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What’s on the workbench, /toy/?

Sculpts, castings, 3D prints, dioramas, mods, kitbashes, and repaint are all welcome!

Post WIPs, finished projects, ideas, techniques, ask for advice, and most of all, have fun!

-Invest in a rotary tool such as a dremel for sanding/sculpting, especially a flexible extension tip.
-Pin vises for drilling holes can be found at hobby stores like Hobby Lobby and are great for making peg holes.
-For soft, flexible parts get Sugru silicone putty and Oyumaru
-Hardware epoxy putties such as Waterweld, KwikWood, and PlasticWeld are similar to milliput, greenstuff, and apoxie, can be cheaper some times, and can be found at local hardware stores such as Lowes, Ace, and Home Depot.
-Bootleg figures make great custom-fodder, especially if the legit figures are pricey.
>Body-chan/kun, Figma Archetype He/She, and Sozai-chan/kun are great base bodies for import-style human characters.
-For 3D models to use for editing, the following sites are good to bookmark:
cgtrader.com (free and purchasable models)
cults3d.com (free and purchasable models)
models-resource.com (FREE 3D game models)
turbosquid.com (free and purchasable models)
grabcad.com (free and purchasable models)
renderhub.com (free and purchasable models)
Preliminary designs for a 1:1 Sunder from Morrowind based off the 1:12 miniature one I made years back. This will be designed for FDM printers, and I'll be commissioning the first test print soon.
Do people even make customs anymore? This general has been dead for nearly a year.
Its just the same couple people posting their stuff here. Most the customizers solely stick to instagram
does anyone know how to remove a rusty stripped screw from an old action figure?
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Slow threads like this get autosaged. It takes time to handcraft stuff so there is no way keep the thread alive other than souless bumping.
Nice, I have ABS printed pickaxes from Deep Rock Galactic, gonna start refining those soon.
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>more pics
Files were taken straight from the game, need to smooth them up a bit and then paint them.
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I got really into that 3D printing. Was planning this year to model and print a 1/12 scale truck from Metal Slug for my MS collection. I need a resin printer, but for me it is to late for this year, temps are falling and my place is getting pretty cold. Doubt the printer, even with heater attached, could handle that.
I have. I just wait for threads to come up since /toy/ is a slow board. That said, it didn't help that the last couple of threads kept getting pushed off because of a bunch of spammers.
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Been working on various 3D designs for Transformers. Last one I finished was a new, smaller/more proportionate head for Legacy Strongarm
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>last couple of threads kept getting pushed off because of a bunch of spammers.
Mostly that one mentally ill anon who can't stand people that like 3d printing

Resin printing is fun and you can print some super detailed stuff, but you also need to know 3d modeling a bit to tweak stuff to prep for printing. Like that pictured truck model you showed can't be printed as is. Many parts are just way too thin to print and would need to be modified.
Oh, fucking nice.
>Many parts are just way too thin to print and would need to be modified
I do take this into consideration, walls can't be thinner tan 2mm from what I have seen. Need to model some anti warping supports here and there. But will never know until I try it, will use those more warping resistant resins like SUNLU ABS. I want model to have articulation, so all doors, the hood, the bed to be openable, and suspension to be adjustable. Will see if this can be done, I'm not rushing it, it will take a lot of trial and error to get it right. This model is still just a "sketch" to get the thing on model, as close to the pixel and concept art as possible. Now I'm gonna create proper printable parts based on it.

If i fail, I can use the printer to make accessories to my diorama, like barrels and stuff like that.
After my initial order was inexplicably cancelled I was able to place a new order for a KO Figma Asuka from AliExpress. Gonna combine it with the KO Revo Harley Quinn I have (with mods and paint of course) to make an older, sluttier (if such a thing is possible) Asuka.
Nice. Gonna give the Harley body a visible womb tattoo or a tramp-stamp?

I was so happy to see that Asuka got bootlegged recently. I wasn't collecting (as an adult) during the Rei-ject figmas, so getting an Asuka I can customize without feeling guilty at the price paid is nice.

