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Previous thread: >>11145404

>Snake Lair on hold for now, hopefully forever
>Horde concept 2-pack leaked- it's peak
>De-Man still in stock
>Night Stalker still in stock
>Terroar and Grr'asp still available on BBTS
>Snakes forever

Feel free to add any missed info since the last OP didn't copy and paste all the news I dumped last thread


Thread Question:
Will you be combining your CC with Origins or keeping them seperate?
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Mara is Best Girl.
>Thread Question:
>Will you be combining your CC with Origins or keeping them seperate?

I only have teela and evil lyn at the moment but i think the few i get will definitely hang out with origins same as the TOGs figures. In my head they are all the same line, origins, just different flavors and should go together.
I mix em up, but i try to keep the wwe and tog seperate. I tend to lump all my he men in a group, teelas in a group etc if i can.
new rumor that Skeletor is coming to fortnite makes me happy
I'm surprised he wasn't in it already, he and He-Man were in Fall Guys like two years ago and Epic owns that.
The demoman minicomic continues the downward spiral of quality, but I suppose I'll take it over nothing.
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more from Formo's future
Wolf head guy looks cool.
I grabbed a Masterverse Mekaneck and Battle Armor He-Man on a whim and I am shocked by how nice they are. I love how they implemented their goofy action features.
How is Snout Snout? I might pick him up next.
>Demo-Man still in stock

So that makes him so far the only Origins "failure" figure (not vehicle) besides Space Sumo on MC. Even He-Skeletor sold out the first day.
And even then, Space Sumo had the excuse that he was readily available in a multi pack at retail to make sense of no one buying. Demo doesn't have any excuse.
>Not selling out in one day is a failure
Maybe corporately, but I don't see much wrong with wider availability. And besides, who knows, maybe they made a greater stock of him than past MCs.
That's why I put "failure" in quotations.
There's no reason to assume he's an objective failure, but it's when even a blue He-Man sold quicker, it's noticeable that he's still there two days later
I'm happily surprised he's still in stock. I think that is how these Exclusives should be treated imo. I'm taking that as they made more than they expected to sell.
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>>Snake Lair on hold for now, hopefully forever
Fuck you OP, if they can get it right I really want a jungle Snake Lair. King Hiss and his snakes need a home!
They have a home. It's called "Snake Mountain's basement" and it's where they belong with the rats, roaches and other vermin
>only have teela and evil lyn
Based. Are you me?
Don't forget the heman 4-pack which was outrageously overpriced. One can hope that night Stalker will sell out so matty knows to keep making vehicles.
Don't you mean Axel Jimenez's basement?

Wonder how close it will be to this draeing or if it will look more like the galaxy warriors head.
Also his skin seems to have a furry texture but otherwise looks the same as the other males.

Who's the green guy? I vaguely remember that weird hair but don't remember him as a Galaxy Warrior. Tiger Man was though, right? I need my sad, confused cat dude.
>Top Row
Sun Hawk, Anubi are OG Galazy Warriors
>Bottom Row
Someone from Galaxy Warriors: The End of Time. The Girl is from their She-Ra knock off line. (Not Golden Girl, those were Galoob) The Green guy I forget his name but he comes from a later wave or toyline like Muscle Warriors.

Yeah I checked out Toy Habits (ugliest toy site) and they said he was called the ever subtle "The Evil" I forgot GW had so many sublines.
>The Evil
Yeah I was thinking it was something like The Beast or Mr Beast...close but no cigar.
These are some good choices for Formo to remake. At lot of picks that were good enough concepts for a character but the vintage knock offs look pretty shitty. Galaxy Adventure is going to look sexy AF instead of dopey.
Thanks, anubi! The first thing i thought of after seeing the pic was, itd be awesome if its head was squishy and had that hand painted look like beastman has and pulls off flawlessy. As far as galaxy warriors i guess we gotta wait for not baltard.
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Motherfucking vintage concept art toy Karg just dropped
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lmao mattel was like "oh shit we gotta distract from Galaxy Warriors"
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SSSuck my ssserpent sssnake hater!
he looks way better with the red neck. I wish origins had chase figures where they did variants like this or black blood mosquitor.
>I wish origins had chase figures where they did variants like this or black blood mosquitor.
Same, I love variants and alternate looks. Still hoping we'll get figures like mini-comic Ram Man, Magenta Faker and more before Origins ends. With so little tooling you'd think Mattel would be eager to make them and take our money.
Based, hating any aspect of classic He-Man is cringe. Just more people trying to divide us, cause conflict.
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When this already dammit?
I love my redneck rattlor. I got him in a lot with some junk figures for about 20 bucks shipped and had to touch up his paint, but he's one of my favorite vintage figures.
Once Filmation is over, where would you like Cartoon Collection to go? NA, 200X, or CGI?
CGI looks a lot better with regular He-Man proportions. The He-Kong look was not doing it for me.

