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Tomorrow is it, the 40th anniversary of the first episode of The Transformers
Given we'll be getting a bunch of news, I'm gonna start this thread a little early so all the new pics don't get lost in the autosaging thread.

>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>Previous thread
Feel free to fill the image limit up on the old thread while we wait
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>Iguanas is a solid core class but Skullgrin has a lackluster robot mode and a bafflingly bad alt mode.
What makes Skullgrin lackluster and bad? He does look good as a robot?
You guys DO play with your toys... right?
He's not.
People are just retarded and dont realize he's a straight homage to the original Pretender.

If you have the g1 pretender and the new one and put them side by side, you can see exactly what they went for. Its a love letter to the og fig.
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I transform them all the time. I also like to make elaborate displays
I don't play pretend with them, no
You're good, I don't bother making threads anymore. It got old. Sorry about all that, I guess I did wear the bit a little thin. Also being a dad now I can't justify the shitpost crusades anymore. You guys are cool.
NGL I still sort of want Skullgrin, mainly as he's very cheap and I kinda like the silly skull-tank fanmode I saw somewhere.
Hell yeah I do.
>What makes Skullgrin lackluster and bad?
They made a couple compromises because the original plan was for his skull and armor to be removable, but they changed at the last minute so he's a little wonky
I keep telling myself I'll make an upgrade kit but never do
>Always thought Vector Prime was awesome, still own the original, bit never liked the rubbery wings or sword and now it's slightly discolored.
>New one I'd an awful retool and I can't even buy it on clearance

Man, I always thought Vector was too important to get fucked over like that.
Era of the primes is just year 1 of another 3 year product line, we might get a more premium vector prime with a different color scheme by the end of it.
Or as an exclusive with more retooling like thundertron
He's also astheticslly off compared to Iguanus and Bomburst. The Core classes made the robot mode almost entirely pretender based, even if it compromised the vehicle a bit and kept a simple transformation. Skullgrins robot mode has pretender and robot parts mixed in, fucked up the tank profile, changed the transformation for the worse and added rubbery bits.

I don't evwn know how they fucked up ao hard.
I'm pretty sure, given the early listings, the core classes were just gonna be that, while the deluxe + were supposed to be able to mix and match armor.
So different design philosophy.

I think they also said on stream once that core is usually all designed by the same person
What >>11157869 said and also I'm pretty bothered by the lack of lower jaw on the skull head. It's a me problem because I know they're trying to mimic the toy (which did have an unpainted jaw molded into the chest), but he doesn't feel like a good enough stand-in for Dauros for me. I really would have preferred him to be a core class like his buddies too.
With the way his chest folds, I wonder if you could attach a lower jaw there that folds in for tank mode...
I transform them, pose them and make cheechuchu sounds
Very cringe.
I'm just waiting for MP or better updates of Armada/Energon/Cybertron, official or 3P. I'll get Tidal Wave but it's not worth settling for most of what we're getting. The designs are so important to me I need them done right. Same way I'm glad I splurged for MP Beast Wars.
not nearly as much as I would like to.
>New thread on page 9 or 10, or image limit.
>Threads that don't follow this are invalid (hint: this one)
that's not a real rule, and I even explained in my post this is in preparation so all the good news isn't in auto-sage tomorrow
Tidal Wave isn't worth it either, the knee issue just ruins him and it has some weird choices. For reference, the one I bought was broken in package:

-connection for the arms is small and feels fragile, the port on the arm is made of two pieces and just turning the arm causes those two pieces to start twisting unnaturally, I can see those bits breaking in the future.
-The exposed back, plus not allowing the head to fold in, even if you ignore the boat storage.
-Leg connection to the thigh is completely friction based, it doesn't even have a spring loaded panel to help secure it or pegs on the inside, jusr a small bump that will start warping or rubbing off with each transformation.

Honestly, the engineering on this toy is kind og ass. I know they can do better, so I don't understand why it's so halfassed.
it scorponok and metroplex the only titans that didn't have major issues?
Ark mabye?
Scorponok's thigh ratchets are soft and just turning them will start shredding them since the ratchet tooth is made of harder plastic.
we are seriously dealing with a child here
I think I would rather find out my kid has been trolling online than that he's a gay, but man it'd be close.
guess I lucked out because I've never had a problem with him
Ark has the major issue of sucking ass and being by far the worst titan
It doesn't even do a good job at bare minimum being a model of the Ark
Going to add some more info:

-T30 Metto didn't have any major breakage issue, but most problems were growing pains from it being the first Titan. I do feel the left arm should have had a second connection to prevent it from sagging, I fear the weight will cause it to break at some point.
-Fortress main problem is the larger head connection. The way the head connect is sturdy, but the connection bits would deform a bit after repeated transformations (Sporponok fixex this by making the neck port a softer, but durable enough plastic to allow for head-on, without the FM issues.
-Tripticon had the hip and tail issues, both were fixable/avoidable but not ideal.
-Omega had some paint rubbing issues with the threads when the tank is equipped to the body. The claws using clear plastic was also a mistake, due to all the stress they endure due to ratchets and the rocket mode. You also need to be careful of the hips, you might put too much stress on them if you turn them while grabbing the thigh, just grab the hip and turn it.
-No idea is the thigh swivel issue is also on black zarak, but I assume it is. The only major problem would be the painted head, it's recommended you remove the black plate behind the head since that could cause paint chipping (I believe Takara warns you of that with their release).
-Legacy Metro has the shoulder issue where they fucked up the distance between the shoulder parts and the inner joint. Fixable, but not doing it in time will shred the joint.
-No idea in Nemesis, didn't buy it. The rubber nose was stupid.
-Ark was fine, but some joints felt too tight, fixable but annoying due to manu parts being layered.
I've never heard this and my Black Zarak is just fine years later.
TFone Blockees
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Now I don't want to touch any of my Titans ever again.
and the packaging
Not sure if it's a common issue, I only cracked open that leg because it felt weird when turning. I played a lot with that Sporponok on the first week I got it.

