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Well it’s that time again, we should be seeing the new 4H Figura Obscura figure for Halloween very soon. The headless horseman went up I believe October 1st and the masque of the red death went up on the 23rd of September last year. Either way, we should be seeing whatever this new one is very soon.
Anybody have any predictions or wishlists of what it could be? I’d be down for a traditional vampire or maybe something like Bloody Mary that could come with a mirror for them to come out of or something. Also feel free to talk about general Four Horsemen stuff because I don’t think there’s a related thread right now.
I would love if they did a scarecrow of some sort. Give it a pumpkin head, or ghoul head painted up...
A scarecrow would be really cool, but is there any folklore or stories they could pull that from?
why are the mythic legions so rare and expensive? I saw a couple of knights that seemed neat but they are sold out or stupidly expensive (300 bucks or so)
Do you remember which ones?
classic looking knights, one was the Valiant one
Valiant knight is kind of the new-hotness. Better range of motion than the old knights, army builder and not currently a general release. I believe he is going to be soon, however.
because they break easily and a lot of fans have ditched the property, making the last waves rarer than the ones before them.
Hey Subby
>Bloody Mary with mirror
Well, now I’m gonna be sad when we don’t get her.
is the Vorgus 2 good? I like the red armor
Smaller production run.
She would be neat, I think we need more females in the Figura obscura line. They could also do Baba Yaga.
The joints on mine are very weak and pop out easily, so I'll need to fix those up. It looks really cool, very imposing
post some pics
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I like the idea of them sticking to literary horror types, I'd love for them to do a classic fancy Dracula type figure to go along side their more Nosferatu style Mythic Vamps.

Also, thanks for reminding me about these guys, I gotta dig out my Horseman for Halloween! I plopped him into storage and I'm kinda afraid of how scuffed he'll be when I finally pull him from the bottom of the box he's in.

Older figures are expensive because the line is essentially made to order.After the initial pre-order and instock sales are done, older figures don't really get remade outside of All-Star re-releases. A lot of people find out about these guys after the fact and then do stupid stuff like drop hundreds on em.

The Valiant Knight specifically was a short run preview figure of what will essentially be the basic Knight build going forward. While he was fantastic at $40 bucks, anyone paying more then that for him is crazy. All knights going forward will pretty much be that figure, there's literally two waves of figures that will be coming in-stock at the end of the year that will feature a half dozen variations of that knight build. Each with unique heads, better accessories and a lower cost. If you want one of them, I'd suggest waiting as patient fans really do get rewarded with this line.

If you don't want to wait, BBTS has tons of older figures up, including some of the classic knights. And the official Four Horsemen shop has a few knights and other figures, some as cheap as $26 bucks, up for sale right now. The cheaper figures feature less paint, but their builds and accessory lay outs are the same as the pricier figures and overall it's a great deal for em.

I didn't like the original Vorgus because he was just a boring Red Gorgo, but the 2.0 is WAY better in almost every way. The new detailed armor is nice, but the extra Vampire head, wired cloak and especially his gear load out are fantastic.
thanks for the info
I have never bought a ML before but it does have some rad designs, so maybe I'll wait a bit to see what they can come up with at the end of the year
I'm totally getting the Vorgus 2, the armor looks amazing
The 4H excel at paint work and sculpting, though their articulation isn't the best. They're not bricks, but the older figures will have trouble two handing swords and such.

If you do order from the 4H shop though, I'd recommend getting more then one figure. Their shipping within the US is a flat $10 iirc, so it's worth it to grab a few of the army builder figures just to try out different builds and body types.
but if you do get some
heating them up in hot water before you move anything is a requirement
slowly move all their joints around till they're loose
they get paint in the joints and the material is rather bendy and you can break stuff easily or deform

plus side, they are super modular and you can basically lego your own figures with them if you are patient

just know that most wide dudes are 1.0 body
twink elves, females and other thin characters are 2.0 body and most pieces are only swappable between their own type (with few exceptions)
They're actually gonna put out some straight up "Build your own" figures at their next con. You pick from a buncha pre-selected parts and colors and assemble your own custom knight. Sadly you don't get to pick your own weapons as they just include a basic sword set with each figure. But they will be using the newer Knight and cloth based limbs, which are fantastic compared to the older stuff.

They did mention a general store version at some point next year, but I really question how that could even work.
I'm a euro and upset this isn't a thing for me.
I really wish I could just order sets of certain parts or skincolours for affordable prices.
I'd give them a whole bunch of money.