So it was real
Nice. Very nice. Considering they just announced mammoth Hordesman, the timing of this seems encouraging not only that Karg is gonna come to Origins via "unproduced concept" but that if he's coming soon-ish, Blade and Saurod might be upcoming
Not sure if this counts but the Veefriends Skeletor was available for almost 20 days on MC
New Adventures, but we all know that won't happen. Thankfully, mattel will instead be doing all the vintage AGAIN in CC. Even the ones that didn't appear in the cartoon.
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>Thankfully, mattel will instead be doing all the vintage AGAIN in CC. Even the ones that didn't appear in the cartoon.
That's fine with me, because the CC toys have sovl, especially the faces. They should start packing them with at least 1 or 2 extra heads (with different expressions). I just opened my Prince Adam and Cringer 2 pack and it's really fun.
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Oh I misread your post. New Adventures would be cool as CC toys, too.
The lil killer tiki doll off of svengooli? >>11174495
Man, origins deserves some new adventures stuff. I understand that finishing the original line is paramount but if we are getting snakes (totally cool with snakes) then we could get new adventures. Its not like mattel is afraid of spending a few bucks on new parts.
BTW there were plans for Karg and Dark Trooper figure.

It's not even long line. If you replaced all CC figures with NA we could already fit all characters, assuming they dont do Crita, Mala and character variants.
Holy shit, that is a based concept. They should've made that instead of Skeletor Warriors. Flip up face with gitd head would've been cooler than just a plain skeleton imo
Can we please get this Mattel? I would army build a dozen + an extra to make into a robocop in a heartbeat.
Hell, reuse some horde trooper parts too if you want.
I cant believe that random army builder from movie was going to be first motu figure with elbows and knees. Meanwhile Karg was going to sacrifice articulation for floofy wig and cape.
Are NA designs even that different in toy or cartoon? Do people have preference between one designs and others?
There aren't enough fans nor toys to even set a precedent if we're being completely honest. I'll take anything NA origins that doesn't have a $150 price tag.
Did he ever used that knife in the movie? Because his classics toy also had it. I guess they were holding out on us this whole time. Weird to think Classics might have inspired themselves with concept art that we never saw.
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Kino. I really need to pick this up, Cringer is the best.
Cringer has a surprisingly good amount of articulation. I think he might even be able to do any pose a cat can do. He can arch his back, etc bc he has torso articulation on a ball joint. It seems like he can spread his legs out like he's flapping wings, but I haven't tested how far it goes. The tail has one single joint at the base.

My Cringer's eyes are painted looking to the right. I picked it bc it seems to look more natural. Then I opened it and found out one eyebrow is smeared. Oh well. It doesn't look too unusual for an eyebrow.

I wanted to wait for the set to go on clearance, probably like everyone else, but I used a 15% off toys coupon for Target and that was enough for me. QC is rather shoddy for a lot of these so I also wanted to just pick a decent one early.
They already showed a baltard!
I think he's up for pre-order. Different expression though.
I got Demo-Man today!
He's pretty cool. I tried to recreate the pose from the artwork best I could.
>"Ahh! After 10,000 years I'm free ...of this heavy armor! Wow that was hurting my shoulders."
But wait! I also got Reptilax in the mail recently too! He is ready to fight after waiting for a new package to deliver!
I thought his tail would get in the way, but no! It just adds to his articulation and posing!
>"You sneaky snake!"
>"No, I'm a lizard!"
>"Whatever you are, you have lost!"
>"Your mother isn't here to save you! Give up!"
And I also got Sorceress Teela! She is really nice looking. She is actually very articulate, but it is hard to balance her.
>"GAAAH! My evil hand!!!"
>"Heh! That'll teach you to pick on my kids!"
>"Oh, great and powerful Teela! I will clean the dirty dishes as you command."
>"Here is that kind bar you wanted, mommy."
>"Thank you, Reptilax. I knew you were my favorite."
And Demo-Man and Reptilax went on to became best friends. The End.
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Hell yeah
>Amazon Exclusive
Good luck chumbos.
lol I like the pose in the upper right. He's like 'look what I can do!'
I'm pretty new to MotU. Are fans, especially older and hardcore fans, happy with how he is looking?
He looks pretty good to me. He does look different than the original in a few ways, but I would think most people would like the trade-off.
it will go out to more places later
So any news on when he's going up?
The only part that feels off is the adaptor for two heads/arms, but I can understand why it be the way it is. I like that it comes with new adaptors too. I am wanting multiple, depending on price.
Anyone hear anything? It may be time to keep an eye out?
Part 2
So Cringer can't pose his back like pic related. He can make it go the other way and droop it down, though.