In any case, I'm not surprised if this is a common issue and most people don't report it, many transformers fans don't open their figure up or just plop them straight to a display. Remember the Legacy Metroplex issue? I'm the only person who brought it up, I never saw other sites talking about it and it was a widespread issue(apparently later copies fix that, but I never saw one).
a simplified non-transforming kiddy toy that actually doesn't suck? well, at least not from these promo images. i seem to recall the first non-transforming movie figures looking pretty good too at first.
If I recall, some of their heads actually work well as replacement heads for other figures.
I think someone swapped tarns
Where do you think we are?
i meant a child in a bad way. hell I was still kind of a shit online until I was 16 or 17.
I used to, so much that most of my Beast Wars figures are either missing weapons, have loose joints, or have parts broken.
Is there anyone here that hasn't made the cheechuchu sounds?
I hate that I can't find a transformers version of that meme, with Galvatron as dr Cox and Cyclonus as JD
Man TF One continues to be awful
Blokees are little, like, 15 piece model kits you snap together
ohhh fascinating. never heard of such things. i guess in sort of the Bionicle vein?
I'm sorry, the DEATH TROOPER vehicon is awful to you?
Do you hate fun?
I think Nemesis is weaker. Ark comes with Mainframe at least
>ohhh fascinating. never heard of such things
They've really seemed to have swooped in out of nowhere and taken off in the last 3 or 4 months
aw snap, these light up
gonna have to get them
He looks awful
Like some generic Lego Iron Man character
i could think of WAY worse toy trends. this seems okay.
... do you not know what a vehicon is?
Or are you the same guy that keeps trolling trying to get threads deleted
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Vehicons rule, dude
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It's a pretty fun gimmick for an inexpensive model kit. They even come with the battery you need.
The one I have is motion activated (would have preferred a switch) not sure if it's the case for the others but I assume that it is.
This shit does not look like a Vehicon
You're coping
motion-activated.. i bet that's going to preserve the battery over longer periods without it leaking before it runs out.
what do you get out of demoralizing people about the impending huge success of the transformers one movie?
That sounds like a plan. Maybe I should get one of those glass cases. Will need to be very tall shelves though.
Cope Machines baby
if you mean a detolf, they're discontinued as of this year.
The new one, Blaliden is... servicable, but kinda cheaply made.
That is way better than what I was thinking (One that had a lot of wood involved. Both my parents and grandmother have for ceramics and such. The one at my parent's house is a hassle to move even for two guys.). How cheaply made might be an issue.
As written, it sounds like they are divorced.
and also unnecessarily vague.
It is a storage object with a thick wood frame, 2 glass doors that swing open about 115 degrees, has several shelves that are made of glass, has lights at the top installed which the cord goes through a hole in the top, is about 7 feet tall, has a mirror on the back the size of the cabinet itself, and has the detailing higher than the top, which makes it just horrible for trapping dust and dead insects.
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Got my receipt for Straxus, so he should be here soon
my condolences
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>Missing Link Optimus arrives on Transformers day
very nice, though I gotta free up some space for him.
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I try to take pictures of each new purchase which helps me get some enjoyment out of each and every one, but then I need to put them away to make room for the next purchase.
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Same, along with the Comic 2-pack. He seems to be a pretty solid figure from what I've heard.
I was hoping to pick him up during black friday sales but idk if he'd stick around that long, ended up making use of a minor TF day sale.
A bit too expensive than I'd like still, but atleast I secured him.
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These two contrast pretty well yet make a good duo.
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The instructions for the turret/back panel are wrong right? It depicts the tab sitting in the topmost hole but it always overshoots it into the middle/flight stand hole?
But then it leaves a big enough gap that you can spot the chin in vehicle mode. Tarn's isn't so noticeable but on Bludgeon its obvious.
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A neat vehicle mode for Ruckus, just a shame it forces him to wear such a large backpack in robot mode.
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Out of all things to expect, I did not expect Energon Optimus to get a Titan Class update treatment. Rumors so far but if true I hope HasTak size him up and at least make him as tall as Menasor in Super Mode. About time they revisit Fatimus Prime, he needs to get slimmed down.
total horseshit rumur anon
why would they make a teeny baby energon megatron if they had superlink convoy in the works?
Retooled into Mr. Krabs and Plankton for a Spongebob crossover.
>tfwiki cucks have a writeup on legacy armada wheeljack and complete neglect to say he gets no wind sheer mini-con partner
go fuck yourself
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>hasbro designers use tfwiki as source
>tfwiki base their articles on hasbro toys
They'll make a leader class energon scorponok as the villain representative from that series.
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>mfw these millennial accuracycuck designers build in the exploding shoulder design flaw
B-but If the energon one doesn't explode, you won't have a reason to buy the Cybertron dark scorponok redeco!
Why do you think they "forgot" to strengthen Tidal Wave's ratchets?
It's a shame his wheels will ruin him and Toy Prime. Mark is such a fucking retard.
man the siege boxart's faux-grime aesthetic was bad
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dunno if anyone has done this, but have this pic I took.
Ruckus isn't so bad, his wheels don't come into contact with any paint like Sandstorm's does, idk what the situation with G1 Prime is regarding if his wheels touch paint in any of his modes.
Agree with the rest of your post tho.
Was really looking forward to this OP being done, but I really dislike the toy's proportions.
So, since it's (apparently) Transformers day, what totally underwhelming announcements do you think they have lined up? also where the fuck are they even doing this thing
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How will they fuck up a redone GF Galvatron & fix GF Lio/Nemesis breaker?
Even if they don't touch anything, the rubber would still eat into the hard plastic rim. We also learned from Beachcomber that just being near that rubber causes paint to start melting off.
it's a stream on walmarts website or something daft like that today
You know, this talk about rubber reminded me of something. I still own Cybertron Megatron and Vector Prime. Their rubbery bits are still fine almost 20 years later, and the titanium optimus ion blaster is still fine adter alll these years. Those bits are stiffer but still fine and the rubber plastic from back then didn't have any melting issues so why the hell aren't they using this for everything.
>We also learned from Beachcomber that just being near that rubber causes paint to start melting off.
Proof? I never heard that even though I was looking up rubber issues earlier, maybe I missed it. Any pics of it?

