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Previous Thread: >>11126674

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 21st)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 28th)
-Gundam Mk-Ⅱ (A.E.U.G.) ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)
-IB-C03: HAL 826/Handler Walter (Nov. 2024)
-Strike Noir ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Nov. 2024)
-GM II EFF Type ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 2024)
-Grendizer (Dec. 2024)
-Voltes V (Feb. 2025)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline Sept. 29th
-Metal魂 Zi-Apollo (Jan. 2025)
-GM Sniper Custom, Jaburo Defence Force ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jan. 2025)
►Order Deadline TBA
-Metal魂 Ka Signature Nu Gundam MP Type, Fin Funnel Equipped (Mar. 2025)

Bandai's official RD page with images and release dates:

There's also this rad RX-78 with G-Armor set, absolutely love the tampos. Unfortunately, it's an event lottery exclusive.

>new effect parts for a lottery
that’s honestly really fucking lame
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Awesome haul, grats!

>I ordered a New Zeus, I will blame you for my poor financial decision
Actually! I've noticed that Joytoy's larger mechs tend to skyrocket in price once they're out of production, so you actually SAVED money by purchasing now! A brilliant financial decision, haha.

>I now have a DYRL cannon fodder and found a 1J cannon fodder.
Wasn't the 1J cannon fodder a limited release too? Either way, nice find! How're you liking your 1A cannon fodder? I stuck my brownie into the armored parts as Hikaru's 1J is too pretty to cover up; man he's really blindingly white here, haha.

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The price jump is a bit much for me, I mean that's literally Metal Build pricing! MP Nu is a great figure; large (for an RD), fully painted, diecast frame, but you can literally grab MB Laevatein on Amazon for the same price right now. Granted, it's exclusive vs retail release (tho Laevatein was an exclusive overseas!) and it's Amazon, but still, that is a seriously hefty price jump. The Hi-Nu parts are really cool, though...

>At least we have an idea of what the inevitable standard Nu MRD’s gonna cost, still not sure why it suddenly costs so much more than the first release did.
We already got the MRD Double Fin Funnel Nu though, and that was just $165. It'll be really baffling if they do a standard MRD Nu with the same $70 price jump.
Brownies are great but I'm real tempted to put the movie head on the TV body for best of both worlds situation. I like the visor head but hate DYRL marshmallow man pilots.

That said, both, and I'm sure the brownie 1J will be like this too, have a case of iconic Yamcadia fractured shoulder, and since the TV Brownie 1A is over 15 years old I'm trying to avoid to committing shoulder surgery on it, especially when Shapeways shuttered a while ago making it a bit of a clusterfuck to source replacement parts right now.
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Oh holy shit, I don't see a crack in the cannon fodder 1J's shoulder assembly.
Let's fucking gooooo!
Wait, party over, one of the neck hinges has the crack instead.
Which isn't the worst ever, but fuck these pinned hinges suck and I can't believe Yamato/Arcadia were OK with them.
>man he's really blindingly white here, haha.
That is something that bugs me about toys now, pure white just does not look good, it feels way too clean. I like a little light grey mixed in there even if the mecha appeared white in a anime.
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Knowing Bandai, they will probably release a HWS Nu Gundam Ka Signature for a huge price. You could only get a Ka Signature AEUG Gundam MK-II if you bought it paired with either Full Armor or G-defensor parts. They only sold the Titans MK-II by itself, thru P-Bandai.

