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File: retroblasting.png (508 KB, 640x480)
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Are knockoffs like this illegal in the United States? Could I get in trouble for importing it? I just saw a review of this and I would love to buy it, but I am not sure if it'd be blocked at customs.
You’ll be fine, or aliexpress/temu/wish etc would never be able to get anything through customs.
Yeah, it's definitely illegal, you order that and it ends with Bubba stretching your anus in prison.
File: haters.gif (2.02 MB, 274x293)
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not taking this bait
you're kidding, right? god kids are dumb these days.
there's very few things it's flat-out illegal to own. this falls under 'illegal to make'
if the feds cared they would ban all chinese websites. which they should.
I didn't know if tariffs kept them as illegal to import
I remember the first time I saved a pic of a naked lady to my computer and went through customs, was seriously worried the feds were gonna collar me
If you’re importing it in bulk to sell, yeah, probably.
If you’re just importing it to have, it’s perfectly fine.
This is more of a third party since it’s not technically something done before.
The fact that you're seriously asking this question shows what a frightening dystopian shithole the Land of the Free actually is.
>the rat comes back
The one thing that some of the new tariffs will change is that some of the Chinese sellers are no longer going to get by WITHOUT going to customs, which is how >>11157725
all these companies (and all those sellers from China and some other countries, sell knock offs with free shipping or highly discounted shipping).

In the future, they will have to go through customs, which they actually - to OP's question here >>11157723
>blocked at customs.
currently are not.

You were a stupid virgin in your early days on-line, too, son. The fact that people want to feel better about themselves about being superior rather than helping out the equivalent of their younger selves is what's actually wrong with this site, if not the country, since you're essentially still part of the future.
or it's a thinly veiled way to retropost

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