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Super7 hasn't improved, huh.
Why are they still getting away with this?
Because YouTubers like Robo Don't Know shills them and his fan base gobbles them up
This is undeniable
>I preordered a digital model and got a real plastic figure instead!
The fact that Conan the Barbarian is stuck with such an incapable company saddens me to no end.
Oof, the hair.
this except it's Thundercats. Please let someone, ANYONE else make Thundercats toys
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both look like shit though, why did you buy this?
Mondo have their hands on the rights too now. Let's predict how the monkey paw will curl.
Man, did you see how the new Lion-o actually turned out? Oof.
their toyetic ultimates (TMNT, Toxic Crusaders) look decent but they can't do even semi-realistic designs worth a goddamn. they always come out looking soft and gummy
How are they regressing like this?
I love the ReAction toys but Super 7's attempts at premium collectables kind of suck. They don't have impressive detail, articulation or paint apps. Of they couldn't hide behind the "it's a niche IP and the licensing was expensive" excuse their figures would not be worth more than $20.
>I just love the reaction toys, they're just a wholesome little call back to a simpler time of nostalgia!
Holy Shit
They are small, inexpensive, and scale wise they fit in with a lot of lines that people already collect. If you are on a budget and can't do full detail you might as well embrace the clunky retro aesthetic which has some charm to it.
Shut up, retard.
hi chungus
You could tell from the render on the left it'd look ugly in plastic. But really, no one should be buying based on renders. They should go out of business for even trying to get away with only putting out renders to sell their preorders. Even tiny independent chinese companies have prototypes to show off.
They realize that their $55 figures aren't selling well largely, so they're trying to scale down to $35 figures, and it isn't going well. Looks like a single jointed McFarlane and probably articulates like one.
Bruh, have you even been paying attention for the last few years? This is so wrong I'm almost concerned that you're going blind. Tons of companies are just soliciting renders now, some are just better at polishing them up so they don't look so apparent. Even Hasbro, one of the biggest toy companies in the world, puts up renders first before anything physical is shown. It's at the point where I'm counting the exceptions to the rule instead.
Normally I can figure out what idiot thought chungusfurry is attempting to convey but his brown pedo mind remains opaque to me on this particular post. What is "Holy Shit" meant to mean here? What could possibly be so surprising about the post he's replying to?
I don't know what you're talking about but every time I see Hasbro product go up for preorder on BBTS, there's real figure pics to look at. Look at the latest batch that just went up. Do these look like renders to you?
Does this guy look like a render?
McFarlane also has a production sample on white background put up the day of the preorders
Yeah, they never seem to improve. At least they got the eye color right on rhe actual Valeria figure. That's something, I guess?
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Even coomer figure companies put out pictures of a prototype, not just a render
This is dumbass logic. If you're using the existence of this pic as proof of your point, what makes it any more valid than the render shown here >>11155202? I'm not saying I know definitively if you're right or wrong (I don't), but either way, you presented your argument in a moronic way.
Doll size, who cares?
Shut up, retard.
Super7's promo material consists almost entirely of digital renders. That's the difference, you idiot.
Hasbro figures are not available for preorder until the physical production protoype is available for photos. They don't put up preorders for anything based on a render.
*with the exception of Haslab which has been based off of renders, although in more recent times they've had physical prototypes for the campaigns.
It seems to be just a timing thing, not something that isn't done period. I was following Ultimates pretty closely in the beginning, and I would visit the listings often to stare at pics, and one day the renders were supplemented with real prototype pics. It just wasn't ready at the start, but the pics were up well before release.
Maybe women are just ugly?
Only 54.99, destined for the clearance bin at 70% off
I want to know if anyone who buys this figure will be satisfied with it. I'm fascinated by Super 7 and how people buy their products sold on an image and yet are still happy with the result which looks far worse
does mythic legions have the only good factory
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Do not fret, we will get good Conan figure series (along other Howard characters) down the line. This is from Conan official instagram:
>Check out this epic new Conan action figure in development! This is a figure based on Rob de la Torre's 'Black Stone' "Free Comic Book Day" cover and is a special Black Stone figure that we are making for the event.
>This Conan figure will be 30 -32 points of articulation - Double jointed knees and elbows.
>These figures will be just shy of 7 inches tall and will go well with other lines like Fire and Ice and Mythic Legions.
We are planning on doing many of Conan's iconic looks along with action figures of his most well known allies and enemies. Along with other REH characters.
>We are also going to do Hyborean Age Army builders from Shemites to Aesirs to Snake Men!
>We are aiming for our first release in 2025!! Which Black Stone weapon do you think would look best in this Cimmerian's clutches!?