He can spread his legs to yay degree or put them together, but he can't spread them super wide like a bird would.
glad to hear prince adam was safe with all his crumplezones
Reptilax is quickly becoming one of my top favorites in this line. His gladiator aesthetic is fun. Shame that I hate that particular axe and the shield doesn't fit properly so I give him vintage weapons instead.

What do you guys do with figures and parts that you don't use? I've been mixing them up in awkward combinations if I have enough for a full figure. Someone else on here had the Mosquitor with Leech hands combo and I thought it looked kinda cool so I copied it.
please tell me where you got the uniform for Snout Spout
And I don't recall which seller exactly, just that it was like 2 bucks that I added to get free shipping on an order and to test what kind of toys it would fit on besides 1/6 dolls. It buttons in the front and the skirt has velcro on the back.

Also the only reason I was able to get it on an origins figure was I could remove the arms, slide them individually into the sleeves then reattach the arms and button it closed.
>Pictures of the box already

He must be about to drop then, right? Like within the next month or two? We never get box pics when there's still a long time until it drops
The SDCC display said spring next year.
Oh yeah, i meant wait to see how formo baltard turns out. I dont want to get too excited about more galaxy warrior homages until baltard is in hands. >>11175559
The day is finally coming and im proud to be here when it does.
Im a sucker for a nice shipper.
Wasn't there supposed to be a Filmation SheRa on the way?

How would you like if Origins did Year of Movie Motu
Wave 1 - He-Man, Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Teela
Wave 2 - Man-At-Arms, Beast Man, Karg, Blade
Wave 3 - Dark Trooper, God Skeletor, Gwildor, Lubic
Wave 4 - Prisoner/Battle Damaged He-Man, Saurod, Sorceress, Pigboy
Mattel/Target/Walmart Exclusive - She-Ra based on concept art
It's next wave of CC so it's soon-ish.
I'd rather have them in masterverse. We already have 4 of these let's finish the set mattel
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Finally, the time of the Horde has come and the snakes are done.
Do you think we'll get Turtles of Grayskull in Masterverse? Would anyone be interested?
Reptilax is basically just a homage to galaxy warriors in my mind, even though that's not the intention. He has all the same stuff and the mismatched skin color between his head and body.
No because 1) the only ones I'd buy are Blade and Saurod and then only if they are vintage toy accurate rather than screen accurate because I'm trying to finish my Origins vintage collection (ok, maybe I'd get Lubic too if he's in his trench coat with a shotgun) and 2) the "Year of" garbage is what lead me to dropping supporting Origins at retail in the first place.
All I need to know is the price to know I won't buy it
Wave 3 would kill it because people would want multiple Troopers and at most one of each of the rest of the wave. Gwildors and Lubics would clog so many shelves.
You mean like how wave 8 killed Origins because people would want multiple Horde Troopers and at most one of each of the rest of the wave? AE He-Mans and Sun Mans would clog so many shelves.
I liked the Warrior Beast designs better.
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When he was first revealed, I thought Reptilax would be a reptile head and red Buzz-Off/Whiplash/Clawful feet on the regular white male body. Surprised to find that he doesn't match the likes of He-Man or Tri-Klops here. He's orange, but passably human like Hulk Hogan, not orange like a crayon.
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Modern "Tytus" and "Megator" compared.
My heroes are so outnumbered, all the villains are so much cooler, I'm sorry He-Man.
does he match Jitsu?
this is exactly what I wanted out of a dark trooper for fuck years. its perfect!
This was my childhood. On the heroes I had a Prince Adam, Man At Arms, Teela, Orko, Roboto, Mossman, Snout Spout, Stridor, and Battlecat. On the villians I had Battle Armor Skeletor, Merman, Beastman, Triclops, Spikor, Whiplash, Webstor, Hurricane Hordak, Mantenna, Grizzlor, Leech, Modulok, a horde trooper, Kobra Khan, Trap Jaw, Tung Lashor, King Hiss, and Panthor.

