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Previous >>11145451
Stadium:BX-37 Double Xtreme Stadium Set with Bear Scratch 5-60F
Starter set: UX-08 Silver Wolf 3-80FB

Shinobi Knife 4-60LF (Metal Coat: Blue) XONE Switch edition exclusive
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So is there going to be a regular release of Dragoon-S?
I wouldn't be surprised if Hasbro split up the releases rather that having the 3 nostalgia beyblades in one pack.
So are the throwback beys internally balanced against each other and not really contenders with normal X products? That's the general sense that I get about these.
L-Drago has a usable weight and apparently is solid, so it's not that. It's probably just the design choice itself, putting on the weight ring for the plastic remakes is a real bitch since it gets in the way of their original contacts and makes them thinner and use less metal.
I really hope Dranzer GT keeps its contact points and doesn't get cucked like the other plastic gen bays when we eventually get it.
Plastic gen designs will keep getting cucked unless X-Over, more like It's-Over lmao, starts adapting the attack rings designs instead of making them diecast and fusing them with a bad copy of an 10-wide.
A lot of plastic gen designs are simply untenable as X beys. Some examples from the ones already made are Dragoon S and Dranzer S, but others would've been monsters if adapted properly like Driger S or the discarded Trypio.

Out of the G-Revolution designs, I could only see Gaia Dragoon, Rock Bison, Gigars, Venus, Trygator, and Manta Diver working. Maybe Killer Steve.
Can I request combo tests ITT?
No. Buy your own fucking beyblades.
>Wizard Rod 3-60/T
>Tyranno Beat 1-60/P
>Cobalt Dragoon 5-60/E
I'm thinking about using 5-70 on Dragoon since I know striking a bey from above helps with spin steal? Can also substitute Beat with Whale 1-60/R but I just like red better. Also have a Phoenix Wing 5-80H that I can definitely salvage for parts.
Nah, maybe if we have the parts sure but don't ask me to make webms bitch. Also note that launch technique and individual preference are pretty big factors!
>don't ask me to make webms bitch.
No, of course, I just want to know if my goofy non-meta idea is good before I commit to buying outside my backlog. I'm still catching up with the first year because I forgot that it was about to be released.

I wanted to see if Viper Tail or Wyvern Gale on Elevate can get under blades and destabilize meta stamina combos.
Use this method if you guys have rare bey ticket (Hellschain Black/Aero Pegasus) from japanese app and want to redeem it
Are they region locked, or will any card work with a JP account? My last two boosters I ordered ended up being Korean, so I wasn't sure if it's even worth messing around with it.
Is Point a good defense bit?
I've seen it do well on Leon Crest but that's likely because it's heavy.
I mentioned Dranzer GT since it got 10 top in the x-over poll, i think at least Dragoon GT has the gimmick of being a left spin bey with upper attack.
Shame that the other beys you mentioned probably won't get a remake unless they dol another poll, where Rock Bison gets top ten because of memes
Right, but I was talking about the shapes. Plastic gen followed an entirely different design philosophy than X. This gen has been the closest to plastic gen in terms of blade silhouettes but due to the materials and thickness of the blades there's no way to recreate them without doing the crimes they did.
Or outright redesigning them. A moderate remold of Unicorn Sting would've worked great for a proper X Driger S, to give an example.
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>no Draciel on this list
This fanbase makes me sick.
Draciel S is right there.
>Draciel S
Why would anybody want that one back?
I don't know. Draciel F is where it's at.
>Are they region locked, or will any card work with a JP account?
Any credit card should work afaik. People had been calling this WBO method, I don't know why they called it that though.
>ekusu projection fucking wraps his arms around him
what does he mean by this
probably because >>11177680
picrel is the most bastardized version of the guide that's up in the WBO discord, although admittedly i think anyone worth their while would have figured this out themselves.
the picrel doesn't even explain shit also, because:
>Download the JP App
ok bitch, how?
I never had any 9 ratchet.
Do they scrap a lot when a bey gets destabilized? I have a funny haha idea for a combo but it seems I need a 9-60.
Beyblade anime staff finally taking a dump on the fujos tarnishing the fanbase's image.
I wish they would stop shoving 3-5 80s and 60s in my face for all these new releases. I have not collected every 70 height yet, nor do I have enough 1s, 2s or 7s and 9s. What gives, Tomy?

