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Nintendo rules supreme


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

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Previously on klocki: >>11151813
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>template to make your own fantasy adventure

>my favorite Nintendo™ videogame but in Lego
It's LEGO, you can make your own either way.
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>HEY! It's me, Goku!
much like goku, most dbz fans were dropped as a baby
I just want mono colored blocks...
I regret not getting some Nexo Knights sets when I could. Btw where can I find how much sealed older sets go for? Bricklink, Ebay or somewhere else?
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Company : Alpha:Tron Corp
Ship : Commercial short haul light freighter LL928 'Cosmic Explorer'
Crew : 3
Cargo : Science Survey Lab module. SS-03. + 2 passengers
Course: Surface of Gliese 581c, Mining Camp 17- FOXTROT
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nobody wants this garbage
i didn't vote and DnD excites me more so this poll should not be trusted.
We are fortifying the polling.
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Re-asking. What spike ends would fit into this hilt to make it a proper weapon?

I was looking at 64727 but it's out of stock where I was going to order from

Thanks, Is that the only other piece? I want it to look more like a blade/sword
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in dnd youll get random elves and orcs and dwarves and all manner of furry races with attire of different fantasy classes(warrior, wizard, rogue, cleric, bard, druid, etc), in zelda you'll just get specific zelda characters doing specific zelda things

it's also very evident that the nintendo loicensetax is much higher than the hasbro one
From the zelda set i only like the minifigs, while i like the Dnd set as a whole.
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Just get the center on from pic related or one below it and it'll look great
As a Zeldafan, 100% agree
Lego needs better articulation. Mega bloks is better.
I want the D&D kit but the stickers give me pause
both are licenslop so both are "my favourite game but legos!!!". nintendo is better because they hire less shills to annoy me than hasbro.
I like the OoT deku tree and Link's treehouse, the moc to make a mini version of the BoW tree from the leftover parts is also quite cool, but it's way too expensive.
>those faces
Do they have alternate expressions, cause those heads are really fucking bad looking.
Derpy ass autist smile on Zelda.
I get you there, But you can just not apply them. I've even heard of people that just cut the stickers out still attached to the sheet and "apply" them with removable double sided tape to the back of the sticker sheet, it may look a bit weird and depending on the temperatures the stickers may curl, but it is a medium between applying stickers and being able to remove them if you want later.
Admittedly, it's a bit on the nose to give nintendo fans minifigs with that fluoride stare
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muh heckin HASBRO® Dungeons & Dragons© wholly original theme!!1! TM
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Hey! Jedi Bob here, I destroyed Star Wars for you!

You're welcome!

Oh, and fleshies? That was me, too! Sorry about that one.
jedi bob is the only sovl any soiwars fan will ever experience
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>still no pictures of the sail barge
we are lucky if we even get it cause it's le problematic
He like all DBZ fans tanked it.
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It's so over zelda and dnd bros

>Beauty & the Beast (Tale as old as time)

>Jango or Boba Fett (Slave I?) (Simple man trying to make his way in the universe)

>Lord of the Rings (He stands not alone. 'Fellowship')

>Fantastic 4 (a team of heroes, a family)

>Fast & Furious (Icons? Speed Champions? Technic?) (it's all about family, family mentioned twice)

>The Simpsons (Doooooooonuuutss)
>(Simple man trying to make his way in the universe)
That's probably the Mandalorian movie.
TALE AS OLD AS TIME: Star Wars! (A long long time ago)
A simple man trying to make his way in the universe: STAR TREK. (spock)
But he's stands not alone = rest of the star trek crew
He is part of a fellowship: Freemason collab set
A team of heroes = Justice League
A family it's all about family = Addams Family
And Donuts = Lego City Police
you tried
you must be 18 years or older to post on this site.
watched a video about the deku tree. i like that its mouth opens and it looks like george floyd but apart from that really doesn't feel like its worth the money and thats the only play feature on it thats good the others like the spider dont work properly and the mouth on the ocarina version has exposed technic elements and doesnt close fully. seems a bit half baked. anyone know how much it would be to just part out the face maybe in darker brown if thats cheaper and make a george floyd head with opening mouth?
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My love for Lego has been revitalized. Praying they keep it up
>all mouseslop + lotr
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Hasbro has gone to utter dogshit.
Nintendo, unique among japanese AAA developers, hasn't (yet).

