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Discuss toys from any Shonen manga/anime series here.
Shf Toguro is the right size, Zodd is actually too big. Bye
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So who's getting this luffy? In a perfect world he'd be 13 inches to accurately meet 1:12 scale, but honestly, just being VAH Whitebeard height or close i'd be happy.
I think there was a video of it next to the other VAH and it wasn't much bigger. I'd guess 8-10" from what I remember. It's a YouTube short in the SHF thread.
Yeah. It's not entirely clear from that video. Could be anywhere from 20-25cm. Looking forward to getting the official height.
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Not even big enough for human Toguro
eugh...looks topheavy
OP is so fucking stupid looking.
Nah. Only VAH I’m interested in are bigger dudes like Croc and Whitebeard. If they release a Doffy I’ll empty my wallet for it though.
Honestly it’s surprising it took this long to get actually good One Piece toys
But gear 4 luffy is a big dude. 4 meters tall big. That said, I would love a Doflamingo VAH. I love my croc and my manlet newgate.
Haslab sized Newgate when?
Was thinking that as well. for almost 20 years we only had statues and some poor attempts from bandai and megahouse along the way, but seems we're finally getting into a golden age!
who cares berserk is ruined anyway with 2 shit figures of the main character. SHF is trash.
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With bandai announcing an egghead figuarts zero nami I'm really hoping they may do atleast some of the crew members in the shf line. The outfits are so vibrant and colorful.
I don't think it'd be a good idea to just keep doing partial groups of Straw Hats. I don't care a whole lot for the Fishman Island outfits like some do, but if we're ever going to get the full group of Straw Hats, it's either pre-TS, or those.

I'd be happy to get Bonney at least though, but if they hesitate to even release Robin (Nami gets a pass since she got the East Blue ver) I'd question if they'd want to make Bonney.
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The size toguro should have been
I'm a big fan of the fishman island designs and it also means we can get jinbe as well, but I can understand it's not everyone's preference.
My concern for having a complete and accurate pre-skip display is it would have to be the thriller bark or sabaody designs. Chopper and Brook dont change, and we already have Zoro for TB. I don't know how popular the other 6 TB outfits are though.
SA for comparison.
For the time being I just want to see East Blue Sanji and Usopp. Also what chopper we are gonna get (original design with small head hopefully).
It's a tough one. I'd probably got for enies lobby though and just shoehorn Brook in, even though the outfits wouldn't be correct. It would obviously be like that for Jinbe anyway.
Enies Lobby has best Robin.
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If anyone planning on collecting the 1/24 HnK DigAction Line?

Looks like they are doing a really wide selection of characters off the bat.
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when's she going up?
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Now Rei is out, how much longer until Toki goes up. The wait is excruciating.
I like that they included an Amiba head
>this shit before a decent import Hulk
I-It's just not fair!
I'm going all in on them. Medicos has been too slow for me and in downsizing I appreciate the smaller scales.
I wish they were 1/18. These just seem too small to me.
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Yeah. When you see them next to the Revos and SAS you really see how small they are.
Wouldn't mind if they were $10, but they are the same price and budget figuarts.
Still getting them though.
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I wonder if they intend to release an Uighur figure at the height of the SAS Kenshiro.

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