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Bomber edition

Previous thread: >>11147590

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful (except Kovozávody Prostějov). ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

Plus there are tons of people on YouTube with pretty good videos on techniques etc.

Some sites to purchase models, extras, and supplies:
https://www.dersockelshop.de/ (GER)
https://www.scalehobbyist.com/index.php (US)
https://www.alfahobby.se/ (SWE)
http://spruebrothers.com/ (US)
https://freetimehobbies.com/ (US)
http://www.hobbyeasy.com/ (HK)
http://www.luckymodel.com/ (HK)
http://www.hlj.com/ (JP)
https://www.modellbau-koenig.de/en (GER)
http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/ (JP)
https://www.hannants.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.jadarhobby.pl/index.php?language=en (PL)
https://www.bnamodelworld.com/ (AUS)
http://volksusastore.com/webstores/scale/ (US) (Carry Mr. Color and GaiaNotes paint)
https://www.emodels.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.super-hobby.com (EU/UK/RU/US/PL)
https://plastmodel.pl/ (PL/EU)
https://m-zone.pl (PL only)

Jannie feedback for really, really big retards:
Did Plasmo die? It's almost half a year since he has last uploaded a video
it's over
>tank I ordered last summer isn't even completely black-primered yet
>order another obscure subject to toss on top of the pile because it was on sale
I need a gf. Probably costs way less.
Get the tank one and some of the newer versions of this compressor have a fan where that blue plate is because that version gets extremely hot and I can only run mine for ~30 mins before it's too hot to touch and I'm afraid it will kill itself due to heat
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The Pinto is done. Theres a lot that could be done still but I'm pretty happy with it as is. I airbrushed the body and the interior, pretty much everything else was hand painted. I ordered a airbrush station that should be here next week, hopefully it works out.

I'm either going to do my 1/48 Revell MiL-24D or the 1/72 Tamiya F4U-1D I just bought. Not sure yet. The Corsair is a little less intimidating since its just solid blue, and I don't have to fuck around with doing camo yet
do you plan to do more cars in the future? looks like there is much more room for improvement like you said
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Yes, I have an FD RX-7 (aoshima) and an EP71 Starlet Turbo (hasegawa) that I want to put together eventually. The problem with cars is that my local hobby shops only carry boomer cars and not stuff I'm actually interested in. The only kits I don't think I'll ever bother trying are tanks because I don't care for those either.
not pictured is the hasegawa ju87g-2 I also have
I want to do another Mi-24. The one I did from Italeri sucks. It was just had really bad fitment and It was one of my first.

I fucking hate the hobby stores here in the US. I wasn't allowed ship all my paint when I moved back from Japan. The only hobby stores within 50 miles are EXCLUSIVELY games workshop or 40K places. The train place went under while I was gone.

In Japan I could take home a model, all of the paint, thinner, glue and brushes for about $40 USD. Stores in the US ONLY carry Citadel and its like $20 for 3 pots of paint. Fuck this. I legit lost hundreds of dollars of stuff.
I'm INCREDIBLY lucky to have several within a reasonable distance, and thats not including big corpo chains like Hobby Lobby. Theres also another one I've been meaning to visit, but that one seems to be more catered to train stuff.
Sprue Brothers are also fairly local, though I have yet to actually order anything from them
That Revell Hind is the old Monogram one and I can assure you it is absolutely horrific.
Is it really that bad? You're not the first person to complain to me about the quality of Revell. These last couple car kits I built weren't exactly high quality either, so at this point I'm used to shit. That Lindberg Lincoln in particular was really frustrating to put together. This amt Pinto wasn't THAT bad but it definitely had some wtf moments, and the huge void in the wheel wells front and back is super annoying. Thats why I've been trying to only get jap made kits from here on since those are supposed to be pretty well designed
I think the Italeri was a repack too but I can't remember from whom
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>Is it really that bad?
The entire rotor/engine assembly and surrounding fuselage are a fucking disaster. If you're determined enough you can make something out of the kit but the design is nightmare mode. You'll have difficult seams on the engine exhausts with large gaps on curves, which are in two halves that may or may not match up depending on warpage or being slightly short-shot. The fit of the assembly in the fuselage is tricky and the fuselages tend to warp so there's another difficult gap there. And then there's the plate over the intakes which fits atrociously and will leave edge gaps over compound curves. And all that fucking around is just in the red square of pic related.