The villians designs were just more interesting, as was their portrayals in the cartoons.
I regret not getting one of these rings when they dropped to 20 bucks.
Same here. I think this holds true for almost any toy line I collect. The villains look cooler and it allows for more variety in the fights.
I want Turtles of Grayskull in Cartoon Collection...
Any non americans know when demo-man is shipping for us?
>Get Demo-Man in
>he's pretty cool
Thank you Demo-Man.
Yeah he looks cool
Got any more?
Motu needs more horror, a naked handsome barbarian man with a sword is the only right way to confront fear incarnate.
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Wow, monke-skull Skeletor is such a slut!
SDCC MV head?
how excited are you anons for Horde Trooper Prime?
>Motu needs more horror
We need Wrap Trap
I ordered one, I'm looking forward to it.
Anyone know where to watch/download the original tv series in decent quality?
No, they seem pretty set to stay in the origins realm
The October launch calendar updated, there's NO MotU release this month
It was a soft pass for me. I do like horde trooper, and the cape is pretty cool, but I'm thinking I might better use that money on late tax for one of the creations exclusives I missed.

Also, Wrap Trap woulda made for a nice october release.
I paid a scalper a few extra dollars for Horde Trooper Prime, now he'll actually get here next instead of my 2025 pre-order. Maybe I don't mind paying more.
I don't have any heroes, I have evil tech necromancers vs evil reptilians/jungle crew
The lil hover bot is gonna be neat, i really enjoy the troopers overall so a new one is cool.
Yeah, wrap trap would be pretty awesome.
Do you mean poorly taken photos or tight plastic motu asses?
So, Horde fans?
We're getting there.
I don't give two shits about toon garbage so they can keep Vultak, and i think we could've made a Horde Trooper a little more exciting than just another red one, but we're on the right track now.
Once Modulok and mammoth guy get Dragstor and the unproduced concept Horde branches into the trio I don't shut up about to go with them, then we'll be in business
Don't care about the two concept art designs, red trooper is a pass, don't like the Vultak design, and the splitter pieces for Modulok make what was my most anticipated figure and day one buy into a probable pass. Overall a disappointment.
>Also, Wrap Trap woulda made for a nice october release.
Yes he would have, Satan
You probably should just rope yourself. It’s never going to get better.
I'm getting all of them. Fuck snakes, all 5 of these are a home run for me.
Could you explain the splitter pieces issue?
Mad Max not-Hordak is cool but I don't know if I want that Grizzlor, if he's unflocked.
NTA, but the splitter pieces are slightly oversized to accommodate the length of the arm and leg pins going into them. I'm a bit meh on them, but I understand a compromise had to be made, so it's not a deal breaker for me.
NTA, but it'll get better if you're an Evil Warrior fag and not a Horde fag
>We still got Two-Bad, Blast-Attak, Blade and Saurod to look forward to where the worst that could happen in BA not splitting in half
>Our potential CC options are leagues ahead of Vultak with Batros, Icer and Strong Arm
>And if we're lucky our concept art offerings could include the Karg and stormtrooper they just showed the art for, plus that broomstick witch and Gygor
>And maybe we could squeeze Goat Man in somewhere

Yup, Evil Warriors fans got a bright future ahead of us
Dont forget Catra.
I think its do far from what we know as grizzlor it could be a new guy altogether or maybe like a lords of power grizzlor. I like the tusks, kinda has a mamoth feel.
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It bring Grizzlor at all is really only conjecture based on them being drawn in the same pose and being hairy.
I'll allow it's a strong possibility, but there's also no definitive proof to say that it ever was anymore than you can say Mandible Man was proto-Buzz-off.
The only reason people are calling it Grizzlor NOW instead of "mammoth Hordesman" which was the title the fandom had used for ages was because of the Toyhabits article calling it that.
That snake gun is awesome.
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Or I could just, Y'know, not buy the products I'm not happy with. I don't understand why they went with a Y shaped splitter when they could have done a shape similar to the classics version.
Between Demo-Man, Horde 2-pack leak, and reveals of old movie toys concepts would be too much of wishful thinking to hope this means Origins will focus more on previously-planned-but-unreleased concept art toys?
Hope no one was relying solely on EE for Necro Conda. Just got an email from them that they canceled my preorder because it was only promised to specific retailers that weren't them.
I hate walmart so much its unreal
Can you post thr email? Wtf. I had my order up on BBTS...
Right? My local Walmart removed all MOTU pegs.
>I don't know if I want that Grizzlor, if he's unflocked.
I really hope he comes with the Grizzlor faux fur, he's a Woolly Mammoth and a Grizzlor concept it makes perfect sense and would really make for a great finished figure.

