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Use this thread to share your most heart "breaking" experiences.
Just Transformers.
A JoyToy Termagant, even with liberal amounts of heat, trying to rotate its bicep sheared the peg off from the shoulder.
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The IT-01 Emperor of Destruction, the panels above his feet that need to rotate were way too fucking tight, I ended up snapping the one on his right leg in half.
One of the Revoltech Eva 001, the one with four arms and the Longinus Spear (sorry evafags, the names are a mesh in my brain). I broke his horn on day one iirc, but to be fair I used to be a brute retard with my stuff.
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Yeah, both of these.
I broke the pink one after cumming on her I ripped apart the leg
One of my neca bttf marty's broke his hip joint when i dropped him onto my carpet from chest height. It still stands up just by shoving the leg in the hole but it was lame that such a small height broke it. I have hundreds of figures and that was my only break so far.
Spam thread.

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