Reaction figures and any other 5poa are a waste of plastic and anyone who buys them are either poor or genuine retards.
>These figures will be just shy of 7 inches tall and will go well with other lines like Fire and Ice and Mythic Legions.
Stop doing this.
They are obviously only going to rerelease figures they’ve already made tooling for with this model, and it’s still probably going to fuck them over because the fact is most of their customers will see these prices and decide they don’t actually want the extra head and hands enough on their monkian to pay the extra $20, so they’ll pass on the next tertiary character that gets offered for preorders hoping to just grab them as a deluxe. Even if they are only planning to rerelease the main cast it’s going to cannibalize their own future sales because customers don’t think like that. It’s a short-sighted move but that’s typical of S7.
Why? I love when different lines scale well together.
The review I took that screenshot from, the guy actually liked the figure. He said the actress' likeness was ''dead on'', lmao
Nah mythic legions are kino
The moral of this story: Super 7 is still idiotic, will not listen to consumer complaints properly, and really, really love to charge customers exorbitant amounts just to feed them slop that expired in 2002. In other news, the desert is dry.
Isn't the point more that the Hasbro figure more or less looks like that unlike >>11154237
The thing is, it felt from the start like they could have cut costs without making the toys look like shit. This was their first try at making action figures, and you can tell by how much extraneous baggage they have. Possibly the most wasteful multi-layered funky-shaped box I have ever seen for a single action figure, with multiple vacuformed trays taped into an inner cardboard tray, embossing, gloss spot coating, and a pointless slipcover (just an environmental nightmare). Dupes of accessories, both painted and unpainted, one set on a big-ass sprue just to mimic the 80s gimmick. Overly large scale that nobody asked for, and ensured that beefier designs like Wingnut would go even FURTHER above the already high price point. Slash is a nice toy, but he feels like a fucking brick in my hand, and Rocksteady is as tall as two of the Playmates figures stacked up. It just wasn't necessary to do this. This same large scale would make for ludicrously priced vehicles and playsets to match. It's just a mess. And I say this as an owner of most of the TMNT line. I won't be getting rid of mine or anything, I like them enough, but man did S7 screw up in so many ways.

I've been with them since they were a tiny sofubi shop nobody had heard of. When they suddenly announced out of nowhere that they were going to try making action figures, with zero prior experience, I was astonished how many huge companies were willing to take a chance on them.
I didn't post in this thread prior to that. I came in solely to tell that dude he was wrong about every company soliciting with physical prototypes from the start.

So no, that is irrelevant to what I'm talking about, but yes, I agree, Hasbro's renders generally do look like the final products. It's just a shame that a lot of their problems start at this render stage, and are carried on to the final product. Not so much for Classified, which is one of their better lines, but absolutely for stuff like MLs and Star Wars.
Why do so many customers keep buying though? And this is what troubles me, as it seems Super 7 does not get punished for their mistakes like so many other companies out in the market. They just keep on chugging along, they've kept going off 2009 era MattyCollector style molds for over a decade with virtually no improvements but plenty of price increases.
Probably because profit margins are pretty good when you sell something for $55 that costs $8 max to actually make.
They did lose the Disney license though.
>for over a decade
What the actual fuck are you talking about? Ultimates is like barely 5 years old.
>Dupes of accessories, both painted and unpainted, one set on a big-ass sprue just to mimic the 80s gimmick.
Nothing wrong with this IMO. Pretty clever actually
There's nothing wrong with it from a "hey it's a cool extra" standpoint, but would you feel the same if the toy were hypothetically $5 cheaper without it? It's fine, but it's mostly an example of brainless excess. Most collectors probably did the same thing I did with them-throw them in a drawer because you also came with de-nubbed, fully painted versions. I don't wanna throw em out in case I ever have to sell these, but they are just taking up space in my house that I'd rather use for something else.
sounds reasonable
I wonder if their QC issues are common or not. So far it doesn't seem that way luckily.

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