As pros, the cockpit is reasonable for the time and the pilot figures half-decent. The canopy glass is also another problem area for shitty molding, but if the clear parts aren't fucked up they should fit pretty well.
Probably ESCI or ESCI/ERTL. This would also mean any AMT/ERTL 1/72 Hinds are this same kit. The ESCI-lineage 1/72 is (ostensibly) a Hind-F, Italeri also has a 1/72 D/E that seems to have a different sprue layout so does not appear to be a derivative of the ESCI F. The D/E might be pure bespoke Italeri suckage.
There are no bad kits, only bad modellers :)
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Plastic models are already a convenience item, return to carving wood.
No, the Italeri Hind is Italeri and the Esci is Esci. I have built both. The Esci is smooth with recessed panel lines, while the Italeri has lots of rivet detail. The best Hinds at the moment might be Zvezda (though no rivets!) followed by the chink versions.
Oh, you are indeed correct. It was a new tool for 1992 and the ESCI/ERTL was 1988 and only reboxed (if we can call it that) as the AMT/ERTL. My bad, I should have looked more closely.
Think he became a dad and with his outdoor hobbies in summer i wouldn't gamble on there being enough time to build model kits
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>getting back into scale models after a ~5 year hiatus, wasn't that advanced before, but not THAT bad with a brush
>continue with a 1:72 Go 229 I started at that time
>went together ok, badly primed, remember I fucked up the basecoat
>say fuck it, just make it dark gray and try to go for the Wolfenstein New Order look
>also try stenciling for the first time
This is such a glorious wreck that I thought you guys might get a laugh, or an aneurysm. After the shitty grey layer I realized I had masked the canopy (in 2019) not very well, and I lost all motivation. And the cockpit actually didn't look that bad, so I must have been better back then.
I will probably use this as a testing piece in the future.
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Also used tissue to protect the engine parts from getting paint on them, but didn't consider the tissue doing what it can do best, getting soaked and then becoming a mess sticking to everything. I just wanted this to be over. And my tremor made gluing the small parts even more fun. It has become worse.
what do you nippas prime with? I just tried some aqueous surfacer 1000 and it seems pretty dope. I tried to use vallejo before but it was impossible to stop it immediately blocking up, not sure if retarded
vallejo or stynlryz, I found that if you use vallejos actual thinner it works better than water at preventing the clogging issues. Works with stynlryz too
Lmao no. Models are way cheaper, but you can't fuck them, so win some lose some.
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>I want the surface to be the same colour
Any sufficiently opaque paint will help you do this.
>I want paint to adhere to the surface
Most paints already stick to polystyrene just fine. It's more important for metal parts and there's dedicated primers for that.
>I want to fill tiny imperfections, scratches
That's what "surfacer" products do. Valid use case but some manufacturers caution against this if the model has intricate details.
I just brush with Humbrol matte grey primer
I have a Conqueror tank waiting for primer since Big Liz died
>Most paints already stick to polystyrene just fine
I have not found this to be true
>He doesn't use paints that cause cancer in California
Vallejo is great but you just use it straight from the bottle, mixing it will make it into fucking rubber.
Both AK primer and microfiller gave okay results.
Mr. Surfacer is apparently the holy grail, but if I can get away with water based stuff, then I prefer that, I airbrush in my office room and nordic climate means no proper way to vent from booth to window.
Wash off your grease stains from the model first then.
If you think drinking water-based paint is a bad idea then getting it in your lungs is also a bad idea.
>m-muh lungs!
I wear a respirator, open the window and close the door while airbrushing. But having solvent vapors plus particles in the air is slightly worse than just having particles in the air. After I'm done, I air out the room for an hour or more while doing other shit.
The alternative is not airbrushing, so there really is no alternative.
>Vallejo is great but you just use it straight from the bottle, mixing it will make it into fucking rubber.
I only thinned it a little with some vallejo thinner. I'll give it another go at some point
Straight from the bottle at like 3 bar has worked well for me.
>this nippa doesn't sort by flavour for the tastiest finish
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Finished the wee crane for the broken canopy, some gubbins and evergreen and that's it.

Need to paint some mechanic figures lounging about drinking, or something.

