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>be me
>at Wal Mart
>"Hmm, I remember liking Lego City as a kid, I wonder what sets they have these days"
>walk to Lego aisle
>see dike
>walk away
Anyone else have this experience?
The hate you feel towards modernity is actually a manifestation of the fear you have towards mortality. Nothing will ever be as it was. Your youth is gone and when you finally abandon this mortal coil the world will continue to change. In conclusion; who gives a fuck if the Lego person has link hair.
No, because I don’t have a persecution complex. I usually just look at the price and walk away.
The dyke is a criminal, which is as it should be.

>I usually just look at the price and walk away.
This however is on point.
I think it has to do with people openly calling for Whites and men to be killed off and replaced and then watching them actually replace everything from statues to the lego criminals. (Which is ironic. That’s ‘problematic’ by their own standards. But I don’t think they’ve ever gone as far as having a black coded prisoner.)

>persecution complex
Do you tell this to ‘minorities’ too?
Tell me anon, how many white men have been eradicated so far? Tell me how you're in danger when you've been the ruling class for eons and literally owned people of other races. But no, tell me about the white boy death epidemic. Bring your receipts to the table, I wanna see em.
Annoying american liberal youtuber whose chubby with stevern colbert dangerhair being a criminal who'se casually escaping from alcatraz with some salt of the earth older redneck tradesman turned criminal is pretty amusing to me.

Luckily this is lego so I can reuse the face and hair for seperate characters in wich they will not remind me of obnoxious american idpol.
>Dyke is arrested and in prison outfit
>A Dyke being a bad guy is enough to make OP walk away

Oh I see how it is
>nooo I don’t have a persecution complex
>btw whites are being eradicated and replaced by minority lego minifigs
Okay, anon.
This doesn’t even look like a dyke, this looks like the type of straight woman who has Disney tattoos.
Way to prove my point kek. Your obsession with the "great replacement" hoax is actually a broken comfort seeking behavior. You drink deeply from the data stream that programs you to fear the other, thinking this information will somehow better equip you to face whatever apocalypse you've constructed in your head. Unfortunately, this programming just increases your cortisol and generates further fear and anxiety.
Rest assured anon, the world is in a constant and unending flow and death and rebirth.
based. rare to see such clear thinking here.
Looks like the type of woman that would get arrested imo.
this faggot got triggered by seeing a queer in prison garb, laugh at him
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>getting this assblasted over a pink piece of plastic
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you anon?
woke dog
Seriously, what is like to live in constant fear of anything diffrent from you? That shits gotta be exhausting.
>I'm a terminally online paranoid schizophrenic
Many such cases.
As a kid, if there was a minifigure I didn’t like in a set, I’d just toss it in the parts bin.

Aspect of a set I don’t like? I can change it. It’s Lego.
Also the dyke is a criminal in this set. If anything it should be cathartic to you that she’s the villain here
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Seriously, it’s neat, but I’m not paying $100 for this.
>See nigs and lesbians literally in every iteration of an IP since 2012.
>NOOOTICE this gets progressively worse.
>It has been spreading to kids toys.
>You think "Holy fuck, this is bad."
>Some bot in 4chan tells you you're crazy.
It's hack marketing anon. Remember when everything was gritty grim dark after the dark night movies? Companies hop on band wagons for a quick buck and abandon ship when the novelty wears off. And this the cycle continues
>Some not
Kek, you literally have copy paste /pol/ fag opinions
Why aren't there white people in most of africa, but europe and north america are filled with browns?
Something doesn't add up...
>you've been the ruling class for eons and literally owned people of other races.
He said he was white, not Jewish.
mate, it is a corporation. If tomorrow nazi ufos land down, companies will include GWP Blutfahne set and have swastika overlay on their twitter avatar.

It's money. They don't give a fuck about fags, otherwise there would be no Bethesda and Mercedes Benz Middle-East profiles without gay flags in twitter bio.

You understand? it's money. They love money. Money. MO-NEY.
That helicopter looks lile trash.
>dangerhair being a criminal who'se casually escaping from alcatraz with some salt of the earth older redneck

Pinky and The Duane
>It's hack marketing anon.
You're half right. I've been watching television from the 80's-2000s lately and the ability to gag on minorities and feminism is amazing and I miss it. We lost that. Now I see the bullshit and it sounds and looks like a fucking joke and there's no punchline. No fucking cathartic tongue in cheek shit. Nothing.

Fuck you for gas lighting otherwise.

>Kek, you literally have copy paste /pol/ fag opinions
You have dark skin and you've made that painfully obvious.
no, those feminists, shitskins and faggots look ugly and I don't like ugly thing, simple as
I'm not buying my kids a dyke Lego lol
You do not have kids, and you never will if you keep spending all your time shitposting on 4chan about how scared you are of homos because some other dipshit (probably paid by Russia) told you that all of your problems were caused by "The Woke".
No one is forcing you to buy anything retard Chan. It's just very easy to point out how ridiculous op looks when they ape out over 3 grams of plastic.
No one is scared
No one is aping out
There is no persecution complex
There is no Russia-funded conspiracy (extra kek)
It's just a simple statement of fact that normal people don't want degeneracy in their children's toys.
Always has been, always will be
No one wants to live in Africa
>There is no Russia-funded conspiracy (extra kek)
Everyone already knows the Russians are spamming every website they can. If you're still denying it at this point, you're probably Russian yourself, Dimitri.
+10,000 ruble keep up the good work comrade
I still find it hilarious that Lego City takes place in a reality where the majority of crimes are committed by purple haired white women
If minifigs were fat they'd probably be fat too
Did they ever release any wheelchair or vitiligo criminals?
>Everyone already knows
I mean, /pol/ thinks "everyone already knows" there's a white genocide on
Conspiracy theories don't stop being conspiracy theories just because they come from the left
Americans have brain damage.
Is she in prison for false rape accusations? If so, Lego city has a way better justice system than us.
>openly calling for Whites and men to be killed off
Where? Keep in mind, twitter isn't real life.
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Not that anon but the media and news is full of subtle to blatant propaganda that ranges from pushing white self hating guilt to telling whites they shouldnt have kids and need to give their wealth and civilization away to non whites. Also many muslim congregations openly call for attacks on whites. These used to get reported as Isis shennenigans but they have stopped mentioning it altogether despite it never going away.

Im Asian but this cuck behaviour from whites, liberal western government that doesnt promote their own peoples interests and mass non white immigration (my own parents were one of such) are unthinkable to me on a genetically encoded cultural level. No normal civilization would do all of these, its blatant civilizational suicide and the replacement of whites isnt just a conspiracy, its a very real trend. It only took a few decades for America to become non white majority and most major western European cities are about to reach this point too.

Based Lego making us chinks yellow btw.

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