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Did not see the previous Sonic thread, so gonna make a new thread.

I saw the new 5" figures at Gamestop, but they told me they're street dated for October 1st.
Those stupid shits are at Walmart for $12 right now.
Got mine at a Walmart. No Shadows though.
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The Classic Sonic 3 pack was on clearance at my local Target for $9. I'm not big on the 4 inch Classic figures but for that price I couldn't resist.
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Is there supposed to be a white gap at the top of Shadow's pupils?
The gap on the right eye is noticably bigger than the left on mine. Also this was the only one they had left at Target.
I need that Tails. Found him at 1 GameStop at my state yesterday afternoon. He's street dated until Oct. 1st. BOOOOOO!! I can see why GS is losing customers.
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Someone ask last thread where Rouge was. Found her at my local ROSS on Sunday.
i missed mephiles the uk sucks aaaa
Lucky fuck. I've been checking my Ross every few days and they just have those stupid NKOK cars at $15(????!!!!!) each.

Saw one at Target today that looked the same so maybe.
inb4 someone finds a Neo Metal there too. Meanwhile, im looking at that obvious flop of a Digimon line.
Jesus christo...
I've been seeing the Death Egg playset at ROSS and Burlington this last week.
Always love when someone sells a toy beaten to shit like this that's not even suitable for a donation and should go straight into the trash.
How much?
This is the Big everyone should have though. Because it's big, unlike the Jakks. I remember it being common alongside Eggman in KB Toys, but I never bit on it because I just didn't have Sonic yet
love the jakks big, its fucking sick
srry u couldnt get it
looked up amy rose toys on amazon the other day and I got recommended books about autism instead.
You mean Toy Island Big? I have Jakks Big, and it's great, I just wish it was a big Big. Same for Vector too
anyone have any of these sonic rubber ducks? are they good?
Why the fuck is Fang so hard to find? I've only seen it once, and I grabbed it, but I want one boxed and one loose.
Boomers have such a weird fetish for throwing shit into landfills
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I hate funko pops and told myself I'd never buy one, but................
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Don't buy a goddamn pop just because you couldnt find the Jakks of either character
I have the Jakks Cream though. I just want more Cream.
Fuck more Cream. Also Fuck no to buying a pop
Kys faggot
That doesn't look like anything a little bit of hobby putty for filling in any scratches and some paint couldn't fix.
>Fuck more Cream.
I wish I could, anon. I wish I could.
What's happened to the petition?
Is this out yet?
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What's happening here? Why are they different?
The non glossy eyes are from the motorcycle figure.
>just a worse version of the main figure
I get that they need to keep the price point low but was it really cheaper for them to create an entirely new figure just for this?
Not gonna lie, would've just preferred if they made the motorcycle figure 4 inch to match the old ones if they were gonna do this at all.
this figure so nasty looking, they'll probably avoid all IDW characters because of it not selling.
>Funko is going to sell 85 billion SA2 Sonic with Soap Shoes Pop vinyls
>Meanwhile metal virus Sonic is going to warm shelves and Jakks is going to act befuddled as to where they went wrong and never do a significant Sonic variant ever again, sticking to "Sonic with slightly different face" every wave
This was a stupid choice.
First the good parts. The body is better proportioned. And the bit between his eyes is better painted, it blends in rather than sticking out like a sore thumb. I am split on the eyes-I think the clear layer is nice and gives them some depth, but it also makes them look kind of unfocused and murky. Like he's developing cataracts or something. The motorcycle one's eyes definitely seem more sharp and intense. Other than that though, everything got worse. The sculpt is much softer, paint apps look horrible, and even the plastic looks cheap and shiny. wtf happened here?
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>>Funko is going to sell 85 billion SA2 Sonic with Soap Shoes Pop vinyls
Sounds about right, Modernsloppers would be Funkofags.
Who the fuck at jakks is in charge of these figures? They look so good and don’t use disgusting pins for joints I thought they would be more expensive.
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get the rope
As someone who likes both modern and classic I think it's pretty telling that the Classic figures are always shelfwarming.
They're not "pinless" because of high quality or anything, pinned joints just make no sense for such thin limbs. You use swivel hinges instead, which inherently have no pins.

Like, look at their Sega stuff, which are smaller but have thicker limbs, and are pinned.
Do we have any pics of the actual motorcycle? I'm wondering if their Modern Shadow might be able to ride it.
Just that one photo
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a.k.a. "Rouge" is either gonna be a random G.U.N. human or wont appear and Sonic 4 will star a new director that Is not afraid of bat tits, and overall the movies might change to animated style thanks to the success of recent Paramount animated projects, allowing more fantasy settings from the games, (Stages, emerald Stages, planeta, cities with furry people, etc.) just like how Transformers One features a storyline that fully happens on Cybertron, which was impossible to achieve in the previous live action universe