There once was a time I would have lost my gourd for Lego D&D, Lego MtG, even Lego Transformers. Hasbro has managed to sour me on all of it.

Simple as that.
Why are these adult/collector marketed sets so soulless and boring ?
His last name is Afol. I expect nothing less than absolute disaster.
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Let me guess, the existence of brown skin and wheelchairs gets you frothing at the mouth
>D&D and lotr in 2025
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not that anon, but the idea that the evil lich, bent on the destruction of the world would make their tower/dungeon wheelchair accessible... I just can't comprehend someone that is disabled wanting to play a disabled character in such a mundane way. There are so many ways to make a fantasy spin so much more unique but entertainment isn't the point, it's using it as a vehicle to spread an ideology.
anon doesn't care about that, he's mad your buying his company's competitor's product instead of his company's product. you VILL consoom the brown wheelchair slop
>not using an apparatus of the crab
God I wish the greenskin dragon head ends up on a least expensive set or cmf
based, that's what I like to see
Thank you. What are the part numbers for things like that please? Il'l take a look
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>bad faith post
>stolen valor image
Embarrassing, but could I expect better from a modern day hasbrony?

I get it, you weren't around for pre-Hasbro Magic or D&D. Believe it or not, even in the Bad Old Bigoted Days we had browns, we had cripples, we even had genderspecials. The difference was the writing was good, the worlds were interesting. The stuff you're so eager to make the conversation about was presented digetically and organically.

Christ, Magic's first expansion was Arabian Nights. Not a white person in sight. Somehow the old stuff still doesn't get any credit from you consoomer-left types.
>it's afraid his boring themes have to make room for limitless potential of D&D
biggest question is if it has slave leia and how altered she is when included
Holy ESL, Batman!
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What are these tentacles? Is it a generic octopus/kraken or is there a more specific creature/monster they are meant to represent? Idk any DnD lore
hasbro should not have outsourced their shilling to india...
apparently they changed her name to "hutt slayer leia"
giant dildos for the gay elf from cmf
Xandir bridges the gap for all. Twink link ftw.
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Lego Zelda represents a timeless selection.

The concern with Dungeons & Dragons lies in the uncertainty surrounding the stability of the partnership between Lego and Hasbro, which could potentially be terminated at any time. In contrast, the collaboration between Nintendo and Lego has proven to be remarkably stable, approaching six years in duration. Currently, the Mario and Animal Crossing themes are thriving, with Mario entering its sixth year and Animal Crossing its second. I envision a Zelda theme serving as a standard alternative for castle-themed sets in the future. Furthermore, there is no reason to restrict Lego to only utilizing Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom as playsets for children. Similar to the Mario line, they could create sets inspired by the entire franchise, as Lego has moved away from the cartoonish designs seen in the Clone Wars era for different sub-franchises. I believe that Lego Zelda has the highest likelihood of success, especially since the next Zelda game will not be part of the Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom narrative, necessitating a broader representation of the franchise.
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Got myself 2 kino sets
Cringe and cringer
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>Most of the video is some faggots face
>korokslop is the thumbnail
Shan't be watching.
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lego theme when?
Hey chat, when Lego Goku happening?
Post them
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New thread when?
Whats the deal with the lego instagram community? It's like I follow all these accounts creating great mocs with hundreds of followers.

But whenever I post a moc, even ones I think are on par or better than the "instagram quality" I get zero engagement whatsoever and no one follows me. I've even made some innovations in commonly depicated subjects for mocs that I think btfo the existing standard I see people copying from each other.

Overall the instagram lego community has a weird vibe. I will never stop missing mocpages.

Maybe eurobricks is the answer
dbz fans are the poorest of fags, thats why they buy bootleg statues
Sounds like it's cliquey rather than merit-based, and you're not part of the clique
Imagine a Forest Temple lego set from Ocarina of Time.
When you kill yourself
Based set getter
Yeah seriously, what is going on with this? It's a least time for an *official* announcement, let alone a leak, if this is launching Oct 1... lego needs to give people time to get their shekels in order when its 500 big ones.

I'm actually starting to worry that it's not happening, maybe they got cold feet over slave Leia or something...
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they gave szass vecna's skull
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I have the non-jedi version of him.
>Just get the center on from pic related or one below it and it'll look great
There is no "CENTER" piece on that picture: >>11154951

It's all variants you can put on top or bottom of center piece to make a weapon.
Central piece is the other thing
"Center" as in "in the middle"
LEGO MOC General /lmg/

>Lego slop general
I miss this so bad. I wish I bought sets from it but I said no...
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I miss this so bad. I wish I bought sets from it but I said no...