Any of you faggits happen to know the color scheme for current usaf ground service personnel uniforms?
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After 4 years or modelling I think I can finally start building my scratch-build personally-invented alternative-reality AFV
>scratch-build AFV
>personally-invented alternative-reality
using your imagination is actually based, unless you reach reddit level of retarded cringe and include stuff like twin huge cannons and spinning flamethrowers
>twin huge cannons
shut you're who're mouth, twin cannons are based
post work
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OCP is hell. It's like eight colors that keep transitioning into one another.
Vallejo mecha primer. Strictly speaking I don't think it is a primer, it doesn't so much key into the surface as seals it. But it works on metal as well as plastic and my ventilation situation isn't great.
we live in the age of resin printers anon
commission someone to model and print your favourite tube on wheels
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>Probably costs way less.
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>what do you nippas prime with?
automotive rattle can
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Finemold's new zero. The canopy frame and glass is provided both seperately and as one clear part.
>that'll be $70 for a 1/72 ww2 plane gaijin

yeah nah thx chang
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No seamline.
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Nippon decades behind Czechia once again
Taking a break from painting gunpla and want to do a tamiya kit again. I have a 300z turbo (the older one). What's a good site for rims, fender flairs, detail kits etc?
>forgot i had put decals to soak for 2 full days

thank fuck these are interior and not something important the glue is GONE
What is the sexiest WW1 or earlier biplane? I want to build something.
its an obvious choice but I dont think you could go wrong with a sopwith camel
the wehraboo planes have all the crazy colours if that's what you're after, whereas the british planes tend to mostly be in that green/brown colour. I know nothing about france. check out the eduard 1/48 kits, they always have a good number of suggested schemes and are decent
I've always had a sneaky admiration for Japanese firms making Japanese subjects, they are always that tiny little bit better than their other kits.
third party upgrades for cars are very niche and hard to come by, I use hobbyeasy.com, the site is outdated and janky, but its legit
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Fucking around with oil dots. The cast parts of the armor had them applied, everything else is still just basecoat. I used sepia, white, yellow and light blue (copper oxide blue).

Thoughts? I'm not sure if yellow oil dots were necessary, but looking at it through the photo they probably were.
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Topside. Maybe the difference is more visible here.

After this comes the pin and panel line wash. I'm not doing enamels anymore, just all oils.
Bro I don't even put decals in water for two minutes. What are you doing? Washing them with your thongs?
I'm wondering whether I should go Very Fire or Border Models for a yamato
Don't want to go with tamiya because it's too expensive
To the other Bulgarian in this thread, will you be going to the 12-13 october exhibition?
bracia pepiczki based again
Put them in as normal, got distracted by phone call, went off to cook dinner and just realized it on the way home from work two days later lmao. They didn't disintegrate luckily so I've just let them be put on by putting down a bit of gloss coat under first and not letting it dry
yes, just to disembowel you with my hobby knife
ah, the infamous "bulgarian handshake"

just keep an eye out for any greeks named "Bazyleos"
I am already immune to scalpel cuts, fite me fgt
>byzantine reference: detected.
>obligatory soundtrack: posted.

The bronco 1/35 u-boat is back into stock but I'm still not sure whether I want to do it
Would doing cast texture on the entire hull be overkill?
What about welding textures?
Do you think the techniques would change much for a model that's 1 metre long?
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What do you guys think about the idea of melting photoetch into the hull?
You can do it with small PE parts and plastic cement to soften the plastic
I can't even remember how I solved that. I think I just glued that shit on, because fuck me. That PE kit made me want to an hero countless times.
Do you guys have spray booths?
Are any of the chinese models ok?
Could you post a picture of what your model looked like?
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just bought a VEVOR chinese one from ebay for $75 + shipping. pretty satisfied with it so far. hopefully it doesnt break in a month
>Are any of the chinese models ok?
Yeah they work pretty well but i guess the filtration area is too small because i need to change the filter all the fucking time.
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Here is my Master Airbrush dual fan booth ($99) and my Tu-22M3 in progress. The plane is ridiculously large so doesn't help, but you can see some other stuff for scale. (1/35 tank)
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Here's the top shelf for your consideration. It cost a lot but I love it.
paint looks cool
Very nice booth!
What kit is that Ju-52 in the background? Is it good?
I wonder if it's worth cramming a model kit desk and an airbrush booth in one table.
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Does it draw the air from below?
Fuck's sake anon I hope you only work with acrylics.
Jeez anon, read the fucking thread >>11178559
Cheers I didn't see that post
Italeri 1/72, aftermarket decals. It was decent. I remember the engines being a pain to align correctly, maybe because I put them on opposite like a retard at first, and had to do some filling on the bottom, but not where any of the corrugated steel is, which is what counts
Thanks. It looks very nice.
>Could you post a picture of what your model looked like?

