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y'all niggas here and also on reddit and in every other site slandered Bring Arts 2B for different reasons, reasons and issues that the latest 2B figures made by Buzzmod and SHF both STILL HAVE but even worse, yet you fucks do nothing but praise them.
Looking at both, first of all them have GIGANTIC heads, NECA April levels of awful
I've seen the anime, her head isn't as big because her body is proportionate to her round head, the proportions on both Buzzmod and SHF figures are atrocious
Next, the facesculpts on both figures are low quality as fuck, the paintjob is sloppy and the definition itself reminds me of Marvel Legends and even the latest Legends have better quality of definition, meanwhile both Bring arts figures have great headsculpts and well-defined facial expressions
the accessories, both Bring Arts gave you two dozens of accessories and weapons, both Buzzmod and SHF give you a few hands, some faceplates and a shitty base with a pod
and finally the ass-tech, both 1.0 and 2.0 Bring arts 2Bs have almost perfect ass-tech, meanwhile the SHF has a Marvel Legends-tier ass and the Buzzmod is ok, that's it
Not even going to go through the sculpt detail because both Bring arts destroy the SHF and Buzzmod in every single way starting with the feathers on her arms and ending with each accessory being superior to the latest 2Bs
the articulation is the same as the Bring arts figures, and everything else is worse, why do you fags hated Bring Arts for giving you something better than the garbage you love and defend so much?
>Yeah the SHF buzzmod have awful proportions less accessories and the arms look dislocated while you pose them and have giant heads and worse faces but you know what? it's alright!
fucking hypocrites
The PAK is better than all of them. Its time to stop coping.
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Indeed, I understand the hatred towards PAK and Square Enix but 2B is easily the best PAK ever made, and also mogs all the other 2B to oblivion
Bring arts is better than shf. It's just shffags brandwarring as always.
SHF is better than Bring arts. It's just BAfags brandwarring as always.
Imagine caring this much about some shitty gooktoon cumfig lmao
Sup Athena
I have the BA 2.0 and have no desire to get the others due to the dogshit anime proportions. At least the BA actually looks like her game model.

I was honestly tempted to get the PAK for A2.
i own A2 and she is a great figure. unfortunately she did not get great ass like 2B did.
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Yeah, the articulation and durability on the SHF and Buzzmod may be better, but between preferring the game design and the wealth of accessories the 2.0 comes with I haven't felt any need for the others. I'm vaguely interested in how the figma turns out since the head looks more proportionate, though considering the price and how bare bones it'll probably be by comparison to the Bring Arts I'll likely pass on it. I've got the Automata trio, but am playing Replicant now and wish I'd picked up some of those figures when they were cheaper.
Holy fuck every female figure needs to adopt this hip design going forward
I own the SHF and was more disappointed in the flat grandma ass than the giant noggin. She is good for choke raping 9S though.
I'm waiting for the Figma. The Bring Arts doesn't do anything for me. The PAK is vastly superior to the BA. I don't think the BA nails the face as well as the PAK, and it's not just because the PAK is a larger scale.
The one thing you failed to mention about the BA is that it is likely to self destruct long before any other 2B. Enjoy the U ending.
I only have the Bring Arts but it honestly does kinda suck. I just like the accessories, weapon packs and machine life form figures that go with it. The size, articulation and cum hair suck.
Nah Athena always says COOM
I just think making a whole ass thread for butthurt over a fig like this is ridiculous
The problem I have with the bring art is that it feels fucking frail
The SHF isn’t perfect but I don’t feel like I’m going to break it by moving her around
t. have 2p and the SHF
They all suck either way because she wears heels. That's anti-toyetic
Is there a comparison of the butts on all the different 2Bs?
Wrong! I no longer have my 20k+ karma reddit account because I wrote one comment criticizing israel on r/worldnews.
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SHF is fucking trash. Their Sora was so bad sqenix took back the license. Same with 2b and gave it to figma. Shfaggots have been seething non stop after that. I'm never going to by bandaitrash no matter how hard you faggots shill it here /spit
Holy based. Shit HF FiguSharts.
all the SHFags and Buzzmod ownerds don't have the BA that's why there are no comparisons between the figures yet
I've been playing with 2B 1.0 since the release, she's fine in every aspect, stay seething
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>Their Sora was so bad sqenix took back the license.
More like Square realized they were leaving money on the table running the KH3 Bring Arts line at the same time as the KH2 SHF line. The SHF Sora's the best KH2 Sora figure that exists. The Donald and Goofy that came after were so good Square didn't even bother making them in their standard looks for the Bring Arts line.
Bring Arts is just overpriced dogshit I will begrudgingly and reluctantly order. Simple as.
>buying bring arts unless you can't help it
No thanks.
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>webm features Denji but not his CSM form
...weird almost as if the CSM figure had no issues.
looks good I got him preorded for next year
glad you found a good one the 2nd time anon
I have no idea who buys Bring Arts.
>shit QC
>shit engineering
>stupidly overpriced
>translucent hair that looks cheap and disgusting
>minimal accessories that would make other companies' budget figures look loaded by comparison
Either you have no other choice because it's from an IP owned by Square that they guard religiously and won't let any better figure company get near, or you're a gormless paypiggy.
>>shit QC
like SHF?
>>shit engineering
Nice hip joints SHF
>>stupidly overpriced
nice $200 SHF Green Goblin
Nice Guts
>>translucent hair that looks cheap and disgusting
Nice moustache for Green Goblin
>>minimal accessories that would make other companies' budget figures look loaded by comparison
Your Green Goblin came with a base?
please say sike SHF/Figma faggot kek
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As someone who actually buys toys I can savely say that bring arts is better than shf in every way and only brandwarfags claim otherwise. Both lines have issues but god damn do they love to see the other way when it comes to shf but not figma or bring arts despite most figures being similary prized these days and still have more issues than figma and bring arts combined. Either way keep seething while we get more cool toys bandaidrones.