Also you can only play with a few villians before it starts feeling boring without Eggman, and this is Jim's (almost) last film before retirement
Why dont they make a modern sonic mold using this level of articulation? Kind of like jazwares but bigger
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apparently it's at walmart
found this on ebay
fuck I guess I'll buy it and keep it moc
>comic collection
I wouldnt mind some IDW
oC's. Even though I want Archie's anyway
I'd rather have DIC cartoon collection with Robotnik, Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts or at the very least their game equivalents. (Is mean bean machine a loophole???)
>(Is mean bean machine a loophole???)
We could get Puyo stuff for the Sega line. I'm surprised that's still not a thing. Like a handful of puyo beans or something. I'm also still waiting for those badniks who dont even need to be cartoon-based
>Sonic the Hedgehog Comic Collection
Okay Jakks, you’ve set the expectations now. If this spinoff line ends up just being a bunch of fucking Sonic repaints, fuck you.
ZOMBOT FROGGY in five different languages...
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>comic collection
The movie Eggman is ridiculously nice, besides them accidentally designing the ball joint neck so it can only really turn side to side.
But I really, really don't like the glass eye look on the other figures.
So If i found a way to strip this thing of paint, would it just be a silver sonic?
Can I swap their heads?
They all look like this, unfortunately.
Like all the Tubbz ducks, they don't float.
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Had to look up a picture of him. I hope I find him, I'm in a place where Sonic shelfwarms constantly, Rouge included.
>not afraid of bat tits
Nah. The problem with Rouge is that her entire thing with being a spy doesn't work in the world they've set up. She'd have to be from a different dimension and not work for G.U.N.. To me this is the one time it's probably okay to make her a big titty Latina or whatever Rouge is supposed to be.
Kind of amazed how good these figures are for $15. Fucking Super7 can't even articulate their figures this well or this tightly for $55.
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>comic collection
Does this mean they might make a comic version of the Egg Walkers?
those cartoons are the only Sonic shows that haven’t had toy lines
hopefully sega realises there’s an audience for it because I’d definitely get Sonic and Tails
The only characters who need toys are anyone BUT Sonic and Tails. Redesign or not, Robotnik, the SSSSS and the Freedom Fighters should have anything.
Mohawk Sonic is peak Sonic
Brown Tails > Orange Tails >>>>>>> Yellow Tails
Target has completely removed their section for Sonic toys. It's over
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Well yeah, they've cut the line down to a handy aisle displayer. You don't need shelf space anymore!
My target is fucked in general. There's not even a space for marvel legends anymore, and no spot for Sonic 3" figures.
>big titty Latina or whatever Rouge is supposed to be.
I think she's a bat
This is honestly a really weird figure to make. It's just a sick, down on his luck Sonic. This didn't give him special power or something.
Get ready for a transparent/pearlescent Sonic for when he was sick in Prime and a transparent red Sonic for what he was sick in Frontiers.
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Got all these guys for 25 bucks total at a toy shop, which if the insane ebay listings are to be believed is a steal.
Good on you for getting a good deal on garbage
That's pretty cool.
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possibly some new merch tomorrow
Just more movie merch?
>best case
More Jakks waves with new characters we need
plush and novelty
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Will this work on Omega arms?
Is it better than Pledge Floor Care?
I think that's what it is just rebottled. Shit lasts forever though and yeah it will work.
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I wish I bothered to read the backs of these. They'd make great pieces for a scrapbook
What do you predict, anons?
I predict Mecha Sonic Mark II.
There's a Mecha Sonic in Smyths' page planned for release and they tend to mix up images of toys like putting an image of Modern Amy in Classic Amy's page.
I can personally attest that no, it doesn't. The rubbery plastic just doesn't grip and it slips right off the moment you try to articulate whatever joint it's applied to.
He looks so dejected that they got the blurb wrong.
He's destined to be smashed by a hedgehog anyway. What is there to live for?
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I saw this at Walmart today. Is this the Bike shadow rides in the movie? Why isn't it a chopper?
Her design was inspired by JLO.
JLO has a big ass, not big tits. Maybe she was inspire by Salma Hayek
Maybe she was also one of the influences, but her character designer specified JLO.

>“We decided to create a "slightly sexy" character, something we had never done before, but since she is a stylized character, it took a lot of trial and error. I had to add and subtract sexiness. The outfit could not be too eccentric, but not too ordinary either.
>As a result, I decided to borrow some of the sexiness of Latin-American women, such as Jennifer Lopez, who is also famous in Japan, as a hint for the final draft. Tanned skin and all. The character has the same abilities as Knuckles, but I tried to differentiate her by elegantly integrating her action with mainly kicking techniques.”
>6" Ultimate Shadow Figure
Does Jakks make money on these? I never see anyone who likes them and they always look uglier than the main line of figures
>Lego Biolizard
Alright that's cool. Leaks said there's supposed to be a Lego Cyclone too, where was that?
>DC Crossover toys confirmed
Oh great, is that going to be what the "Comic Collection" line of figures becomes?
I don't fucking care just make a 4 inch Charmy already, Jesus Christ.
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>slightly sexy
>6" Ultimate Shadow Figure
At least you can rip off his new wings and give it to your standart Shadow.
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We need a Classic Mecha Sonicwith a bigger head.
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>>DC Crossover toys confirmed
I for one welcome toys of Sonic The Flash, Knuckles the Superman, etc even with nothing confirmed as of yet
I juat hope McFarlane doesn't have anything to do with them. Otherwise, they'll all be wearing those stupid diapers he loves so much.
Nah mcfarlane is kino he's making them. Better than jazzcrap
sadly they will most likely be funko pops, also seeing as how when they said that, they also had funko pops next to them
That Giant Enemy Massive Damage Crab is a surprise. Was that revealed at SDCC?
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What does /toy/ think of these mashups? Without looking at /co/'s thread
I think it looks alright. I think they all fit really well except for Knuckles. Design aside Superman also doesn't really fit him.
only ones i like are shadow, amy and silver. Sonic in all red looks like a deviantart OC and knuckles looks dumb. Cyborg tails would have been cooler if they made it reminiscent of his prime bad future design.