My family was playing with my blades recently and they kept part swapping almost exactly the same ratchets. It's honestly because they out number the unique interesting choices 4 to 1.
Is a 5-70/80 viable on Dragoon Elevate or would that make it way too tall?
Dragoon users (me)...are faggots?!
Does the X anime get better? How do they expect to sell toys when the main character jobs every episode and is the most annoying faggot to have existed?
By making two of his beys really strong, though I've seen people say they thought the Hells series sucked because they saw Bird jobbing like it was the real game.
The Multi vs Shiguru fight is pretty good but from what I've seen in other reviews is that the anime failed to make the fights more exciting than the real life fights. Which it's a shame because Beyblade X has the best IRL fights out of any generation.
I feel obligated to tell you I don't have Wyvern or Viper (though I am looking for that Blue Viper Tail)

Saw on Jap twitter that Wyvern Gale 1-60D was doing surprisingly well so maybe you could try with that? I mean shit now I kind of want to try it.
How do you fuck up the most important part of your marketing? It's like the show was designed by marketers throwing shit at the wall.
>What's popular these days?
>Ah that K-Pop shit
>I liked One OK Rock
I'm invested in the show at this point for the idol chick, but the mc is so bad.
Dot? Huh. Would you look at that.
I was actually looking into this to build a bey that sneaks under the blade, lifts it up, and then waits for it to roll on the stadium to its death. So far, Wyvern Gale and Viper Tail are the best at it (Shark Edge just kicks shit out of the stadium with high prejudice) but the bits I own are not low enough.
It's so cool how beys in X can resurface on a different niche after being seemingly outclassed.

I think Bird is fine but the anime is too harsh on him. In the manga he is fairly competent as an amateur but he isn't strong enough to be competing in the tower; manga Bird loses all of his battles but he isn't so useless that he would have lost to the illegal bladers or to his fan, those were just excessive. He only loses to pro bladers there and was kind of a big deal in his hometown.
What Viper Tail did you get? I know the purple one (BX-35 06) has a dot bit
Apparently, Talon Petra does the Viper Tail thing a lot better. That’s just what I hear though.
>Connect to Japan VPN
>Make a japanese Apple ID account
Is Dragoon's plastic yellowing?
Burst didn't even make it to the G series.
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Because the X-over poll was Japan-only and fans probably only want it for the sake of having all the Bladebreakers represented. Personally, I would've voted for Draciel F, since it was my first bey. Draciel S does look nice, though.
My bad, I should've clarified, I meant the code cards that come in the boosters. Some of the ones I've been saving are Korean, and I know sometimes stuff like this works fine regardless of language, and sometimes it's split up into separate regions that don't play nice with each other.
More leaks when?? I NEED MORE.
This is the first one I've wanted, and I don't even like beyblade pre X.
Leaks are fucking boring for beyblade
We get a new one every month, so depending on how far ahead leaks come it just makes discussion drag.
Crazy how much more appealing the older tops look.
I really love the aesthetic of X, to the point where I'm turned off by things like soar phoenix solely due to the paint job and heavily prioritize color scheme over actual viability of parts (at least when playing casually.)
that was a rhetorical question, retard
Why don't more people use 70 ratchets?
what's the point of 70?
I mean sincerely, impression I get from everyone I hear talking about these things is 60 is the default and 80 is if you need a tall fucker. 70's in a no-man's-land.
like maybe if you really wanna run LF without losing the height I guess?
Acting like a hostile 12-year-old does nobody any favors, let alone yourself. Calling people "retard" or "bitch" over simple questions, and then claiming your own questions are rhetorical after they answer, just makes you look like a complete and total clown.
It actually helps protect against low height aggro while still allowing itself to punch up against 80 ratchets. I think it would be considered the best of both worlds, but TT barely prints them so no one finds out their uses. On certain blades it is right at home, but almost no one discovers that for themselves.
>On certain blades it is right at home
Mind telling me which ones? I do not want to discover them for myself but I AM thinking of getting ViperTail 5-70D for the bit.
From what I can tell, it's 80s that don't have much of a niche. 70 is what's used if you do want something taller, since it's not as vulnerable to ratchet sniping as 80 is.
I have the one from the 2 pack with Dran Sword.
I know of that one, though, but I'm not looking for a way to make Wyvern Gale work as a stamina type but as an anti-stamina, anti-defense type. On Taper it does do a xtreme finish on Wizard Rod 5-60 Ball/Orb but it's only when the angle is just right, and sometimes it does its job and makes Wizard Rod become a beywheel. These are in tests against myself, though, no idea if it will work in a real battle.