>Those bits are stiffer but still fine and the rubber plastic from back then didn't have any melting issues so why the hell aren't they using this for everything.
Cost cutting anon, they don't want to pay the cost to use sturdy plastic like that anymore.
I bought a used Supreme Cybertron Starscream awhile ago and the only issue with his rubbery wings where being sticky
meant for >>11158402
Should be on the rubbery plastic thread on tfw, I'll post if after I wake up.
K, thanks anon
probably by using a bland, flat grey instead of using actual metallic paint for his torso and head.
tiny cyberkey
messed up scale, voyager sized leader class with Lio/Nemesis being deluxes.
That might have to do with there already being voyager Lio/Nemesis figures that shelf warmed.
We'll see if he has the same 1st run production flaw that Galvatron had. Knowing Hasbro, I wouldn't be surprised even though they fixed it on all later releases.
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So is there like a stream today or what?
Raptoricon toys when?
still puzzled that maximal dinobot unicronus not getting retooled for release so i could repurpose it as BWII thrustor
>no interest in masterpiece
>watch review about the mp trainbots
>they are absolute garbage
>for some bizarre reason, now want them
I think its from a fascination with how they managed to cock it up in the manner they did
for some reason I want to experience the horror for myself
please dissuade me from this waste of money
not sure if it'll be on the tube of you, too or this is it:

you'll only want it until something else gets your attention
start collecting stamps or leaf clippings or something
>trusting Walmart with a *livestream*
>trusting Walmart with your new, first ever "Transformers Day" event
christ Hasbro, how much did they pay you?
I'm an actual train enthusiast and I couldn't bring myself to buy them since I hate Masterpiece transformations, so if an actual trainfag didn't buy them you have no reason to spend a trillion dollars on fiddly fragile garbage.
Isn't walmart a big company with lots of money? I'm sure they can figure out how to open a youtube channel.
dios mio el potato...
I really don't know what to do about Ginrai. I actually like how it looks, but MP quality has been ass for years, so even with the simplified transformations I know they'll fuck it up.
>start collecting stamps or leaf clippings or something
none of those things can be fucked up conceptually tho
thats the appeal of the trainbots, what went wrong
they're apparently gonna have exclusives, so expect them to be sold out before the stream even starts
Buy Dinoking or wait for the inevitable Monstructor?
you need to buy dinoking to have the not-so-inevitable monstructor
one of the criticisms i heard was them being ho scale gimped them in other ways

how would you have liked them to have been released? not as mp just generally. like Menasor with a combiner frame?

>I really don't know what to do about Ginrai. I actually like how it looks, but MP quality has been ass for years,
im curious about him too. not familiar with mp but in what ways have they gone downhill?
Generations style with quick transformations, a solid combined mode and no scale autism
>no scale autism
what size class then, all deluxes? from what i've seen of the trainbots theyre all supposed to be the same size.
They might have to do the hips guy as a Voyager, but Deluxes for the others.
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Check out Shinkalion already. Pic is probably the last version of 500 Kodama.
cool, there really should be more dedicated trainformers instead of eternally being a measly third mode for astrotrain
please tell me there's a re-release of earthrise/coronation starscream coming down the pipeline. Not a transformers collector but recently been interested in picking up a starscream and it seems I missed the boat on some good options for good ol f-15 'scream
I wish the movie lines had done a modern diesel locomotive. Easy repaints due to multiple liveries being a thing and they went wild with alt. modes in ROTF especially.
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bundled with tweedledum and tweedledee
If you have to get *one*, get Kaen
if there was anytime to get more trainformers it was during the rotf era
surprising nothing was in the movie or even cut content since something like that should be right up michael bay's alley, simply have it hauling oil tankers for maximum carnage
funnily enough he was the one i was eyeballing since hes on sale now
id only get them on deep sale anyhow
neat, but I can already tell that's gonna cost an arm and a leg
The best standalones are Getsuei and Kaen
Seizan and Suiken are pretty good too, but Seizan comes with more stuff
Shouki can hold Diaclone pilots
Yukikaze is one of the sexiest trains but the worst figure
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Funny that MP made the hips guy the smallest one
I can't wait for SS86 Prime. Just had to say it.
thanks for the breakdown anon
how stable are the arm guys? theyre the ones that seem the most annoying with their giant backpacks but id also dread shouki with all his translucent plastic
kaen really does seem to be the most sturdy of the lot with how stout he is
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Nope, he is perfect.
why not? I'm sure it would sell.
The backpacks partsform (and can thus be little train buddies if you want, Seizan's extra guns can be slapped on his leftovers), leaving nicely articulated robots once you get past the train kibble and odd shoulder joints. Suiken's backpack is a little less secure than Seizan's.
Kaen is a fun lil guy and one of the easiest, if not the easiest, to transform.
hips guy is the smallest train, train mode given priority as train nerds have most money.
nice, i saw the backpacks then go onto the combiners feet. do they actually provide any added stability or do they just sit there?
kaen will probably be my first purchase to see what theyre like if i do pick them up
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You might be thinking of a curio cabinet, which tend to be from a time where furniture was heavy so it didn't tip over
Anons I need your opinions. Earthrise or Coronation starscream? my research shows they're effectively identical toys bar paint applications with coronation lacking stripes on his vertical stabilizers/tailfins and having bigger decepticon badges. (plus all his accessories)
The lack of tail stripes sort of bugs me but scream in his 30 seconds of glory is kinda funny.
The kicker being I can still get coronation here NIB for a slightly less eye watering fee than earthrise, but both seem to hover around 35 for second-hand on ebay.
>can still get coronation here NIB for a slightly less eye watering fee than earthrise
You're getting more for less in that case
neither, ss86 scream is on the way
ER's chest/shoulders are so ugly regardless
Anon, Coronation *is* 86 Starscream
>there aren't 3 'masterpiece' starscreams
you absolute chump, you buffoon
Get Coronation - it comes with more stuff and is more or less the current definitive version of the character; it'll be a while before they redo him again.
>SS86 Coronation Starscream somehow isn't SS86 Starscream
You feelin' alright there, buddy? I know people hated the Earthrise mold, but there's a limit to how much denial you can be in. He's as updated as he's going to get right now.
man when are we getting japs back doing robot designs?
that anime with combiners was the last animated movie or show with cool transformers
thanks for conceding that they will indeed release a superior iteration making the current offering totally worthless
What a dull "Transformers Day" so far.
It was mentioned in the caption last time I checked. Was it edited to remove it?
yes and it now repeats the bit about hood remolding they already put in the shattered swipe entry
They only look okay in the cartoon. The Swordbots are actually jank as toys.
Listen man I'm disappointed he doesn't come with the minicon too but you come across as the biggest whiny baby in this post. Like half this thread is people having microtantrums and responding to people who are excited with unprompted negativity.
Thank you transformer anons, seems coronation is my best bet then for a decent scream with extra bits. I take it a newer version would be years out given hasbro's recent track record even if they announced it tomorrow? feels like forever between starwars releases though I hear GI joe anons had it pretty good for a while recently.
>Purple mouth Soundwave was originally planned for the comic book line, but the Soundwave mold was used for the Legacy leader class remake
stream in 7 minutes. it's not the usual hosts so I'm not expecting much
according to who?
Evan Brooks.