I would have prefered a Ka Sig Re-GZ over this MP Nu repop. We have never had a proper Re-GZ robot Damashii.
Just a strange situation all around, with the price hikes I was expecting 20k but 24k is just absurd. Does not bode well for any future large Ka Sig MRD releases (cough EX-S rerelease cough). Still probably going to get this guy as an MP Nu fan, my original copy had some funky joint tolerances so all the more reason to double dip. Don’t expect too much to come out in the coming months, the only MRD that we know is coming at some point is the Age-2 Dark Hound, and that was teased like 6 months ago.
There's a functional rationale for bright colors on aircraft, from what I've gleaned off the internet. While civilian aircraft do it for such reasons as reflecting more light and reducing the environmental control systems burden as well as visibility where company livery isn't concerned, military aircraft are apparently primed with a rather bright primer that, by its nature of being so bright, is quite handy for exposing surface defects that may have until that point escaped notice, stuff like cracks or corrosion on the skin of the plane that would be nice to catch right before stuff gets riveted down and the topcoat of visibility-muddling gray is applied. Apparently landing gear wells are painted white for a similar maintenance eyeballing rationale, and I'd believe it if someone said you could quickly tell there's a fluid leak or some component is scraping where it shouldn't off of a thin layer of titanium-white.
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If have the double fin funnel Nu and have an even harder time justifying it. Unless they're hiding features I'm not aware of there's literally no reason for it to be priced that high.
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Aw man, sorry to hear about the neck hinge, but definitely way better than shoulder cracks and hey, at least the canopy tint is in good condition!
>TV Brownie 1A is over 15 years old
Hard to believe it's been that long! I have the 30th Anniversary brownie but that guy is over 12 years old now. Even my Arcadia VF-1J is approaching 10 years old!

I can still appreciate bright white, but I agree that a touch of grey can be quite awesome. I think the balance Bandai used for their DX Chogokin VF-1s was just right. Maybe a bit too grey for the Hi-Metal Rs, but I don't hate it and it does give a bit more military low-vis vibe (ignoring the bright color stripes, haha). I also hope that adding a grey tint helps avoid yellowing (or at least makes it less noticeable); one of my favorite valks is a Yamato Roy TV VF-1S, but it's starting to yellow and it's very obvious against the bright white body.
Well at any rate it's a full set of mass production Valkyries, so I can't complain.
Though, one of the underside fins on the TV1A is loose and prone to drooping a bit, but not as badly when the landing gear doors are deployed on it which is the weirdest kind of quality defect I've seen on this toy.
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Can't blame ya, getting the MP Nu as a figure in the first place, much less a second variant release, is already pretty surprising. Will be expecting you to take a lot of pictures, particularly with the Hi-Nu style parts attached!
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Agreed! I was wondering if there were a bunch of effect parts that they just forgot to list in the product description, heh.
It wasn't until this toy came out that I realized this version of the Nu has its funnels arranged in the shape of an "N"
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Effect parts shouldn't cost nearly 10,000 yen more. It's greed and katoki hubris, nothing more. And it looks even worse when you compare the price against the recently announced reissue of the CSS Evangelion.
Bandai really just coasts off their licenses when it comes to their high end toys, they simply don’t offer an equivalent value to these smaller companies like CCS, Moshow, and Threezero. They know they don’t have to, they just have to refuse to license gundam out. Even Sentinel, who used to be made fun of years ago here for being so outrageously expensive is still giving you more for your money than Bandai in paint quality and engineering these days.
How bad is the yellowing?
I've been trying to tell myself not to get that one weathered DYRL Roy that Mandarake has in stock because of how unfathomably cursed old Roy Yammies are, but I derped into buying the weathered version of the DYRL super parts and while the parts aren't as obviously weathered as what Yamato did on their figures it feels wrong not having a weathered version fighter to pair off with the weathered parts. If yellowing is a big problem that might save me from doing something incredibly stupid.
the price hikes are ridiculous, can't wait to see the new MB Zeta going for 60k yen as a barebones release
For sure they're going to charge another $250 for the hyper mega launcher DLC. It's bullshit like this that makes me want to go back to gunpla.
>. It's bullshit like this that makes me want to go back to gunpla.
I actually went back to gunpla because of these ridiculous prices funny enough.
I dream of MB IBO...
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Metal Build Dynames Saga review:

How much more durable are robot spirits figures than HG model kits?
looks very tacticool
Pre-assembled figures will always be more durable than a model kit by their nature, but any thin pieces are just as easily breakable (although Robot Spirits does frequently give you spares for stuff like V-fins). I still wouldn’t manhandle them, they are still a collector-oriented line, if you want a solid desk toy you can throw across the room Gundam Universe is a better bet.
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Definitely stands on it's own, but MB prices are just too high for me to justify a 3rd Dynames. If I'd missed The Repair III I'd probably grab this.
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>>Definitely stands on it's own, but MB prices are just too high for me to justify a 3rd Dynames
>buys the MB astray frame 4 fucking times (red kai, blue 2nd l, gold, hana), 5 if you include a chink bootleg 1/60 retool
Get on my level of brain damage. Not as bad as the one fmp guy but it's pretty bad.
That thing is based on the gold frame? Interesting
And yeah the guy with the MB Gernsbacks army is terminally insane
Yeah. I posted about it when I got it a years ago. The whole thing is basically an astray with chink shit all over it. It was surprisingly sturdy.
Well I bought two GN Arms so I've got some insane level of retardation going on. Maybe I should have gotten a third and the Dynames Saga for some stupid fucking triple GN Arms Type D setup.
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Look my only regret with the Gernsback army is I got in after their production run, if I was following FMP when they were getting MBs I'd probably have gotten a far better deal.

That the yen has been so weak to the dollar for the past few years is bailing me out on a lot of fiscally irresponsible decisions.
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Form-ism Weltall went up for preorder it seems. Still no real info even of what is metal in it, it’s bigger and better detailed but the price tag is also much bigger. I preordered it because I’m stupid for xenogears but it’s probably an easy pass for most, I think you can still get the bring arts weltall for retail.
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It's not too bad, it's almost entirely on the lower leg pictured here and a bit on the tail fins.
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From a different angle to show that it's not the shadow from the wing.

Full disclosure, though! I had this valk on a shelf in a room that got sunlight, but there was not direct sunlight on the valk. It was on the shelf for several years, with periodic dusting and whooshing missions. Nonetheless, it's just the side facing outwards that yellowed; the leg on the opposite side is still fine. So it's definitely due to the sun and you may be able to prevent the issue if you're careful.

Still though, I had both the 1/48 Low-Vis and the Arcadia VF-1J on the same shelf and neither show any signs of yellowing. For the VF-1J, Arcadia's white plastic has a very slight pinkish hue to it, so I wonder if that helped prevent it from yellowing like the Yamato with it's pure, vibrant white.
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For some serious yellowing action, however, check out poor Unicorn Girl. Had her in a storage bin that had zero sunlight whatsoever, but now her armor parts have pretty uniformly yellowed. Banshee Girl was in the same bin and obviously was unaffected, though she definitely appears to be annoyed at having spent so much time in the bin, haha.

Looks great! I'm not the biggest Hi-Zack fan, but may have to pick a couple up.
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Curiously, my unopened Awakening Unicorn Girl is still perfectly fine. Was it something in the storage bin that perhaps caused the yellowing? Or was there a change made to the plastic for the Awakening ver.?

Huh, never noticed that either!