but now i need black cat rouge. its such an obvious choice. call her black bat
I was hoping for a discussion of more fitting DC characters to match with them. Like I don't think Silver the Green Lantern works, like maybe Dr. Fate works better. Nor does Shadow the Batman feels like a deep enough cut
If we're talking ideals, unfortunately I don't know enough about Sonic character to see which characters would fit with which hero/villain, but realistically, there are no other choices than the A-list Justice Leaguers. Like Tails as Mr Terrific would make sense as being the inventor, but Cyborg is more well known. Silver could be Captain Atom just based on them both being silver, idk, but GL is more well known, again. For the picks they did opt for, I think they make the most sense given the JL and that group of 6 Sonic characters.

If Blaze got in, Red Tornado would work for her cause isn't turning into a little red twister her actual attack? But I'm not familiar with her personality, if that's what you're getting at with proper matches.
Comic books are fucking gay
Gay like Sonic and Tails
Nevermind the crab. I want that octus!
The crab looks like a really cool toy actually, but I do find it funny that movie Robotnik seems to have based his whole aesthetic on the Robosapien (2004)
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It really doesn't make sense. Robotnik is such a huge departure. I try to see him as Boom Eggman, but Jim Carrey's playing a total OC
Who the fuck cares
Thanks for caring <3
He was a lot better in the second one, but I think it just has too much Carrey in it. Like he can't escape his own tropes. I would rather have seen some unknown actor who genuinely tried to put in a semi-accurate Robotnik performance.
A fat person. It shouldve been a fat person
Eggman is already an OC
The only incarnation that matters is Long John Baldry's Robotnik
i'm far less concerned about the physique matching than i am a good performance
I remember Jim Carrey being funnier
He was never really funny. He just flailed around and used silly voices and we, as kids, thought it was funny. As we grew up, we all realized he was kind of cringe and our taste in comedy was just really immature.
>semi-accurate Robotnik performance
Man, that would have sunk the movie. Robotnik has a lot of screen time and kids would be bored to death if they attempted that.
LEGO has both IPs under their umbrella, I can see them doing a collectible minifigure series with these. Would be cool if it's half DC mashups and half obscure-ish characters that wouldn't appear in sets like Fang, Jet, Mephiles,etc
Personality wise Shadow matches with Red Hood, if we pick characters with similar origins then he fits with Swamp Thing, Metamorpho or Mr. Freeze imo
>Knuckles and Silver are Pedophiles
>Shadow is a groomer
>Tails is a cotton ape
>Amy is a bondage fetish character
Atleast Sonic canonically kills himself during crisis.
lego is fucking gay tho, id rather a 4 inch jakks, but its just going to be a funko
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Atleast Lego is getting Dragon Ball sets soon.
oh what a nice lego beerus, wonder what he has to say
>>Knuckles and Silver are Pedophiles
>>Shadow is a groomer
>>Tails is a cotton ape
>>Amy is a bondage fetish character

american fingers typed this

why are americans obsessed with these kinds of things
>why are americans obsessed with these kinds of things
It's literally only basement dwelling white guys who are paranoid that the one net positive in their life (being white) is somehow in jeopardy. No one else really gives a shit, aside from ultra liberal white women and effeminate white men who swing thr pendulum in the other extreme direction. No one else here really gives a dhit though.
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>>Amy is a bondage fetish character
Lego anything is so soulless. It's all brick-built faces and minifig recolors. Even their Minions are worse than how Mega did it
Why are you obsessed with America?
>Lego Sonic Camping and Lego Biolizard confirmed from the product number leak
>Lego Cyclone still yet to be seen despite being in the leak
It's literally the only one I wanted to see, come the fuck on.
Why don't autistis understand what a joke is?
its crazy how you can just tell theyre american by the retarded shit they typed.

you are welcome for the explanation
I'm glad they made Knuckles Superman and Sonic The Flash. It shows they put some actual thought into it and didn't just make Sonic Superman because main character.
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>wanting crossover versions before the normal ones
that makes no sense
you can pretty much already do this if you have the figures anyway
Nice bot response.
lego wonder amy is hot...

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