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Would you reconsider LEGO if they dropped their faggy anti-violence policy and made kits of F22's and Abrams tanks and shit?
No, not after they made that faggot pride set and the faggot fashion reality show set. All my money will go to bootlego if I decide to start collecting again.
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Its too fucking late for Lego to enter the market why wouldn't you just collect Cobi and bootlego at this point. They have way more experience making military sets and will always be cheaper.
Any decent bootlego brands? I got those power ranger sets from Ollie’s and those things were a bitch to put together with some pieces being far too loose and many more needing the force of God to go together.
I would consider going back if they dropped their ESG shit, went back to their old plastic formulas, brought back alt-builds on the back for every set and put licenses on the backburner.

So, never.
who cares I can just make my own tank that’s the fucking point of Lego
Why are eurotrash such bleeding heart pacifistic pussies?
>another ESG schizo
I want them to be consistent, that they ban all violence and miliary vehicles or not.
They brag how ant-war they are but make sets including literal nazis in Indiana Jones sets, they add guns in capeshit sets, and promote animal cruelty in Harry Potter and other.
> but make sets including literal nazis in Indiana Jones sets

Damn I didn’t know Lego was that based.
>signing your posts
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Sluban, QuanGuan, Sembo, Kazi
Other brick companies already picked that one up. Lego would have to deliver something to compete with their prices which they will never do. Better keep pumping out SW shit that sells on license alone and make bank.
>weapons everywhere
>largest police force imaginable
You type like you're underage.
cry more
I reconsidered Lego because they started making Sonic. That's literally all they had to do.
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Why would I want to build real things when i want to make my own things?
Lego's whole thing is building with bricks. You could make your own tanks.
Army stuff is the easiest way to tell apart real Lego from fakes so it’s never going to happen just buy the fake stuff it’s cheaper anyways
And here we see the licenseslopper in its natural environment. Never mind that Sonic hasn't been good for over two decades, he sees BRAND™ and he slurps it right up.
Sonic Mania was good tho
There are hundreds of chinablox sets of that stuff though?

Mental illness
They killed millions...
To save some bankers' bottom lines.
>made kits
You can just buy parts and build one yourself
Yes, faggots are the incarnation of mental illness.
No fuck those euros, would rather give my money to one of Xi's knockoffs
I would probably never buy lego ever again in my life unless I get kids. I got that bonsai and it looks cool but gathers sooooooooooo much dust and is soooooooooooo annying to clean. Just no man.
Historical war >>>> modern war.
There are countless perfectly serviceable comparable brands at prices that aren't blatant price gouging. Lego is still operating under the assumption that they're the only player in the game when more and more people jump ship for other brands that don't openly spit in their customers' faces.
Didn’t stop them with Fortnite and Overwatch.
I don't need official sets to build tanks, troops, etc. I've seen tons of functional lego war machine showcases on youtube too. You know you're supposed to get creative with lego, right?
Also the implication that medieval warfare isn't 'realistic' is pretty funny
I used to have a giant tub of legos, lots of classic sets like dragon castle and early HP. Now I couldn't buy back into the hobby.
Wish I’d have seen this when it was $11.
>modern warfare
gay as fuck
I would if they stopped being zippertit enthusiasts.
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Props to Lego Indiana Jones for the videogame giving the nazi minifigs blonde hair and blue eyes
Gotta make sure children know who the bad guys are.
The only form of play is murder.
>No, not after they made that faggot pride set
yep. used to buy lego star wars. after this I just went nahh fuck you and stopped entirely. I hope I have a kid one day to enjoy my old legos because I just can't anymore. star wars is shit no and that's all I see. the new lego game was shit too. its all just shit and ruined
>fashion reality show set
I know the fag pride one, but what is this one?
Hopefully by the time you have a kid you’re less immature and easily assblasted. Crying that Lego is all shit and ruined because there’s some modern crap you don’t like is pathetic.
No amount of seething is getting me to spend money on the homo bricks, sorry.
>just consume product
Just buy shit you actually want or get it secondhand, seething over parts of a product you don’t like or have to buy and stamping your feet over it saying it’s all ruined is big baby behaviour.

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