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>blind boxed series
>the one i want the most is an ultra rare
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Same... mine is the glowing Giga, what is yours anon?
That's generally how it works. The best ones are always the Ultra Rares, which means that unless you're incredibly lucky, you're forced to buy a ton of crappy shit for the chance to MAYBE get what you were actually after. Blindboxes are designed so that companies can squeeze maximum profit out of minimum effort ventures; it's gambling, and the house always wins in the end.
>blind box
>All of the possibilities shown on the display box are bangers
>"Wow, I literally can't hit a dud!"
>Doesn't bother cheating to scry contents
>Buys one
>Opens it
>Look at insert that shows all options
>There's 2 duds out of 15 options
>"Oh, well odds are in my favor, so who cares?"
>Look at contents
>It's a dud
Fuck me
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I remember the SU blind boxes from back in the day. I just wanted Peridot and managed to get three rare boxes. Two Gregs and an Onion. I have hated blind boxes ever since.
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Ive had that experiance happen alot honestly but the latest instance of this was yesterday when i found the new star wars doorables blind boxes and i found out cad bane, one of my favorite star wars characters, is one of like 4 ultra rares. I dont wanna disclose how many i bought just to find ONE cad bane. I have a problem
>best gem enjoyer
Absolutely based taste fellow peri chad
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>entire blindbox series is great. I could buy the whole thing
>I keep missing characters
Lol, i was buying zuru ice age the same way since they were cheap
>first two balls yielded two helicopters
Ok, thats out of the way
>next two balls got me two jeeps
Fuck, ok odds are in my favor now
>finally on the fifth try i get a t rex
His arms refuse to go into the sockets
I was so pissed I never got lapis I ended up selling everything
Not always, sometimes it’s a shitty gold or transparent variant that fills you with disgust.
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>Blind box series
>The ultra rares are some tacky translucent crap
>Want the commons because they make pretty good army builders
>End up with an ultra rare
I NEED that Palmon
Why do thety keep making those gold monochrom variant ? Yes I know it's easier to make but nobody like them
The only one I might want is the revoltech Raoh for HNK to make him stand like when he died
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>blind box series
>there is no scan code or bag to feel to make sure I get the toy I want.
Today, iktf :(
top kek
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>blind boxed series
>the one i want the most is an army builder
Ooh, that Rika and Renamon are sexy
Just scan the box... also by your logic they're all army builders except for the named characters.
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>Blindbox series
>Only one character comes with an accessory
I'm still confused as to why only Sayaka got a separate Kyuubey.
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>blind box series
>equally distributed, no ultra rares
>scannable package
>one figure turns into a ultra extreme rare never to be found
>Did no one tell Lego the package is supposed to be scannable, not scammable?
>I mean, REALLY
fucks me up we live in a world without a good renamon figure
it'd be so fucking easy, but bandai has always been fucking god-tier at fucking up and leaving money on the table
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>the version i want is a stupid fucking chase and I have to import the figures
>3d Printer go brrrr
You want that with or without nips?

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