Unfortunately, I'm forced to buy Bring Arts if I want any FF14 figures, since the chances of Goodsmile or Bandai or even Aniplex producing any in my lifetime are basically nihil. Pray for me. I don't even have high hopes for the two figures, because best case scenario, they're still way overpriced and come with basically nothing (no extra faces in 2024, lol), but the least I can hope for is that they don't break on me like all Bring Arts seem to do for other people.
good luck, anon. bring arts is sadly still by far the worst of all lines and it isn't even close. it's like they're operating in the 1990s in terms of what they're offering but with triple the price tag
worse quality than jada, more on par with marvel legends, but with a price higher than buzzmod in many cases. i pity all ff fans. at least nier fans are kinda getting away with it because of the nier anime that led to buzzmod, figuarts and figma figures but ff fans? and fans of all other square properties? boned
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As someone who actually buys toys, I can safely say you're wrong. While I prefer the Bring Arts 2B to the SHF, the Bring Arts line as a whole has always been more overpriced and fragile than SHF and Figma. Their current FFVII releases are incredibly barebones compared to their earlier releases like Nier, DQ, and Kingdom Hearts while charging 12,000 JPY(more expensive than the average figma or P-Bandai Exclusive) for them because Square knows fans will pay. And that's without taking into account the NFT bullshit they tried to pull initially that jacked the prices up even further.
Now even 20 dollar jazwares toys seem to have interchangeable faces. It's fucking sinful for Bring Arts to have, AT BEST, one extra head. And not even that is guaranteed.
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>see picrel
>"wow, that's pretty sparse, that must be like a lite edition for maybe 45 dol-"
qu'est-ce que fuck
Unironically great figure. Shame you missed out.
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>he has screenshots of my posts saved
I'm touched, anon. How big is your collection of me?
If you wanna gobble up McFarlane-tier slop for a premium price, you be my guest. I won't stop you.
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Only one thats posting toys. Only opinion that matters.
Even without it, there's no real argument anyway.
Bring Arts are super expensive, come with absolutely nothing and have doleful engineering and articulation. The only thing they have going for them is shading, and even that looks pretty janky most of the time. Like >>11151565 said, Bring Arts are pretty much McFarlane tier, except for 80-120+ bucks a pop. The only reason they are bought is because they make figures of IPs neurotically hoarded by Square (because no one would buy their figures if other, better toy companies got those licenses).
hmmm let's see how shfs attempt at a big sword guy went
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ohnonono shfsisters???? Our response? Better shit up all other threads so nobody notices
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people who buy bandaislop are fucking retarded. Preordering this right now. Cope shftards
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They used to be at least somewhat defensible when they were around 7000JPY and came packed with stuff, but just like with the PAK line the prices just gradually exploded. It's worse with Bring Arts since they cut nearly all the accessories. Looking at all the stuff A2 came with and then seeing what Cloud comes with for 5K JPY more says it all.

>Shitposter-kun really thinks we missed the first 1000 times he spammed this all over the board and that a single person ITT is defending Guts
Crazy enough, two figures from two different companies can both be trash.
If he (you) didn't want to get called a faggot then why bring up anthonies reviews in the first place when the shf equivalent is even worse? Man you shills are irredeemably retarded.
post them with a message
Why would we "cope" because you waste money on trash? Wtf lol.
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>y-you can't just reply on topic if it doesn't fit the narrative
The absolute state of you clown. Unreal. You started it. Deal with the consequences shill.
SHF peaked in 2017/18 every one of their releases since then sucked, their Harley Quinn still mogs every single thing released by Bandai in the last 5 years
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Seriously these people are trying to just drag down all other lines by shitposting but in truth shf is the bottom of the barrel. There are barely any toys that don't have defects or INTENTIONAL design flaws. Get fucked shills.
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thats one way to cope with it but berserk figures are still worse and they had 2 fucking attempts
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Either way shftards are fucking retarded shills and all their toys suck so they spend all day shitposting but the moment you call them out they reeeeeeee like the retards they are.
The only right answer
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>Another one that's better than Cloud despite the godawful Bleach knees, 3000JPY cheaper, comes with 5 faces, and 2cm taller
Holy shit, you're literally proving my point for me.
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>proud a bout a 5/10 toy that has misscolored chest
point proven indeed
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>it’s a console wars thread
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>stop talking about toys
samefag harder lol
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Oh, no! Anyway. Still better figures than the MOST recognizable Final Fantasy character and one of the most iconic video game characters of all time. Still a line your precious Anthony won't touch while he continues eating up tasty, tasty SHFslop.

I usually do, but staying silent hasn't been discouraging him so fuck it. Dude is in virtually every popular thread stirring the pot.
You mean to tell me square enix has their own line of figures and they haven't released Geno and Mallow ones?
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crazy I know
Are legs not meant to pop off of ball joints
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k guess It's supposed to be shit if it's an shf
I know Play Arts Kai had a reputation for being pretty terrible, but I didn't know Bring Arts were even worse.
Squeenix only likes guaranteed money, especially if the target audience may be addicted enough to buy their NFTs.
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Wow. So you're telling me if you search for broken figures of a popular toy line...you'll find them? You've blown my mind, anon.