Destabilizing? I'll have to test it again. I tested Talon Ptera but not as thoroughly as Wyvern Gale.
That combo sounds lowkey kinda good
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How do you guys store your collection? I've run out of space for my launchers in my old PSP briefcase, and I was thinking about buying something similar but a bit bigger (the whole Kaiba thing is hilarious to me) and making some custom foam inserts for it. I remember they used to have little footlockers for em when I was a kid, but I haven't seen anything like that in a while, and the official case is kinda overpriced for what it can hold imo
All I know is that Talon is at least better at getting under blades. It lacks the ridges on the edge of the blade, meaning it doesn't suffer from occasionally blocking itself.
>kind of a big deal in his hometown.
I wish they showed this in the anime as it'd make him more relatable. As it is, at least early on, he just jobs but still gets to move upwards due to having teammates that surpass him too hard. Underdogs are usually relatable, but he is just being carried hard (in the anime).
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Well, I've got some bad news, korean QR codes only works for Korean app version. JP app only can scan the japanese QR code. Also, if you bought beyblade that had a blue sticker on top right like picrel, you can't scan it on JP app.
Can somebody test the 5-70 bit on Dragoon Elevate? Have a feeling it will work better but I can't test it until my Whale gets here
Oops, meant ratchet*, actually I think even 9-70 would perform really well.
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It's not complete, yet, but I made this watch guide. Please note, the red is just to indicate that it's filler, not whether or not you should watch it.
Ah, bummer. If there's anyone here who takes Korean codes, I'd be happy to toss em up here when I get home, but I'll probably just stash em in my desk organizer otherwise as a "just in case" thing.
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>Wave 3 (UX series) already got an early release at Meijer on Rockford
>Source from Beyblade Reddit
[spoiler]Yeah yeah I know it's reddit[/spoiler]
>Phoenix Wing 5-60H
>Whale Wave 1-60R
>Cobalt Dragoon 5-70E
Not sure if the 1-60R combo fits PW or WW better so I'll need some more play testing.
can't even find wave 2 and there's already wave 3?
is there any news of what's in wave 3 besides presumably the three MC's UX blades?
Wave 3 and Wave 4
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>Manhattan Beach
Those cheap sons of bitches still can't be bothered to put a winder in a UX box, just more proto garbage. I haven't even seen a standalone Hasbro launcher for sale anywhere, just that Phoenix pack, but I'm up to my nuts in unwanted proto launchers.
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Not even a joke, it's real
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I have actually seen people get custom cases like that but they are very expensive for storing toys. I assume there is a cheaper somewhat elegant solution I haven't been looking super hard as I don't have a big enough collection yet I've seen reasonably nice similar cases with foam squares for carrying 100+ Warhammer figures for like $20-25, cheaper ones for storing circular things like bottles, paints, essential oils etc so if you find a product that's a similar size you could snag a good deal on something that looks nice. If you don't wanna take a knife or hot wire to your foam there is pick and pluck foam which is for like tools and big stuff that are awkward shapes, might not be ideal for beys as it's made up of squares but if you find one that is the perfect size you could make something tidy.
I'm probably just going to go with a big plastic container with individual squares in it. It seems like the most popular options besides chucking them in the stadium or a shoebox all together
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>not a single 70 height
>exactly a single 1 point and 9 point, and they're the most common repeats

Fucking hell, I'm tired of ratchets being the hardest thing to fully collect in this game. Sick to death of 60/80 dominance
"wand wizard" would be rod and that has a 5-70
may be more in the dual packs idk
I'm going to assume those tyrannos are a mix of Beat and Roar? Or are they all Beat?
>when you use counterfeit rush bits in a tournament
no one ever suspected it lol
I can't imagine they'd double up like that when both are available. I'd bet the Triceratops pack has Beat, since that was a prize pick, and that the Shinobi is a Shadow, so they'd add the previously released Roar as a complement to the new release. I hope there's a green/red Roar or a blue Beat for some parity, though.
Is ball or orb better on wizard rod?
>not a single 70 height
Anon, Hammer Incendio is on the list
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Another wave 3 found at Meijer
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>when the main character jobs
The REAL main character hasn't lost
Thanks, what's the difference anyway?
I've only ever read the manga, but one problem it has, which I'm assuming can be extended to the anime, is Persona's overall trajectory. Little over year in serialization and we're already at the top of one tower and moving on and it's like.... that's it? X Tower is pretty fucking huge. What about the other floors? Other pro bladers? Bird barely passes the first floor ascension test then gets skyrocketed to the top after fighting Burn's team. There's no build up and the payoff is weak because his two teammates win most and all of their respective matches. That's fine though, X and Multi can be the good teammates, but Bird has no arc. How does the manga show he's getting better? Extra chapters. So any development he could be making as a blader is actively happening off screen (and he still loses).

Another issue with the manga is how very little anything matters. Bird wants to go pro, X and Multi are just there. Yeah you can argue the latter's goal is besting her older sister, but we don't learn about this until the very end of the first arc. For the most part it's Bird the Jobber and the two people he wound up with. And the supporting cast is virtually nonexistent. Once a new character is introduced they're relegated to sitting down and doing nothing, which feels counterintuitive when every past beyblade generation you felt an association with a character and the beyblade they owned. That's not the approach to X however since it's all about customizing and owning multiple beyblades more than ever so the actual bladers are backseated for the most part. The current iteration is actively ignoring character progression and growth in the manga and presumably the anime, something Beyblade had been about for 25 years.

