does not have to pay shipping right now and thus the shipping from bbts does not balance out the cost of those.
The retards here say they scam and that is not true, you get what you pay for and you are not scammed
What the retards should be screeching is that they are a overcharge site
but that doesn't sound as good and is probably too many syllables for them to keep in their empty noggins at once
>Why do I keep seeing them called a scam site?
Literally just one troll who spends all of his time combing threads for the mere mention of them. Ignore him - BBTS is pretty decent if you live in the States, often being your only option for things that would otherwise be exclusives from places that don't normally sell to the US.
They do have cheaper offers sometimes. Only a retard would favour a site. That being said hobby genki is shit because their preorder system sucks ass and they don't do cancelations if you already paid even if it was months ahead (and sometimes you have to)
Also this
This. They have higher prices on certain products, especially foreign ones. For example, some of their Godzilla exclusive stuff is twice as much on their site than its MSRP. However, to ship it overseas can sometimes about balance out that price difference (depending on the item of course).
As far as I can tell, they aren't a scam site. Overpriced for some stuff though? Oh yeah.
>Why do I keep seeing them called a scam site?
Because you keep making posts about it.
That $4 shipping doesnt apply for all of us but yeah, bbts is ok. You might get a banged up box so be aware of that.
People shit on BBTS, but once a nigger porch pirated my package, and BBTS, after sesing the police report, send me another one free of charge, Ever since I shill for them, they may be expensive, but they deliver.

Not a scam website but you have to wait extra time to receive your items, they do charge extra for toys, etc...but in my experience if you instead use a JP store the shipping is crazy unless you go with slowest option.
They got me my Captain Rex a month early, so I can't hate them too much.
best store
Pretty new to buying figs but I cancelled something from them cause I realized what they had for preorder was already in the fucking wild and I was able to get it from another site easily and for less.
Will still use them for another exclusive though
I've just never been impressed by their selection.
I also hate their site layout. 1 item wide makes browsing tedious.
Yeah, Nin-Nin is terrible about release times.
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Some of their clearance is as good. Game Stop clearance is really only good IN STORE, it's rare that you can find something online that you can order on line that's a cheap, decent price.

I'll admit I once bought a DC Direct statue from there because I had a $100 GC but Fed Ex left the package on my front door, the site sent me to the GC company, and after six months, they told me to fuck off, and GS said contact FE and they said six months is too late to complain. So I'm out the GC, out another $100 plus the tax, on a statue that I would have saved $100 bucks IF Fed Ex has just left a notice, and let me go pick it up.

Ross/Ollie's, Burlington's, etc. are probably best for cheap, but they don't necessarily have something/everything you want.

Every site is overpriced on some crap. Even Crapazon is like this as are some manufacture's that run their own online stores (where it might be suggested retail, but they are always showing most crap as SOLD OUT, except for the total shit they couldn't even give away - a perfect example of this is McFarlane's Toys online storefront).

Lucky for you, that's what I call good customer service. McFarlane sent me three figures in a box that got damaged and when I went to complain, they didn't reply and when I followed up they finally answered and said, 'well we could file a claim with the post office.' Two weeks later, I wrote again and they said, well you didn't tell us to file a claim, it's now more than 30 days and we can't. Which is insulting since they didn't just file when I sent them the photos, the post office doesn't have this nonsense, it's a McFarlane BS.
They absolutely overcharge on some figures. the harry potter figures currently have a $200 markup over every other site.
You should use them. Just mrntally prepare yourself to be scammed. I've bought dozens of items from them and been scammed every time.
>Fed Ex left the package on my front door
You skipped the part where you explain what the fuck happened to the package
>Fed Ex left the package on my front door
Isn't that what they're supposed to do? Or are you admitting you live in such a shit hole that you can't even receive a package like a normal person? Explain it to us subjectanon.
>autist can't condense their sentences to get to the point but spams abbreviations and nicknames because properly explaining yourself is for normie losers.
also what >>11150935 said
BBTS is good if you're buying figures from western properties like Legends or Mcfarlane, otherwise their japanese figures are heavily overpriced from other sites that make it not seem worth it, but i can't deny that it is nice that some of their stock seems to last longer than in other sites, even for figures that are very sought after, so they're your last option if you can't find a figure anywhere else. I don't live in the U.S and it's been a pretty reliable site for me so far
I'm from Yurop and order burger toys there. Reliable and very lenient customerservice. I like their pile of loot functionality.