Evan Brooks. He said so on an interview and Flame/Xaaron was the replacement. Says it might be tried later.
i never said they were the best ever, while very cool on their own, i was comparing the designs to the armored humans or the overcaricatural cartoon network bots western designers love
My least favorite of the 6. Get #1 first
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live chat is funny
when hasbro decides to make money from new designs and not rely completely on nostalgia baiting
i don't get it
>2 reissues
Hasbro just can't help themselves can they
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Girl pretended to talk about how she "LOVES" SS 87 bayformer bee while holding TFone bee
this is such a shitshow
don't worry, just trans(former) terminology
hey reissues are good for popular figures that gets shafted due to distribution (see most of Earthrise) or just popular picks most collectors want (see any Optimus)
so why did they choose gnaw?
Didn't know kim jong was such a big transformers fan
okay sometimes Hasbro feel like they have to get some mileage out of the mold and sometimes they just said "fuck it"
But also gnaw is one of the most troop builder figures TF got, so it will probably sell due to someone wanting 10 more of them
>gnaw reissue
>bayverse bee reissue
>bad acting
>non-transforming figures
this is fucking interminable, it's like pulling teeth why the fuck could they not just announce this trash on Instagram or some shit
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>Have nightmares about this character
>Said 5 minutes ago she hasn't bought tickets to TFOne yet
bitch should keep to the script.
She mentions the original movie immediately afterwards. Applying nostalgia filter.
Where is she getting those questions when it's just poopoofarted spam?
So what is even happening in the stream?
Is it reveals or a TF1 ad or what?
the questions are fake
the giveaways are fake
the enthusiasm is fake
inb4 it's pre-recorded and presented as live, because no one was bright enough to assume chat would just be dabbing on them and spamming nonsense the entire time
if it was prerecorded they wouldn't have kept the numerous fuckups
Some v2 of the MDLX cartoon trio, with more coming. I think that's it new so far.
>More things that came out over a year ago
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should've just used AI
I cannot *believe* how terrible this is, holy fuck
this makes pulsecon look like stream of the year
Ive never taken the one titan i have out of the box yet, its big and i simply have no place to display it. I do enjoy the titans and would like a few more one day.
so I can't watch the stream because I'm not America, have they seriously not announced anything new?
I'm not a yank and doing a watch:


Not that you're missing anything
im watching from asia tho
shit show lmao
you are missing literally nothing. it's half threezero stuff and the rest is already revealed figures and shit that's been shelfwarming for a year
it's over with literally nothing of value. they invented Transformers Day for this?
(half of them don't transform)
>majority is shelfwarming garbage
So what I'm gathering is that Walmart managed to deliver the Great Value version of a Pulsecon stream
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when was the last time a hasbro stream was actually good? they've literally all been dog shit this year
>showing off typical bargain bin branded merch
wow they really don't have anything to show
pulsecon was bad but the Walmart stream was astonishingly terrible. I can't believe that Hasbro would put their name on something so completely incompetent
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Lol wut
Primus I hate Walmart.
The quality of the stream is exactly what the users of this board deserve
nobody deserves that
Can anyone upload the Walmart stream on YT? Live in Asia so I was geolocked out of it. From all accounts it was a trainwreck and I'd love to watch it.
It is a boring trainwreck. You should watch something else for entertainment.
it wasn't a funny trainwreck, it was just unbearable. I'm mad I wasted over half an hour on something so utterly godawful
anon he's a seanigger...
So learn skateboarding. The one I knew in high school was very good on his board and even rode it between classes.
Why didn't they "reveal" Bombshell and Tooner G1 Prime.
You can fan mode skull grin and keep his head out while folding his torso 90 degrees instead of the full 180. Makes a cool skull tank
no the 'parent' part.
and you just left out the page 9 or 10 part because you were in such a hurry, right?
great pics dude
So I was out busy doin shit, sounds like I didnt miss nothin. Did they reveal ANYTHING new that also transforms? At all?
The big toy news is the SS TF1 stuff goes live today
So go scramble for your Sentinels or whatever
is that supposed to be a shield?
emphasis on potential
who is this semen demon
Evan Brooks sounds quite likable.