I think the new Revo Asuka also got bootlegged. I've seen a few for sub-retail prices advertised as new, so unless they're scams it's nice to have another Asuka to use for customs.
>Gonna give the Harley body a visible womb tattoo or a tramp-stamp?
Hell yeah I am! I have decal paper and a decent enough laser printer so that's definitely on the cards.
Turning my Hexa Gear governors into Ta’u commanders. Hexa gear is pretty much abandoned by kotobukiya so I might as well have them as part of my table top army.
Yeah yeah...shut up
Looks good.
sweetie, just say you’re too dumb for warhammer <3
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Last finished custom was SkyGarry out of CW Hotspot, now I'm working on parts for Star Convoy and Sixliner.
Hello cg, getting into customs slowly and now need to tool up a little, any recs on decent but budget rotary tool and airbursh? cheers!
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Shouldn't fill the gap with UV glue... My guess is the resin material is just too hard compared to plastic, so it's impossible to sand it evenly...
That looks top notch!
>figma Asuka has been bootlegged
I had no idea. I’d love to see some quality shots, when I checked Ali all the review pictures were blurry as fuck.
Shouldn't be too hard to get even. Use a sanding block or put the sand paper on a flat, hard surface and rub the part over it to get a perfectly even and flush side

Any rotary tool will do, really. Unless you're cutting or drilling through massive, solid chunks of ABS, the cheap $10 dreme sets from cheap hardware stores will do fine.

For airbrush, I feel the quality and how thin the paints are is much more important than the airbrush and compressor choice
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I started with #120 and even used a rotary sander but it's still not working, pic related shows what I think happened to the surface.
My plan now is to scribe away the entire area and refill it with regular instant glue.
I understood what you were saying. My point was that things like sanding by hand and using a rotary tool will not provide a completely even surface on large areas. There's a lot of room for error that way. I always flip the part upside down and rub the uneven side across the sand paper that's laying against the desk top so the entire surface is completely even afterwards
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Thanks, I did something similar but not as extensoive for Grandus months ago, now i'm adding missing parts to Star Convoy.
Im starting to paint, and having trouble with faces, is there any tips, or cheap fodder alternative to practice paint?
Usa a lot of masking tape. Use airbrush to paint the main colors. Use classic brush only for details. Think about getting desk mounted magnifying glass.
Water slide decals for the eyes and eyebrows.
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This custom kusanagi has a tiny head. Anyone know of a statuette with a 1/12 mug that doesn't look too anime?
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Made a minotaur conversion kit for my fat chick 3D printed figure. The fully sculpted humanoid face was a commission based on the mid-transformation face of the cowgirl from Marmalademum's "Chemistry Class" comic.
i wish Id saved the original pic of the drawn together dolls...
>slampig anon returns
bless you king
Forgot the link.
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6 months ago I set out to create Sym-Bionic Titan. I was told by several modelers it would be nearly impossible due to the transparent shell and the gaps that would remain in the shell vs the skeleton.
Whatever you're using, it looks awesome. Is the clear stuff vacuformed plastic or clear 3d printed resin?

Either way, I assume articulation is a no-go due to that shell?
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Anycubic High Clear, that's after it's been treated with a UV resistant coating.
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Oh yeah, sorry. Definitely no articulation. I think that's the downside of this robot/mech. The fact it has something that just cant exist in real life, floating glass armor, prevents movement.
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Your stuff is good, but this piece in red just looks bad.
Incredible effort nonetheless. I imagine an articulated SBT would have to be designed the same way the old takara henshin cyborgs were, prioritizing the clear plastic articulated shell and filling the extremities with molded plastic pieces to further sell the cyborg look. please continue your work anon its really coming together.
Yeah, it's a part of the original model's belly that stuck out. When I separated the diaphragm to make jointed sections that overlap it made that rim in the front half. I've been debating the best way to fix that without the lower torso opening showing. I could blend it better, or I could close off the opening of the lower torso more and limit diaphragm articulation and get rid of the rim.
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It's a lot of trial and error. The model itself was incredibly complicated for the artist because there's no reference pictures outside of the clear shell.

>takara henshin cyborgs

Those things look amazing, but also incredibly difficult to fabricate properly with resin. I don't think I'll ever come to any decisive conclusion on an articulated titan, there would be too many moving around the joint sections. This will likely be the only one like it in the world.
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Been worried about the legs... Guess we'll see in... 12 hours.
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So my apologies for the slightly shitty photo but she came in!
The good:
>Joints are actually pretty decent- some molding issues but nothing's too loose or too tight (with one exception).
>Comes with all the accessories
>Doesn't feel like it's gonna break
>Faceplates are pretty much spot on
The bad:
>One of her twintails is very loose on its balljoint and likes to come off a lot
>The paint is absolutely horrific
>The stand is a bit loose, though I can just tighten the screws so whatever
Not bad for £18 total though. Annoyingly though her skintone doesn't match the Harley Quinn KO, so I'll have to paint the skin on those parts to match. Annoying but such is life I suppose.

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