Okay, blog over.
I think one reason for the manga's pacing issues is due to the fact that it and the anime were released simultaneously(in the past, the manga usually came out a year earlier). So the manga now has less worktime as not only does it need to shill the newest release, but also be out before the anime airs it, which is probably why the majority of the anime is filler.
So you're a fucking cheater then? Why brag about that?
It's not cheating. "Cheating" would imply an illegal advantage(like if the bits were painted metal or they had better burst resistance). It's illegal, but it's not cheating.
What's stopping people who cheat in a bit from having better burst resistance, improved finish to glide or altered gear ratios? It sets a bad prescience and becomes a slippery slope for degenerate behavior. If anything you've made me more paranoid about competing by stating how lax the judgements for entry were.
He's not that bad, I think you're just having issues because you're likely a grown ass adult trying to find award-winning writing in an anime about toys. For what he's supposed to be, protag has been pretty alright so far (in the English dub, at least). He's a big fish from a small pond, thrown into the actual ocean, and he's having difficulties managing how far out of his own depth he is.
Cheating is breaking the rules for an advantage, so yeah, you're cheating. You don't have the piece you need, so you illegally manufactured one that never passed Hasbro/TT QC checks. That's textbook cheating, regardless of the magnitude of your advantage. It's fine basically anywhere outside organized play, but rules are rules.
>It's illegal
>it's not cheating.
You're an idiot. It's cheating. It's no different than using a fake card in a TCG.
Why has everyone been using Hexa on PhoenixWing lately?
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So far I have two combos picked out for locals this saturday:

Knight Shield 1-60 U (this combo is actually nuts, give it a try)

Hell's Chain 9-80H (hits harder than most endurance builds and can do a decent job tanking the big offensive threats)

Any recommendations for what my third should be? I generally don't use Phoenix Wing, Wizard Rod or Dran Buster.
Wing is heavy and all around good, that much is obvious. Meanwhile Hexa, despite what this board thinks, was never bad bit. It’s stable, has good stamina, and can travel the extreme line without killing itself.
>Knight Shield 1-60
Did you luck out on the mold shit?
I've been using 7-60 taper on my chain and it turns it in to a serious tank this thing has stood up to just about everything you can think of and just never stops spinning its a seriously underrated blade I wanna try it on point but I don't have one.
Bump King does decent for a 4-layer bey.
Its only sin was being released too late into an environment with monsters like Galeon, Driger S, Master Dragoon, and Wolborg 1 and 2.

NTA but my only complain with Hexa is the low stamina. Either mine is too worn out or the combo I'm using it with, Shinobi Shadow 2-60 Hexa, is getting ragdolled way too much by stock Dran Sword.
>fake bit is identical to an official one
>same material
>same weight
>same burst resistance
>same gear ratio
>no way to tell because bits aren't labelled
>"It's cheating because... It just is, ok?"

Like I said, it offers no advantage over an official part. It's illegal, but it's not cheating.
Everyday waiting for Hasbro's version of Unite gets more difficult.
>Shinobi Shadow 2-60
That's definitely not enough weight. No wonder it gets ragdolled
>using Shadow Shinobi
That's like using tissue paper for boxing gloves. There's stronger defense blades out there than Shadow Shinobi. Or shit just run Hellshammer stock. Another reason for the Phoenix Wing/Hexa combo is the fact it was one of the consultation combos from the Black Shell random booster. Phoenix Wing 5-80 Hexa. I've got two of them for better or worse, not counting the fact I already own Phoenix Wing and Hellshammer stock.
It's cheating. You're not going to convince anyone here to agree with you. Be sure to tell your locals about it through, I'm sure they won't care.
Seems that way, I'm >>11173559 from the previous thread

Neat, I'll test that out

Yeah it's a really old pic from when Bump King was more of a meme
Beybabies, they superior product is here. Behold!, TopGyro X1
Gasp in awe at its superior lineup!
How shit are the launchers in these? I really want a red winder launcher but i'm not buying an entire stadium set just for that.
The inherent advantage IS NOT the point, dingus. You're skirting availability issues by using bootleg parts, which is strictly illegal, with no room for interpretation whatsoever. You ignored those rules for your own personal benefit (not having to pay for your own parts), even Ray Charles could see how stupid you'd have to be to pretend you're doing anything else.

I swear, I have to be arguing with an actual child, I don't want to believe an adult is this dense. Willfully breaking the rules is cheating.
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I like Shinobi Shadow.
What out of wave 1 should I get before the stores here don't have stock anymore? Pic related is all I have of X so far.
And wave 2 as well I guess, since that is showing up now.
You have Rhino Horn. Your work here is over until you can find Tyranno next wave.

