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Hello all, I've been gone a while, but I'm back and thought I'd start this again as I had so much fun before.

Post toys, that's all. The theme this time is toys jumping and also toys that you didn't expect to like but ended up really liking. Pic related.

Hope everyone is well!
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well, on the verge of jumping...
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Welcome back OP! Missed these threads.
Nobody notice how poorly the stands are shooped out.
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Miquel jumping over imaginary fence
Smoke break
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nice! I like the use of the wood bench?
whatever works.
I can see it, nice fluidity.
ah I have my wolvering and Snake on a similar set up.
Who dat is?
Morg the executioner, one of the Heralds of Galactus.
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looks fine.
need to work on some backgrounds for myself, too.

I have a lot of ideas, I just have way too many other things to get finished up first.
One of my first photos/posts back in 2017. Doing great, hope you're good too.
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Can't jump rn.
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...But he can.
Pose is kinda stiff, I need to get better flight stands, those I have are to flimsy, they barely hold the guy.
His drink was dooooped!
Just a soldier
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...Now let's see Terrax's axe.
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…anon, why do you always post images of toys in this pose like they’re waiting to be dicked down?

Why Broose Wane carry big axe?
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bought less toys than ever this year and don't expect to buy many more if any, so i tried to figure out my favorites of the year.
I hope that she hulk gets a color matched reissue
>like they’re waiting
You've got something in your eyes, Son.
You should get that looked at.
Before it festers into something serious.

So they’ve already been dicked down? Croikey
Good use of Fwoosh Ninjas and that one lizard ninja fortnite figure, he would especially fit right in fighting the turtles.

....though what is Raph doing to Electra?

Is this from that one comic where Spidey and Wolverine swapped bodies or something?
God that electric Superman looks great.
The ultimate series run? That was pretty fun. The image is Australian; didn't mean to position it that way.
How about some good ol' nostalgia bait.
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good pics everyone!

I kinda want that she hulk.
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I took pics while playing mini golf.
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Formerly Chuck's
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There's arcade here too
I gotta say, interesting choice putting the toy in the foreground and focusing on the background lol.
I was sorta doing it quick lol sometimes it was hard to get focus right.
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I thought so too. but somehow it works.
Have a techwear UMP9 mantling some rocks in over lighting. As for things I didn't expect to like, I'd say the new Little Armory WA2000 I pre-ordered before the Mk14 EBR arrived. The Mk14 left such a poor taste in my mouth, I wasn't expecting much. The WA2000 wound up alright. I was then immediately disappointed by the UMP9 right after.
I love the personality
Absolutely stellar display!
Heads up dude, there's supposedly a Metal Slug vehicle on pre-order on Gundamit right now. No images of even prototypes though, so it's far from a real thing yet. Here's hoping!
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Have you gotten any weird looks or people bugging you when you take photos in public? I haven't so far other than some curious kids seeing what I'm doing.
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Damnit, forgot image like a retard.
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>there's supposedly a Metal Slug vehicle on pre-order on Gundamit right now
There was some leaked low res video showing its prototype a year ago. You can check it here:
Hope we will see some actual promos soon, all they have is upcoming Leona figure.

They teased 2 more things:
Camel Slug - it speaks for itself
Allen O'Neil - the big guy miniboss with a huge machinegun