Careful, she might be a WalMart employee.
i want her to jacki my jing
Of the guy's on the Hasbro team he's /ourguy/
Even if he says stuff that ends up being wrong every once in a while
God I love Straxus. I have special attachment to the old CHUG one so this is one of my highest anticipated figures. Wish he didn't have that ugly cell shading Hasbro loves so much though
>not Pablo

Oh nonono Pablobros this can't be happening?!?
yeah evan is based. He genuinely likes Transformers. Mark is a bad, bad leader though
I wish this board could have spoilers.
Anyone would be pissed for leaking design from One that might be in SS and will overshadow Mark's slop?
The only good stream this year was the Haslab reveal stream. Even if you don't care for Haslabs or Omega Prime, you could see how proud they were to show off a figure they'd put a ton of care into.
>Mark is a bad, bad leader though
the entirety of legacy and all the toys he designed. His one big positive trait is not being a geewunner so he's the reason he got all the other stuff for once, but he's also the reason that we got stuff like the wrong-looking Prime figures
With the rerelease of Galaxy Shuttle and release of Overcharge, i wonder will a new Sentinel Prime come soon and be a pretool of Octane?
>but he's also the reason that we got stuff like the wrong-looking Prime figures
?? Those were first concepted by Warden, Mark just finished them
>warden is coming back
kill me now
Warden's run was a golden age.
>shit tier molds with gimmicks tacked on that made the characters wrong

fuck OFF
You niggers hated Prime Wars when they were on shelves.
I would rather have the same characters done wrong than have the same characters done the same way again
Twintwist and Topspin want your location.
Because they hiked the price. They did it again twice, so it seems nostalgic.
Only a tiny but vocal minority did, must of us liked the scramble and diaclone like cockpits, remember how people used to post a lot more pictures back then? titanmasters are fun, only joyless autists hate them.
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Just bought these two retards off ebay, gonna be fun messing with toys I haven't had for almost 2 decades. They're gonna go hang with the Legacy gang.
Compatible Kahn is my favorite mortal kombat boss
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What faction logo is this? I thought Hound was always an Autobot in IDW
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Probably should dig mine out from storage, though mine were the powerlinx repaints
Nah, all the factions switch in IDW part of the way through
>Megatron becomes an Autobot
>Hot Rod gets a Decepticon color scheme and is loyal to the Decepticon leader
>Cyclonus is an Autobot
>Star Saber is a Decepticon
>Getaway is a Decepticon
>Thundercracker, Starscream, and Skywarp are all Autobots
And so on and so on.
>made the characters wrong
Pure autism. If a toy is fun it's fun.
Of all the fuckery in late idw, Starsaber's handling is one of the biggest fumbles.

That and Drifts post earth body. That shit was hideous.
I just got back from seeing Transformers: One and now I'm in the mood to buy some toys.
I had a quick look but there seems to be very little out, and most of it is one-step changers.

Where are the good toys?
You probably are aiming for Studio Series then.
uhh youre going to have to wait until 2025 for like half of the casts studio series figures :)
This was all the way from phase 1, though, it's from Spotlight Galvatron
Transformers are generally very poorly stocked at retail. Sentinel Prime has a really good Deluxe figure. There's also a Japanese Optimus that looks pretty good.


There's a bunch of high-end non-transforming stuff, but most of the movie stuff is kind of bad.

The One studio series toys are garbage.
The person wants Transformers: One toys. They just watched that movie.
>Starsaber's handling is one of the biggest fumbles.

At least he looked cool, but yeah they wrote him like a bad fanfict, his dead was also dumb as fuck
I LITERALLY only mentioned Transformers One toys you ILLITERATE FUCKING RETARD
Fuck off.
>combat vehicle
They colored his blaster wrong
>realizes he fucked up and got trigger happy with his retardation
>"F...fuck off!"
They're just generic symbols to replace hounds star symbols, since this hound hasn't been to earth yet
Space is full of stars. Just have star-shaped stars instead of abstract ones.
>Hot Rod gets a Decepticon color scheme and is loyal to the Decepticon leader
The black/purple/blue colorscheme he gets in Lost Light has nothing to do with Decepticons and he's co-captain with Megs long before he gets it
>Cyclonus is an Autobot
Cyclonus is neither Autobot or Decepticon in IDW since he fucked off with Nova Prime long before either side was formed
>Star Saber is a decepticon
He's a zealous nut, but he's not a Decepticon
>Getaway is a Decepticon
Getaway is just a retard in IDW
Starscream stays a Decepticon pretty much to the end (asides from the whole renouncing bots/cons to appease to NAILs thing), Skywarp joins GI Joe after they fix him after he was used by Galvatron solely as a teleport hub for like a whole year, and Thundercracker just goes solo

You didn't even mention the actual faction swap in IDW where Brainstorm was a Decepticon double agent (mostly just to get Con tech)
So if Bay isn't involved, is the movie called Cooleyslop instead of Bayslop?
>v2 of the MDLX cartoon trio
V2? what's the difference, they look the same as the first versions to me.
More cartoon colors.
>"Transformers Day" is the day the cartoon first aired on TV
Based Hasbro dabbing on comictards
Thank you all.
It's a bit of a headscratcher that the toys aren't out at the same time as the movie.
>studio series deluxe class
It seems that right now only a single Optimus and Megatron are out. Not a peep of an Elita toy.

Honestly they've got an opportunity here, because the four main cast of the movies get two different forms, with Megs and Optimus getting three forms!
So okay their first forms can't transform, but if they wanted to Hasbro could have gotten me to buy two Optimus..ses? and two Megatron..ii? if they had separate toys for each of their forms.