The dran sword red and vipertail chase two pack are incredible value, and it you get orb plus a flat which are highly useable bits.
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Unironically Tusk Mammoth.
I'm shocked by how good it is on 3-80 Spike. Dran Dagger destroys it, but Dran Dagger is weird in that whatever can shrug off Shark Edge and Dran Sword, Dran Sword destroys it.
>You don't have the piece you need, so you illegally manufactured one that never passed Hasbro/TT QC checks
im not the anon but thats what you sound like. its a fucking rush bit its a perfect copy at this point theres not enough variation in those nanometers of difference thats going to give anon a magical advantage. dont blame anon for using 3P copies when the actual part is locked behind an insane paywall. if takara wants people to stop using 3P parts then they should suck it up and supply it properly. calling this cheating is the most brainded bootlicker shit
That's what makes it illegal. Everyone else has to play ball; so why shouldn't you have to as well? Do you think you're better than every other blader that curates their collection legitimately?
>not giving into TT's artificial scarcity is cheating!!
holy reddit onions
rush bit broke or when missing? tough luck kid either pay for another 3 bey set or gamble on a random booster. at that point you as well start spreading TT's ass cheeks and slobbering whatever is in there
b-but thats illegal!
what are you gonna do about it? gonna tattle? cry to TT? am I better than other "bladers" if I pay for a perfect rush copy from some chinese company? maybe not but im certainly smarter lmao.
I'm going to insist judges check everything in any tournament I go to, yes. Cheaters are always looking for an edge to keep ahead of the competition. Not having to buy supplies and short cutting your way to a complete deck is cheating.
sure, anon do that at every tournament but IF you lost to someone using a 3P rush that just means you're bad, not that the guy has an """"advantage""""
jewkara tomy appreciates your hard work
>poorfag coping this hard
What are the benefits of Spike? Never used it
I literally do not give a shit if he does this, I encourage making your own shit for casual use. It's not a question of personal ethics. The point is that it's cheating in competitive play, whether he likes it or not. You can't just handwave it away, rules are there to keep everyone on an equal footing, and I can almost guarantee the bit he's using isn't a perfect copy, so someone will be at a disadvantage. You can house rules it in if you want, but any organized play is going to have standards for a reason.
If you absolutely need a rush bit to win, you're probably shit in general. It's one bit, use something else for your tournament until you can buy or trade for a new one. You're putting way too much emphasis on a single unique bit, especially one that comes with every Hasbro stadium kit.
I'm only using rush as an example because of its availability and that's what the anon was using. I'm more of a taper guy myself so I don't have availability issues seeing as how I have billions of these.
are you cheating TT off making same extra money out of you? sure. cheating the battles? nah lol. the only equal footing you're talking about here is people overpaying for parts. has nothing do with the game itself. also saying that 3P will somehow give an advantage is insane reach because if anything, the 3P parts will be inferior since they almost always lack the metal rivet inside, making them lighter, possibly making bursting from the bit easier for the opponent. if you're talking about the mold itself, they're the come from the exact same Chinese factory machine anyway. so again, if you lose against some dude using not only a third-party rush bit but one that's also inferior to the original, calling it cheating isn't gonna win you some games. at the end of the day you're playing Beyblades, not pumping roids or paying off the judges or even kicking your opponent in the shins while they launch.
What the fuck. I still haven't even seen any wave 2 stuff in my area.
I usually keep my stuff stock when i'm taking it more casually and I think outta everything I have my favorite might actually be the blue hell chain. I dunno if it's just a good blade or if it's because it has an Orb bit but that thing's a powerhouse.

