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Favourite /toy/ relevant art?
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This was my wallpaper on my Kindle Fire 10 before it died.
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Yoji Shinkawa's sketch of how the Solid Snake Figma should look like
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hard to narrow things down to just one image. might just share a few different favorites.
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I've always love He-Man card art. Babby's first fantasy.
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vintage MOTU art in general is really top tier
Takara and Hasbro need to put out a Diaclone artbook asap. every single piece is astonishing.
semi-related. I have no first hand experience with micronauts, but between reviews, photos, and these glorious ken kelly paintings I cant get enough.
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The Beast Wars packaging art is all very near and dear to me and inspired me to draw alot.Finally getting to see high res versions, it's interesting to see more visible paint strokes and lines that weren't so visible when printed smaller.
Really miss this style of art, though I will say Hasbro does put effort into making unique art still(even after periods of going cheap)
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Figure-Oh magazine number 225 featured diaclone and its artwork. Here's the link to my scans of it. (Base64'd)
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based. thanks anon
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why did kenner batmen have such great card art?
This is why I didnt care for toys back then. they're incapable of pulling off box poses at least.
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those btas ones are extremely on point you could tell some one it was the same artists from the show and they'd never second guess you
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soo if they didnt have that art youd be fine? i think your just full of shit and werent around back then. also the beyond figure can basically do the box pose u retard
This is the one
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i dont know if they were all BTAS talents. I know Carmine Infantino did alot of batman product artwork for kenner from BTAS all the way to forever for example. Might have just been alot of comic industry freelancers in the mix.
This one always
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I am convinced the AI jet from the movie Stealth ripped this off.
it's just so memetic isnt it? it's the perfect embodiment of all that a 6 year old boy finds awesome. aliens, dinosaurs, and war.
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i'd fucking kill for the original card artwork off the monster turtles to be sold as a poster
Because fantastic card art was the thing back in the day. If your card-art wasn't on point, you weren't selling that toy.

I'm not normally one of them "back in the day" types who thinks everything was better forty years ago, but when it comes to toy art....it's a lost art form.

>the movie Stealth

It was probably based on the actual F-19, which was the inspiration for the Phantom as well.
I'm not normally one of them "back in the day" types who thinks everything was better forty years ago, but when it comes to toy art....it's a lost art form

I want to say we really saw the end of it towards the late aughts. even upto 05'-06' many toylines still featured some really nice card art. but around then it became more of a standard to utilize official renders, photos of the toys themselves, clipart, etc on the packaging. Seems like things didnt change for the better until a decade ago once the industry began focusing on the collector demo.
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more examples came to mind earlier

>captcha TOYT
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My favorite gunpla boxart still even though the kit didnt live up to my childhood expectations.
The boxes for the hasbro star wars figures from the 90s to mid 2000s were visually appealing

In particular like the power of the force boxes, the phantom menace ones with darth maul on em and the rots figures with dark vader fire and the red and black gradient

Maybe i just like gradients idk
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These were pretty cookiecutter and low-effort desu, but something about them was still exciting somehow. They would always combo one bright color with black, and a big picture of a head. It was simple, but it worked.
This is exciting to me because both the logo and Vader head are hand-painted. They are works of art. This may look simple, but someone labored over these with an airbrush for hours, not slapped it together in PS in 10 minutes.
this. its why I shared the FF and SM1 toys earlier. even though the 03' hulk packaging gets me just as much for looking like some kind of containment unit. in anycase pic related is a great recent example. really wish this line had done better.
even the gradient itself is probably an airbrush. Very impressive how these were done in the analog days. Probably put together with a computer by the 90's, but the individual elements were largely done by hand on traditional methods
Lanard should be respected for many reasons, but the great card art and diorama inside the clear window just hammers home that they GET IT. This is toy packaging, it should be exciting. Lanard knew exactly what the fuck they were doing.
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the box art they have produced in the past 8yrs is amazing.
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That might as well be AI art compared to the physical paintings they used to make.
this, I cant lament the underperformance of their alien and predator lines enough. they are the perfect toy company and unfortunately they cant catch a break. a modern dsy trendmasters.
It is possible to do digital paintings that feel like they have soul like this, but what Bandai is doing ain't it. Their renders all look so cheap and bad, even though someone probably worked hard on them too. Their direction on the HGUC boxes for the last decade or two has been so lacking.
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