I miss this so bad. I wish I bought sets from it but I said no...
Nexoknights is still cheap on ebay, no one wanted it back then, no nostalgia yet, lots of offers.
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I'm excited for all the new Dragon Ball sets coming out soon.

bbb(based beyond belief)

uber cringe
I miss this so bad. I wish I bought sets from it but I said no...
I miss this so bad. I wish I bought sets from it but I said no....
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I don't miss this at all. Thankfully I didn't buy any sets from it.
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miss this so bad. I wish I bought sets from it but I said no...
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I miss this so bad. I wish I bought sets from it but I said no...
Some new spam? Interesting….
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I miss this so bad. I wish I bought sets from it but I said no...
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Fine I'll admit it, it's a great fucking set. Shame about the price
Do the Zelda minifigs look really bad to anyone else? The hair is way too big it reminds me of exoforce. Also the white makes me worry about shitty printing

Not like any of this matters because Im not paying 400+ loonies for a shitty botw tree.
How good is the quality of your photography? Cause that might be why.
They look fine to me but like you I'm paying an outrageous price for such an underwhelming kit. Here's hoping they do cheaper Zelda stuff in the future and it's not just botw and subsequent games but also classics
It’s so good! Also use real money you fucking leaf.
>The hair is way too big it reminds me of exoforce
that's not the insult you think it is
>anon taking pictures in his dark and dingy basement with his stained mattress and half eaten food in the background
>"Why is noone liking my instagram posts?"
Honestly though it's probably the clique thing some other anon mentioned.
>lego the same moc over and over and over again circlejerk general, i'm glad you ot your own containment thread
Okay boomer.
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Zelda has it's own assortment of races. The BotW/TotK duology alone has Hylians, Sheikah, Gerudo, Zora, Rito, Koroks, and Zonai. They all have their own jobs and unique concerns. The Zelda franchise as a whole has a few more races on top of that too. It has potential for its own TTRPG if Nintendo ever gave a shit about that kind of thing. As for LEGO, it really all depends on whether or not TLG makes these other races if they expand on the TLoZ theme.

D&D has their own flavor of things and I get why people would want that. However, just in terms of arguing for creativity, Zelda has the potential for people to get creative about it as well. TLG just needs to provide the parts.
Zoomers have a fucked up attention span due to social media dopamine hits every second, so the best you can come up with is one mech and then spam it everywhere with little variations. Boomers are the ones making fully detailed huge and amazing moc's while you guys create the pathetic shit in this video:

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The face to hair-piece proportions are a little weird, I agree. At least in the promo pictures. Exo-force made the larger hair pieces work by having larger face prints. Not all of the Exo-force faces came out stellar either, mind you, but TLG's minds were the right place. A tweaked, ironed out version of that may have been ideal for IPs like Zelda. The modern, universal style of LEGO face doesn't work as well. I have the wonder how the Dragon Ball minifigs will turn out.
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i miss the og races
For how uncommon these early sets are, they are super terribly priced.