People selling loose pieces of mythic legions ask ridiculous prices.
how is that headless horseman figure? the one with the green flames looks kinda dope but I wonder how poseable is the huge horse
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Oh yea, I'm right there with that. The price on ebay for even a single piece is absurd. It's best to just buy the troop builders to use as spare parts, but even then there's a lot of parts that haven't been used on the troop builders yet. But if I could just buy pieces and build my own characters, I'd probably be broke.

Again, they mentioned they'll be doing a general store release of these guys at some point, so hopefully even EUs can build their own knights. But who knows how that'll actually work.

I'm a huge fan of him, but I got the original red and black version. Truth be told, the only new parts on him are the collar, neck and pumpkin heads, so the rest of him is pretty standard Legion figure. But the cloth limbs and body are all really nice and the 4H horses are absolute monsters. Personally I would've preferred the more Halloweeny colors of the Retail release, but the black and red looks really nice and those evil eyes on the horse really pop.

My only other complaint about him is that his standard weapon is *really* boring. He should've come with the bearded axe or something instead of just the most basic sword possible. But I have tons of spare gear and I just gave him a Diamond Select Ring Wraith sword instead, which works perfectly for him.
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Are you happy with your version or would you have gotten the repaint version if you had waited? I personally think this one looks good in both versions
can it stand on its hind legs?
Both versions are great, but had I known about the orange and green one I would've rather have gotten that one. The green on the horse just makes it look more "spectral" and I just like the Halloween-y colors a bit more. Especially since I use it as a Halloween Decoration.

Plus I got that Vampire Ranger around the same time, and he uses a practically identical build in almost the same black colors. So the purple on the Retail release would've made the Horseman figure feel more unique.

He's doing that in >>11160663, had him like that for a week on my desk before I messed with him again. The horses legs can definitely bear the weight in that stance, but balance can be an issue. You can use the tail to kind of tri-pod the horse though, so he's more stable.

Long term, having him on a shelf like that without an actual stand, I can see the joints eventually failing and getting loose. But for posing and pictures, rearing back is no problem at all.
In line with the very informative posts by HeadlessHorsemanAnon, I'd like to reiterate the idea not to overpay for past Mythic Legions. They are generic figures, so if you like a [knight, barbarian, skeleton, goblin, etc.] it's best to wait and preorder the next [knight, barbarian, skeleton, goblin, etc.] at a good price, especially since the line keeps getting better with more new and improved parts and a higher amount of accessories per figure.

Check their wave list on their site to see what's coming. https://www.sourcehorsemen.com/mythic-legions/mythic-waves
Of those, the next wave to release is the Necronominus one.
Does four horseman not have any social media? I’m confused where we can find hints of when they reveal the figura obscura
Did you try actually searching on w\e social media you use? Because they do have accounts.
I've always just used the email newsletter and have never felt like i missed out on anything.
Mostly instagram I think. I don't follow social media stuff, but that seems to be their most active thing. I just signed up for their newsletter and that's usually enough to keep me up to date.

Honestly, I still miss their forums. But I'm an old man.
.....that reminds me, they mentioned their last one has more info on that build a figure concept and I was curious about it. But watching an hour of these dudes circle jerking each other is kind of grating.

Anyone hear able to stomach those vids long enough to tl:dr any good info on the build-a-fig thing?
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any upcoming release that excites you? for me it is this Maxillius guy with the classic death/grim reaper look
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I'm ready for this sick ass bone daddy to finally land in my collection. I'd finally finish off the whole Four Horseman thing they had going on, and they should look pretty amazing all together.

Though these guys will pretty much take up an entire shelf all by themselves. Those freaking wings take up way too much horizontal space.

I will admit, the latter three big bads kinda put the first one to shame. Arethyr just kinda feels boring when compared to the crazier crap they put out since his release.

Also, the entire Rising Sons wave. It was the first time I ever went all-in on a wave and each figure in that set are just amazing.
oh surely having the actual 4 horsemen with their steeds will be quite a sight and superb display
Ordered two of this guy just to have a grim reaper.
Hmm the grim reaper could’ve made for a cool figura obscura
John Four Horsemen here
Spring Heeled Jack is the next figure in the figura obscura line
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The Templar horse. Oh, wait, no, we can't have that because that's evil and we're better than that.

