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I'm looking for a good Elvira figure to ejaculate on.
Any recommendations?
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Try Neca, you fucking degenerate
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Pretty sure it’s just the NECA figures so far, picrel has all the versions. They’re great figures really, but they’re 8 inches compared to the normal 7 inch of other NECA figures. However, they’ve teased an Ultimates Elvira coming so I’d probably wait for that.
There are many great Elvira statues/figurines for sale online, with big perfect pale tits and shit. You should try searching there, happy cum.
post some examples I only get high-end $500+ shit when I'm looking for Elvira merch
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just buy this book it's all sexy pictures of Elvira
Nobody cares about the rules anymore here. This is a plastic wasteland now, kid
Then go ahead and post some, faggot piece of shit
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I don't know, but this mouse pad is really cool.
That's ridiculous
I need those
I was gifted my first Neca last week, a buddy gave me the Elvira figure. I love it. I'm a package nerd tho
Seriously who buy that garbage?
Kek. I bought this for my dad for Christmas a few years back since he was a big Elvira fan back in the day. He kind of scoffed at it, but then said it was really good for his wrist and bought a Catwoman one when the Elvira one wore out.
>said it was really good for his wrist
This is actually true. After trying all kinds of mouse pads with wrist support and finding them lacking.i trued a cheap anime titty one out of desperation and yeah it's true they have more gel support and the breast shape cradles the wrist just right. It's a shame you can't find any that aren't anime tits or some ones ass so I can have one at work and not get HR involved. I don't give 2 shits about the tits I just need the gel support.
>I don't give 2 shits about tits...
Oh I get it, you want one with big hairy BALLS huh? That's ok anon...that's ok
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Who said anything about balls
You better fucking believe I want those balls
Based assman>>11159774
Who the hell are you
What statue is that
Sorry idk
What’s you budget?
Does she ever fight anyone with that dagger in the shows?
Tbh..not much
The Neca figure is incredible!
i need this
Me too
Seriously, what are you looking to spend, I know an man with a 3dimensional printer
Hey be nice
You need help
No you!

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