I got in on the original preorder, but regrettably I only ordered one. Why didn't I order two! I can't understand what past-me was thinking, haha.
it seems the whole yellowing plastic happens randomly
I head you can sorta reverse it with some shampoo or something
I should check mine for any yellowing. I havent opened that box in years.
You're supposed to use a peroxide based solution of some sort to bleach the surface, if you're trying to retrobrite it.
I unironically dig the yellowed vibe. Gives me that late 80s to late 90s tech vibe
it really gives a retro vibe
Fuck you anon I needed excuses not to buy it!
What announcements are y'all hoping for from this years Tamashii nations?
Me personally
>MRD Hyzenthley II
>Freedom Gundam Ver A.N.I.M.E
>Astray Red Frame Ver A.N.I.M.E
>HMR YF-19
>HMR YF-21
>HMR VF-22
Calamity, Forbidden, and Raider Gundams. Followed by Blu Duel and Verde Buster.
>HMR YF-19
>HMR YF-21
>HMR VF-22
I've been trying to temper my expectations but yeah these as well as an update on the VF-11MAXL and VF-17T, the only Macross shit in the HMR pipeline right now is the VF-4 reissue next month and the Sound Booster next February so I hope there's a decent amount of announcements for next year. I'd like to think the YF-19 and VF-19F/19S are guaranteed if nothing else and possibly grunt versions of the 0A, 0D & 0S with Reactive Armor. Also speaking of the VF-4 the box art got posted the other day, it's out on Oct 30th.
Non transforming Zeta though.
HMR tomahawk
HMR phalanx
SOC koryuoh
RD tv evangelions
>Non transforming Zeta though.
After the Aegis I am scared what they'll attempt
>RD tv evangelions
man I would kill for a modern Eva-02 based on the EoE design.
Might have to settle for the yamaguchi as old as that is.
Asshimar Ver A.N.I.M.E
Gaplant Ver A.N.I.M.E
Ka Signature ZII
Ka Signature GP01Fb
DXC vf11
Holy crap that price tag is brutal. I'd like to ditch my bring arts weltal for this but that might still be too steep for me.
More MSV RD Ka Sig!
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I saw her being in stock at HLJ and Ami.
Is the release nigh?
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Walter is looking neat too.
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Sept 28th!
Good lord thanks for that release date, my wallet can't take it anymore this month because of my own retardation. Still kinda bummed she doesn't come with any effect parts.
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I found some gashapon machines at a local mall and they had some Gundam figures in there. I've never built one before but these guys looked cool so I got one.

I'm having some trouble though getting the arms to go in the sockets. The pieces are very small but I was wondering if there was any tools you guys would reccomend to help me out. I tried tweezers but they can't really grip the join very well to shove into the socket.

Almost done with him, I don't know if this is an older series or what though.
Heat the socket up and jam the joint in.
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Does everyone remember their first toy purchased as an adult? I just got this unit 02 and it reminded me of the original RD 01 I bought that started it all however many 10+ years ago. I'm determined to go find it in storage once off work.
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The MB 01 and 02 I think, I started buying figures in 2018 and toys followed shortly after. I wish toys of TV 02 were still made, really hate the rebuilds design. I liked MB 02 so much that I bought both versions. Hope I can get the original release of 01 for a reasonable price someday.
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I was still a teenager, but my first "not kid" purchase was the Extended MSIA Wing Gundam Zero Custom, which I still have somewhere but haven't messed with it in years. As an adult I got into Gunpla, but my first non-model kit figure was PAK Dissidia Gabranth.
The RD hardpoint zaku. I bought it thinking I’ll just buy 1 zaku for something to have on the desk and it spiraled into a 13 year problem…
My first expensive figure that got me into this was the HMR VF-4G.
Before I had only collected gunpla, but I loved Macross too and those figures were always out of my reach due to the price point.
After that first purchase it became easier to justify the $250 price point of MBs and DX figures which had seemed exorbitant to me before.
Yep, Revoltech Layton.
Still blows my mind that Layton of all things got a figure.
In a box somewhere too
I had a nightmare were ducks and geese took all my MBs from the shelves and were damaging them with their beak
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Yamato's 1/24 Patlabor Ingram 'Alphonse' Unit-01.
Due to a fluke mess-up on Previews!/Diamond's part with their invoicing, got it for very cheap; saved money let me put it towards the Unit-02 I was not planning to get because of the costs these went for originally. Things snowballed from there, but the Ingrams made me a choosy bastard from the start.

Love them, but I need to replace the pleather sections on my Unit-01; likely needs a repaint as well hahaha! Forever regret from not stocking up up on the HLJ sales where they were trying to clear out the Unit-01s and CLATs for 10,000 Yen or under.

Been almost a year since I've had them out on display, need to bring them out this weekend. Thanks for the reminder anon!

Old pic of Unit -02 because I can't find my pics folder for these ones.
My first must have been SoC Shin Mazinger. Sold it off once I got SRC Mazinger though.
Well, strictly speaking college me somehow had enough pocket change to buy a Revoltech Muv Luv Total Eclipse Su37UB back when it was new.