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never forgetti
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Our autistic friend went through reddit for hours and hours trying to find hamhand toy gore and broken Guts figures, please let him dump them. It’s part of his obsessive repetitive behaviours.
thread should have ended here. People below don't even own toys they are talking about
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>Our autistic friend went through reddit for hours and hours trying to find hamhand toy gore and broken Guts figures, please let him dump them. It’s part of his obsessive repetitive behaviours.
and samefag in the most pathetic and obvious way, imagine all the time he spends shitposting here, his parents must be proud.
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While I prefer the proportions of the game 2B by far, as well as the presence of an actual ass, the plastic quality on the SHF looks a lot better. Holy moly.
Something about that ugly translucent hair and dirty yellowed mushy skin that just doesn't seem right with me. 2B deserves better. Hopefully the Figma will be what we all want out of a 2B figure.
If I were a bit more competent I would try and part swap the butt onto the SHF. I think some japs made a mod for it as well.
Figma is the sacred cow of many collectors but the toyline itself sucks for more than $50 and that was their fair price, now they ask $90 for a shitty schoolgirl and over $300 for a Berserk figure, their quality has not improved since 2010 just look at Homelander, these fucks can't do anything besides random anime girl, they can't sculpt for shit can't distribute joints without making them pop out like tumors, awful undersized scale and awful character picks besides their heckin anime girls
Is that even possible? They seem so inherently different from each other, and even if you were to make it work, the skin tones would undoubtedly be off.
It's very much in the ballpark of third party replacement parts, though.
Figma has an occasional great figure, though.
Like that Skull Knight looks phenomenal (partially because they went full custom joints for it). Of course we'll have to see if it ends up as good as it looks, but I have faith.
There are others, but yeah, it can be a gamble.
But that's always the case. You gamble with almost every line, unfortunately.
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figma is pretty good though and does other stuff besides anime girls you dishonest retard
Last I checked, this guy's range was pretty limited and a lot of the hand rack plugs broke inside of the hands. Looks good, though. I've yet to unbox mine because I've such an ungodly backlog.
what a worthless opinion
Not an opinion, though. Based on pictures taken of the figure and videos watched.
the funny thing is that that knight cannot make that same bow
From experience the anime girls are usually the most reliable and guaranteed to be good whereas everything else can be hit or miss. Indiana Jones was ok but both Hasbro and Bandai's offering of him is vastly superior even though they came 5+ years after the fact. Goblin Slayer is good though mine had issues with the wrist breaking out of box so had to break out the spare immediately. And Doomguy was a massive letdown, joints that could not handle its size and proportions, shoulder cannon not being as articulate as it should be, ugly armpits and elbows being a different colour from the arms. I'd say it's the figma equivalent to SHF Guts.
>shoulder cannon not being as articulate as it should be
Remember that the cannon also broke 90% of the time.
>I'd say it's the figma equivalent to SHF Guts.
Worse t b h. But they're both pretty bad so at best it's about whether one is more shit than the other, which isn't really worth much.
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>the funny thing is that that knight cannot make that same bow
I thought it was going to be a picture of the knight doing the same bow.
But because he can't, it couldn't have been.
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Honestly, I wasn't trying to rag on Figma by posting that, but just showing how easy it is to find broken ones despite their QC being considered better on average than SHF or Bring Arts. Makes spamming broken toys pointless. Import prices in general are fucking nuts nowadays, though. SHF is just barely hanging in there staying under 10K JPY for the most part. I just take more offense at Bring Arts prices than other lines because every single one of their figures now is barebones for 12K. Figma put out this Thorfinn for the same price and even though I like Vinland Saga that was an easy pass as well.
Yeah, I get you. All lines have issues at times. Just take the Figma One Punch Man, Figma Jujutsu Kaisen, Figma Demon Slayer, SHF Berserk, SHF One Piece and even occasionally SHF Dragon Ball line as prime examples. Kaiyodo isn't spotless either, having a lot of floppy releases unfortunately, as well as questionable decisions and spotty QC at times. Usually, the more figures a company cranks out, the more bad apples there will be. Which makes sense because it's just a ratios thing. If you release 12 figures a year, there's a far smaller chance that there will be duds among them than if you release 30-40 a year.
>Figma put out this Thorfinn for the same price and even though I like Vinland Saga that was an easy pass as well.
You balk at that Thorfinn for that price (as do I), but at least he comes with 3 faces. More than any Bring Arts can say. They, at best, come with one extra head. If you're lucky.
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I disagree. Their tokusatsu figuarts are top tier stuff.
kek this summs it up pretty much
Figma really did win. I can see why the bandaispergs are seething so impotently.
An SHF is really not that big of a deal, getting worked up over one toy brand and preparing the same 5 pictures seems unhealthy.
>now they ask $90 for a shitty schoolgirl and over $300 for a Berserk figure,
Wut? Are you talking BBTS prices? Because I paid less than $170 roobucks for Skull Knight on horse, which is less than $120 burgerbux. Most Figmas are still under $100 burgers if you aren't retarded enough to buy from BBTS, though the price creep has been noticeable, especially on the JK schoolgirls, which I don't collect.
>Wut? Are you talking BBTS prices?
I think he's talking about God Hand, which are heavily overpriced.
Oh they are totally overpriced, but even at Amico, they aren't $300 burgerbux. The most expensive one is Void, and he's 33k yen if I remember right. That's why I'm saying the only way he could be getting those prices is from BBTS, and if you are buying Jap figures there, you are doing it wrong.
Yeah, idk. It might just be light hyperbole.
cuckstoms thinks its mid
thanks now i know its a good figure
The Bleach dudes? They're aight, but they all basically have the same "ok but not great" body scheme and engineering.
