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Didn't see a thread and there's only 12 hours to go until the end. It's already met its goals, but have you put in your pledge yet?

They really kicked ass with the packaging. Way better than the first spawn and probably the best packaging I've seen apart from Hasbro SDCC exclusives.

Anything worth bitching about?
Stupid nice slipcase.
McF is Neca but named after a person
Didn't really pay attention to what went on early on, but was McFarlane expecting this to blow up bigger than it did?
Because look at all the fucking amazing stuff they included and only $15 more than the first one. Post covid inflation. So that's a really big win.
Seeing this only getting only 1/2 of the backers is pretty sad, but not unexpected, because normal Spawn is more known than Medieval Spawn. Plus, who really cares about fantasy shit anymore?

The fact that it's supposed to be shipped out before the year ends would be nuts, but this is just an overglorified pre-order campaign. Shit's already in production, despite the hype Todd is trying to get with the "bonus" weapons updates. The only real bonus was the Silver colored (painted?) version instead of the normal gray plastic they usually use.

just rambling posts to prime discussion and include more photos.
>Only $15 more

58 bucks for a McFarlane quality figure is a bit crazy. Sure it has more paint than his usual figures, but its going to be limited in engineering in the same ways because the people he hires do not understand how to do good articulation. Then you add on the shipping which if its anything like mcfarlane toy store shipping could be ridiculous.
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You really don't know what you're trying to play down.

It's 2000-2008 era level paint and sculpt. That's golden age McFarlane Toys; it's the McStatues era people still jizz over to this day, but with modern articulation.

If you like fantasy shit, there really is nothing comparable. NECA, Figma, and 4H don't have this level of paint and their articulation is also worse (mainly 4H). Bandai might have better articulation, but paint and sculpt is pretty mediocre.

>Then you add on the shipping
If you're only buying one, yeah it's a bit pricy but i think it's still worth it. Again, nothing out there really comes close and this is basically a chance in a lifetime, unless McFarlane expands on selling figures like this, because the toy industry is only getting worse and more expensive.
Not sure why someone would get more than 1 unless they plan to scalp them
My only question is: is it ratcheted to hell or are the joints smooth?
I did preorder the black version
all the weapons it comes with look pretty cool
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They have different helmet and armor pieces, so you can just pretend they're seperate characters.
You have like two unique alt heads per color and two different chest pieces. So that's like 9,000 different combinations.

It's not like Spawn himself is unique, since there's thousands of others that look almost identical to him (last i checked, way back in the 90s). You could build an army just the blue Spawn and it'd basically be canon.

I also try not to have a dozen Batmans and Wolverines, but it's pretty hard to say no to cool designs.

dunno. I haven't been following this closely.
Almost all of my figures have bumps, so i'd say they'll continue goinjg along with the rackets.
Ehhhhh I like it but nowhere near that much
I assume there won't be "Customs" for US, just regular sales tax?
Anyone know?

When i put my pledge in, it only says I'm going to be charged for the figures and shipping. Does the sales tax get tacked on tomorrow once the KS ends?
Less than three hours to go.
Was never into Spawn but this is pretty fucking cool.
Since it has now reached 2 million all accessories will come with it. Honestly, the figures are already being made and the insert was already there for all accessories, so the "free unlocks" were probably always a formality and the price clearly accounts for it all. I don't think Todd really thought the unlocks through, just thought they were cool the first time around, and pretended they were there this time. The first time there were no extras, or at least not revealed, so it genuinely felt like they were making new add-ons spontaneously at big milestones whereas this time we already saw everything and it was even shown in the pics on the KS.
Didn't seem like there was a lot of traditional hype for this once it started in the usual circles but I guess Todd became kind of a black sheep in the collector community once he went to statues for so long.
Ah, crap! I missed it!
I mean...I beat the FOMO. Yeah...that's it...
This Kickstarter will mark a nefarious milestone in toy history. Many say the true birth of high end collectible action figures began with that first wave of Mcfarlane Spawn toys, as Todd would later force others to step up their game and begin, with the help of the 4 horsemen and others, an era where new toys could appeal to adults. But this marks the end of that, as costs grow ever out of reasonable realms, toy history may look back at this figure as the bookend point of affordable adult collectible action figures.

So it began, so it ends.

Quality is either on the decline or prices are on the rise. One last example of high detail, elaborate paint deco combined with high POA before the industry is no longer profitable enough to live up to have all three while maintaining affordability.
>t. poorfag
Are you retired yet? Because if you're not, I have some news for you...
>"free unlocks"
We saw the removable foam pieces still in the box, when he was showing off the production model, so not everything was actually set in stone.

I think McFarlane didn't do the tradtional kickstarter unlocks because they didn't want to set anything in stone. They wouldn't be locked in place by KS's system and they had a sliding unlock system (manually) put instead. So stuff could be included even if milestones weren't met, because they know the cost of toys and absorb the pennies instead of making people do the $10,000 goal increments.
They're an established company, so they have more leeway.