in my neck of the woods the 2-packs have been around but the only singles I've seen were a handful of bears at a target once. it's a little frustrating that every store did a massive restock for the upcoming christmas season but it's all nothing but wave 1.
>it's a little frustrating that every store did a massive restock for the upcoming christmas season but it's all nothing but wave 1.
Same here. I saw Target is having a 20% off sale on Beyblades, so maybe they're trying to clear stock to make way for new stuff.
>jewkara tomy appreciates your hard work
Why are you in this general if you don't even like the company responsible for creating the products?
It can tilt at stupid angles without going BEYWHEELZ WE PLAY TO WIN SO LAUNCH THEM OUT AND LET THE BATTLE BEGIN.
Are bootleg grips/handles tournament legal?
How much lead these things contain?
So...how good do you all predict this guy is going to be? Personally excited for free ball I think it will either be VERY good or VERY shit no in-between.
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Whoops forgot the fucking photo, mb.
Try using 1-80 or 3-80 on it, might help with the weight problem?
I would honestly go for a competently written character at this point. If your entire character arc is 'jobs', your arc is one dimensional and weak.
Yeah, this just makes it sound like designed by committee. The toys are basically carrying the franchise at this point.
Lol, it honestly seems like X and the girl are the real main characters
I hope Surugaya gets a pre-order restock before release, I missed it when both that and the new stadium went up. I know Whale Wave got one like one week before.
where did I say i dont like beyblade? i hate predatory business practices. didnt realise this was the takara tomy asslicking general where you cant even criticise how they make parts with artificial scarcity. you can like something and criticise the manufacturers wrongdoings. its not that hard
So who's Free Ball going to be for? Wizard Rod but even more broken? Dragoon but even more spin steal-y?
I've weighted them and 2-60 is about 0.5 grams lighter than the other ratchets I own below 5 ratchets.
I doubt it will make much of a difference.
Wave 3 mostly appeared in Meijer at Illinois currently, saw a post where the guy bought it from there.
Would you guys come to a Beyblade tournament if it was at an anime rave/anison party?
Personally don't care about performance since I buy beyblades based on whether or not they look cool. Why else would I run Knight Lance stock despite bursting very easily.
>So who's Free Ball going to be for?
Getting eaten by my Dran Buster's sword tip, of course.
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>look cool
Which Knight Lance?
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Oops sorry, was being retarded. I meant this*
Do you think we'll ever be able to have bey fights that at least feel a bit like theybdo in the show? When I was a kid I had a Leone bey, and outside of saying let it rip it was mostly just me and the boys watching it spin until it ran out of momentum.
Bey fights now are the most fun they've ever been to play AND watch. Don't know when we'll have the technology to make avatars pop out and maul each other though.
The standard green one that released last year. Do have a yellow from the Hellschain set now.
Local store finally got a stadium and discounted everything in one go, so I picked it up and turns out this shit is fun.
How different is the Takara Tomy stadium? Getting one in Europe seems pricey as fuck.
Attack types are more balanced and there's parts of the arena that if you launch correctly you can dance out of harms way while the aggros tire themselves out. If you like attack dominance then no need to get one.
Clearly you hate them enough to use antisemitic putdowns and trash talk normal fans that collect the line. Why are you mad that a business is engaging in money making practices, such as releasing desirable products that people want to buy for use in competition?
That's why I said *someone's* getting an advantage, not necessarily that it's for the printer. The whole point is equality, that everyone is playing on equal grounds. If there was a verified third-party source, even if it's just a good printer that's been approved by your local shop, that'd be different. Right now, though, you either have to have your own printer (and the skill to use it), or you're buying parts off some random dude online with effectively no QC, which means you could be getting an advantage with better materials or a disadvantage with lower quality.
Maybe I just take fair competition in general more seriously than most, but I'm a firm believer in "rules are rules." Rules can change, and oftentimes should, but it can only be fair if everyone follows them. Scarcity is bullshit, yeah, I'm not really gonna back TT/Hasbro on that, but that doesn't change the fact that everyone should be held to the same standard when playing the game. But again, that's strictly competitive, everyone should fuck around and find out while they're playing unofficially, it's more fun that way.
>MC still hasn't win even once after 51 episodes
For what purpose
Oh please stop. I’m not whom you’re arguing with but there’s nothing wrong with calling out TT with the bullshit they introduced in X like physical store only purchases and mini randoms. Anybody that enables this deserves to be put down, and I’ll throw myself under that bus as well.
I have no dog in the race on whether it's moral or anything like that but the way this dude's so desperate to argue that it's not cheating when it's objectively against the rules and would get him disqualified immediately if he got caught is so absurd. it's like when billy mitchell used an emulator in a high score leaderboard that only accepted runs done on original hardware.
[spoiler] zankye's tournaments in Canada didn't catch me then with the 3p rush biit and they won't catch me now [/spoiler]
I take gunpla files and a dremel to my flats and retool the flats to be extra flat and remove any defects for more speed