Other than that, there's nothing super-particular. My current list is:
Old Templar leader dude.
Generic Viking.
Dwarf two-pack (likely, I haven't placed the preorder yet, there are a couple aspects that may decide yes or no)
Goblin two-pack
That one recent Cosmic mount
Armored hands pack. Belt pack. Undead heads pack.
>siren or mermaid
>mad scientist
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This fucker. Actually looking forward to all the skellies from the Necro and AS6 waves. And the Templar guys, even if one is a darkie, but it comes with a skellie head so that's fine.
>The Templar horse
What could have been.
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>Tomorrow (Saturday, 09/21/24), the latest character to rise and roam the halls of the Figura Obscura shall be revealed, and you are invited to join us starting at 9am EST. Here is what you need to know:

>We will do 2 sale drops at StoreHorsemen.com tomorrow – one at 9am EST and another at 8pm EST. This is similar to what we have done in previous Figura Obscura sales, allowing Legionnaires from across the country, and all over the world, a chance to secure this new release.

>In addition to the figure, there will also be additional items with this same theme (pins and mugs) and a very limited number of “All In” sets which will include 1 of each of the items for sale.

>These items are all IN STOCK and limited to the inventory on hand! Shipping will begin immediately after the sale. Due to the volume of orders we expect to receive for this Figura Obscura, it could take 3-4 weeks to get all orders out. >Please be aware of this timing when ordering since even orders placed in the first minutes of the sale could take a few weeks to ship.

Yeah, that's a Frankenstein all right. Probably going to be more book accurate than what we'd normally get.

That's pretty cool, but this is probably one I can skip. Hopefully. They tend to make these look pretty awesome, so...we'll see.
Yeah, the title of the mail is also
>Figura Obscura Comes to Life!
Yeah when it comes to lightning, Halloween, and "coming to life" you're essentially down to Frankensteins monster, the Bride, and Jason Voorhees and I dont see them doing Jason or the bride.

Biggest issue for ML doing the monster is the classic universal monster design is pretty ingrained into everyone conciousness, you drift to far away from it and you're liable to lose sales.
Oof, if it’s Frankenstein I’m honestly disappointed. Especially because I already have several versions of the Universal design and don’t really see the point of having the novel version, it’s not really iconic. I really, really hope it’s something else and they’re trying to lead us away from what it actually is with the obvious Frankenstein references. But probably not.
Knowing Cunningham, this is the move he would make.
If its Frankenstein monster I'll probably pass. The appeal of figura obscura to me is the "obscura" part. There's already plenty of decent quality Frankenstein monster figures.
Would actually buy that.
That’s a really good point actually. I’m hoping and praying it’s not frankenstein, but it seems very likely.
I mean at what point was this line obscure? It the most obscure figure was the more recent Mask one
Red Death was a Venture Bros villain, so I knew him. Shit, I need to get him now since I bought Marvel Frogman to make Brick Frog.
I remember a lot of the plebs in the Facebook group had never heard of Wukong when he was announced, which I thought was funny since I grew up watching the Japanese Monkey series from an early age. I guess I was always a weeb.
I mean Jacob Marley is pretty obscure too, but yeah most of the line isn’t obscure characters. But it is true that almost all of them had little to no figures before the figura obscura. Yes, maybe novel Frankenstein doesn’t have a figure, but he has a plenty of UM version figures and for a lot of people I think they’re gonna pass on it.
>There are stories that stretch beyond the borders of the Realms and Universes that we know. Legends, myths, and tales spun across various worlds, these characters are beginning to emerge from the shadows. Called forth by Four Horsemen Studios, they are known as “Figura Obscura”.

From their website
It's obviously DKR Batman
Both New England writers, unless they break the pattern my money is on Lovecraft. Which means we'll probably be seeing a cthulhu spawn, deep one or fungi from yugoth. But I would personally prefer a depiction of Nyarlathotep in his Egyptian form or and elder thing.
Seems like they’re breaking the pattern

No. Look at the key. It's gonna be Ben Franklin
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I wish, but that’s just part of the figura obscura logo
Nothing about the line is obscure in the way of popularity. Every one of the monsters so far is well known, Christmas Carol, Egyptian Mythology, Journey into the West, Headless Horseman and Poe are all well-known.

I think the misunderstanding is the meaning of the obscure, 4H is usingthe meaning of unseen. Frankenstein makes sense.