Anthonys Kenpachi had a really weirdly have shading job on the abs which I don't think all of them have, though.
Nice joke lmao. You guys don't even buy the figures you shill yourself because you know it's trash.
thanks for proving his point npc
I wouldn't either. SHF can't make faces. The plastic is weak and breaks all the time and the tech is behind every other line on top of ugly. Trash. Rumors has it they could lose the dragoball license because the toys suck so much. I'd lmao so hard if they did but wouldn't even be surprised since all shf get mogged hard by 3rd party toys already.
damn people pay money for this shit?
>Rumors has it they could lose the dragoball license because the toys suck so much.
Toriyama is dead. Shueisha don't give a fuck as long as they get money. Dragonball collectors aren't going to stop now due to sunk cost. If you are going to make up rumors, at least make them believable.
>doesn't know what he's talking about
wew you are retarded
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Don’t bother, it’s just the brandwarfag trolling. There’s some legal squabble over rights to the DB characters and Toriyama’s estate but I doubt it will effect the capitalism merch train we all love.
I got the Bring Arts trio + 2B 1.0 and my cope is that at least I got em for relatively cheap and they came with a ton of shit.
Planning on making a diorama stand like this super expensive statue so I can pose em together.
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yeah man I love broken toys!!! SHF so great!!!
Yeah, it's similar to how Peter Cushing's "friend" is suing Disney claiming that they didn't have the rights to use his likeness in Rogue One (vultures like a fresh carcass), but slightly more complicated. The real issue is Bandai are unsure who they need to talk to about signing off their contracts.
But brandwar faggot claiming they might lose the license because the toys suck is a complete lie.
I just had to tell him how to make fake rumors, because I've actually started one that has gotten legs, but brandwar schizo lacks the subtlety to pull that off.
Holy shit that face on luffy. SHF is just fucking disaster of a toyline. Glad I'm not getting scammed into buying this trash.
that's not the shf..
Hasbroke make ugly trash that fail, Bandai is kino
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SHF really dropped the ball hard. Every single toy is trash these days.
You got to find better pics. Ball pegs coming apart is the saddest "this toy sucks" examples you could pick. Idk where this obsession stems from but at least try to support what you're trying to say better.
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Yeah, more like this.
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what's really sad is how dogshit shf toys are these days
What's really sad is how some guys will call this junk their grail. Typical low standards.
You are trying way too hard. Thats actually a good figure unlike the actual trash that shf shat out and universally considered one of the best action toys of last year but keep seething lol. SHF can't even compete with bring arts.
>falls apart on you
>shitty ab and leg range
lol typical shill consoomer
no wonder figma is dead with slop eaters like this
>universally considered one of the best action toys of last year
Source: it came to me in a dream
You’re gonna make him cry
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Don't bother with shf trolls they've been seething over that figure before it even came out. SHF sucks and they know it
SHFaggots still seething right this moment
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>releases like 20 figures a year at most at insane prices
>still manages to release more sloppy duds than lines that release double that that shills try to bury like their lives depend on it
faith in figma has dropped off so hard that it's hard to even find video reviews of most recent releases. what a dead line
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>shfshills went from seething over bring arts to figma out of nowhere
>seething over neca in other thread as we speak
I will never buy shf. Toys seem shit and the shills are all mentally ill brandwarfags who just shit talk all other lines.
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oh look, he's poorly larping as a neutral bystander now. one of his first cope tactics
for his next trick he's going to go crying to his pet janny to get rid of the evil boogeyman exposing his rent free seethe campaign where he shits up multiple threads on a daily basis because uncle bandai lives in his shriveled grey matter for free
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They are all dishonest faggots and just shit up all threads. Don't bother engaging with these shills. They are too far gone. Just scroll up and see how that denjitard is coping when exposed to his own words.
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>transparent samefagging again
Really bringing out the heavy hitters, huh, obsessed seether.
You know what, SHFhater-kun? I could spend all day tussling with you, calling you out and embarrassing you while you samefag and call on your janny like the baby you are, but I'll leave you and this thread with a monologue instead, because slapfighting with you is not only boring (it's like fighting a toddler), but also a waste of my time, and honestly yours as well.
The big difference between you and I, and the rest of this board, that I've started to notice is that you don't give a single shit about figures. You don't like them, you're not excited about them, you aren't hopeful for them and have no figure wants. You sit here only to stir shit because you're obsessively angry about Bandai's existence while they continue to pump out more and more figures with each passing month, uncaring for how much you rage and shit your diapers about them.
I like figures. That means I like SHF, but I also like much more. I like Amazing Yamaguchi and Figma and occasionally buzzMOD as well. I'm dipping my toes into Jada in January of next year, too. I like figures, and I critique them where necessary. I called out the SHF Heat of Passion Guts for its sloppy arm joints and Figma Doom Slayer and Akaza for the ugly engineering, fragile cannon and all-around lack of quality. I've also complained about Amazing Yamaguchi Kirishima for unnecessarily making it so parts-swappy with a setup that is liable to break. I don't overlook flaws, but I also don't fixate and cherrypick them like crazy like you do, holding up every SHF that isn't a 10/10 as "a flop" while ignoring the scores of Figma that are overpriced, ugly, brittle or sloppily painted.