no one has found out that my rush and low flat bits are modified in this way

it's all in the spirit of beigoma
Okay so here is my collection so far, what are the most casual fun/tryhard competitive combos I can make with these?
>Cobalt Dragoon 2-60C
>Tyranno Beat 4-70Q
>Phoenix Wing 5-80H
>Wizard Rod 1-60R
>Whale Wave 5-80E
>Leon Crest 5-60P
>Wizard Arrow 3-60T
>Viper Tail 5-70D
>Knight Shield 3-60LF
Thanks! Also let me know if you want me to try out some combos for you guys.
tryhard combo
>Phoenix Wing 1-60 R
>Wizard Rod 3-60 H
>Cobalt Dragoon 5-60 E
How is Tyranno Roar? Does it do anything better than Phoenix Wing? Is it worth having two "Wings" in one deck?
hmmm why Phoenix and not Whale or Tyranno on 1-60R?
If you can't understand the concept of "it's only fair for everyone if everyone plays by the same rules," you're either an incurable idiot or you need to finish elementary school before trying to argue your stupidity online. I'm hoping it's just the latter.
there's heavy weighted ones selling for $100, so I'm going to go out on a limb and call it really good at its job
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So who the fuck are these jobbers going to be?
Oh yeah, I forgot Tyranno works too.
Kinda tricky to find a perfect combo for it.
i have been doing a scientific test and have found that the majority of the time the aliexpress beyblades beat the hasbro released ones.
Further scientific findings
>Metal fight generation
They suck. They break super easy. Half the time they come defective and can't be put together correctly. Gimmicks on stuff like L Drago never work correctly.
Mixed bag but overall good. Only problem is that some of the more complex gimmicks won't work. Can't complain too much since they're almost all less than $3 a piece though
From what I've seen they're literally identical to the real ones.
I unironically started to hate silhouetted characters after SILHOUETTE Piece after they introduced a silhouetted character like 1500 chapters into the manga.
Can the japs stop doing this shit? We don't know who these guys are. It doesn't matter if we don't see their faces.
Haven't watched X yet but does the female character actually do anything? Burst went 5 series before trying to have a serious female blader while the original series had a few.
Multi wins most of her matches and only loses to two people on screen. So she's already better than every female lead blader that's come before her.
My guesses?
>Ares/Ram - Top Left
>Triceratops/Some new Dragon - Top Right (big bad, obviously)
>Bald FUCK - Bottom Right
>Bug - Bottom Middle
In the first 10 eps she gets the most screentime after she is introduced. I'm certain the animators wanted her to be the real main character but the toy company wanted to go with a dude because its a toy for boys so they just made him job everytime and made him as annoying as possible.
I've been getting back into beyblade. Decided to start buying the plastic gen again even though they cost way too much these days. Wolborg and Driger F came in this week and...holy shit they're so much smaller than I remembered.
I personally think its refreshing to have a main character that isn't instantly an OP blader who kicks the shit out of everyone.
Yeah, every boomer I've been trying to get into beyblade X always comment about how much smaller the blades today are, but no, it's just that we all had smaller hands when we first played them.
You mean like every protag in Burst? Valt takes L's in every season and he's considered the best in the world regardless. Bird is something else though; he's losing EVERY match and apparently in the anime he even loses to children on the playground in filler episodes. That's a bit much.
I'm hoping you're right. I need a triceratops for my combo.
>Ptera talon, 3-60 GB
>Tricera (idk)
>Tyrano Beat: 5-70 H
I have a plan. It's a stupid plan, but it's my plan.
Is Phoenix the 4th Auspicious Beast or should we expect to see another one?
Ideally we should expect a 4th, and I'm hoping that's Bird. No phoenix so far has the BS logo in the bit, so that's what I'm holding out for.
Buy the metal weight disks and just print them, there's an anon that scanned a ton of the old releases for PLA 3d printing and even remade some of the gimmicks and rubber with 3d printing all up on thingiverse
can someone explain why bird getting the suzaku bey would ever make sense because I just can't see it
Bird's original beyblade was a bird, and his color association is red. The Vermillion Bird fits his theme and him returning to the motif he started with, rather than using a line of beys that started with one meant and designed for someone else, would be a nice bit of character growth. His design, his name, even the graffiti version of him during the anime ED all suggest he uses a bird beyblade rather than a grim reaper. And since that slot has been open for so long (three phoenix beys, none sporting the BS logo so far), its a possibility.
Updated the watch guide. Merged the Team Yggdrasil battle to one line and added episodes 48 - 51.
>character's name is Bird
>his original Beyblade was a Strike Hawk
>currently uses the balance type Hells series which is often associated with fire in its motif
>every saint shown so far reflect their typing from the original series: Cobalt is a left spinning attack, Black Shell is an eight bladed defense type, Weiss Tiger is balance type
>Dranzer was the other balance type of the four and sported a fire motif
Basically there's no vermillion bird and Bird has the components necessary to make it his own. Hellscythe isn't his anyway, it's still techincally a loner after Strike Hawk was destroyed so whose to say he doesn't want to create his own balance type at some point. That's the theory anyway, it could just belong to some random shmuck in the second X tower.
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>His design, his name, even the graffiti version of him during the anime ED all suggest he uses a bird beyblade rather than a grim reaper.

It also helps that the BS suzaku bey would most likely be a balance type, which is what Bird's been currently using. Only real problem with Bird getting one would be its color. While it is the Vermillion Bird, which matches Bird's colors, Dranzer's beys were blue(save for Black Dranzer), so the suzaku bey will have to be red with some blue accents, similar to Black Shell. I'm thinking the blade will have a red core with a blue chip, the ratchet would have a blue housing with a red ring, and a red bit. More or less, it would be a better-looking version of Steel Samurai.
i cant tell who's a bigger dweeb, the person who made this or the person who would follow this
I really wish we get something like this as an official bit.
ViperTail 3-60E does surprisingly well against stamina types, but it's too light to resist not getting blown the fuck out and the moment that bitch hits a stadium wall that bit is going bye bye.
Why do people use 3-60 and not 5-60 on Rod? Because another Bet would get more out of the 5-60? Also what fucking ratchet do I use on Whale Wave this fucker loves toppling over. 1-80?
Look in your mirror; therein lies the answer.
Is it because it can destabilize them?
How about Wyvern Gale?
It does a good job at destabilizing them if it can get a good hit in, but Elevate isn't good at running around the stadium after so it just stands there and waits to take another hit a lot of the time and recoil and heavier beys can fuck you up a fair amount. Why not use something like Low Flat? Too much recoil? I don't have Wyvern Gale so maybe some other anon ITT can check it out.
Thanks for the results so far.