Don't bother buying jap toys from them as the markup is insane. Just order directly from japan.
There was also that whole thing where they allowed customers to sign into eachother’s accounts randomly and order toys with their saved bank cards.
>Import asian products for at below retail
>Upcharge 200%

They upcharge so you're gonna save a crapton just paying the shipping fee and import tax from asia.
i consider them a "scam" because they never get items on time. if you preorder something through them, their estimated ship date always changes. I had to wait 4 years for a gundam kit to finally get to me. their estimated ship date always changed when it doesnt reach the date. luckily it wasnt a kit i was dying over and they dont charge unless shipped so i never canceled it.

currently, the same thing is happening with the Earthworm Jim figures i preordered. right now it says Q3 2024 but i know thats soon going to change to Q4 2024.
again, its not really a figure im dying to get. I can probably buy it somewhere else right now if i wanted to but im just gonna stick with this until they eventually ship it to me.
That still doesn't make them a scam. In fact, them not charging you until they actually get it just proves they are not a scam. If you want it sooner get it somewhere else.
>That still doesn't make them a scam
thats why i put it in quotes you blind faggot.
I’ve been using them for years, but sometimes the delay is ridiculous. I preordered something that was supposed to be a Christmas gift last year. When I preordered it, it said it would be available in November. I had to get something else for the gift, and last week I saw it was available on Amazon, so I ordered it there and canceled the still unfulfilled BBTS preorder. But that was the worst I can remember.
One time I ordered the Planet X Ultra Magnus, and it was missing the armor for one of the feet, and they sent me an entire second figure. So that was cool.
>I’ve been using them for years, but sometimes the delay is ridiculous.
Yeah that's been my only real complaint in 20 years, though I don't particularly like how far down that non-refundable deposit has been crept.

My preorder list has hovered at 4-5 pages for a few years now. It's not that I order that much more than 10 years ago. It's that you order, let's say, 5 figures from some big Hasbro preorder drop, all due in November. In the past, they'd all show up in November. Now, though, November just blows by. December comes along and 1 shows up. February another 1. April another 2. Last 1 might be July. In the meantime, you've ordered another 5 from another big preorder or drop or 3.

Stupid Hasbro Pulsecon is today and that last wave of Legacy full of reissues is going to push me into a 6th page.

It's nuts. Usually nothing in my list is more than 3-4 months out, aside from the random Mafex or Nendoroid. But the months roll over and the first page fills up with stuff slated for "this month" that was supposed to be out months or even years ago.

BBTS otherwise is really good but this aspect of collecting is getting really old.
>My preorder list has hovered at 4-5 pages for a few years now. It's not that I order that much more than 10 years ago. It's that you order, let's say, 5 figures from some big Hasbro preorder drop, all due in November. In the past, they'd all show up in November. Now, though, November just blows by. December comes along and 1 shows up. February another 1. April another 2. Last 1 might be July. In the meantime, you've ordered another 5 from another big preorder or drop or 3.
I've had the exact opposite happen with Hasbro releases over the past few years. More likely than not, a Hasbro item will common early for me. I've seen similar reports from others too. Not sure where this meme even comes from anymore,minus bent had something delayed for just BBTS I'm years, if there was a delay, it was for everyone else too.
The Earthworm Jim thing is not even their fault, no other store is getting those figures either. I have them ordered on EE and they just keep getting delayed too, probably should have just bought the ones on aliexpress because I expect a bunch of these orders will wind up getting cancelled based on how many got sold there.
Premium DNA's EWJ toys are just the next step in the Ponzi scheme started with Megalopolis and the Kickin' Toys account Amazon. Wouldn't be surprised for find out Geoff Beckett was connected to those people at this point.