>That snake gun is awesome.
That is cool, they should pack that in with Woolly Mammoth Man.
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Super late to the party, but he finally here
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I have four or five walmarts I can get to comfortably in a run if I want. Three of them removed MOTU. I don't understand. How can you get a dozen MOTU exclusives and then not carry them?
It just comes across as petty. And this is coming form a guy who constantly says don't buy from Mattel. I think they deserve some praise this round because the two concepts are distinct enough to be their own characters. CC is moving past rehashing the main cast again. Even the repaint Horder Trooper has a little bit of effort put into it. I'd rather a repaint go like that than say Pink Teela or Buzz Off with different color arms.
I suppose you could be nitpicky about Moddy but I think that sometimes compromises have to be made. That neck piece is better than Rattlor losing his gimmick as far as these updates go. If it bothers you that much stick to vintage or Classics.
The answer is that those walmarts who don't carry motu will still carry those exclusives. Problem is the retard wagies will shove it somewhere you'll never find it, like the top of a shelf behind all the WWE superstars.
With any luck? BBTS will eventually carry them all.
Better late than never, like the one I didn't order because I'm a poorfag.
>How can you get a dozen MOTU exclusives and then not carry them?
Let's not forget the fun part where you can't even get them online half the time
>don't talk to me or my son ever again
Neat but I bet it would have been cool if he had a skull inside a clear head
I need the chameleon
>can't get them in stores
>can't buy them online
>go to ebay and scalpers hack the price through the roof
Fuck walmart exclusives

Also I forgot we call the piece of shit scalpers "flipors" around here apparently
He's named Trumpy (He can do stupid things!)
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Cool, I hope we get at least one fun Scare Glow repaint in Origins like the Mondo exclusives.
we don't
man, naked dracula with red cape could be cool
keldorish head, white or gitd skin
trapjaw belt style cumberband
Who is Not Tung Lashor?
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Toxoid. He was on a late vintage cross sell poster for PoG.
>You sure are greedy aren't you!
Just so you don't have to play Where's Waldo, he's to the left of Sorceress's head.
I've always liked how offended He-Man looks on this poster.

Lol at Megator stomping around.
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It does look a little weird, but they are trapped into a weird problem, do they either do 100% accuracy to the original, which would mean the bigger goofy head, or do they invent a new transparent headsculpt? or maybe make him have transparent skull with a GITD skull inside?


They originally teased 3, and with the recent "classic" one that makes all of em, I would be down to see more for sure tho, but I'm not buying more than the one I own lol.
Horde Trooper Prime is on BBTS the day after I paid a scalper, so you're all welcome I jinxed it
You are getting that scalper's kids through college anon, be proud.
>he thinks toy scalpers have had sex
Thank you.
Two per person limit, so if you were planning to get 3, the one you bought from a scalper is still justified.
Bet im poorer than you. Mostly because i do dumb shit like buy two demo man figures.
I do that as well because it's 30 roobucks flat rate shipping to get one exclusive, so I may as well get two. Yeah, it works out cheaper per figure, so I'm saving money. That's how it works, right?
When should we expect 2-Bobsteady?
>didn’t get their mom to buy their toys
Ngmi, sorry buds
Were you the "hope my bitch mom bought my toys" anon? If so, you literally might not make it.
She bought the toys so I dropped the “bitch” part. For now.
We’ll see how the how the Prince Adam costume she’s making me for Zolocon ‘25 turns out.
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Kickstarter is up for Gravestone Guardians Vampsyphone Action figure, a new 5.5" retro figure line paying homage to the vintage Princess of Power & Golden Girls figures.


Uh huh, yeah that math adds up lol. Ive given away so much money on trinkets to get free shipping, ugh.
>Prince Adam costume she’s making me for Zolocon ‘25
Bless her little cotton socks, she sounds like a peach.
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Looks more like Princess of Power than Golden Girls.
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>Thank you for Pre-ordering Masters of the Universe: Origins Vypor from BigBadToyStore!