>poorly stocked at retail
I have unfortunately noticed that. There's just less and less Transformer toys on the aisles these days. I know I can just buy them online but there's something lost from searching through a rack of them, trying to find the perfect one I want.
Stores went all out on RotB and that bombed horribly, so they probably still have last year's stock on the shelves.
>Not a peep of an Elita toy.
Elita(and Bee and Sentinel) just went up for preorder today

By the sounds of it you weren't around last year when they tried to have every RotB toy out on shelves at the same time since the movie was delayed
And that was a fuckin' mess
Did you see the walmart stream? Everyones been dsbbed on.
So more cartoon colored than the already very cartoon colored v1s?
I had no interest in seeing RotB so yeah no, I didn't buy any of the toys.
This movie however fully spoke to my inner child. The colours, the shapes, transformations you can actually follow; I absolutely see this movie doing great with kids.
I've actually got an old toy in my hands right now. I just felt like transforming a figure back and forth in my hands after the movie.
Yes. Even brighter colors and a few things on Bumblebee's backpack supposedly changed. So really pointless for most people.
The Power Flip Optimus Prime looks interesting.
I'm not a fan how his roof is a piece that detaches, and his vehicle mode isn't great. But he can transform not only between vehicle and robot mode, but also from Orion Pax to Optimus Prime. And that is pretty sweet.
Don't buy it if you are older than 8.
Yeah the actual transformation...doesn't look great.
But on the other hand, I'd love to have an Orion Pax that transforms into Optimus.
What are the chances we'll get a different toy that also does that but is better quality?
Theres the Takara one that has swappable faces at least
he or she
It. Neuter.
Power of the Prime Leader Optimus Prime. Which just got a reissue.
if you're talking about an anon, it's he. everyone knows there are no girls on 4chan
Like a third of Transformers fans are transsexual, so loss of maleness is entirely plausible.
indeed. I tend to just assume
but some people don't want to, I'm just helping him out with the correct way to do that.
You know it's really funny seeing somebody new come to Transformers and having to deal with the embarrassing distribution of these toys.

>I really want an Elita! Where can I get one?
>You can't!
>I like all of Orion's forms! Can I get a toy of them?
>NOPE unless you want a non-transforming action figure from China for 80-130 dollars!
>But good news there's plenty of walkie talkies with character faces printed on!
oh my fucking god we're not doing this again you mongoloid

I don't know if they'd be interested in that design since it's not Transformers One
The later are ones aimed for children when they go to the grocery store with mommy. Just pre-order the ones aimed at your demographic online and have them ship to home when available.
That's the whole problem though. Casual consumers want to go to the store and buy toys after the movie. They don't want to preorder something that is literally slated to come out next year.
Even if they wanted the girl despite those being icky at that age, there is the the Robot Battlers version of Elita-1.
that shit is garbage that nobody wants though. Kids know the good transformers from the shitty junk.
>being this assblasted over correcting grammar
even if I was wrong that would be unreasonable.
unless by 'doing this' you mean 'posting endless paragraphs' because no.

Now never fucking post about this shit again.
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you haven't played with it at all?
which one is it?
already disproved last time sorry
The only part of that that you could possibly be talking about is 12.c, which requires that the person actually be some manner of 'queer.' and that's only attested as early as 2009.
it doesn't even list the gender neutral usage you're trying to support.
Get some Legacy toys in the meantime
Of course they'll release another Starscream at some point - that's like betting on them releasing another Optimus Prime in the future. There won't be a second SS86 Starscream, though - the one we have is all we're getting for that line.
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There are Transformers toys currently available at every Walmart and Target in the country.
Which Transformer are you most looking forward to getting right now?
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In order of priority
I meant to take Tigerhawk off as I dug my original out and also I forgot I still need Beachcomber. Mad jelly of the anon above who just grabbed the armada goons
Baby toys and shelfwarmers from 2023.
For what I haven't gotten yet, Magmatron.
For upcoming, I think I'll say MDLX One Prime. For traditional TF I'll say Armada Wheeljack, and I assume most probably wouldn't be super excited for it, but once the 13 Primes stuff starts a new better Vector Prime (though maybe he'll look nothing like the Cybertron version). The current one is disappointing. And if it sees release, Core Dinobot.
And for some wishlisting, Energon Scorponok.
it's good to have a list. Mine is currently just Filch and Shard. Shard I'm not even really sold on, but a sale will grease the chute, and Filch is apparently not available, so oh well
yeah the new one sucks. I'm going to consider him later once i have the upgrade kit, if he's REALLY on sale.
There isn't actually hope for a new version of Go! Optimus is there? That as a Commander class would probably appeal to something like 5 people in NA but it'd probably be popular in Japan.
Somebody enjoyed that TRIGGER video
SS 86 Optimus
SS 86 Ratchet
SS 86 Bumblebee
Legacy Armada Megatron
Legacy Armada Starscream
Legacy Override
Legacy Vector Prime
TF One Sentinel Prime
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Prime Changers is what you're looking for. The deluxe Sentinel that >>11159023 suggested is one of them. Bumblebee has been my go to desk toy of late, I can't recommend him enough.
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I wish they made actual baby toys but they don’t. Rescue Bots aren’t soft at all
Yeah Tigerhawk is one of the only Legacy releases that’s inferior to its original
86 Optimus for sure. Aside from that the only Transformers I'm expecting to get for the rest of the year are 86 Springer, Straxus and maybe the Legacy G1 Optimus
Speaking of WalMart, I kinda miss RED.
I got RED Arcee and I dislike her.
Said no one ever
if they'd actually tried to execute the concept with any degree of competence I might agree with you
Even the materials feel awful.
When I saw the initial pictures the material made me cancel my preorder so fast. They look like they're made out of fondant.
I just found out wtf Go! Optimus is and its awesome. But are they making that? Or is it just something you're hoping for?
I bought the Arcee one. She's okay but does not really make the best use of being a non-transforming figure
That Bumblebee looks great! I'll check out Prime Changers. Shame about the hollow leg.
I'm from Europe; no Walmarts here.
Do you guys buy your toys from Amazon, or are there better sites?