However, I want to point out that the phrasing of the new figure may be misleading. What if it's Jekyl/Hyde?
I thought jekyl/hyde too, but I don’t remember lighting being referenced in that story. I’d very much prefer that though.
Early movie adaptations have Hyde lit by lightning when he is revealed.
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A bit offtopic but what you guys think are the best renditions of iconic horror monsters? This line no doubt can claim the crown with its headless horseman >>11160798 the grim reaper >>11162152 and may soon follow with a Frankenstein monster according to this teaser >>11162841

On the other hand, Loosecollector pumped out probably the best Mr Hyde and Werewolf figures so I wonder what are the best options for a classic looking vampire/Dracula and a mummy figure

Yes I have been playing Castlevania too much lately
I mean probably the NECA versions of Dracula and mummy.
Yeah but that never brought life
From a certain point of view it did. I mean I could see it as them trying to make everyone think Frankenstein so that way they’re surprised when it’s something else.
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Here's a first pass on my Landsknecht.
My thoughts exactly!
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The hat is from a Neca Barbosa.
I'll be painting the shirt sleeves and pants brighter colors.
We honestly could use a much bigger great sword.

I'll need to swap out the chain mail for the knight cod piece with the bulge.

Might give him different gloves, since I need the Varrik glove for another build.

Might keep the orc head, might change it out for a human.

Could also make a 2nd one with a single bare leg, and cloth puffy sleeves.
what is that thing in the middle of scythe stick?
Yea, that's a Frankenstein thing. Considering the original novel is one of the most popular english language stories ever this is very much in-line with their other FO halloween choices.

It looks nice, but I feel he needs some sort of gorget or some kind of faux puffy sleeved pauldrons to help offset how huge the head looks on that body. Brighter colors will also help greatly with the Landsknecht you're going for.

....it's a handle. Most scythes have a handle there to help with threshing crops.
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That is really, really cool. But thankfully I think I can pass on this one safely.
I appreciate the effort of giving all the parts needed to make a newly made monster or the roam the world version as well as the lab gear and the books
I'm really tempted, but the shipping to Australia is the one thing that always kills these for me. I could add some more Legion Builders.
>painted Hagnon head
Damn, that is almost enough to push me over the edge.
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That Hargon head is going to be used on my third Cosmic Wal-torr to have a trio of crazy space undead doing dumb things across the galaxy.
Yeah, the Hagnon head is my strongest argument for getting this. I'd toss it on Vorgus for a drained dry look. The sculpt and accessories are awesome, but I'm not a huge fan of the color scheme they went with for the creature, no matter how accurate it is. Hopefully the RAW version doesn't just up the saturation like Marley.
A little disappointing.
However I do like the book accurate depiction and the fact that it's from later in the book when the creature is tired and world weary.
>just happens to guess it correctly
He “guesses” them almost every time, feels very fake
I would get it, but they don’t use PayPal on their site… very annoying. Hopefully it stays in stock for a while.
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>Oh no, he's hot.jpg

I figured they'd reuse parts from red death and all, but this dude is almost entirely new sculpt. I think the only actual reuse is the biceps and thighs. Like, this makes the horseman look cheap seeing as he only got like two or three new pieces. I was planning to pass on this, but that's a lot of stuff in that box and overall the figure looks great.

But that face man, the sculpt on that face is next level. You can feel the pain in those eyes from this guy. The fully painted Hagnon head is just icing on an already stacked cake here.
They always release a repainted version to retailers not too long after the original version is sold out. They always include all the same stuff, but those versions are pre-ordered and usually take a few months before they ship.

If you don't mind waiting, that's probably a better choice.
The Dorklair video definitely makes the figure look even more tempting: https://youtu.be/9yuzMePP9Xg?si=liV0cWkXVtQ5NKvf
Wasn't expecting him to be a freakin giant. The dude just dwarfs the normal Legions guys.

Brute zombies incoming I would imagine.
I don't understand why is it regular sized. Even if he is supposed to be Mary Shelley Frankenstein, isn't book accurate Frankenstein 8 foot tall? Would be perfect opportunity to use the genie body.
NVM I'm wrong. He's taller than regular sized figure
Ooooh, shit
So i ordered one. I like it and it's got a lot of possibilities with part swapping.

I got a feeling the inevitable retailer version though will be green and look better.
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I am planning on either red & blue, green & blue, red & yellow, or something like that for the sleeves and pants. Gonna do it crisscross; right arm & left leg the same color and visa versa.
Might also have one hand flesh to help contrast and add more colors into the mix.

I'm also planning on painting this guy up in stone for a gargoyle.
That must be an American's skeleton cause it's fat as fuck
Bro, this is for sure the most creative toy line there is right now and I haven't even bought any of these (yet) I'm just saying, like who else even does original designs for toys on par with this? Everyone would watch a horror movie if this was the monster, this is top choice shit
anyone else thinks he is only missing the electric guitar for some reason?
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Gylos does.
That's why Mythic Legions and Glyos is what I've been spending most of my toy money on these past couple years.