>We are expecting this item to arrive soon (barring any unforeseen complications or shipping delays) and will begin processing Pre-orders as soon as the shipment reaches our warehouse.
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>vypor is almost in my POL the next fucking day after I ship something
Like clockwork. Happy October anons.
Yep, another sexy snakeman to add to the pile.
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hoping to see lots of spooky pics this month
Based, my Ash custom has been in storage the last year but he will be fighting skeleton warriors all month now that he's out and about.
Fuck, you, I'm stealing this brilliant idea
I don't think so, she's basically the Dragon Queen from Golden Girls.
I would back this. Anyone making cool 5.5 deserves support.
Wut? Wasn't Necro-Conda a fan channel exclusive or whatever they call it? How does that even happen?
>i go where i want
>when i want
I like candy chico
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She is much more PoP than Golden Girl. Too much Bubblegum.
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More like Monster High.
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I would berry my dick so far inside that orange one's ass that whoever pulled it out would be crowned king randor.
i mean it's literally the MH creator so
I will climb the giant pink one.
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Thats what i was referring to.

Men with taste!
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Look I have to point out that this is coming (cooming) very close to my shit posts about Uddora, the tit cow warrior.
This guy owes me some royalties or at least a free toy.
I didn't pull the trigger on Horde Trooper Prime quickly enough and now the BBTS pre-orders are sold out? Is that it then? Or do you think I'll get a second chance on EE?
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B idn't
B uy
T oy
S wifty
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There is a slightly difference between udder and oder. Probably a scented olastic.
>Odor a
So...she big AND stink? Why my peepee turn big?
>hasn't ever put a woman's bra over his face to breath the fumes.
Also I am disappointed with the Golden Girls legs. They are this weird soft plastic that is hard to get them to stand.
I paid an extra $10 to a scalper i mentioned a few days ago. Basically just paid the overhead for some fast shipping you'll get him soon enough.
Some folks are speculating that BBTS only got Horde Trooper Prime from some other seller a country or two over and that it really is meant to be a wally exclusive. Might be why 'Conda is having issues.
The foreheads on these dolls Istg. If origins weren't a thing I'd love to be collecting these and other knockoff lines.
Pic rel needs a MOTU figure
Didn't a company do that...? I thought I remember seeing a MOTU style Freddy, Jason, Mike Myers...
Funko Savage World. QC was a huge issue. I went through 3 Panthros on their Thundercats line and all 3 had hip joints that snapped. Saw a Mummra with its arm off in the package. Jason has held together ok though.
Oh yeah.... I got their King Shark, and the Joker Lizard ride on thing.
I was going to get King Shark but amazon cancelled my order. Wanted him for my Merman gang.
What's your stance on action figure accessories?

>Figure can be packed without any accessories if he absolutely doesn't need anything
>Even if they don't need anything, give them random guns and swords no matter how little sense that makes
Uhhh both
Option 1 is fine, but it should feel like a good value. What you do get (quality, paint apps, sculpt, armor), and the price of the toy, should make sense. Option 2 is good but the accessories should make sense for the character and be useful and fun accessories.

I think it's weird that Turtles of Grayskull He-Man (the purple possessed evil one) has barely anything aside from 1 club thing and chest armor, and ToG Casey Jones comes with a mask, armor, multiple weapons, and a big equipment bag to store them in, but both figures cost the same.

Casey seems like a great value, but not He-Man.
The CC really hammers this point home. I like it when figures get some additional goodies and usually you can find something that makes sense.
Why did it take so many versions of Stratos for him to come with anything? The first go around in Origins should have come with the staff or even a pet bird or something. And when a later (uglier) version of the same character comes out with more, that’s a feel bad.
A man of integrity will start cherry picking the line or save up for vintage.
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Or smell like flowers.

