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Sorry if not allowed, but was wondering. Been a fan of the channel for years now, in fact Retroblasting is a good reason why I've been a collector of other toylines besides transformers for as long as I have. There are toys and playsets I wouldn't have known about without it, for example I wouldn't have had any idea the remco mini monsters existed but for Retroblasting.
That said... In the last few years at least... I have had a very, very difficult time engaging with anything on the channel except his toy videos. Michael seems.... Very self righteous to me, the sort of person who insists their bluntness is " just being honest", without taking anyone else into account. His latest video about the gijoe scale airwolf X was a hard watch.
He dresses like a stupid goober and also troll thread
The absolute state of this modless board
This. Mods not doing their jobs again and all this rampant spamming is just goddamn proof of it.
I’m starting to think you actually like him considering you’re doing free advertising for him. Nobody would know who he was otherwise.
fuck you michael.
>Crimson Commander hasn't posted actively since July
>Comes back on Monday
>Tons of posts from him
>Suddenly retrospam starts up again after months of silence
>Suddenly board is flooded with multiple threads for Elvira for some reason
>Suddenly the necrobumper starts bumping all threads that haven't had a post in 4 days.
Really gets the noggin jogging. I feel like this happens because every few months, CC gets a bug up his ass or goes off his meds for a little bit, and then takes it out on us for some reason. I guess that's the only pleasure you get in life when you have been a delivery driver for most of your adult life.
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>multiple threads for Elvira for some reason
If you didn't notice, two of the Elvira threads were Retrospam. Pic related. The Mezco one was probably started just because he found their cunny Elvira while looking for NECA pics.
There has also been someone with a hard-on for Bobby Skullface. It's probably CC too, but I'm not sure. Someone posted a Skullface thread while he was "absent" but that doesn't mean shit since he loves to shitpost without his trip.
It's all the same schizo.
He does make some well researched, enjoyable content,but his rants should be consigned to a second channel, they make him seem like a tool with a chip on his shoulder.
I don’t keep up with all the schizos, QRD?
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French is no where as near awesome as this guy
Just post the Lio Convoy fanart already
I say, we take over this thread, no one other than OP gives a shit about Michael fucking French, and we make this the current meta thread. Maybe with enough meta discussion the jannies will delete the thread. Who knows?
Yep, noticed that too
There’s been zero mod activity for days. It’s probably gonna be like that time a few months ago when explicit femboy porn was up for days. Complete janny death has occured.
I could fucking moderate this board better in 5 minutes a day than these lazy fucks
I’d be willing to do it as well, but the janny exams unfortunately place you somewhere random so it’s not guaranteed somebody who cares about this place would get in.
Probably because you posted dox, but that’s still kinda suspicious.
He's based.

/toy/ is very heavily moderated, actually, but only in certain regards in threads they babysit. For everything else they don't care, which is why they added the autosage feature to kill older threads. It was meant to combat bumpspam of bad threads that they wouldn't just delete for some reason, but instead the spam remained and they just killed a whole swathe of toyline generals
I wish I could find it but they banned me from the 3rd party general for saying that one toy looked more like a character than another one.
Not allowed. This is a board of toys and toy photography, not for YouTubers who talk about toys.
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He's kissable
>It was meant to combat bumpspam of bad threads that they wouldn't just delete for some reason, but instead the spam remained and they just killed a whole swathe of toyline generals
What a useless bunch.

>This is a board of toys and toy photography, not for YouTubers who talk about toys.
You'd think that and yet fucking mods would leave alone threads about irrelevant e-celebs for days on end despite being obviously off-topic spam.
No, they will ban anyone that gets mass flagged by the brandwarring schizo for asking him why he still preorders SHF only to cancel the preorder and tell us how he's done with the line. Again. Until he preorders the next one only to cancel it and say he's done with the line.
Proof? I see no modposts to support that theory.
Aren’t you the catkiller?
He’s admitted to using multiple devices and samefagging, but mods are just letting all the schizos run rampant at once for the time being I guess.
He does a lot of good stuff, but he has an arrogant side. And he's very unforgiving. You disagree with him once, and you're shit-listed and ghosted forever.