I've been putting off buying them online, but with stores...being what they are these days, I'm going to take the step eventually.
It’s like 10 years old. I always meant to grab him and forgot he exists.
I buy most stuff from Pulse. It's nice to just order a whole wave and forget about it instead of having to hunt at shops for weeks
There are walmarts in my country but I almost always use Amazon
that's pretty damn impressive
Any idea why Sentinel Prime is 13 bucks more expensive on Pulse?
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Are you looking at the Voyager?
You may be getting the Studio Series one, which is the one that comes out next year in the Voyager scale, mixed up with the Deluxe scale "Prime Changer" one on store shelves now. That one isn't really sold online because American online retail stores like Target and Wal-mart are fucked up beyond all recognition.
Honestly, most of the shit I want is already in my collection (I wouldn't mind new versions of God Ginrai, Dia Atlas, Road Fire and Sonic Bomber), but I really fucking want any new version of G2 Smokescreen and Dreadwing, and the entire Battlestars (no, that new Star Convoy doesn't count).
And by any new version, I mean new molds based on the originals in whatever colorscheme they used before. It can be Starscream and BB, Smokejumper and Gigant Bomb, I just want them to finally make those fuckers.
I wonder if they'll use the core robot from armada prime for a nemesis redeco
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They would be assholes and finally make new ones then give us Dreadwind Smokejumper first
Oh, yeah that was it. They look almost identical.
i love that robot head with the damn visor, why can't those be more common. he definitely talks with a vocoder.
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One of the most bad ass figures. Such an intimidating hulk. One of the most epic light piping ever. The OG color way is best.
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And that rap song
Did a bit of looking for what Transformers One toys are actually available now, not counting store exclusives or gimmick ones like the one-step or power flip ones.
What I could find was:
-Prime Changer Alpha Trion
-Prime Changer Sentinel Prime
-Prime Changer Bumblebee
-Prime Change Optimus Prime
-Studio Series Deluxe Optimus Prime
And that's it.

No Megatron, no Elita, no Airachnid, no Darkwing, just those five.
I suppose it's better than nothing, I know it's hard to coordinate a movie and a toyline to release at the same time, but still.
growing up I had powerlinx cyclonus and cybertron demolisher. surprising cohesion with the toxic green and dark brown wash on both
I'm honestly surprised we're getting a release of Astrotrain Galaxy Shuttle. They'll eventually do Armada Jetfire and that mold is perfect for a Galaxy Shuttle repaint or even retool.
The mold is quite nice
you don't think their going to make an Armada Jetfire that can combine with Armada Optimus?
I know, but this makes a proper Galaxy Shuttle less likely. It's like when they did those Diaclone repaints and then released a much better mold not long after. I doubt we'll get a Stepper based on 86 Jazz or Black Ironhide using the SS 86 mold.
I do? What, you think pants mode would be nixed since Galaxy Shuttle doesn't have one?
Wasn't Evan the one that fucked up scourge's color scheme
no it's trash
that was sam
same fuckhead that gave tidal wave exploding knees
real piece of shit that guy
probably working on big convoy to make it self immolate
It's Mark. 9 times out of 10, if a toy has something blatantly wrong with it, you can trace it back to him. Just a sample of his fuck ups:

-Boomerang/axe on Breakdown.
-Wrong colors on Scourge because he couldn't be asses to check.
-Rubber wheels on several figures
>>11159585 #
Sam's excuse was that he had no paint budget left after Mark told him scourge's tanker trailer must be painted fully silver
Sam still acted like a defensive asshole when called out for his lousy job
>I know it's hard to coordinate a movie and a toyline to release at the same time, but still.
the movie's not out yet.
The budget issues due to the tanker needing to be painted were only part of the issue. Sam said he thought the colors on and around the fake windows on Scourge's chest were supposed to match the corresponding area in his truck mode, even though that wasn't the case with the original toy. It was basically a designer going, "I'm going to fix what I think the original toy should have been," and then screwing it up because it didn't need to be "fixed."

Here's where he talked about it on Instagram:

Fortunately, it's a pretty lackluster mold to begin with, so I didn't mind passing on it due to the inaccurate colors.
that's what i thought, but people in here have seen it
>Rubber wheels on several figures

The whole thing with rubber wheels is so interesting to me, 'cause I remember about 10 or 15 years back hearing a lot fans say they wished more toys had rubber tires (kinda like MP figures) instead of plastic ones. But now they seem to melt paint or certain types of plastic or something? Is it that the type of rubber being used is of particularly poor quality? Or simply that the designs don't give enough clearance for the tires so they have more contact with plastic/painted parts than rubber tires did on vintage toys?
I'm honestly surprised no Optimus toy comes with a gun, but bee has 2 built in and a giant gun. Does Orion/Optimus not use a blaster in the movie? Megatron has two different fusion cannons in the trailer alone.
They've been having a lot of early screenings, so even though it technically isn't "out" yet, it's been pretty easy to go see.
Dang, do spoiler tags not work on /toy/?
afraid not
Apparently, they changed the material. Older rubber seemed to harden, then crack. As long as it wasn't under a ton of stress, it could easily last a decade or longer, I still have 2000's transformers with rubber and its held up well enough.