For a set that retailed for $50 in 2003, you can still get good opened versions for around $100 or sealed ones under $200.
my photography is standard toy photography with a white or other colored background
Does Lego hate MandR? They invited and had a spot for every other Lego youtuber / social media person for the Rebuild the Galaxy premier except him and he's the biggest Lego Star Wars specific channel.
Thanks, hopefully I can find one of these in the store I'm thinking of ordering from. I don't seem to recall seeing any of them which is a shame, I like the hilt
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I always thought those hair pieces were interesting. Lego City Undercover made use of them as well. In the 3DS game a lot of the street thugs you fought had hair like that, usually in green, blue, red, or purple. And in a cutscene in the main game they were in white as frosting pieces in a massive cake being used to smuggle a car into the prison.
Dungeons and Dragtroons
where the hell is this from?
Don't see how he destroyed the franchise considering great sets came afterwards.
>Responsible for fleshies
Oh lovely, now my characters won't all look like the simpsons in space
because he's one of the only lego youtubers that actually criticize their products? dont like him cause hes a bad builder but at least he isn't a total sycophant to lego
Eugh that thing's hideous
The River Zora still exist. They even got a little more world building as a bonafide race in A Link Between Worlds and are actually gonna have a storyline via a feud with the sea Zora in Echoes of Wisdom. They haven't appeared in any of the big AAA Zelda games yet, though.
they should do a triple a game based on lttp. i'd cream my pants
i need this piece in black... lego ... release it... NOW.
I agree
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Aliexpress baleeted all Lego Mario 1:1 clones
At least I got Bowser's Castle and Flying Ship for my kids while I could
I was so poor when these came out. All I could do was look at them in a magazine.
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Brown and gay feminist furry castle theme vs. Nordic and straight male hero damsel in distress castle theme
Having watched rebuild the galaxy I'm kinda surprised they didn't do more sets for it than what they did.
>tropical Tatooine Catina with the band and other characters in their Hawaiian shirts
>jedi temple with jedi Palpatine and jedi Jabba
>bounty hunter C3POs golden naboo cruiser with friendly Maul and Greedo
>smaller set with 2 nerfs and nerfherder sev and dev
>something to get us jedi Dooku and Bane and Sith Rose and any of the other sith
maybe there will be another wave? i hope so since it's the most interesting thing lego star wars has done
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I can't even begin to describe wtf this is
Like the shitties leak i've seem
old greys are so much fun to build with, especially if you know how to mix new greys into them
Its the front of the sail barge I think
77cm is decently big.
I guess its a water elemental or just some generic sea monster.
>new stamp
To be fair, this game wouldn't happen if Link didn't save Zelda in the beginning.
So wtf does new mean then? Stamp must mean mold
It means the fig has a different print.
hey guys, should i spent my money on alcohol or lego? and what should i get?
>cum my paycheck load and get the concorde (my fav plane) (faster than usa fighter jet get owned usa EUROPA 5EVER)
>lego sonic (really autistic but i think it will be limited because i can't think of any new sonic sets they could do)
>yavin iv base (big star wars set with many figs that's on sale in a lot of places atm)
>Animal Crossing fabuland
>BMW 2 pack
>ahsoka's shuttle (it will complete my collection of the ahsoka sets which are good except that shitty one that's just some ruins on a baseplate)
thx bros. alcohol is more expensive than lego in the uk atm so hoping you say lego.
Brick Clicker's back

He needs to post 2025 leaks asap
What's an open order on Bricklink and is it bad to do it?

If I make a cart, then select bank transfer as payment option, is that an open order? What if I then want to change the order to remove parts, am I free to?
If so, is this considered a bad practice given I'll be holding parts from the store while others are unable to purchase?
Any set that has Darth Rose Tico will be the only time anyone willingly buys a toy of her lmao.
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i'm surprised they didn't do Palpatine at least, he always has great "bits" in the Lego games and movies and stuff

Darth Tico was another funny thing she had the same torso print as Darth Rey but with her little necklace (and Rose got similar fan "hate" like JarJar did) it would give them an excuse to use her unique hair piece mold again, at least.

Maul and Greedo are just torso swaps, same as the smooth "surprise cameo" at the end, you can plain make your own minifigs for them.

I think the golden Naboo ship for 3P0 was a stab at Lego never making chrome pieces, like, showing a set that could never be made (like the silver Naboo ships)

nobody's watching it though, does anybody care that they destroyed all of Star Wars and did not put it back to normal at the end? at least it let Mark Hamill "vent" in-character about what they did to Luke, that part was mind-blowing that they pulled it off like they did
do you guys know where i can watch it online for free. i dont have dinsey plus
sorry I gots the D+

I seriously wonder how much it affects "box office" numbers since I always wait for Disney stuff to be on the service. I haven't seen a Disney movie in a theater for years now.

I would expect Lego to show it for free, it's basically a 2-hour advertisement for Lego: buy Star Wars sets, wreck 'em, build your own stuff, that's the whole movie.
i just googled it its ok now. lol the black characters get introduced and 1st thing that happens is they are in trouble for stealing
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>they used the fat lekku mold
at at is the best ucs ever, not even close. shame its retiring
it costs 800 gorillion shekels so of course nobody can afford it.
only thing i want is the golden naboo cruiser
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more lotr pls
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You wanna know what stinks? Not giving a shit when a set was around, then someday gaining a nostalgic appreciation for the classics AFTER it outlived its shelf life.
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The last "big set" I bought prior to DnD's Red dragon tale, it was my favorite modern set until very recently
Post some of your mocs here,
>princess leia new

censored version?

anyway, glad i got the last released playset sail barge, not gonna spend 550 euro on this.
yea, she is called "hutt slayer leia" instead of slave leia now and they gave her boxers instead of a loincloth, i bet the cleavage is not coming back either. but maybe we will get a good midriff like on the new padme.
hmm, will be interesting to compare the new leia with the previous release.