The thing is when he's in his happy-place mood, he's one of the most awesome toy youtubers out there. He just doesn't understand that not always agreeing with him is NOT a challenge to a fight.
lmao that guy is always angry and complaining about something
Zat is back, based I thought that he died in a car crash like some anons on /co/ said
Nonsense, if it’s toy related it goes here.
He has severe autism and a huge ego but he's mostly correct except about a few things like Transformers
This isn't toy related. It's spam.
funny thing is it becomes spam when autists like you flood the thread complaining, without your bitching the thread usually turn into a nice little toy related chit chat, so kindly fuck off and hide the thread like a big boy
Found the spammer.

So how do we take down Crimson Commander and all his spam?
He's been doxxed a few times. Check the archive for the Leon Kennedy thread.
I love that channel and Melissa is so cute!
Wasn't French caught sexting children on discord?
Nah that was lioconvoy
which threads do mods babysit?
funny how you are so confident in your misreading of the world
Howdy there CC
Incredibly annoying, whiner, and not at all helpful to the cause he thinks he’s championing
i get banned for saying nigger but some schizo can spam elvira threads?
Wrong again you deluded fuck
Don't tell me I've been replaced by this wildebeest looking dead eyed anemic little fuck??
sup Zat
I love that man
Fuck off CC
I have been reporting the janitor of this board to the mods multiple times.
The are
>1. A literal tranny
>2. Post negative comments in multiple threads for hours long interval’s multiple times a day
>3. Never once has ever posted a picture of a toy
>4. Hands out bans for disagreements and burns while simultaneously cussing people out and shitting on everyone’s toy OC
At this point it’s so bad I think they might be part of a site-wide demoralization campaign or else they are a deranged psychopath but either way the moderators need to remove them as soon as possible
The board is getting to the point where it's unusable
low iq
that is the shitposter's goal
or you're just a fucking whiner who has no ideas how to hide threads
>has to hide every general
Great channel. That he pisses off these fags is a bonus.
>just hide the thread you come on the board to use anon
Goddamn retard
There's at least 15 spam threads up, how is that possible?
Stop lying you perv
seems you enjoy being aggrieved, very sad many such cases
I want to like his videos but he always seems like he's seconds away from breaking down into tears.
mods literally do not give a shit, that simple
Report it, hide it, stfu about it
Yeah long live to Retroblastig
Nah, you need to be banned
your game is weak faggot, s a g e
you gonna spend the next half hour bumping every one of your threads?
Kys spammer
no u
no u
whats the problem here anyway?
After seeing some clown spam him in pics across this board for years, I ended up seeing one of his videos recommended to me from all the other toys vids I watch. He seems pretty insufferable. In particular I saw his nitpicky annoying video complaining about Eva. He wasn't even complaining about actual issues. Even as an Eva fan, I know it has a ton of issues. He kept nitpicking about shit like fans not knowing how to pronounce the title. Holy shit. Can he make his videos seem more pointless? I thought I was shallow and pedantic about toys and nerd shit.
pretty sure our trouble maker got banned
Why? All the threads are still up?
One shitposter got his posts deleted and probably b& but immediately just evaded. It’s a shame that’s probably the only moderation this board’s getting for the next ten days,
Hopefully they don’t get bumped again if my theory is correct, sage replies here too
>somebody just posted infected vagina porn
All right, bets on how long it’s staying up.
I love RB. Mickey is my hero.
He's still bumping his shit. Plus the other shitheads on this board joining in. The mods need to do something about this.
Hey! Idiots stop bumping this
I've not seen any of his videos. I just know him as that guy that everyone says is Marvel Legends Hood.
He's so sexy
>We have to go back..to the twentieth century
Lol idk
is fatlit back again? He's fat!
Like everyone in this board

All I really know about this douche is the whole Proton Pack incident.
Why do the mods suck at detecting actual spam but ban normal users for stupid reasons?

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