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Are all of you hurting inside just as much as I am? It's why I still buy toys sometimes
This kind of thing, men giving up on women and starting a family or participating in society is becoming more normalized, for better or worse, so mom you're not the only one who feels this way.
Why does it matter? The west has collapsed, they can't even make anything.
I actually have a wife but it still feels isolating. Feels like I already have a kid who has temper tantrums every day work is hard. I would probably prefer to just live alone and have more game nights with the bros.
Yea, I wish I was gay too, bro.
I hurt everywhere. My back, my knees, my soul.
If you want to experiment, I'll let you suck my dick. Just gotta say "no homo" beforehand in case you aren't gay.
Then we can play with my GI Joes afterwards. I call dibs on Snake Eyes.
Yeah man, i deal with shit everday. But buying more toys does not help at all. Buying a random impulse toy just reminds me how weak i am, how foolish i am with money more than it will make or help me feel better
i was happier when i was a kissless virgin. i recommend to all young men to stay single and just get hookers. There is absolutely no value women bring to a mans life.
I feel really sorry for the women who are involved with you guys. They deserve better
I feel sorry for anybody within your radius, nobody wants some self righteous know it all judging them
Yeah, I've had a pretty bad bout of diverticulitis tee past week and it feels like my stomach is dying.
Change your diet? Eat more fiber less red meat. Avoid seeds and fruit skins. Processed foods are the devil. Get some vitamin D, avoid booze and drink more water, and go get some exercise.
It was granola bars that did me in. I've been trying to find a healthier quick little breakfast so I switched to granola bars. I didn't think or realize it would set off my ticulitis until a week and half and 3/4s of a box later. Shit sucks yo.
I use that toilet time to shitpost and troll toy threads on a Mongolian knotted rug image board. I hear ya you never know until it’s too late.

dr berg says granola bars and protein bars are bad
>for better or worse
for worse
Not really, I try to keep a busy life and I have a lot of friends (but I noticed I've gotten pickier as I've gotten older), no one woman in my life but I'm not TOO old for that to be a problem, and staying single does have it's perks. I just think toys look cool, but I do wish the anons in this thread the best, escapism really is only a temporary solution.
No, i'm pretty ok with how's my life going, toys are still just a fun hobby for me.

Why? Didn't you noticed these tantrums back when you were dating?


I don’t collect actively but still have a large number of toys and comics I’ve kept preserved. My last gf kept trying to make me sell them, it was one of many reasons we didn’t last. They just can’t stand it when men enjoy things.
Sounds awful, my sympathies. I have a chronic GI issue that kicked me out of life for a decade, but now I feel much better the past few years. I feel like I can have a life…so not hurting inside so much anymore.
NTA but yea, the whole "getting old" business is a kick in the balls. I think it really hit me last year when I was walking around a con and my back suddenly gave out. Gotta make sure I wait till the end to buy the heavy stuff.

That sucks anon, diverticulitis is no joke. It's kinda awful when you realize you have to actively change your life just to try and stay healthy. But it's worth it to still be able to do stuff you enjoy.

I still get new toys, and have a ton of stuff on pre-order, but I certainly have cut back on what I grab, especially when it comes to impulse buys. But honestly, some of the most fun I have is digging into an old box of toys with my kid and just lettin them mess with stuff I played with when I was little. At this point in my life, space and time are my most limiting factors to collecting and enjoying my toys, but by the time I have more of those, I probably won't be physically able to play with things.
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I yelled back when I heard thunder
But I'm down to one last breath
And with it let me say, let me say
Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking
Maybe six feet ain't so far down
Yes and no
I wonder what the ratio of emotional and mental suffering to shitposting is on this board.
This is the kind of reactionary, self-pitying thread that makes us all look bad as collectors.
I have a great girlfriend, a great job, solid relationships with my friends and family, and I'm a functional member of society. And I have a Transformers collection.
It's not because I'm in pain, it's not to fill a void, it's not because "le west has fallen", it's a hobby and it's because I just like them.
Oh I agree. The only reason I hurt inside is because I'm a retard and ate a bunch of granola my stupid pussy stomach can't process.
>it's a hobby
I've always had hobbies. When I was in school, I spent a bunch of money on import music on CD and vinyl and even reading import music magazines. I still like a lot of music and listen to a lot of music but I have no desire to OWN it or run down rare imports.

It did teach me once I grew to other hobbies (like art books or comic books, or toys), to no longer feel any FOMO or urge to waste money because something is rare or allegedly unique, by and large, and if I do, it's as a fun treat.

I'm also highly functional with all that (just came from a surfing vacation where I spent no time on this board or on toy sites) hanging out with a bunch of friends.

There's nothing wrong with hobbies of any sort, even as coping mechanisms, as long as you don't let it take over your life (e.g. spend your entire spare cash after you get paid on something) so no drugs, music, toys, vidya, porn, etc.
This post is an embarrassing window into your life.
Dont be mean to the chud youre probably a redditor and thus way worse and cringe.
>Are all of you hurting inside just as much as I am?
I like to think that everyone is hurting on the inside.
Definitely. My life has always been rough as shit and hasnt gotten any better. Ive done everything right but still get punished for it. As usual the women I fell in love with either rejected me, wont date due to bad experience or are just crazy bitches not worth the injuries. What should I spend my money on? Drugs and alcohol? Dating spoiled women that wont put out but expect me to spend $1,000 a date. Go to church and give some grifter all my money to feel better im a loser? I mean jesus christ ive learned so many talents and skills and still get shit on by people with less.
I'm a woman kek
real talk. I would say the ideal is find a partner YOUNG. but if your getting up there i just dont think legitamate love can exist because women basically start to permanently start taking SOMEBODYs dick at 18-20. and the older they get, the more dick/milage there is, and the more mental damage/lower inability to pair bond.

if your like 30 and depressed feel like shit, I honestly think getting fit, truly learning to love yourself, and hobbymaxing is just infinite more satisfying than getting a partner whos likely already been ran through and had her experiences. also stop watching porn/fapping/ejaculating. read some William Walker Atkinson regeneration or Mantak Chia and learn to transmute that shit.
Yeah I got bloody hemeroids
Fuck that shit, snake eyes is gay.
Dice, destro or croc master.

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