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I'm looking to get a replacement airsoft rifle for my broken g3. My field is semi auto only and my g3 busted and fires a 5 round burst on semi mode for some reason
I've been looking to replace it anyway
I'm looking to replace it with this:
Is this any good? I picked a relatively high priced one that would go good with my cold war era outfit. (pasgt, m81 woodland etc)
This one's price seems good because I'm guessing that higher price = quality.
There is also the CYMA m16a3 which is lower price but also looks good
Not sure if I should get this one either.. they look identical its weird
Better to ask in >>>/xs/
That is NOT a toy , that’s like a full on gun
Do you not see the orange barrel tip, retard? Either way, it's not /toy/ it is /xs/.

Airsoft guns like OP posted shoot lightweight plastic BBs at a low speed for playing a game (similar to nerf or paintball) and don't shoot hard enough to be actual weapons (some of the higher-powered ones can be tuned such that they'll damage eyes or chip teeth, but the common safety gear easily protects against this and maximum projectile mass and speed is regulated for gameplay). In contrast, air guns shoot dense metal BBs and pellets and can be used for target shooting and sometimes hunting, depending on the model.

/xs/ definitely has the stronger airsoft community but a thread on /toy/ focused on the replica and collecting side of airsoft rather than the performance and competitive side could work well.
File: airsoftwhere.jpg (45 KB, 546x371)
45 KB
Oh boy I get to pull this one out of the attic...
probably doubly confusing now with /xs/

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