this retard really thinks what kind of spray booth you use influences the result

heres a lesson to learn - you can make most perfect results with the cheapest levels of tools but the time and effort you need to spend often is less with higher quality tools
>this retard thinks it was about model kits, not model of booth
Also, I always thought that a spray booth was for keeping fumes and particles out of your room and not to "improve" anything about the spraying result.
of course it is that's why it was written like a retard would
Yes, it's downdraft instead of crossdraft. I mix/clean everything inside the booth so the spills I've had have gone into the filter instead of the floor. Knocking on wood though.
the booth breaks down and is easily moved when not in use
Booth did improve model results vs when I sprayed into a cardboard box. Cardboard created a lot of particles and I'd like to think the airflow creates a tendency for less particles/dust
is that the academy 1/48 a-10
hows the fit on that?
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Yep, it's OK. I would say there is a medium amount of minor filling and sanding (see pic for some examples). The major pieces fit very well so you won't have to worry about huge gaps at the wing roots or anything like that but the nose took some work.
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>decided to be lazy and use the can of regular spray paint I already had kicking about to put color coat on model
>it lays on so thick, finish is rough, and my preshading airbrush work is undone instantly
well thats a lesson learned I suppose. maybe I can wet sand it smooth a little bit and not destroy the details.
doesn't look like the right shade anyway
just throw it out and don't be retarded next time
I was eyeing that one too but I don't understand if it's like the old models where the led light was an afterthought and it wouldn't fold inside or if it does and the booth can be closed completely.
Do you use lacquers with it? If you do, is the suction strong enough you stop smelling them?
Question for all anons, are these kind of chink spraybooth good enough to use without a facemask?
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The LEDs seem to be adequate for me, and it does fold into itself for storage. I use MR COLOR lacquers. Ive done it with and without a respirator, and you can definitely still kind of smell it without one.
Its close enough, the flash from my camera just makes it look lighter than normal. The lighting in my garage isn't great
Is there an advantage of downdraft for hobbyist setups like this?
I don't think it makes a difference at this scale. In theory, crossdraft is more likely to cause over spray or give a dusty finish as paint gets drawn across the model instead of being pulled straight down.
This gives me something to look forward to when I eventually get into this hobby
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Got a BenchVent and made this thing to fit my window.
I got this and got a better longer tube, it works fine
>here's your new trumpeter kit bro
Your design looks like it is from some 90s skater fashion brand.
Meng Evangelion felt like a bit of a watershed. That said, imagine the brass balls you need to want to go head to head with Bandai.
is there anything as soulful as 1/72 planes next to little silver coins?
Meng wanted to be "Chinese Tamiya" and now "Chinese Bandai" but I think they're just gonna get lost in an already saturated market. In the end, they might just end up as "Chinese Academy".
Best Chinese company is Flyhawk
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Despite the bad spray paint, I made it work out in the end. Not too shabby for my first plane in over a decade I'd say
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Successfully done before Orangecon, i'll drop a couple of the coolest pics
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thought this guys Jap was hilarious
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is this at orangecon? tamiya has an official booth there right? can you post their booth? i cant find any images online
nice wildcat. which kit? am I the only one with a thing for folded wings
how insensitive of you, that's clearly a Gook!
>Die Panzer der es nie gab
It should be "Der Panzer den es nie gab". Proper conjugation is key.
I've said it before and I'll say it again
3D printing is killing the joy of scale modelling
You are ready to put forward your argument?
There is no argument beyond saying that 3D printing has ruined the need to fiddle around with photoetch parts
If you look at the border models yamato they don't even provide photoetch for the railings of some of the secondary guns, it's 3D printed and there's no assembly needed
It's about a dumbing down of the hobby and reducing the skill and number of hours needed
There should also be a comma.
Also, you mean "declension". Conjugation is verbs.
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Based on a real Japanese-American actor it seems.
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I really need to buy a 3D printer just to print infinite 1:35 Kontakt-1.
Retard take. Going down in scale PE will work much better than 3D print because of how brittle small scale 3D print is. Also for flat parts PE will be much better.
t. 3D printer
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3D printing is also good for the consumer side of the things. I can think of one car that nobody has ever made a kit for according to scale mates, but I want to put together really bad. I've found 1/24 3D printed reproductions of the body and could fairly easily throw it on the chassis of another kit.
I'd really love to make a scale model of my own 1980 Fiesta
Unironically a retarded garbage boomer take. Especially since you bring up an argument about photo etching. Like >>11188210 says PE is still superior in many use cases. 3D printing is making it feasible both for individuals and businesses to make very low quantities of specialized parts without the suffering of old school resin casting (which still has uses, but is a painful process), and is also making it possible for subjects that can't defend the price of a standard tool like >>11188317 is pointing out.