At some point during the late 2000's or early 2010's, they swapped it for a different type that isn't as prone to cracking, but seems to leak plastizicer, which then causes other plastics to melt (even being near it will weaken the plastic enough that cracks can form, this was seen with the Decepticon HM trio in TR).
is silicone that expensive? i thought it had gotten pretty damn cheap
Pulse had the Powerlinx Hot Shot on deep discount, was desperate for microns so I bought it just for Jolt and the blast effects.
Jolt is literally perfect, he's my beautiful baby boy. Love him.
I hate this Legacy Armada Hot Shot mold even more in-hand than in pictures. Even merely holding him feels bad. The biggest/chunkiest parts of his body, the ones you would naturally grasp when picking him up (the legs and backpack), are so fucking hollow and thin, and both with such obnoxiously large gaps, not to mention they're so flimsy and don't firmly peg into place, just... Arrgghhh. I'm selling this fucker immediately, I'm glad I only payed $20 shipped.
We need good new molds Armada Hot Shot and Starscream in the next three years.
>the movie's not out yet.
I watched it last Saturday, though. Didn't even know the cinema in my city did early screenings, or why this movie was chosen for that.
>Didn't even know the cinema in my city did early screenings
Depending on where you live, you probably got lucky with an early release date, americans got really fucked in that regard for some reason
where's his cope post where he says 'i did it the way i thought was best but i'm hearing otherwise on this guy'
absolute passive aggressive faggot trying to express himself on the brand forever enslaved to source accuracy
The movie is tracking to be pretty big
Not Mario Bros bug, but still a huge success
They had early screenings all over the place
I saw it 3 weeks ago.
But it's official release date is this Wednesday
I believe Megatron's wave is in the next 2 weeks
Any advice on paint to touch up old transmetal toys? Recently got a TM Primal with a few minor chips.
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>"the government showed up."
>"remember boys, if you're the last one alive, hit the detonator. They'll never understand what we were doing here."
>Boss, I don't even understand what we're doing here
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>titan omega supreme
>commander optimus
>leader wing saber
do it hasbro, you humungous pussies
I can't actually find where these energon rumors are coming from
United Silverbolt
United Sandstorm
Cybertron Starscream
Cybertron Hotshot
A Machine Wars and Animated Voyager Starscream if I can find one at TFCon Baltimore
Maybe Cannonball?
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there are no leaks
i just typed it on my keyboard and clicked post
There definitely rumors of titan energon Optimus in the last couple days
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gimme bishoujo's at least
The way toy waves work we aren't going to get the next wave for a good while now, maybe until the end of the theatrical run
Probably by process of elimination, sounds like Energon Optimus is in the poster and no one else in it is qualified to be Titan other than him.
I'll be so annoyed if it ends up true, I was hoping they'd use the Titan slot for God Ginrai, but energon Prime is meh.
There's already a MP God Ginrai coming soon so you'll have to wait regardless.
if they gave a damn they would celebrate its 20th anniversary this and/or next year like they did almost out of embarrassment for armada
they'll milk g1 cock til its shrivelled up and shooting blanks but are costing themselves customers by pandering to boomers
I know.
>they'll milk g1 cock til its shrivelled up and shooting blanks but are costing themselves customers by pandering to boomers
Warden's back in the driver seat, so buckle up
God damn I forgot how CHUNKY Energon was
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>found my old Overload, missing the minicon
>eventually found the minicon for cheap on mercari
>months later got both back together along with everyone else
Happy I didn't have to shell out to get all of Overload again at least
Actually buying Armada Optimus
I hesitated and now he's selling for like $180 elsewhere. They are going to restock him, right?
And when the fuck is Jetfire coming
Bro your Titans Return Powermaster Prime???
>They are going to restock him, right?
Gamestop's got a preorder up if that means anything to you
That it does, thank you!
Still have my Shockblast, Scorponok, Snowcat and Rodimus and probably a few Signal Flares floating around.

I really hope any new Energon representation will be good or at the very least half decent.

Landmine and Demolishor are my never ever wishes for an update.
Landmine's vehicle mode is too cool for them not to botch it in an updated figure and Demolishor will most likely come in his Armada iteration, if at all.
i pick up any terrorcons when i see them
i've got like 9 divebombs at this point
they rarely do titan repaints but I'd love if they did that Omega Supreme in G1 colors like that one old repaint. Probably wouldn't though but it would be cool.

Yes I know there's already an accurate Omega Supreme but I like the novelty (and honestly I prefer the design of that one anyway)
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I still have the old Armada Wheeljack toy and his minicon, but is the new Windsheer mold worth hunting down the SG set for? Seems like a big upgrade from pics alone.
if he's cheap
his sliced up autobadge is conveniently the same size as the biggest one on a reprolabels sheet, so if you cut it to match you can turn him into powerlinx wheeljack and not have him be shattered ass
Late but there have been reports of coronation screamer being a victim of rapid yellowing
Pre-cog Orion does not use a gun the entire movie.
After he gets his cog and learns to transform, he gets blasters in his front bumper that he uses. In robot mode, he uses guns he picked up on the battlefield to fight, that he tosses afterwards.

This studio series toy is movie accurate in that regard. No gun, it instead comes both with the bumper guns and the axe.
Between the four main cast, Orion is easily the least violent of them. Even Bumblebee gets more combat than he does.
By the time you can purchase all four main robots from the movie it'll long be gone from theaters.
I would do that too, but people are insane thinking they can get $50 for them locally.
one day I'll drop a ton of money on Mandarake for a bunch of UT stuff.
Hey so did anybody got masterpiece jetfire?
I ignored it, even when it was going for $10 online. I own the LG Super Ginrai and God Bomber, and while I like both, I want a better attempt.
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I gots one of thems
>So okay their first forms can't transform, but if they wanted to Hasbro could have gotten me to buy two Optimus..ses? and two Megatron..ii? if they had separate toys for each of their forms.
If SS86 Megatron can have a completely different alt mode then what he had in the movie then I see no problem as to why the cogless versions of Orion Pax and D-16 can’t also have some alt modes that they make by doing goofy yoga poses to justify putting them in Studio Series. If Hasbro really saw the money in it, I’m sure they’d get around to doing them at some point.
How is he is he as ass as the rest of the recent masterpieces or is he's actually good?
>the cogless versions of Orion Pax and D-16 can’t also have some alt modes that they make by doing goofy yoga poses
There is something Pretender-y about them

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