The pieces have already been molded though, but budgets still exist. They'd use the already made molds for later figures, instead of producing new accessories for a later figure. Difference between getting it now vs later is also the budget for the later figure. If released in a normal line, it wouldn't have half the paint budget.

yeah, I almsot forgot too, hence making the thread at the last minute. I set my alarm to remember.
Yes, i always like to put my pledge at the last minute out of habit, because sketchiness of KSers becomes apparent from later updates
I ain't paying that much for a Mcfarlane figure. The sculpt and paint might be above par compared to his usual offerings but it's not worth it for me when he could just release this as a platinum label or something. His plastic and articulation are subpar. The accessories were nice though. But there was no reason for this to be a kickstarter when he's been making toys for so long and for way cheaper. If i really feel fomo, I'll pay 300 on the aftermarket but it was an easy skip. This coming from someone who has all the comics.
Brown pedo seething? Guess Todd won.
>it's the McStatues era people still jizz over to this day
I don't think many people jizz over McStatues these days. They often had pretty mushy sculpt and the paint was usually just goopy washes and chalky drybrushing. For the price they were OK I guess but ultimately they definitely feel like they fail at being statues or action figures.
Now this Kickstarter figure looks alright (cowl aside), but for the price and exclusivity you would hope so and that's assuming they don't fuck up the actual production figures. If every figure looked as good as its promotional bullshots then PAK would be the greatest toyline ever. Plus there's a very good chance it'll be stiff and awkward to pose like so many McFarlane figures even today.
what are the best Spawn figures from Mcfarlane so far? the gunslinger and she-spawn are really great imo
I've been eyeing the huge buff Violator but I always wanted the skinny III iteration
That's funny, the ones I have still look great compared to the slop that's released these days.
Ninja Spawn is pretty nice but is missing some paint. Plague Spawn is one of the best as far as posability.
The Sam and Twitch two pack is neat and pretty versatile if you just need guys in suits with guns.
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>I don't think many people jizz over McStatues these days.
Bro, who makes toys that look as good as this nowadays? Hot Toys? Mezco?
You're not going to find shit this well painted for under $80 nowadays, hence the 00s McStatues on eBay goinjg for way too much money still. I fucking wish people would give up on McStatues so i could buy their old shit cheaply.

I understand you don't like dry brushing and washes, but a lot of people do, hence this shit going for way too much money on ebay.
>If every figure looked as good as its promotional bullshots then PAK would be the greatest toyline ever.
McFarlane is one of the few companies who doesn't do bullshots, especially since most of what they show off nowadays are production figures that they're showing off. They do show painted prototypes at times, but they're not bullshots (bullshots being shoops or prototypes being used for solicitation). McFarlane makes most of their announcements for figures as they 're leavign the factories or being loaded onto the ships.

>They often had pretty mushy sculpt
LOL, good one.

Also, after taking a look, it seems the price on some figures have lessened lately. I can now buy their Onimusha figures that cost $6 back in the day for as low as $30 now.
the buff Violator is amazing, damn thing is fucking gigantic and imposing, I really recommend it
>I don't think many people jizz over McStatues these days.
People do, prices for some on ebay are insane. Others not so much. It really depends on the statue and the character has some effect (normal Spawn looks and Medieval Spawn for example tend to go for more). Some of the later ones when few were made are also nuts like Nightmare Spawn
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>Bro, who makes toys that look as good as this

Probably the same guys who made McFarlane known for it's great sculpts and paints. This figure is nice and all, but it's not exactly breaking new ground or doing anything all that super impressive. More costs allows more paint, but even cheap toys can have amazing sculpt and detail.

As for McFarlane articulation, I've never seen figures with so many joints but with so little actual range of motion. I mean, I love that they do have joints now, but McFarlane's stuff is still fairly stiff.

I went in on this guy because the amount of weapons he comes with is very impressive. Hopefully being a Kickstarter figure, the accessories are strong, stiff plastic and not the awful rubber stuff the usually McFarlane figure uses these days. But at $80 shipped, he's not even close to some of the more expensive figures I've bought. But even at $60, he's pretty much on point for a mid tier mass produced collectable.
>mythic legions
>re-re-re-re-re-reuse of a re-re-re-re-reused mold
>as good as McFarlane's wholly original figure sculpted specifically for that character
That's not even on the same level. You're retarded dude.

Nevermind 4H uses the cheapest of plastics and has some of the worst quality control in the industry.
The figure you posted costs almost as much as a Mezco figure and doesn't even have half as much articuation either. As a modern figure, it's a complete failure.

4H's shit isn't worth considering purchasing nwo after the disaster from their last wave.
You're better off buying McFarlane's 90s Monster Playsets and get those two Frankenstein sets. You get both Igor and Frankenstein, a whole mess of accessories, a medium sized diorama, and two types of monsters. And at 30 years old, their plastics are holding up better than 2 year old 4H figures.
Two sets still mint in package will cost you less SHIPPED than that 4H's Frankenstein figure before shipping. Way more fun, looks just as good as 4H's stuff, and there's less worrying about the figures being fucked.
The new Frankenstein is literally all new sculpt head to toe, with a ton of playset diorama pieces and soft goods.