>the new padme.

which set?
He’s a fucking faggot and part of the schism around here. 100 percent comes here looking for leaks and things he might have missed and to spread disinformation and get more views. I shittily cropped a pic from a larger image of Star Wars leaks back in April and posted it here and then that image was used in his video less than 12 hours later. He’s a fucking faggot and I hate his lispy fag voice and what he’s done to this place. Fuck that guy and fuck you too.
Woke mousecuck slop
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75021 Republic Gunship
I just realized this is from 2013 so not very new, dam i feel old
I fear this will be me after eldorado fortress retires but I just can't justify the price
If I had the Barracuda Bay I might have bought that to go with it, have two reimagined classics, but I don’t want to have one without the other.
maybe I'm not up to date but I'm so glad to be finally seeing a proper symmetrical nondescript hilt instead of the fucking lightsaber
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It's been a year since just2good transitioned. Sarah, you may have lost 32,000 subscribers, but your courage and authenticity shine through. Thank you for speaking your truth.
Earth orange
1943 batmobile when?
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the DND set rekindled my interest in legos
but these chinkshit knockoff warhammer 40k designs are just top notch (with obligatory missing bricks and warped bricks included, ofc)
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just KINO
Lunar Class Imperial Navy Cruiser
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fuck it I'm buying it. If I regret it I'll sell it in a few years
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im army building space marines
i just wish they also did chaos marines too
but i'll settle for my beloved Imperial Fists
excuse me sir this is not Lego™ and therefore trash and not welcome itt
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damn that sucks for you or something i guess
you gonna say that again to THEIR face?
You won't regret it, it's great
do they do night lords?
He said they don't do chaos numptie
night lords are renegade not chaos
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>doesnt get featured with all the other characters and critters
rude. the plantphobia needs to stop
>print leaf beard is dark green
>but leaf part is light green
but why.
someone plz...
That deku tree doesn’t look worth the price.
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maybe the print was meant to be bright green but in classic lego fashion prints on black are terrible quality and washed out making it look normal green. the good news is that you can just swap the beard leaves for a more accurate match
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>That deku tree doesn’t look worth the price.
but enough about this set
Why does Zelda have a cellphone? Also how much of that dust catcher is the retarded base?
BoTW is a post-apocalyptic setting.
It's more like a Wii U tablet
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I wish I had the actual set
I really don't like this in a magical world.
There's a jukebox in ocarina of time
my only gripe with the set is the dragon essentially has to be wedged into the tower to get the effect on the box. And a personal nitpick of wishing the characters were minifigure yellow to really push customization of the parts.
BotW was originally concepted as a sci-fi take on the setting, with Link on a motorcycle battling alien UFOs. While they dialed it back a bit, it goes hard on the Final Fantasy type magitek. Almost everything is either Sheikah technology, corrupted Sheikah technology, or goat-dragon technology.
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Hey I like him, therefore he's welcome here.
Nah fuck that guy and fuck you.
>click here to find out moooooooaaaaarrrr
Even the close captions fail because of his fucking speech impediment and you have to listen to his faggy ass. Nah. Fuck that.
77cm is decently big

