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Hey fags
I just purchased the Revoltech Jason Voorhees and I really like him a lot.
The problem I have is that either bad joint or me ham handing it that a wrist joint broke and it seems to be an unusual type that I've never came across.
I want to buy a new joint but don't know what to look for
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I didn’t even know there was a revoltech jason
Yeah man, I really dig him.
I have the Revoltech Big Chap and Warrior Alien and live to just have them around at arms length just because I love how fun they are to play with.
Something about the detail, scale and click of the joints.
And I always wanted to get Jason because I felt he would translate well and he did,
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Another pic
It was a really early figure. It's out of scale an the paint Is not very good. I wish more import companies would try Jason. imagine a Part 8 jason, which has never gotten an official figure.
How about showing us the joint you didn't break instead of the hole on the side you did. Because that looks very odd. Normally I'd say hobby base is good for replacing revoltech joints but that hole looks crazy.
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My apologies dude
I can understand why you think there might be more to understand but really, there's not.
It's just an ordinary peg hole
I have replaced revoltech joints with hobby based joints. Not sure if thy would be small enough for the wrists on your figure but it might be a worth checking out or seeing if they have smaller offerings
Thanks dude, I'll look in to it.
Much appreciated
This thread is really frustrating. How is this supposed to fit? Can you show some side to side comparisons with the intact one pulled apart and the broken one?
That's a really strange socket and nothing else you posted so far fits that.

As for repairs: it's just a swivel at an angle, right? You could fill it up with superglue or some putty or whatever and just create another peg/hole..?
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Hey guys, I solved the problem.
There seems to be a very small part that had come loose.
I was searching through the box and heard a slight rattle that was a part that seemed to fit.
I have just glued it back and that should sort it.
I want to thank anyone who tried to help and I recommend this figure if you can find him, when I was searching there only seems to be a few because it's such an early figure.
There is so many accessories and a small diorama.
The blood on his second wounded head and the severed head looks really slick and wet.
Really man, you might have to pay rape prices but I doubt you will regret it.
>rape prices
>he goes for 4.5k yen on mandarake
Don’t get swindled!
There really needs to be list of all of Kaiyodo's stuff. There are so many characters / lines I didn't even know this company made.

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