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The difference is that I like figures, while your entire identity revolves around hating them. The figures and figure lines are just a proxy to carry out your autistic shitstirring and war waging. There were years where my Figma orders heavily outnumbered my SHF orders, and vice versa. When Figma started to turn more to boring schoolgirl waifu donutsteel slop and vtuber stuff and the line began to peter out while the remaining releases all had garbage Marvel Legends ab crunches, I wasn't gleefully calling it all a flop. I was sad that one of the lines I enjoyed seemed to be death spiralling. It's also why I was really glad to see that they were finding their groove again in the recent exhibition. While you cry about SHF and SHF enjoyers, I will be ordering more SHF, and I will also be ordering any Figma that interest me. I am planning to pre-order the Figma 2b, Figma 9s and Figma Solid Snake 2.0 when they go up. Unlike you with SHF, I won't be hoping and praying that they'll be flops that fall apart, but that they'll be good figure I will enjoy owning. Because I like figures, and you don't. You just like being annoying, and thankfully people are starting to catch on to it and telling you off. I've said what I need to, and I hope that despite the pocket janny constantly doing your dirty work for you, the board continues to see you for what you are and will decisively tell you to fuck off whenever you pop up again to shitstir in threads you don't care about to fill the gaping void in your soul.
I know your defacto reply is gonna be some canned shit about
>"yawn shf shill seething"
and I don't mind that. The message isn't addressed to you, since your brain only runs on rudimentary programming. It's addressed to the people of /toy/ who are equally sick of you and your constant sad shitflinging attempts.
Figma is utter shit due to the price tag, for $60 they rocked, good quality, enough accessories and good characters, but they now ask $100 for a shitty D.va skin? $220 for Void? the guy is HOLLOW, no Casca reissue, still refuse to complete entire lines, they want that Gacha shit money at any cost, there's a reason why Figma reviews are literally extinct by now
Yeah, GSC/Max Factory can go nutty sometimes with prices. Especially for a lot of releases that end up pretty mediocre.
But they also have the occasional great figure. It's too soon to talk, but Skull Knight looks both amazing and the price isn't insane for what you get. Maybe he'll end up shitty in people's hands, but if he ends up as good as he looks in the promo pics, he'll be 10/10.
They've been chasing gacha and vtuber money a lot, but they're getting back into doing stuff people actually want, so hopefully they're improving.
Oh, and if the figure you want is done by FREEing, abandon all hope.
>SK looks good
yeah no, for $100 for a tiny figure I don't think so, and that's also my main problem with Bring Arts, there's a reason why SHF Green Goblin is one of the worst modern releases ever and it's because they want $100+ for a fucking 1/12 figure
Hasbro is able to give you a chunk of ABS and PVC for $50, the same materials that Figmoes, SHFs, Mafex and Bring Arts are made of, no fucking excuse
I dunno. I think 130 for Skull Knight and his horse and the fabric on both Skull Knight and the horse is pretty good.
now add shipping and fees bitch
Dismembered Makima hot...
Shf plastic actually mogs something? I didnt know BA plastic was THAT bad because a common complaint in the SHF thread is that Bandai uses cheap as shit soft translucent plastic that makes the faceplates all look terrible.
>Bandai uses cheap as shit soft translucent plastic that makes the faceplates all look terrible.
??? when lol
I only count the retail price of the product.
Meant to reply to (you) whoops.

They finally broke this curse and have good sculptors for their game figures like Samus, Fluted Armor and Cliffs white guy face. It absolutely is all fucking overpriced.
People barely posted this figure in the shf thread. I guess everyone just bought the kaiju and dont give a shit about her.
If you think SHF plastic is cheap looking, then Bring Arts and Play Arts (back when I got my MGR Raiden, at least) takes the cake. The skin looks weirdly oily, or yellowed, and the hair is a dirty translucent most of the time. Just very unappealing.
It's because they made the torso range of the human bodies stupidly limited. And yeah, also the main character has a cool design while all humans (in the anime right now) use the same basic grunt outfit.
Why would they seethe over Neca? Domestic toys should be utterly beneath any import collector to feel threatened by them. Of course with the current trajectory of Shf quality control they will be Neca Breaka levels of non durable goods in no time.
The ludicrous part is he is also one of the shf shills. He grifts both sides and absolutely doesnt give a shit about these figures just like you said. I dont understand what he is trying to acheive. That being said this endless brand wars drama has genuinely exposed Shfs numerous flaws so Im very selective about buying from them.
I dunno... I think gacha and vtumor cancer is what the market wants now. The days where they shat out seasonal slop figures was peak and their extended golden age but it must have been an unsustainable business model for them. It took them forever to do lycoris and the hypes basically gone by then. Seasonal anime is just too faddy and audiences forget about them quickly. Even Delicious Dungeon being a smash hit is no guarantee it will sell well so Figmas preemptively made them limited edition.
Ironically game figures have more audience retention so they have switched hard to doing them despite what that gamers dont buy toys retard (who is likely the same faggot who spams shf shill and hate posts) says.
Oh, I'm talking about the recent showings. They inspire some hope. I wanted to go for the Dungeon Meshi Figma cause I quite like the show, but they just didn't look good enough for me to warrant it.
You have to own it or see a close up to understand. Or better yet just look at a Figma face side by side with a Shf/Snail Shell/Revoltech.

I believe you, Im just amazed things could be worse than Bandais often bottom of the barrel faceplates. I was interested in the Kaiju soldier figures but I wouldnt be able to do any headswaps and ultimately the faceplates Bandai did for the blonde character I was most interested in just werent good enough.
Mental illness
I own plenty of SHF (and other lines) and I've never really felt the plastic felt consistently cheap or translucent or anything. The one example I can think of was selective with the new Gohan's shoulders or something.
I honestly like their gachaslop, the Kantai collections are some of their best looking anime girls to me and Nikke and GFL are both goldmines they arent capitalizing on enough. Its good to see they still do actual anime and have added actual game figures alongside the gacha offerings.