It didn't have as much an impact on me as other purchases made like a decade later, buuut those initial first steps with Muv Luv's revoltech offerings (and the old Volks A3 figures of the Strike Eagle and Tomcat) did plant the seeds of something. At the least, those A3s introduced me to the wonderful world of Mandarake, which has been the primary enabler of my catching up with the decade or so of mecha figure bullshit I slept on because it just wasn't on my radar at the time (look, my primary money burning hobby is card games, please understand I spent more time reading MtG card spoilers than reading about Macross VF figures).
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I preordered the pose+ trio and CCS just announces these before getter 1 starts to ship… gotta think this over.
some upcoming moshow stuff


masamune date mech in the same size as their previous takeda

progenitor size butcher grunt mech that was announges AGES ago

3 new foxuhound mechs that have different weapon con figurations and equipments

guess we will see more details next week in the WF Exhibition
>don't buy the Yammie Fokkers, they're cursed!
>the shoulder self destructs on them every time, don't do it!

So anyway, I broke a Yamcadia 1/60 V2 VF-1 shoulder for the first time. Anyone know where to find spares nowadays? Or am I supposed to just buy another DYRL Yamato era VF to become a parts figure?
You used to be able to get them from shapeways but that's not an option anymore. I don't do much with 3d printed stuff but maybe try some of the alternate websites? Heres a vid from the old days to get you on the right track. https://youtu.be/q6pTjkUiyIk
Thanks, it really does suck though that Shapeways is dead, I regret never thinking to bulk order some shoulders just in case of future breakages.

So in an absolute emergency I can do the big dumb: the Arcadia Elintseeker shoulder might be the right shade of grey.
Problem is, the Arcadia Elintseeker has only been released in a Premium Finish form and I don't want to defile something nice like their PF releases, even if it's to save a Weathering Version Yammie which is itself pretty nice (I swear I saw some grey panel lining on the tail wings of this Focker? Whatever was going on, it's really nice to look at in person, unlike the photos which make the weathering look like comic book shading).

Super glue might be viable, but I'm a klutz with the stuff and only go for it to salvage absolute fucking disasters.
Mine's arriving tomorrow, and really looking forward to it. Got the standard Rick Dias last week, and it's been a fun toy to play around with, but was more impressed with the balance on 'chunk' and the proportions on it. Likely gonna be just screwed trying to keep some self-control when Bandai previews the ANIME Dijeh and hopefully a ANIME Barzam as well.

.... Worriedly curious how awful mine will look, unfortunately think it's been ziplock bagged amoung some other figures on a work bench(with sunlight shining window above) in the garage for maybe three years.
That being said, looks like it's more a bromine reaction yellowing, so if you get a concentrated Hydrogen-Peroxide product(I use a volumizer solution I get from a Sally cosmetic's store); can get rid of the yellowing in a day(maybe faster since the parts are so small.) if you'd want.
Just a WARNING I've had the stuff react differently to paints on some of the OG RDs I've done this with.

Broken record at this point, but really want some OMNI grunts for the ANIME Seed line. Possibly my only hope with this line I'll get the other Dagger variants anytime 'soon'. Really hope with the Slaughter Dagger mold, Bandai bullshits an excuse to push out a 105 Dagger...
Some other stuff that'd be pretty cool to see:

>RD Anime Darilbalde Upgrade
>RD Anime M1 Astray, but the Astray Red Frame would be cool as well. Fits about the timeline for MS series chronology, but easily could get the shaft to push out the druggy trio's Gundams hahaha!
>RD Escaflowne Guymelefs for the classic IP no thought about, but will want... I hope.
Those foxhound designs are the first Moshow designs I like, I'm glad they finally went in that direction.
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They already has a couple of non crazy designs but they don't even have prototypes yet. Also a gold lancelot was announced, had I known I wouldn't have bought the regular one. Comes with more accessories and a cape
which gaydams are these?
Not Gundams, but Nue Ziel and Hygogg
is there like a 1/6 ish figure scale of them?
The Hygogg has a RD ver A.N.I.M.E
There is no figure of the Neue Ziel I can think of off the top of my head. It's way too big to be made in scale with most lines so it doesn't get made out side of SD releases to my knowledge.

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