>Not sure where this meme even comes from anymore
I think part of it depends on how long you've been a customer. I've been buying from them for 20 years so I've seen alot of changes in how they, and the industry, operate.

There was a time when they always beat the retail stores on delivery. The embargo, at Walmart's request, about a decade ago was the first major pushback against them. This split shipment garbage Hasbro's been doing that last few years is probably where you're seeing reports. If you get in on a preorder RIGHT AWAY, sure, you might get some stuff early. But if you wait a few hours or, God forbid, a few days, you're pretty much guaranteed to be in a 2nd or 3rd shipment. Those are often months later.

That's even before some of the shennannigans pulled by smaller companies. Used to be you only had to worry about Diamond Select. Now it's like everybody that's not Hasbro or Mattel has no idea when anything is releasing or how to fill orders.

Mezco and S7 are retarded about endless delays. Mondo can release products directly but can't figure out how to deliver them to retailers. KitzConcept is a mishmash of both problems. Magic Square, for some reason, can fill orders for anybody _except_ BBTS.

I'm trying to get all of these jokers out of my preorder list. Pretty much the only release dates you can believe are Bandai and Takara.
I also want to add that BBTS has very good customer service as well. I had a Beast Box figure that was misassembled twice and they sent me a replacement no questions asked both times.

BBTS has higher prices than some places but like people are saying it kind of balances out with regard to their services and shipping.
No you fucking are not if you live in the US. I regularly have to pay 60+ to get items shipped from Japan
Yeah, I will second this. I've had issues with several figures (not BBTS' fault) and they've either done an straight up exchange, or when they were unable to source a replacement, gave me a full refund and allowed me to keep the defective item. Most recently the Marvel Legends Angel I got from them had an issue where his wing joint was frozen, and no matter of heating or cooling could free it up. I sent a few pictures and, while they didn't have any additional figures at the time, did refund me while allowing me to keep the defective figure. So now I have a spare Angel. I ended up rebuying the figure on Amazon since they had some in stock once the refund cleared.
Different anon, my local FedEx employees all share the same brain cell. I have everything sent to pick up at wallgreens or CVS because there is a 75% chance it's going to the wrong address.
They don't follow "signature required" either. I called them after they left an expensive package without one and was told it was their policy that a photo to confirm delivery is the same thing as a signature. They didn't understand the problem with that.
It's mostly people attacking them because they don't like that some figures get sold for over MSRP.

For example, besides the higher prices on Japanese stuff people mentioned earlier, MLs are 24.99 MSRP, but BBTS charges 25.99 for them generally. McFarlanes are kind of variable. Some basic DCMV figures that were up at other places for 19.99 and/or 22.99 a year or so ago were put up for 24.99 at BBTS. Other McFarlanes just go up for standard MSRP.

Of course many other retailers are doing this now as well as they try to pick the collecting hobby clean of all they can get from it and get a piece of that ebay pie. Amazon puts up figure preorders for MSRP but shortly after they go in stock they are subject to an algorithm that may push them higher.

I've seen Target (not third party sellers at Target, actual Target) adjust the occasional figure up as well.

But really, the core problem largely comes down to collectors overvaluing toys, thus being likely to overpay. If idiots would refrain from paying over MSRP and just went somewhere else or did without if they couldn't find a figure, sites wouldn't be able to adjust prices upwards instead of downwards.
Actually I just watched a video about the algorithmic pricing thing you were talking about. It's going to become a real problem and it extends much farther than just toys. Companies are starting to use algorithms to adjust their employees pay. The video I watched was very interesting and it's funny you bring it up today just after I watched it. Nice analysis though.
What video?
I'd have to dig through my upwards history. It was something about Uber drivers though.
>algorithms to adjust their employees pay
That is going to be such a disaster.
If it’s one more dollar for a thing I want that will sell out imma pay one more dollar I know it’s destroying the economy that’s why I’ve basically stopped collecting I only trade now
That’s a government problem not a bbts problem Canadians get fucked with online shopping it’s quite good for our local businesses tho I’m a grown ass man if I need to pay $12usd instead of $4usd so my neighbors don’t go bankrupt it’s worth it
>If it’s one more dollar
Google "frog in the boiling pot".