Another bonus about 3D printing is precisely not having to wait for a manufacturer to do what you want them to or even worse deal with the fact some companies (mostly carmakers) are 100% bitch ass niggas about licenses which is why we have basically no modern racing car model kits these days apart from 2-3 NuNu and Tamiya kits.

3D printing is the perfect compliment to injection molded scale models, it can't and won't replace them, but it takes care of so many things where manufacturing on an industrial scale makes no sense, where PE comes short (many 3D shapes are a pain to fold) and where resin casting comes short (pain in the ass to work with compared to 3D printing in essentially similar materials).

The only downside is I think 3D printing will drive the death of wooden model crafts forward a bit faster, but it's already a dying, rare breed outside of ships and R/C
I didn’t take a pic of the booth. They were showcasing some new kits like the 1/48 F-35 B and GT3 RS. Also a street 240z, and some other ones like a panzer III and chi tank I’m not sure if are new but had some nicely completed builds.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again
injection molding is killing the joy of scale modelling
>he doesn’t whittle model ships from bone and hair while imprisoned by the Spanish Armada

This hobby is doing downhill
>he's actually building anything by hand instead of imagining the entire thing in his head
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>actually building
I could spend that time to buy more kits instead
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Oil-dot close to done.

Should I even bother doing a pin-wash? Apart from parts that really need it, like the barrel thermal jacket clamps, the periscope-wiper motors or the storage bin latches?
Unfortunately most people just don't have the skills to do it .
Also wood isn't really good enough to hold scale accurate 1/350 details.
If you look at wooden ship kits you realise that the 98% of the guys in that hobby don't want accurate scale models, they want to build a ship out of wood
Vanguard models is doing 3D printed parts with photoetch which is good but most of the hobby is about it looking 'close enough'.
Let me guess, you need more.
Come to think of it, has anyone here tried building a bottle in a ship?
Is it advisable to build a 1/350 ship without a display case?
I can't seem to find a display case big enough to fit the yamato
Just build one out of PC or Acrylic sheet yourself it's not that hard. You can always have the sheets cut at the hardware store if you don't have a saw for it at home
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>just started with model planes
>decide to buy some counterweight for the noses
>buy stock of metal balls from AliExpress
>1000 balls, diameter of 0.5mm
>should be enough to last me a lifetime
>parcel arrives
>they're less than 2 fucking grams total
I'm the king of retards today
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My friends dared me to enter my mediocre models in a competition, I'll have to spend my time after work making them presentable to the public
Time for an imposter syndrome montage. Post 'em here too
Man I really could never get into model trains.
My dad is an avid model train dude and ever since I have been alive tried to get me into it.
Approaching my 40s I still don't care for them.
Sucks for father son bonding. I think I'd only be able to get into trains if I had a fondness for dioramas like large scale mountains to go with those tracks.
Is 70% alcohol enough to clean up oil from fingers before priming?
I looked into the hobby but it seems that 99.9 of train hobbyists just buy their engines and cars already built and painted
Not interested in that at all
Also the trains being able to move is a negative because it reduces accuracy
>Also the trains being able to move is a negative because it reduces accuracy
with DCC and accurate speeds and accelerations, proper lights and sounds, the movement is actually accurate.