Tell that to my ex wife. Fucking slut left me for a pool salesman. Worst of all, he was black too
>Fucking slut left me for a pool salesman. Worst of all, he was black too
A man who leads others to a treasure he can never enjoy himself... selfless.
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It's really fun buying old retired stuff like nexo knights because it seems like nobody wants to keep it
20$ for clay's jet and rumble blade respectvely, sealed berserk bomber for 40$. Jestro's carriage for 60$. All great condition and barely used.
Go back to jersey.
I think that's the best Frankenstein we ever got. The sand green and goofy studs on the side of the head are awesome.
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Yoooooo I've been eyeing this model for a while now. How is the stability? Knockoffs have come so far that I would argue that TOP TOY sets are better then LEGO rn (better clutch, light bricks, transfers, and no freaking mold marks).
>only lego store in town
>d&d minifgs get sold out within an hour
>some guys even buy entire boxes
Can you "people" please fuck off?
Think about someone else for a change.
Im so glad i bought this set.
The Latina Qveen mogs the Jew girl and the tranny so hard even with her lazy eyes
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My favourite is the Kaadu. Fabuland saddlebags are second.
They won't they're like vultures
>volunteer to go work at a store in a college town last week
>they have 144 of the dnd wave somewhere in the store
>the scalpers have paid off someone to tell them when shits in stock
>watch said scalpers stand around in toys for 3 hours until closing on the lego aisle to see if anyone brings out a pallet of toys
>female that works at said store mentions they've done this almost every other night for close to 2 weeks
Jokes on them as said store hasn't worked toys in almost 4 weeks since the seasonal reset and theres 20+ pallets of toys shitting it up in the steel in the backrooms
It's funny, i'm usually the first at a store, because i have insider info on when the d&d figs get stacked. Then i grab the dragonborns (no scalper, i'm into castle/fantasy) and usually 1 or two days later a couple of other people buy out all the figures, probably thinking there must be a dragonborn among them and the scanner must be wrong. poor souls.
You bet i'm a vulture
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What did he do?
balding but refusing to shave
Why are the Zora and Rito separate in BotW when the Rito were an evolution of the Zora in Wind Waker?
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Haven't asked for a while, but where's Ninjago leaks? (pictures)
ninjago is being cancelled, dreamzzz is replacing it

If yoy go bald...why dont you shave it all? I hate those people who dont shave

October/november probably
cause bird people being an evolution of fish people doesn't make any sense unless there's billions of years between them
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got a new SQUIDMAN + some other stuff
can you guess which is the old one and which is the new one?
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okay this made me chuckle
Probaby will make some incels mad but who cares
One on the right looks more new, but idk if you randomly got them. so the scruffy looking one could also be the latest you bought.
scruffy one is my old one, was my favourite fig as a kid so i'm very happy to get a new one
Just don’t be one of those fags who grows excessively long facial hair to compensate for being bald. Nothing worse than a bald guy with a big bushy beard. Fucking take care of your appearance. Sad we won’t get a nigger bald piece.
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Is this one of the most underrated figures from series 26?

>cool specialized weapon piece
>multiple printed bricks, two unique
>dual molded legs with perfect all over side printing
>double sided head, one with green vizor printing
>never talked about
the helmet is bad and they forgot the visor which really takes away from it a lot
Because nobody gives a fuck about m-troon lmao
Ice planet forever
>want to be a woman
>turn into a tranny
>obessed with tranny movies
>upset the tranny is being played by a real woman
>angry when someone doesn't call you a woman

I don't understand. He want people to see him as a woman, yet seethes when a tranny in a movie is not played by a tranny?

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The legs on the left are dark blue
Are the legs on the right sand blue?
I don't know my lego colours
ate a meal, a succulent chinese meal
Printed visor on the face is so fucken stupid.
Yea or the right ones might be light bluish gray hard to tell from the pic.
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It's probably my favorite of the series, mostly because I'm not a huge fan of the Ice Planet one's helmet (it's a close second, though).

Lego no longer produces the neon transparent colors so it wasn't really possible to include an accurate visor. I have some extra visors so I tried how it looked with one, and I think the results are somewhat mixed. On the other hand, having an actual visor looks better than simulating it with a helmet print, but on the other hand I think the helmet looks better without the visor. I prefer the cheekguards on the helmet being in front of a visor instead of behind it, though you can't get that look with an actual visor piece.
In the end I kept the default minifig without a visor but used the visor on another one where I replaced the power claw and dial on the backpack with a satellite dish and antenna to make a comms specialist guy.
try the og helmet with og visor, this helmet is overly detailed and slightly too tall, it looks ugly
its already a fucking white haired elf bard so why did they felt the need to add that goddamn ridiculous pink? if his scarf was like red or blue or brown with normal gloves he would still be zesty enough but not in such a jarring way
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Tell me right now why there’s no LEGO Island CMF line.
30 year old manchildren aren't a large enough demographic to get a meaningful ROI
30 year old manchildren are Lego's current main audience.
Manchildren are lego's main audience
Manchildren with specific nostalgia for a 1997 CD-ROM game is a small fraction of the broader manchild demographic
It's a pic I took, sorry
I know they're not light bluish grey, I just don't know how to determine the type of blue
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Based, Alien Enjoyer.
pretty sure it's sand blue then
There is an old lego set that looks just like that.
Practicing marine biology without a licence.
lego alien would be so "EPIC". But they would never do it. What things do you guys want lego to do that they would never? For me, it's the Speed Champions Mercedes Bens 770 with Hitler minifigure. Imagine how much that would sell, but they won't do it because they are woke now.
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My children...
They wouldn't have done that before they were woke either.
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One reason why classic castle lego sets are looked back on with such fondness by those who remember was the fact that many of the sets connect together; this helped the collector feel like they were building towards a mighty fortress or perfect village. With every purchase you where not just building your collection but your actual structure. picrel is an example of a few combined sets.
>old Lego set
Nigger that was still on the shelf in 2018 mine still lights up.
Why does twink link have a violin?
ocarinas are so last decade
no lego for a week... guys... im dieing....
I am literally opposite. I wont eat food and buy lego instead so I lose weight.

