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GIJOE was a bit distracted during Pulsecon

Reveals felt way light.
Do you guys look like this? Old looking fat and bearded? I know legends collectors are usually the skinny version of this.
thats the hasbro team with toy galaxy
Yes I'm aware. I'm asking if anons who considering themselves Joe collectors look like this.
Dan works for hasbro now?
Always has
Dan is a massive faggot
Isn't Dan anti gun?
I stopped watching you galaxy after seeing all the unhinged shit Dan posts on twitter
You mean normal?
What do you look like

Post your minge
You sound jealous
Yeah but i don't like beard. It's itchy, or rather it's a tic that tells me im not hygienic
I look young for my age (32), average build and only have a beard because I have no chin.
Ah yes, normal, where you deserve to die because Charles Darwin chose for you to be a average white guy instead of Tyrone the Strangler.
im 28, im very skinny, i have a mustache.
gi joe classified is the first and only toy i collect because other military toys are too expensive, lots of toys are very ugly to me especially old toys (if you gave me farm boy luke 2 years ago, i wouldnt know its expensive and i'd throw it in the trash can), i think coomer toys are a more expensive more retarded version of pinup calendar girls. those calendars with whores on them were $2, why would u spend $200 on the same thing lol. we have free porno now.

i just explain this because i think it's rare for GI JOE fans to be under 40. well, i'm not even a gi joe fan. im just a Classified fan. their o-ring stuff is like some slavic communism homemade toy. i'd throw o-ring in the trashcan too.
classified is the first and only affordable, available, good-looking, consistent military toyline with over 1000 entries. people recommended to me the Call of Duty toyline, well that only had like 4 releases lol, what do i do with 4 guys. etc. do you feel me?
so thats my epic story of how i got into toys. i doubt i'll ever buy any toys besides classified when they retire this. they'll probably go back to a tiny ugly inarticulate scale after they're through with this.
Nah, im super skinny, short and cant grow a beard. Plus i dont wear shirts that give away my power level. I do see these guys haunting the aisles
Kek, 1/12 coomer tard doesn't have any of the vehicles cuz he's a skinny American poor fag
I'm 35 and I like Classifed for it's figures that are more regular military looking guys. Like the 60th anniversary figures. I just like guns and gear so the line scratches that itch for me. I literally only know characters like Duke and Scarlet and Snake Eyes through just existing in the 90s, but that's about it.
>Old looking fat and bearded?

red shirt guy is lanky mode, blue shirt is dadbod mode, green shirt is GOMAD mode, and the guy sitting in the corner is reddit-atheist mode

only one of them is fat

and of course GIJOE fans are old because GIJOE was a late Gen-X, early Millennial thing
They are all fat, retard
I can only imagine how not fat you are
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>people recommended to me the Call of Duty toyline, well that only had like 4 releases
army build them

They're pretty generic looking enough to pretend they're different people who just wear the same uniform like soldiers do.
McFs CoD line was absolute trash, stop recommending them to people subjectanon.
I'm not one to normally crap on McFarlane's stuff, he can put out great figures when he tries. But those guys look awful, like not even fun to pose and mess with kinda bad. I'd rather pay twice as much to army build the generic 60th Joe figures,
They posing on the first two waves is pretty basic, but they make for great background fillter and the weapons are nice as fuck too. The last two waves are amazing though. Just as good as Classified in poseability and paint is 2x better.

If you do any sort of army building, variety is life and they're all worth it, even if only to pad out your armory of weapons. I've bought them and other lines, including Mezco stuff, solely for weapons.
>The last two waves are amazing though. Just as good as Classified in poseability and paint is 2x better.
This is outright wrong. I have what you have considered the best figure in the line, Captain Price, and he is absolute dogshit. Stop recommending people there shit toys.
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What's wrong with it? Any other figure with as many pouches as he has will be impeded, so he's still as good as most Classified figures while looking 2x better.
>What's wrong with it?
His giant bulbus wrists, his terrible hips that can barely function, his dogshit neck articulation, and the awful face.

>Any other figure with as many pouches as he has will be impeded
I have the newish GI Joe Classified 65th Anniversary Action Solider who's plate carrier is similar enough to Price's and he has vastly superior articulation to Price. And no, he doesn't look 2x better and his rifle is just black plastic meanwhile the Joe has a removable magazine and augustable foregrip. Piss off.
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>hips don't function
>wrists that are no worse than a Figma and most other lines that use those types of joints
I don't think you own it.

You're also completely wrong about Price's weapon, since it's dry brushed and has a few tampographs. That's 3x more paint apps than your average Classified glossy plastic weapon and most weapons in general. Earlier CoD weapons are even better painted, hence my buying those figures for their weapons alone.
It's rare as hell to even weapons in general that aren't glossy plastic toy-looking even when they come painted like most Valaverse shit, hence me buying McFarlane and Mezco figures for their weapons alone. Yeah, i could add paint myself, which i do, but the paint they use at the factories is basically baked on forever.
Believe whatever you want to, but that line is pure dogshit and you're an asshole for recommending it to anyone.
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I think theyre Kino, wish I bought more of them.

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