trains are based and I want to get into them, I just lack the space
The train engine models I looked at didn't have scale accurate bottoms
They look like they're designed for moving on the model train tracks rather than as scale accurate models
I just use 1/4 ounce fishing weights
Goddamn it I should have put different coloured plastics in my sprue glue
have you confused 0.5mm with 1/2inch, king retard?
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superb effort
Nigger, why don't you just use soldering wire?
>Is 70% alcohol enough to clean up oil from fingers before priming?
>Is 70% alcohol enough to clean up oil from fingers before priming?
only if you apply it internally first
Recommend good 0,15mm airbrush, budget about 200€
Scalemates tells me that both takom and tamiya have relatively recent Mk IV rhombus tank kits. But I don't have much experience with either manufacturer. Would either of those kits be particularly better or worse than the other? And where can one actually buy them? All the sites I've found are a bit more expensive than I'm comfortable with.
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the komet is about to be finished with a clear coat.
its a 70s hasegawa with raised panel lines.
i preshaded and brushed way to much over it, run a bit over the panel lines with color pencils, finito.
decals were no problem tho 40-50 yrs old.

tonk is halfway there.

eyeing a hellcat/hurricane/me109g next. not sure yet
looks very toylike with the complete lack of paint variation. 10/10 BILL
takom are chinese so you should not buy from them
Usually Takom is much better than Tamiya in terms of detail.
You need to specify where you live. If in Europe, try plastmodel.pl
Can't wait for the Great Dragon to strafe Taiwan just to watch all the retards that decided to boycott zvezda grasping at excuses to justify their hypocrisy when they'll keep buying kits made in China.
Can't wait till Zvezda is given to Miniart or ICM as war reparations, and their kits get re-released with humiliation decals though.
I haven't built either kit but generally
>average details
>great fit
>great design
>great quality of casting
>great details, lots of them and they're very sharp
>weird to bad fit
>fiddly design
>very light flashing and mould lines
my hope is, that the preshading will get thru a bit more with the inversion effect of the clearcoat. but ill see.
fading and postshading is more effective. but that bird needs to be finished soon or ill sylvester rocket it.
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Why did Flyhawk have to do a modern ship for their first 1/350 kit?
The detail is fucking insane but why couldn't it have been something better?
I don't want a fucking cowpens but I'm going to have to buy it now
why don't non-chink manufacturers do good boats
How much did you expect fucking 0,5mm balls to weigh? Do you own a ruler?

What do you guys think of this diorama? A 1/32 crane holding a piano over an Airfix Morris Marina (a reference to a running joke in Top Gear featuring Morris Marinas getting destroyed). Good idea?
I like the idea of depicting a street scene where some guys with a crane are about to accidentally drop the piano, like maybe have some workers looking on.

Depicting just the car and crane in a static environment (like that shot of it on the test track) would look weird imo considering not acknowledging the crane is usually part of the gag.
Alright, fair enough. I am not sure if I should make the buildings out of card for this scene or not, since I think this would be a natural addition to a street scene.
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It would be cool if you had say ropes and one of them is snapped, the piano is tripping in mid air and the others billowing out (but ultimately still load bearing, thick copper inside or just dunked in layers of superglue). Vaguely like this famous Marijn Van Gils thing.
i am almost done with my tamiya f35b... need to add 2 pylons and a pilot, but I am very happy with the result. Tamiya quality is absolutely bonkers, especially on these F35 kits.
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oopsie pic
>I looked into the hobby but it seems that 99.9 of train hobbyists just buy their engines and cars already built and painted
Well, at least speaking for my dad what he is doing is adding mods, like electronics, building the table - so many houses, bushes, diorama stuff, and actually setting up the tracks and railway system and going full autismo with the circuits and schedules and such.
>tfw Ukrainians have a better release pace than Zvezda even under bombardment and constant blackouts
It's funnier when Miniart was originally based in the Crimea and they had to pack up after 2014. They've survived the "liberators" twice.
Thanks satan
> boycott zvezda
kek, are they actually people doing that
Seems like a big commitment, I think you could recreate the same effect with a curb, workers, and maybe a sidewalk barricade.

Top Gear track scene might also work, maybe I'm reading too much into it. Just brainstorming.
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Far more likely ICM, Miniart and MicroMir are going to go through humiliation rituals by being owned by Zvezda
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goodo jobbo, gaijin san!
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>far more likely
Two more weeks.