Can't wait. This series got me into action-figure collecting.
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Here an old pic. So, how's everyone? Hopefully this week I'll finally receive both Cui and Zarbon, also nin nin just shipped my Hajime Saito. I have lots of things to preorder next month from revo and Storm (K and Yashiro, my mains from KOF), also I have to see if I'm able to get King Cold once he release
I hope one day we'll get another Nappa figure. He could use a better butterfly joint and abs crunch and more face expressions like a laughing face and the one firing a beam from his mouth.
The only bad thing is that the paint is never going to be as good as the event version
and he needs to be bigger with better shoulder pads
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Yeah, shoulder pads should be like Turles or 2nd form Frieza or they could use a double ball joint like revoltech did with Masamune sword sheats. That way you can move them whatever you want, they could do the same with the pads on the legs to move them out of the way when you try to kick.
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Went to the Arizona Boardwalk there's some fun stuff to look at and take pics of.
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finally someone does double jointed elbows, single jointed legs
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Nice pictures everyone.
I think this one is been posted before. I like it a lot.
that alien gots the buns of steel.
nice jump.
very nice jump.
I remember you! nice pic.
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This sculpture appears to be made of old tires.
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these boomerangs really stick to Gattsu.
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These threads are a comfort for me. Thanks, everyone, for posting
Great tire art
is there a good 1/12 cowboy figure either out or coming out?
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Sick, looks promising.
>all they have is the upcoming Leona figure
Not exactly.
The teases sound interesting. Can't wait.
Definitely! Very fun!
The reaction face reflected in the glass near the has is killing me
Thank. Here's the whole rotation image set. Also love that picture. It looks like you had so much fun! Takes me back. Back when I didn't care my toys came from different universes. They all played the same. Good vs bad in giant battles. Even same franchises of different periods. Good times.
I think there's 3rd party makers on 5ktoys that show up once in awhile. Think they did Arthur from RDR but I may be mistaken.
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Also got some Little Armory kits. Did a little shoot with the Tactical Case, RPG and Mk14 EBR. Just got my WA2000s and UMP9 in too.
Kino. It's so empty though.
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Farmer hulk.
gonna have to kee0 an eye on it.
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I went on a Thursday.
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another one for fun.
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And I'm not sure how well it translates, but she is jumping over the spear.
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Yeah, I posted that Tunshi is also releasing a wave of blank bodies in the coomer toy general thread. So if you got the Kai Labs alternate outfits for Fio and Eri, you can now put them on the other body with the other head and effectively have 2 of each figure (minus boots).
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LA don't work too badly with the Metal Slug figures.
After waiting seemingly forever, I finally got my StG magazine pouches, and they're both left-hand ones. Fucking DiD.
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They're here. Can't wait to take pics with good lighting tomorrow
I thought he whacked her with it and she's being flipped over.
that works too =p
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Yeah, Little Armory is pretty hit and miss for me.
>Order Weapon Case, RPG and Mk14 EBR
>Get them
>Build first kits
>Simple introduction to kits
>Excited about Mk14
>Mk14 is kinda shit
>Mag eject isn't what it looked like and scope falls right off
>Securing with glue defeats the purpose of a modular weapon
>Not anywhere near as good as the actual built in railing the Hasuki AK with Sasha Habe had
>Handle on big so need to ham hands an already brittle model to get it to fit on Figma hands built to hold guns
>Next put together RPG
>Feels good
>Fits in hands well enough
>Has modular accessories that don't fall off and rocket grenades in varying states. Loaded, unloaded full, and mid flight
>Can take apart mid flight to simulate loading tube
>Happy, like this one
>Gun case is fun and looks good
>RPG doesn't fit because rear of tube is just too wide
>Gun case is sturdy, be happy - will learn to attach decals later
>Ammo cans look good, handle works like in real life and it opens too. I like Ammo cans with cases
>Preoder 2 WA2000 and UMP9 before others arrived
>Get them recently
>Put together WA2000 first cause sex
>WA2000 has modular ability so build each one different
>One of the bipods snapped while shaving down nubs because of how super fragile and thin it is (it bent while using snips to get it out of molding frame to begin with)
>goes together nicely, scope stays in place, feels sturdy enough for figures to hold and mag eject and insert uses a full mag mold rather than a square peg so I'm happy
>WA2000 is good
>Build UMP9
>Goes well until barrel has no way of securing and falls out.
>Mag eject is a square peg again
It's literally a coin flip. And for their prices when I need to put it together, it's not a worthwhile purchase. I'll try their mobile armed turret drone and that's their last chance.
Definitely valid complaints.
Yup. UMP9 stock doesn't even fold. It's a square peg attachment. The Figma UMP9 is miles ahead. Compare these misses to the Hasuki weapon platforms and its no contest. I paid half for a pistol, which has a racked and loaded version, underbarrel mounted laser sight that can be removed and placed on the racked version, 4 removable magazines, removable silencer, and 2 holsters (one for pistols with the laser sight and one for without). No assembly required, fully painted. Plus details like the barrel being gold on one, so when it's racked you can see the golden battel sticking out of the slide, and for the loaded version you can see the golden inside the eject slot. It's detailed even with textured grips. And mini warning label printing on the laser sights. No competition.
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Pretty fun figures with good articulation, the only bad thing is the armor pads
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Man can't wait for them to announce monster Zarbon, also I can't wait to see King Cold
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Added a couple more smokers
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I hope all is well for you guys this weekend. have fun! take some pics!
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Gambit is such a cool punching bag
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All I have is an Argentine peso that I kept as a memento
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gambit is a really nice figure overall.
thise werewolf looks great. kinda making me want to get my werewolf figure I left at my mom's house.
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totally rad dou
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hey that's a pretty cool JR line rx-78 bust
Made me laugh
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cleanning toys....
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the mezco reed makes me miss my toybiz f4 reed with all the little plastic inserts to make him stretch
the dumbass who took this pic has the waist turned around the wrong way

good times
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Why is this thread on autosage?

let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say the dude taking the Pic wanted to emphasize Reed's flexibility. But yeah that figure is great because of all the parts you can add to it, I've always liked figures like that with lots of options. I still have my "The thing" from that movie by the way and I like him. crazy his catch phrase gimmick still works and I've never replaced the battery.
thank you! I really like messing with that mister Fantastic. Also nice collection, the red comet is one of my favorites.
bring out the guitars!
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When I visited japan the entire thing was on display in Akihabara as a grand prize for their "Gundam JR stamp rally". The morning after it ended, I went to akiba again and they were taking down the display (and preparing a Detective Conan one iirc) and the Gundam had been broken. I asked the mainteinance guy in "figer signals" and he let me have it
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is this using a light? or effects? either way cool pic, just curious.
cool story.
great Pic, who is the octopus hair girl?
>Optimus prime jumping in before the thread dies
>It's on autosage
>dies for nothing
ty, the girls are from Splatoon 2, the sea anemone is from fortnite
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any reason why it's autosage?
a I see, I don't play splatoon but I kinda remember seeing some of the characters long ago.
I am not sure on the specifics on the actual numbers, but awhile back Janitors, or maybe even the owner. To combat the amount of spam threads (I believe it was /tfg/) if a thread doesn't get a certain number of posts, or users it goes into autosage. Again, I'm not sure on the numbers.
>tldr; /tfg/ made the board worse.
Posts or users within a set amount of time*
>Dat grammar
Yeah yeah

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