Everytime I buy a pizza I think I can buy a lego set with those money if I save up so I buy lego now and drink water.
Lego Nikokado Avocado when? J2g shouldve lost weight and he wouldve stayed straight.
i dont buy food anyway
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when is space police 4.... space police sets are so rare. i need retail space police........
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Lego should try making more ".... hunter" figures because so far it has been kino
Dreamzz has bad sets, but some good minifigs like this guy. I bought the magazine just for this figure. There is an earlier edition i've missed, which included the nightmare king. pretty based of lego to include the best dreamzzz figures with the magazines. Lego star wars magazines are usually just regular clones or the 100th darth vader.
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Good idea, it does look good. Though it kind of defeats the point of upgrading the helmet it came with by adding a visor if you just swap the helmet completely.
This is why I prefer Dwarves
Are magazine or books figs same quality as sets?
boring slop
$500 btw
it looks way better though so who cares
>leia has cargo pants
>they used fat mold for i dont know his name, advisor or something
Wow this is the worst sail barge yet.
>Boring looking exterior
>3 characters slots taken up by figs that are below glup shitto tier, absolute crap, don't even have unique pieces. (OG had boba, lando, luke and han)
>most censored slave leia, looks like shit, no cleavage and wearing some boxers
>no skiff and sarlacc side build like the og
>ridiculous $500 price tag, why would you get this over the OG which you can get MISB for that price
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You need to buy the $80 dlc anon
>Includes 3942 pieces
>US $499.99 - DE/FR €549.99 - UK £429.99
>Release: OCTOBER 3RD 2024
$60 of that set is for the retarded brick built base for the sarlacc
Just admit Harry Potter won
i get why they delayed this so long its total ass
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I would rather spend $500 to army build a death squad of Ortolan bounty hunters.
why are the faces scuffed up like it was ai? there is an official image of this
be nice.
i third, my fellow master builder
>lost my gourd
ucs turd
what's with lego and putting kitchens in sets?
makes sense for jabba at least since he's a fat retard and is always stuffing his face
Would be fine if it didn't cost 500 fucking dollars.
Who even buys these ridiculously expensive sets? I've gotten two 100+ dollar sets and though they were very expensive (though one was the X-Wing and TIE Fighter set that's basically 2 50$ sets bundled together, so the price per model wasn't actually that high), and while both sets are cool and I don't regret getting them I could never see myself spending much more than that on a single set.
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Whoever got that misprint can get a replacement free from Lego, and also they could sell that misprint for like a hundo especially since it looks like alphabet+ clan dyed hair. thats a total win.
>My gourd, where has it gone?
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DnDbros... we still have the best expensive af big set by far.
the only "cost" for Lego is the design/development salaries. they pay a few people to "make" a set, a few more to "art" the torsos, and a few more to make a new hat mold.

basically the model itself is "free" to Lego, the plastic involved is mere pennies compared to the development costs.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, they don't need to sell very many to get back the initial cost of producing the set. those employees design several sets each year

Lego probably figured that out a few years ago, they keep doing it, so it must be profitable

Google says plastic is 36 cents per pound. for easy math, let's round up to 50 cents for Lego's special plastic (if they have a special plastic) the giant Millenium Falcon weighs 22.4 pounds. so mathematically, it's only $12 worth of plastic. and they charge $800 for it.
exactly the same, sometimes they cheap out on not including a cape when the fig has it in the set, but that's all.