Tommy Ya or Peter Trum? Or maybe Arthur "Art" Mini?
STILL no BTR-4, tho
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>scale model of garbage trucks
it's time!
kind of funny that Tamiya this time is the more expensive manufacturer when they're mostly known for producing cheap but quality model kits. IMO Academy's F35 is very comparable to Tamiya's offerings for half the price.
Tamiya wins on the amount of different versions available (A,B and C is coming soon). I've got an Academy A-10C waiting for me - I highly doubt the fitment will be anywhere close to Tamiya.

Tamiya is king.
All I want in life is a Lada Niva in 1/35
oh boy another pointy grey jet
>they're mostly known for producing cheap but quality model kits
Since when? Tamiya is never the cheapest option
probably depends on country. i live in a place where Tamiya kits are sold at Japan MSRP that's why we get them cheap compared to other brands.
1/72 academy F-35A fits like shit though, unironically worse than the shitaleri kit in that department.
yes, and a Yugo 45.
Build the bread loaf van while you wait.
>Zvezda pls
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It arrived.
Looks decent.
Still bummed over the lack of available figures.
Will compare it to the Trumpeter T-62 I did a while back.
Only if the massive door at the back works
the 1/72 Tamiya F35 is sourced from Italeri.
tamiya sold an italeri rebox but later released their own
really? that will put me off from buying one, its only advantage over tamiya is it has weapon bays
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Here are some photos from the Sofia show
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I was surprised that it wasn't only boomers wearing their 40 year old milsurp
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Mine were the only [current year] conflict
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And a man dedicating his life to making Bulgarian panzer 4s
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And obligatory IDF rustbucket
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Should have brought my own
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Very glossy
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Make twitterbro proud
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Botefags weren't very well represented
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Unlike carfags
I wish someday I was as good
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>unfinished bases
>no highlights
>no decals
>overall sloppy paintjob

The audacity of this guy. I would be ashamed to show those guys in local game club/store and this cunt took them to competition.
Anyway, did you got stabbed?
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Just average obsessed east-yuro boomer modeller things.

I remember at one Szolnok show some lunatic scratchbuilt every vehicle type in the Kub system in 1:35, from the TEL itself to the SURN tracking radar, to every EWR, to the missile loading crane.
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Someone else brought [current year] along
>Anyway, did you got stabbed?
Not yet, still have 2 eyes
man, the revell 1/72 Leopard 2A4 is shit. Look at the barrel
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>Just average obsessed east-yuro boomer modeller things.
Bless his heart, here we have someone obsessing with what war running in the Sofia transit system between 1999 and 2014
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What was*
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There are at least 5 [current year] models now
I'm dangerously coming close to becoming "T-80 guy" though.
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Get the Leopard 2 (T-80 wheels) as a palette cleanser
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And amongst the sea of war, I finally found love
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I hope Boxman is not around
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Revell Leo 2 is obsolete
Is this the Slavic version of the British boomer and his attic full of Airfix Spitfires?
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Forgot the terminators
we never are. I'm competing in the next national show just so the table there won't look like the one on your pic.
Great dump btw
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Some late arrivals
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Cute! I hope that was from a bunch of kids whose dad signed them up.
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lmao, is her hand fused to his dick?
I've seen a cannon in >>11194574
Are there more cannons?
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Like a bronze cannon?
All cannons are beautiful
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Any tips on preventing this and fixing it when it happens? I've tried CA gluing (BSI InstaCure+) it back on but it never seems to actually hold.
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hey bill, just chuck the cap in the lathe and machine an internal retaining groove for an appropriately sized snap ring regrads bill
were swastikas not allowed at the show, or are today's builders a bunch of self censoring faggots?
Just jam it back in there like it was, the only time I've had those come out was when the paint dried out in the threads and welded the little clear plastic bit to the glass jar
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There were quite a lot of German aircraft, but since this is my least interested subject, I didn't pay attention or take photos, Mr. Heil is here >>11194569
I will check when I return later today
I noticed the same as the other anon.
I find it silly to use some weird X instead of just just a Balkenkreuz. It's as ahistorical, but it doesn't look as much out of place.
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I don't know what's up with that, I remember playing Metal Slug a couple of decades ago, maybe it's a homage to that
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Group B, my beloved
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Pröööh :D
Please could you tell me what the is kit for the Tupolev Tu-22m3.
Its a very impressive diorama but, i would like to see some wood paneling around the edges to give it some warmth.
The rivalry between "eh, fuck it" Italians and autistic German engineering was peak motorsport.
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They're Bulgarian
well look at that, it all makes sense now
I respectfully disagree
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Trumpeter 1/72 Backfire-C (2009)
1:48 is the comfiest scale for tanks.
1:72 is the comfiest scale for planes.
What is 1:35's purpose?
>1:48 is the comfiest scale for tanks.
comfy but it only has 1 manufacturer unfortunately
>What is 1:35's purpose?
boomers with bad eyesight
1:35 is comfy for light tanks, tankettes, military bikes/cars, infantry diorama.
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And to end the show my humble Tamiya 1/48 Panzer IV, won 3rd place in 48 scale armor
Will try harder next time, 1/72 armor had incredible builds
Congrats anon, looks nice.
turned out it was actually 2 guys with the same first name
Your apartment looks just like mine
I really hope this was from an actual child