They tried almost doubling the price early this year. Clearly they changed tactics but the end goal is the same.
Shouldn't HLJ be the really "scam meme site"? They NEVER have anything worthwhile in stock and at least *80% of the site is backordered.
>don’t charge you until back ordered stuff comes back in stock
>usually manage to get backordered stuff in stock
>hold onto everything for you for months
>don’t take your money without delivering
Do you know what a scam is?
That seems like a really dystopian future where they force people to work harder and harder and dock their pay if they miss any random stats or quotas and then suddenly they can't make rent that month
I was trying to bait but from my times of trying to get stuff from them they have NEVER had things in stock.
because it's always "3-5 days" and such? It helps to pre-order, and very rarely anything worthwhile sticks around for their sale days
Upcharge indeed. Some of it is insane. But also great from browsing to learn about new things to try and find somewhere else, dioramas especially. They also have things I didn't see anywhere else because BBTS is one of the last places people go to buy something. So it can be sold out everywhere else and they'll have it. $4 flat rate shipping is nice too.

As for NNG, they consistently have better deals than elsewhere, reliably fast shipping through DHL/FEDEX, serviceable points system, quickly updated and wide selection, older stuff, and excellent customer service. I Unironically favor this site (when they're not overcharging that is. Get your Hasuki and Snail Shell from 5ktoys or something as NNG marks them up by $10+ or so.
>Do you know what a scam is?
sounds like a scam to me. stop defending shitty sites.
>durr they dont take your money so its not a scam!!!!!!
lol fuck off
Nah, the only potentially shitty thing they did was putting peoples private warehouses outside in the sun because they were so overfilled.
Bad news - that's not the future, that's the present. We ARE living in a dystopian world literally right now, and the exact scenario you're describing is fairly commonplace.
You mean for gig economy jobs like uber or delivering right? I was thinking more like even currently 'stable ' office jobs could turn into sliding entirely performance based pay
Nah, he's right, even for your more stable jobs they're starting to implement this kind of algorithm bullshit. It's not good.
That didn’t happen, been debunked
Where? Just for bonuses i assume, not base pay? Ive never seen a job where base pay varies by week or month
>I ordered a prisma wing gwendolyn figure last year that was supposed to release that november
>that can has been kicked down the road since last and I fully expect it to roll into a full year of not getting it
>I can buy it on HLJ right now but I already paid a ~40$ pre order fee for it

overall though, it's not a terrible service. Always a good spot to check if your usual source doesn't carry something in particular. I've got a few things from them that HLJ doesn't even list.
Wonder why you couldn't buy the Pulse Exclusive Classified Ferret? BBTS bought most of them, waited a while and now posted it on their site with a $30 markup.
I mean they are a business…
yeah everything is like marked up to cover their rolled in shipping.. especially imports
The Battletoads figures are frikken amazing, I hope factories use that same level of quality
So BBTS is having it's 25 year anniversary celebration. They're having a bunch of sales and exclusives. Will there be anything good?
I think its shaking out to be one exclusive reveal per day for 25 days?
I might have read it wrong
Don't you have a life, son?
Aren't their cats and dogs to rescue from the fire pits of Springfield?
Aren't their lonely ottomans, sectionals and love seats waiting on your love?
I mean, those crowd sizes won't get inflated or their small size defended if you're wasting your efforts stalking strangers on the Internet.
Still have yet to see evidence why 15 bucks for a Hasbro figure is a good sale

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