not worth it when you have the playset version with uncensored Leia
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they censored her cleavage though. this the REAL leia.
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needs to be stop motion animated wound up and go brrrrrrrr! thx 4 sharing fren :)
Whats the best way to keep up with leak shit? Instagram is a cesspool
The answers aren't gonna help you much.
is reddit
is worse than both
I own this bitch. Gonna a sell her along with some other valuable shit and use the money to buy the DnD set + cmfs
Guys...new thread? When?
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Lego Goku tomorrow
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Figures don't even have side-printing on legs/hands except the butler robot

is this a new dreamzzz wave?
It's mouseslop. Why would they need to try? Mousecucks will slurp up literally anything, at any price, and beg for more. If they had any standards they wouldn't still be buying Soi Wars in 20 fucking 24.
also stop replying to the goku troll
There was a light nougat version with identical printing
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Lego Monkie Kid is kino
And a ching chong ping pong to you too, Zhang.
The yellow version is better though
Wish i could of got monkey kid but the only place that sells it is the online lego store and it's way too expensive
same here. what is the reason? afraid it will outsell ninjago in stores?
Can't have LEGO poop without LEGO food.
For sovl or cooming? Nougat better for hot kragle
Ugh chinks believe lego is a premium toy only wealthy chink families can afford it so thats why the sets are expensive.

Anyway I think MK is ending next year because of world shifting away from China. So lego dbz is likely to replace it.

Yes, yes I still wanna fucks asian women
>literal who build your own insert characters
>iconic beloved characters with deep lore and character development
lol it's 15 votes vs 12. Choose your battles.
Lego zelda theme announcement any day now
We are getting sonic generations sets in january according to legominecraftgoat
I was at a Lego Store over the weekend and got all the D&D figures I want except for the Dragonborn. I guess scalpers hit that store and got them all. Weird because I don't see why the Dragonborn is more desirable than any of the others. I'm not worried though, my local Target or mom & pop toy store will probably have as many as I want (which is ONE).
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He built BOTH versions of the LEGO Zelda Deku Tree!
MK is so kino
Both. yellow is sexier ive got jungle fever
Who tf is that? Nothing on google. Got a link?
Lol I used to love this guys videos, surprised he still makes them thats pretty cool
Instagram leaker, one of the most reliable next to exabrickslegogo and falconfan1414
that's not very cool at all
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why not he makes cool and funny videos... more than you do anon
how is this a leak? it's a 3ds game cover from 2013.
He is teasing it
Female version is better.
Hope that means classic versions of Sonic and Tails.
>looks like shit’s back on the menu boys!
>theres a weinstein orc fig
Holy fuck lol
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It’s true tho.
I came. I don’t care even this >>11157224
gets me bricked up.

>>literal who build your own insert characters

but enough about zelda

>>iconic beloved characters with deep lore and character development

yes, let's talk about D&D
>m-m-m-m-muh timeline
Nobody gives a shit.
Oh wow! A brown triangle instead of a grey one!
already made retard >>11157308
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>Why does Zelda have a cellphone?
>It's more like a Wii U tablet
>I really don't like this in a magical world.
>There's a jukebox in ocarina of time

Don't forget the Phonebooth in Links Awakening. I like the little filing cabinet they put in too.
That's not Hitler, it's Onkel Vernon
>What about their hymens? They don't need those.
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in all honesty anon:
the set had 2 partially melted (not enough plastic fed) thin 2x3. It also had 3 missing pieces (they gave similar but wrong pieces) that fucked up my bridge a little but I was able to make do without (and i dont have my childhood lego collection anymore, so no spares laying about. ymmv)

Other than that, some plastic pieces especially the tans and browns fit somewhat poorly, or needed more strength than lego needs to fit.

that said, it did finally come together quite nicely. its a solid chunk of a spaceship. Its perfectly balanced on its single black knockoff technic stick, to the point i have no worries placing it in this position, in front of a painting that always reminded me of raining bloody skies, or the Warp. Now it stands vigil over my computer.

all in all, its a top tier build of the kind of subject lego would never go for and im glad i bought it.
theres a few more, mostly of ultramarines fleet design, but i think i'm good on that front.

also theres no light bricks, no transfers or stickers, no clutch but there sure were quite a few mold marks

It's really cool, but this should really be a $350-$400 set max for it's size. $500 is crazy.
elfs have always been zesty
Because we would be better off with a LEGO City Undercover CMF line
Thanks for the details. I agree. It looks DOPE infront of that painting. I'll probably spring for one next sale. Thanks my dude
>the absolute PHENOTYPE on that guy
Thank God for Lego. Man was not meant to achieve the mastery of physics such a cranium threatens to birth.
Hes literally me

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