Am I blind or is that Type VII literally just all black?

>Ukie tetris camo
I am confusion. Trophy?

>The noods

Very cool, thanks for sharing, anon.
I want to prime with 1500 surfacer but I'm too intimidated
Nice job
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What's a decent spray can varnish for 1/35 vehicles?
Is regular artist/painter varnish any different from other MigAKTamiya©™ ones?

-for general use, decals and protecc, on acrylic paint.
>That road wheel setup
>Knockoff World of Tanks logo
>4D model
What am I looking at here?
Thank you.
What do you find intimidating about it?
>tank tracks
fuck this gay shit forever. I'm taking the armoured car pill
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>spray Tamiya dark iron
>dry brush gunmetal/polished steel
90% done
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This, Tamiya Dark Iron is the way to go.

Rusted to shit tracks are boomer gospel, because back in the day they used museum pieces and gate guards as modeling reference, which haven't moved for decades. In reality active-service tonk have shiny metallic tracks, because the rust gets polished off. The only exception is modern NATO tanks that in the First World run most of the time on asphalt/concrete, and the only part touching the ground is the rubber padding. But once they maneuver offroad for a while the surface oxide gets polished off fast.
You forgot
>fill 300 ejector pin marks
if you ignore your problems, they go away
Other than plasmo and night shift, what are good yt channels to watch in order to learn the hobby?
Don't watch Plasmo as a beginner *to learn*, it will only demoralize you.
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>1/144 canopy masking
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I'd almost say paint the inside black or something, there's not usually a whole lot to see in there anyway.
>1 year after no news
>just dropped some new photos
Amusing hobbys t-80 wasn't vaporware after all, can't wait bros
Who would you suggest watching, then? I'm aware copying a youtuber will still not give me the same results due to my lack of experience, but right now I'm still trying to make sense of and learn the various steps of the process and their order in relation to each other, and I think watching videos could help me.
Thoughts on building plane models inflight without a pilot figure?
Skill issue
I learned from Plasmo, you can do it.
It's like trying to learn heel-toe and drifting when you don't even know how to drive in the first place. If I were mistaken and you're not a beginner-beginner anymore (like probably >>11202354 is/was), I apologize.
Thanks for the encouragement, anon.
Nah, I'm an absolute beginner, I just chose and bought my first model and I'm in the middle of putting down a shopping list with all the stuff I'll need to build and paint it.

Still on the lookout for youtube channels, please post some I can learn from.
Also wanted to ask, how transferable are techniques between scales and subject types (ships/tanks/planes)?
I've picked up a few tricks from A4 Garage and Mach Models
I quite like panzermeister36
Quick Kits has some very basic stuff, at least his older videos - only brush painting, only the shitty Humbrol colors, and so on.
More than enough for a beginner to dive in.
That said: There is no way around practice, especially regarding weathering and small details. Nobody can tell you how YOU should hold your brush when painting small details, only give you pointers.

Also, have you already checked the resources in OP?
humbrol paint is ok
tastes kind of bitter and I lose sight in my left eye after I drink a jar, but the afterburn is worth it

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