I really like Marcille but fuck those prices, Im not commited to buying them. They didnt include a retard face either which is a shame. Instead they continue to split out faceplate dlc for their new armed JK line. I do think Im about done with Figma. I still love their products but the value for what you pay for continues to plummet.
I'm gonna look to see how far they go with MGS. If they just do the MGS2 Snake "re-do" then I'll stop there.
But if they have more to offer, I'm going all in.
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This. Not even bothering with this mentally ill fag. SHF is just dead.
Its probably because I mostly buy anime girls. The crap plastic is only an issue for faceplates, the rest can be covered up by a nice matte coat. People underestimate just how hard it is to get female faces right; it has to be very clean to look good, Bandais translucent plastic just gives off the wrong complexion no matter how good any prints used are.
Male figures are less affected by this cause they are meant to have rougher skin anyways. I wouldn't notice SHF plastic quality being shit at all if I mostly bought Toku or Kinnikuman figures. L Those are peak Bandai.
So do you have an example? Just out of curiosity? I've definitely seen shiny faceplates, but translucent is something else.
Hideous Kojimbo ips clearly seems to be a favorite among them. Heres hoping they get more product made on the Konami side of things too. Whats with all these legendary Japanese corporations ditching their legacy anyways? Sony fired most of their Jp devs to larp as another gay retarded faggot Californian studio.
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I seriously doubt shffags even care about bring arts or even owned one. SHF is fucking shit so fucking kill yourselves lmao
Nobody but slopgobbling shills like bring sharts. Dead line
yeah shf is pretty dead line agree
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Fern was brought up a lot in the Shf thread when she was announced for her soft mushy face. She seems like a decent Shf release but just compare her to a Figma. Her features are way softer to the point where there is almost no definition and her face all blends together due to the soft plastic. When I say transparent I dont mean it literally is clear but the Figma clearly has much more opaque plastic which when combined with the harder plastic really helps the subtle sculpt pop out thus acheiving a far better bishoujo effect. Transparent human skin only works because we have pigments underneath a figure cant acheive this effect irl so you need to paint pigments on or at the very least use good flesh toned plastic that isnt transparent and soft like Bandai uses. With this kind of plastic you can only get away with depicting male shounen characters but it is still inferior.

Not my pic btw but I can take one of my own figures later.
So it's just about the finish. I can at least get that.
Because I've seen actually translucent plastic too, and I thought you were referring to that, and I don't recall ever seeing that on SHF faces.
As an aside, Fern's face just is pretty featureless. Bandai could've done better (especially with the finish), but at least the sculpt part of the mushiness seems accurate.
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Glad to see there's still some reasonable folks on /toy/. This place has become so miserable lately thanks to gimmick posters like him and others that I barely bother coming here anymore because it's actually sucking the fun out of the hobby.
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To be fair, Fern is a potatoface but I get what you're trying to say about the skin tone plastic
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Is this out of the running? It looks good to me. Maybe a little wide.
Seamless trash. If I am going to pay for a seamless Toobie, it will be a Real Doll.
Yeah they really went all in on her potato face. Couldnt be a more firting figure for it but sadly this issue is endemic to female Shfs as a whole. My Akira Yamato is not the perfect choco tomboy giga waifu I hoped for.
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Oddly enough the D Arts Noel uses transparent plastic for the hair which is painted. The soft plastic thing is also not exclusive to SHF, any Bandai character line is guilty of it. Glad to have a figure of Noel either way.
Its also not a tech issue, an old Figma will look just as crisp and sharp whilst arguably this D Arts is better than many modern Shfs faces I've seen.
Man this anti shf schizo shitposter makes me happy to primarily just be a plamo guy. Of course, it's only a matter of time before he realizes Bandai makes gunpla and starts shitting up those threads too.
The plamo threads should be safe. I'm pretty sure this all started because someone was shitposting in the Nendo thread and he's been absolutely mindbroken about SHF ever since.
If you use the search term "innocent nendo thread" in the archive it should put you on the right track to finding out his villain origin story.
Same. He might be a hater but he's still right looking at all these broken shf toys.
Funny how this is still the only posts that matters in the thread
How good is that Veronica figure? Im thinking it mogs any Shf attempt at Toriyama product. Incredibly based.
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Kinda funny, I’m in most of the nendo threads and there wasn’t ever any prolonged shf based shitposting, they’re just slow chill threads. Probably just one of the many excuses he keeps making for his insane shitposting campaign.
It's just his personal boogeyman. Mental illness.
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It’s crazy, it’s like he’s trying to perform for an audience and convince them everybody on the board agrees with him, with the samefagging as if most users here can’t immediately tell it’s him replying to himself like ‘yes I have also cancelled all my shf preorders they’re all slop’ ‘this is the only true post in this thread’ etc.
The repetitive nature of his replies and images make me think he’s an autist who has become hyperfocused/obsessed with this posting pattern.
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I mean it's you samefagging too and the nendo shit is your personal boogeyman. You already hot banned for it in the dbz thread. You have mental illness.
Not even your boogeyman just tired of your shit like everyone else esltard
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Don't bother with that faggot. He went from bring arts to figma to nendos. Just the board schizo dial8ing. He shits up other lines in hope people will come to the shf thread and shit it up too on purpose.
Hey fuck you pal, we're mentally ill about everything
>NECA April levels of awful
Kek I'm suprised you snuck that past the BREAKA shill always on patrol.
It will cost over 100 and have minimal accessories. It also may simply never come out.
FREEing figures are most of the time heavily overpriced, take ages to to be released and are mediocre most of the time, with no very few to no accessories.