The old McFarlane monster sets had a tendency to fall apart right out of the box, I know, I have a bunch. Hell, a lot of McFarlane's stuff would crumble from just looking at it back in the 90s and early 00s.

And the 4H are why McFarlane's figures were successful in the first place, and have worked with him many times over the years making some of his best figures.

Why do you feel such a need to tell blatant easily proven lies all the time?
That paintwork is excellent but from everything I've seen the posability is still extremely barebones, very disappointing from something that costs 80 burgers
Every day I pray he'll just hand the property over to yamaguchi so we can finally get a spawn figure worth a damn
>blatant lie
An honest mistake. Sorry I don't follow 4H's shit after experiencing years worth of problems, wave after wave, and witnessing their last wave explode into a mess of drama where 4H was mocking their customers for their toys breaking.
So I'm wrong about frankenstein, but everything else is re--re-re-re-re-er-er-re-re-re-reuse, unless it was the very first use of that mold.
No doubt, that Frankenstein mold will be reused, because that's 4H's MO despite charging as much money as other collector companies who actually do produce unique molds and use modern articulation.

Everything else i said? Not false.

>Hell, a lot of McFarlane's stuff would crumble from just looking at it back in the 90s and early 00s.
Now this is bullshit. Kids might have broken stuff, but not adults. Even then, I was comparing their stuff to 4H's plastics not Hasbro or Mattel. So it's still less likely to break.

And I still buy old McFarlane sets i previously passed on 20-30 years ago. Nothing I've bought has broken, despite their old age. How do you think i know how much those Frankenstein sets cost? Just bought mine this year.
>re-re-re-re-re-reuse of a re-re-re-re-reused mold
Enough about McFarlane's DC line, Subby.
>Now this is bullshit.
No, I had several Spawn figures from back then with issues. Manga Cyber Violator's legs were a floppy mess out of the pack. Manga Freak's whip arm had a faulty joint pin that ended up failing, but that was ok since he had 6 arms. The one that pissed me off the most was Raenius, whose arm sheered off the first time I tried to move it with barely any force. And the rubber in the elbows of Violator 3 started to tear almost immediately. A few other issues, like the glue for the greebles on The Heap being less effective than school paste. A few other issues I can't remember now because I dropped his shit back in 2001 or so. The thing that killed it for me is the fucker doesn't know how to do articulation. I mean, what is the point of V cut hips with no knees?
But you know what? Every figure I have mentioned that had issues were my faves because they were such cool designs, and I hated that his best figures always had the QC curse.
Now, to add, I have dipped my toes back into his stuff recently.
I did get the most recent Violator, but I waited until clearance. It's fine. To use your precious Mythic Legions troll as the comparison:
>Useless head articulation that barely moves 20 degrees in any direction, which is no surprise due to Violator's design, so I don't blame the figure.
>Arms have almost the same range as a Mythic Legions troll, with the addition of a wrist hinge. Elbows about 45 degrees, shoulders about the same.
>Gappy abdomen with an ill fitting diaper crotch.
>Forward/back hip range is worse than the troll, but the troll hips aren't universal joints, so it beats the troll there.
>Knees might as well be nonexistent. I guess the fact that it has them beats the troll.
>The two ankle joints and the ankle pivot definitely beat the troll.
>Paint and sculpt work are amazing, and no paint has scraped off, so it beats the first release Stone and Forest Trolls, but is even with the rest of the trolls. >Definitely wins on price, but that's what mass producing for retail gets you.
Shame the rest of the line has bombed so hard at retail that it is pretty much dead.
As for this Kickstarter, it was pretty obvious that the stupid cape was going to impede it's poseability. Better luck next time. Also, the price is more than a Mythic Legions figure in either of their Kickstarters or directly from 4H store, so tell your waifu not to be a greedy fucking leaf. I would hate to see what he would charge for something like that Violator through KS. Probably more than a troll.
I still distinctly remember the time I got the black and white Scourge repaint for my bday, the one where Nutnick is actually attached to him in place of his normal giant spinal spike. I was all excited to open him because he was a (supposedly) rare variant figure and he looked super sick. As I pull off the card back and pop him out of the tray....his arm just stayed in the tray completely detached from the shoulder.

He's not the only McFarlane figure I got from that era that snapped in the box mind you, but he was one of the more memorable ones seeing as I wasn't expecting it. Even with one arm though he was still an awesome figure, and a welcome collection to my evil Hellspawn army that terrorized the rest of my toys.

I've been buying and playing with toys near on forty years now, and I never see a toyline as fragile as the 90s McFarlane stuff. But their sculpt and designs made up for the fact they could randomly fall apart, and I was able to franken-fix most things with scavenged replacement pins and liberal amounts of glue.

>As for this Kickstarter, it was pretty obvious that the stupid cape was going to impede it's poseability.

I planned from the start to replace it with a Maxbird Cape. His accessories make a lot of the retail Spawn figures into much better toys by helping hide the fact that they all lack paint.

Hopefully this KS Medieval Spawn will cause the retail Medieval Spawn to hit super discounts. I would love to grab a few more of them for cheap to act as followers to the fancier version.

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