Thats because they have joints built in. Like those wire bending toys.
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Design wise thats the standard hair doll head.
Yeah, ive only got one golden girl (so far) and its more of a doll than a figure which is understandable but its not a style i enjoy. Ive got my dragon queen driving the ground ripper since i just cant seem to get much more out of her.
Off the top of my head that He-Man has a new foot sculpt which is re-used for Stealth He-Man. The arms are Andre the Giant. The wrist accessories are new. Also often the budget for a wave is spread across figures so that one figure may get more paint details or accessories at the cost of another being deprived in that wave.
Wish they were a bit more articulated. But these look based.
[spoiler]I recently bought my second monster high doll, I dont like how big their heads are but the g3 ones are really cute. I wish figma made a franky stein figure.[/spoiler]
We need 200X figures that let you get upskirt shot.
Which character is that second one? Cause that's a great ass. And I do love me some scaly butt.
Dude, that's Whiplash
Oh. Nice butt, horrible face then. Gimme some General Rattlor booty.
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Is it just me or is the thread really horny today?
It's been getting kinda COOMy round here if you ask me, kek
>I recently bought my second monster high doll, I dont like how big their heads are but the g3 ones are really cute. I wish figma made a franky stein figure.
I love the designs but can't bring myself to up my power level by buying dolls. If Mattel ever makes a 1/12 line of MH action figures though I will buy them all to hang with my toy collection. Mer-Man deserves his Lagoona girlfriend.
This. I need a 6 inch tall Barbie with a comparable level of 'ticulation to my He-Man. Frankie from MH wouldn't hurt.
>kinda COOMY
dontcha mean heckin wholesome coomerkinorino?
I wish Mantena could be re-worked into a xenomorph type of alien rather than the 50's B-movie kind.
I want Grizzlor to be a werewolf-like infection that Marlena is afflicted with. A sinister way for Hordak to fuck with Randor.
I'd prefer if Hordak were more Dracula-esc.
Leech is perfect as is.
[spoiler]I also own two phicen, am eying another worldbox body and bought two reproduction vintage barbies[/spoiler]
I'm in too deep now aren't I.
But in my defense. I just like toys in general and have lately felt my tastes change and just be more curious about toys, figures and puppetry in general. I was already giving my 1/12 jap imports and hemans little clothes so I figured I wasn't too far off.
I hope not. They're finally starting to come out with some cool shit. Terroar and Modulok were good omens!
Oh don't you start posting in these threads too.
Terroar is an unreleased concept from the vintage line, so I don't understand what you are getting at.
Don't give him (You)s. Just use the summon janny function.
What the thread that mentions nudist She-Ra every week and breast-related action features for female figures every other week? Im, shocked, shocked I tell you.
I didn't even have to post Tung on Teela action this thread. Someone beat me to it.
>Doesn't want them to focus on unproduced in vintage shit
>Likes Terroar
We also got someone here who doesn’t like nudist She-Ra or Razz’s big Jewish milkers. Talking about Monster High dolls? Are they putting something in the water on /toy/?
In my head cannon He-Man has killed a lot of people and slams jungle cuties on the reg. I wish there was more of that and less
>I make believe He-Man and Skeletor are muppet babies who fight to impress mommy Teela. Also no boobs, snake asses only
I hope we get a new ram ma'am who can be added to the "g1" canon
Are implying that nudist She-Ra is somekind of of beloved by all, iconic, great piece of 4chan Motu threat comedy and not just a overused gag?
What's the perfect WWE figure of Vince McMahon to make a lil custom MOTU Origins figure? Like which head at least.
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My posts are like finding Camo Khan MOC on a flea market for $30.
Your posts are like paying above average eBay price for a Jitsu with a broken leg band.
This is funny to read since I've been, until recently, the only guy pushing that joke and maybe only once per thread. I have a nude body on pre-order currently so eventually this joke will move to /ctg/.
God bless you, my fellow pervert.
Are you planning on cooming on Gravestone Guardians?
The pink and black vampire is cool but probably not. Trannys have ruined that whole aesthetic for me.
apologies lads I had a brainfart while typing that. to clarify, I do infact want more unproduced vintage characters and concepts. work's been taking a toll on me lately.
>revengeance mcmahon
Bruh, your posts are nudity and same thing over and over

You're literally Wave 7 Stratos.
imagine the smell!
Goodness. You are either samefaggin' or discord trannies coordinatin' because that was a shitty comeback to a clever post.
Or maybe you're not as clever as you think and are coping.
Shut up Stratos.
We got some puritanical trannies trying to police this thread. He/she is mad because someone is attracted to something other than a buff lizard ass.
You are the one coping. That was a shit comeback. Low hanging fruit, which is what you will be after you rope yourself and break the ceiling joists.

Does the skintone of the head match any particular MOTU or Super star body?

I need to find some 3rd party/ 3d armor for these WWE superstars too. Urgh.

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