If you are going to buy a Creature, I suggest you throw in a Wal-torr, Demistsross, and/or Vorgus Vermillius 2 with your order; along with a Gold Knight and Vampire Phalanx legion builder to get a good taste of the line.

The named characters come with a bunch of great accessories, and the two Legion Builders paint jobs look great as is, or you can use them to put some of your extra heads on them.
Not interested, but it's nice that they've got other figures in stock this time to soften the blow of shipping/import fees for a single figure for anyone who wants it.
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If you're state side, shipping is flat rate $10 for in stock items.
welp I bite the bullet and decided to order both the headless horseman and vorgus 2, hope they get here soon
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anyone knows what horse is this? the helmet does not seem from anything of this line
The helmet is the Vorgus 2 standard helmet that first showed up on Gorgo 2.

The horse is from the Spawn the Bloodaxe and Thunderhoof set. Though the sword and shield I can't place. They look too cartoony and clean to be McFarlane gear.
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>New Stavros the Unwavering BBTS
25th Anniversary Exclusive
Looks good actually, I really like these colors on him. Expensive though.
absolute fucking kino holy shit
I've personally been trying to avoid grabbing too many of these Ogre scale figures as I don't want them taking over the collection. But every single one of these Dragon dudes have been freaking fantastic, and this new guy is no different. I'm glad they tried to give him different armor and stuff so he doesn't feel too similar to the others, and the tunic really helps him come off as unique.

Though they do need a new "Giant Sword" for these guys, this is the third time it's getting used and it gets boring if everyone is swinging the same weapons.

Yea man, this line is just like all those other long running fantasy lines full of Orcs, Goblins, Knights and Barbarians and Skeletons and Dragonmen and Giants and Horses and Vampires and Elves and Gerbil people and Half Orcs and Demons and Bug People and Dwarves. I mean, lines like that are just all over the place man, why get so excited over something unlike any other toy on the market?

p.s. I hope the retail version of Frankie's creature looks good, had to pass on this one but I'll certainly grab the repaint as long as it's not awful.
That's what the green dragon dude from Cosmic goes for on BBTS, which I think is $10-$15 more than what 4H charge for an Ogre Scale fig on their store. But the dragon dudes are so fucking huge, they needed an even bigger package than every other Ogre Scale fig. It's still cheaper than I would be paying for international postage for one fig from Store Horsemen, so I can justify this easily.
> I hope the retail version of Frankie's creature looks good, had to pass on this one but I'll certainly grab the repaint as long as it's not awful.
I skipped on it too, mainly because I have a gut feeling that the retailer version's colours will be the same skin tone as the upcoming Undead dude in the Necro wave.
No one else is making literature based figures, your opinion needs to be discarded. A Christmas Carol figure? How many Headless Horseman figures are out there? List all of them here.
Not that guy, but there is this really nice headless horseman figure by McFarlane, a Mego doll, and a funko pop that just came out recently.
Cool, but nothing in 1/12 scale.
The Mcfarlane Headless Horseman I posted is indeed in 1:12 scale.
When does the retail version come out?
In like, a year or two
Wholesome kino 1)12 scale?
I heard that was a fantastic figure, the horse was especially good for the time it came out. I believe the horse actually works well with Legions, and you can probably grab the set off ebay for less then $100.

The Red Death figure was last years Halloween release and he's supposed to start shipping soon. So pre-orders would go up in a few months for the retail figure and overall it'd probably take a year to get em in hand.
Doing him in green would be obvious. a Grayscale black and white version would also be cool.
However, I wonder if there's enough paint budget to make each body "piece" a different color?
It could either be subtle or super saturated.
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One final drop…
FUCK I don’t get paid till next week
why the hell do they not take PayPal?
Paypal jew'd them over and held up a huge amount money on one of their kickstarters, or something. I've never used it, but I think Shopify had a 4 payment installment option at checkout.

Do you have a credit card that you could just pay off fully next week?
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I wasn't able to make it to the bank until the day after the last sale ended so I am happy about this. Assuming scalpers don't eat the entire stock in two minutes I am definitely gong to grab one.
Eh, I'm still gonna wait on the retail version. I haven't even gotten to the last FO figures I got, so I don't "need it now".

And anyone who buys new 4H figures from scalpers deserves to be ripped off.
I feel like they'd make him blue-ish. Just to go with a corpse look.
I feel like retail is going to go for more of a Universal Frankenstein thing so I would rather grab this version while I can. I haven't bought an FO since Red Death myself.
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That's my feeling. I reckon they will go with the same skin tone as picrel. It will make the Hagnon head more usable.

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