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My grandma is looking for a good 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzle, any recommendations?

She's finished over 20 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles already. Looking for something a bit more interesting I think.
this the new?
They're a little more expensive but Ravensburger ones are really good quality and have larger pieces if needed. Check out Amazon.
Wasgij by JUMBO
>With traditional jigsaws, the goal is to build the exact image shown on the box, but with Wasgij, you must create an entirely different picture. Although we give you a few clues, Wasgij challenges you to use your imagination as you piece together the hilarious scene the characters in the box image can see.
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We've finished a bunch of Ravensburger and Clementoni puzzles. They are alright but she has a tendency to smash the wrong pieces into place for some reason so the cardboard gets fucked up. Not a major issue, just a minor annoyance.

I got a wooden puzzle which was kind of nice.

Idk, I guess I'm looking for more interesting designs? any puzzles you've seen with particularly cool images?
Maybe jigsaw puzzles aren't her thing? Maybe a simple game like Scrabble, Rummikub or dominoes?
Is your grandma the cat?
>Maybe jigsaw puzzles aren't her thing?
she LOVES jigsaw puzzles she's solved so many of them it's basically her only thing besides cooking

she's tried out some card games on the iPad like solitaire but not really into it. Prefers to spend her time on the puzzles
>grandma the cat
Is that a Sonic character?
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So just more durable stuff then. Quick google says NAJIAOWU puzzles are wooden, maybe that's better than the cardboard.
I would check out some puzzle only sites and see what they have to say. I have a puzzle store not even two miles from me, that I only check out because they do sell toys. I bought some slinkies from them last year as stocking stuffers and they were really helpful when I asked about puzzle but everything seemed overpriced for something I'm not that interested in and that you see at thrift stores for dirt cheap.

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