God Hand was done by FREEing, Figma Akaza (garbage) was done by FREEing.
Based. Never buying shfslop though.
Those SHF Berserk figures are really bad though, anon, it's easy to see from reviews.
I mean, it's true, but don't go and instigate shit or you'll be just as bad as the dude.
Also it'd be cool if Figma got back into gear again. More options and more IPs getting good figures is a positive.
I prefer figma over shf any day. Shf QC is awful and I had to wait 3 months once for replacment parts. Why you guys are so obsessed with brandwarring despite having worse toys is beyond me.
I mean >>11151814
>Figmanon jumps to defend his company 24/7
say it ain't so figmafags, say it ain't so
you could have just said you have a hateboner for figma and left the thread. Not like you can think rationally about it. This photo wouldn't exist if it wasn't true >>11151814
>brandwarfag having a schizo moment again
>(You) fall for the bait
The way I see it, SHF is very wild and variable depending on the team handling the figure. Sometimes they will turn a figure into an extreme over-engineered mess like Guts. Some teams will do well and keep it mostly standard with some niche changes depending on the figure design.

Figma is mostly a case where you know what you're getting. Unless the design is very out there, they are very consistent in how they implement humanoid figures and won't often give you surprises (barring the design).
They’re both pretty good to me, but I think if Goodsmile didn’t offer bonuses for preordering, I wouldn’t. There’s too much QC gambling when it comes to either company for me, figma paint’s been getting really sloppy and SHF run the risk of really random engineering choices.
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SHF are just not worth buying anymore. Sorry but it's the truth. They just know npcs will gobble up low quality shit no matter how bad it is. Be my guest if you want to get taken advantage off like that but I'm not giving them a penny for this garbage.
I don't see a single break there.
Just the guy taking the picture pulling the figure apart.
I can do that with any figure.
>he actually bought the figure just to try and impress the shf thread with how right he was
>didn’t even ‘break’ it at the correct place where the weakness is
I think you'd want to break it at the arm/shoulder because that's where the real flaws on that release are. This is just popping pieces off joints...
And yeah buying a figure you don't like from a company you don't like just to post an epic image of you pulling the figure apart on an imageboard is pretty schizo.
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funny how people who own it hate it but people who don't shill it
>Reddit frog
>figmacuck bought a figure to "own" the company inside his mind
mental illness
this mindbroke the shfshills lol
i just can't fathom buying an expensive figure just to pull it apart on purpose in an autistic crusade against a brand i hate and posting a picture of it on an imageboard then pretending this makes me look anything but silly
I doubt this schizo owns figma. Hes never posted a single figma.
That must be the worst figure ever made.
Hey, atleast it isn't SHF Cell saga Yamcha.
I unironically own all 3 and anyone saying the bring arts needs to be shot
I have problems with shf, play arts, and figma but all of them have good figures in their line up.
What's this? A rational take on my Mongolian basket weaving forum full of seethe?
I dunno what play arts are like nowadays (not my scale of choice), but bring arts are honestly beyond the pale with their asking price for how little you get and how mediocre it is when you get it.
The rest? SHF, Figma, Revoltech, even buzzMOD and Mafex? Absolutely fine. They have their good releases and they have their duds. As well as a bunch of just middle of the pack releases.
Which one is the cheapest?

t. poorfag that just watched the anime and think a figure would be cool to have
Deluxe 2B bootleg or the SHF, probably. I’d wait to see what figma has to offer, though.
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The SHF is the cheapest.
But like >>11161400 said, I'd wait for the Figma to release. It'll undoubtedly be a bit more expensive, but it should be good.
The buzzMOD's also alright from what I can tell, but they're really hard to get for a reasonable price if you didn't pre-order them to begin with... and this is by buzzMOD standards, where the regular retail price is already like 100-120 dollars.
I would say the SHF is perfectly fine if you don't care so much about the ass meme. It has a pretty meh ass which would detract if you DO care about that, aaand its head is a bit big, courtesy of all the non-Square Nier figures being based on the anime style and not the game (Square hoards their licenses like a mad pitbull unless they have no other choice, like in the case of the anime, where they have to share control over the property at least partially with the studio).
The Figma's head might also be too big, but it looks kinda fine? I feel like GSC definitely was trying to do their best to have sort of a halfway going to the best of their abilities.

tl;dr: figuarts is a good cheap option if you don't mind the head size and lack of engineering that considers the love people have for 2b's ass. Otherwise, consider waiting for the figma.
Thing is the playarts and bringarts reference the ingame model whereas the SHF, buzzMOD and Figma reference the anime current anime model that's why they all have those weird anime proportions
Yeah, you're right, and I outlined that in my post.
Nier belongs to Square, and Square monopolizes their IPs like rabid animals. They just can't do that for the anime, since the anime is produced by a studio unaffiliated with Square, so the designs for those aren't something Square can clamp down on and demand that only they get to make merch of. It's probably a begrudging concession they had to make in order for the anime to exist in the first place.
So yeah, all non-Square figure companies have to abide by the anime designs rather than the game ones. But the Figma seems a little more proportionate than the buzzMOD and Figuarts, so GSC/MF is probably trying to kind of meet the fans in the middle as much as they can get away with.
I can't wait to see the announced A2 figma aswell
Absolutely same. Pretty hyped for it.
>Square being greedy ruins everything once more
Still funny they couldn’t get anybody outside the unreachably insane fans to care about their NFTs.
Is that the Figma prototype? I like that stand for the Pod more than the others which are just sticks on a base
Yeah. that's the Figma prototype. If it works anything like stands of that type I've seen before, there's a circular clip at the base that clamps around the base of the main stand.
