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Whats the use of feeling..whats the use of feeling blue?
Somebody find wherever Dobson has been hiding, he'll want this.
>depicts her fully swollen
This really sounds like how those turbobautists who love this kind of thing on deviantart type. Like the Foreverial Tiedup Delitized type.
Super 7 knoes who they're catering to...

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Why the fucking blue bear fursona? I never got that
AnnaSophia Robb version when?
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I’m surprised it took them long to make a Violet figure besides a shity funko pop.
He used to do an idealized version of himself but people made fun of him for it.
This is utterly retarded
Oh. Uh oh.
But why isn't it screen accurate?
would be funny if you squeezed it it would make blueberry fart noises
imagine the smell
Rotten fruit with a hint of sweaty ass
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