Don't bother with shf. It's irredeemable trash and the shills are shit eating retards
The SHF is good. Go back to being dumb somewhere else.
lol lmao shill pls even the bring arts is better. Remember to never believe anything these braindamaged bandai shills say.
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Anyway, the SHF is good if you don't care too much about the ass tech. Just ignore the aspie. If you care about the ass tech, wait to see how Figma does it.
If you've really got the money to throw away, you could look into the buzzMOD, but my suggestion if the SHF won't do it for you is really just to wait for the Figma instead.
C’mon, don’t give brandwar-kun (You)s.
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No it sucks and is absolute toy gore. SHF shills call anybody who doesn't like this trash brandwar lol. Fucking pathetic shills
This. I got the SHF and it's pretty good, albeit accurate to the anime design which you either like or don't like. I'll be checking out the Figma to see if it'll add anything new to table, but if not, I'll just stick to my SHF. Definitely getting the A2, though.
This. I got the SHF and it's pretty shit, albeit inaccurate to the anime design which you either like or don't like. I'll be checking out the Figma to see if it'll add anything new to table, but if not, I'll just thow away my SHF. Definitely getting the A2, though.
i've actually been thinking of getting the shf since it's a pretty good deal and i don't wanna chase down the buzzmod. right now checking to see if just getting the shf is fine or if the figma comes with more goodies to make investing in that worth it
Question here: doesn't 2b have two swords? And they're floating on her back with these like magical rings? How come the Figuarts, buzzMOD (and seemingly so far the Figma) don't have that? Because the anime doesn't feature it, or wha?
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SHFaggots have been the laughing stock in the coomer thread ever since this came out. This guy balantly samefagging is hilarious. Nobody in their right mind would ever buy this trash.
Go to sleep brat
Unironically he just gets ignored in there cause he only ever spergs about SHF anyway
>those feet
god bandai sucks at toys so hard. My guess is that people defend it ironically. Like actually pretending to be retarded to attract redditors or something.
>Because the anime doesn't feature it, or wha?
Yep. They only carry one weapon at a time in the anime and 2B didn't use the larger sword at all until the second to last episode of season 1 I think. Unlike the game, you rarely see their undrawn swords floating behind them.
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>The Figma's head might also be too big, but it looks kinda fine?
ffs it's based on the anime.
>ffs it's based on the anime.
Probably literally the only reason we're getting anything that isn't from SquareEnix's lines. I'm convinced this is some kind of licensing loophole.
It is. The anime isn't made by Square, so that means the anime studio at least partially owns the designs made for the anime adaptation.
Which is why Square can't enforce their usual "NO IT'S MINE ONLY I CAN MAKE MERCH OF IT" mentality.
>it's based on the anime.
>let's release a 2b based on her shittiest appearance!
>Three times!
that alone makes both Bring Arts superior to whatever shit they release based on that turd of anime design, which is an insult to toobee
We'll have to wait for figma to see for sure but bring arts is definitely better than that horrible shf
What do you want them to do?
They can't actually do anything with video game 2b because those designs are owned and squatted on by Square. The anime designs are a loophole because Square can't autistically monopolize a product that isn't entirely their own (the anime, produced by a non-Square studio).
It's the best you'll get.
Weird how all you can do is cry about accuracy just make your own were in the cyber revolution and can simple 3D print it out.
I don't think thats how it works. It's still licensed. The anime studio shouldn't have any say about toys whatsoever unless they actually own the whole IP.
The anime owns (or at least partially owns) the anime designs for the characters, I think.
Which is why figure companies can use the anime designs, but not the game designs.
Thats what I'll do if they fuck up the figma ass but honestly I doubt I'll even have to since I can just swap in aquas parts lmaoooo
I have the Buzzmod. It's really well done. I'll probably get the shf if it drops in price too but I'm in no rush. Maybe the Figma too but that will be a year or so from now.
Does the buzzmod allow you to have her in just the leotard without the skirt?
No play arts/bring arts thread so I'm asking here. Did the rerelease fix the hips on the cloud bring arts figure? I've heard that it did.
Dunno but you could file them a bit down and it got full range out the legs. The hips weren't really a problem.
Oh I just checked and they did fix it apperently. Guess I'm ordering a 2nd cloud.
>play arts
with how much vitriol the line gets and Squeenix in general I would think unofficial releases would get shilled more here.
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Apologies, I'm the anon who usually makes the Bring/Play/Adorable Arts thread, was supposed to make a new one this end of the month for Red XIII's Bring Arts release but sadly he was postponed to November, Yuffie Bring Arts is still scheduled for next month so if no sudden change happens with her release date, I will make a new thread when a box pic of her figure gets posted by Hobbysearch

As for your question, yes, no more popping of the legs with the rerelease due to increasing the hip joint by 2cm ish


Personally my copy hasn't popped out yet(knocks on wood) so I am content with it, also for me, I prefer lesser gap between the legs and the hips

Might as well post and address it here, I told an anon in the last thread(https://archived.moe/toy/thread/11057426/#q11074238) that the SOLDIER belt buckle is probs a floating piece, I just got Bring Arts Sephiroth recently and unfortunately, it is not adjustable, idk if its glued or not, thankfully mine is ok, not exactly perfect centered, but it is within the acceptable range, I saw some copies and it was way worse


Different anon it does but there’s a ribbon on her body that I don’t think you take off.
Literally just got mine and yeah the legs don't pop off. It's my first bring arts and based off some reviews and posts from here i assumed it would be worse but i like it, not amazing but still good. I do have to heat it up since the shoulders are stiff as fuck though.
lol cute photo.

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