As for not using Low Flat, it does well but it isn't consistent. I was under the impression that Elevate was shorter than Low Flat but I'm not sure. I saw it being compared to one of the flat bits in a video but it wasn't that serious, not caliper or even placing them on a flat surface.
Rubber bits and metal rachets when
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Cool, well you can have your metal ratchets if they make them vulnerable to bursting. If they don't they made every ratchet before it obsolete.
High impact shoots this thing out so damn easily. This is an evasion tip only.
aren't the anniversary ones supposed to be rubber?
>metal ratchets
we don't need that power creep man
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I FUCKING love 1-60. Put it on Phoenix, put it on Rod, put it on Tyranno, put it in the pocket, in the fridge, on some rye bread, in my ass, this fucker can does EVERYTHING.
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Yeah. maybe I'll change 2-60 to 1-60.
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Takara channel had the comparison.
Man, 2-80 is so shit. I expected it to be shit, I'm just surprised it's somehow worse than 4-80. This has to be the worst ratchet of all time. The only advantage over 2-60 is that at least it has some sort of burst resistance unlike 2-60, but that advantage is nullified by the fact that every blade under the sun now gets under you and bursts you that way.
Is Dran Buster as inconsistent as everyone makes it out to be? All I've ever heard is that it's a glass cannon that needs to win immediately or else it does nothing. I was thinking about ordering one, but I might wait since they're apparently showing up in US stores now.
I wouldn't say it's inconsistent necessarily, more hard to use. It hits brutally hard, even late game it can get KOs, but finding the right way to launch it is the tough part.
Dran Buster stock has shit stamina. The blade itself is clearly top heavy, and Accel being among the slowest attack bits isn't doing it favors. However the combo still hits very hard and can get a KO or burst at any point if it can get the hits in.
Builds for Phoenix? Blade seems so good that you can just slap whatever the fuck on so what's best? Also builds for Rod that AREN'T 9-60B
Anyone bought beyblades on AliExpress? Are they really shit, I was thinking of getting a few for my nephews to play with when they come over
dranbuster 1-60LF with the ratchet tip pointed in the opposite direction from buster's pointed tip and launched at a slight angle with retard strength. the 1-60 balances out the buster edge so it keeps the angle its been launched at for a while longer and if the tip connects it hits under the blade and with a heavy edge behind it throws the opposing blade around. low flat helps it get lower. even if it misses it can still get low RPM kos
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Based on my data taken from nearly a year's worth of WBO 1st-3rd placements, these are the top 5 best performing combos for Wing and Rod. Out of 1170 for Wing, and 491 for Rod. The second image is top 3 from just September for more current trends.
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Here's what I ended up running and how they did:

Hell's Chain 9-80H - Very reliable, didn't burst once and only lost to rod outspin (but also outspun rod about half the time too)

Dransword 3-60P: People will tell you to run this on 9-60 but 3-60 was tailormade for Dransword. This combo hits really hard and has great stamina, super consistent all day

Knight Shield 1-60T: I initally started off with Unite and then switched to Taper, this combo completely shit the bed unfortunately. I would probably need to run this on point for it to have a chance
Wow this is insane, thanks! Can you do the same for Tyranno Beat? Personally found 3-60T on Rod surprisingly good against attack beys.
>Hell's Chain 9-80H
What'd you go up against? Personally think the stock combo from BX-31 is already really good.
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>Tyranno Beat
It's kind of all over the place, but three combos did seem more common than the rest out of its 209 placements. 5-60 Point is the only clear "best" one.
Huh, yeah it does seem like a good "general purpose" attack bit, I usually just use 1-60R on it but I'll try 5-60P. Thanks!
Yeah. I was stubborn and gave 2-60 a chance. I still don't what the fuck it's meant to do.
It was apparently nerfed to shit since it looks different in the renders from Cobalt Dragoon.
More like butchered if it was meant to do anything.
The usual suspects, Phoenix Wings, some Whale Waves, Shark, Buster, Rod.
Could it outspin DragoonE?
Is Hells Scythe better than Hells Chain?
I've been told yes, the scythe is a perfect blade design. It scores hits that drag the opposing blade downward, causing instability in the aggressor.
>Hit downward
So it works best on taller builds?
Yes, the blade tip starts high up and curves downward; there's four of those surrounding it. I'd say put it on a 70 ratchet and orb or ball for good effect. Dot might be fun too, but I don't have one to test.
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had a dream where I was digging through a parts bin and found a ratchet (I'd guess in any realistic scenario it'd be the blade but I digress) that basically looked like pic related
almost wonder how that'd function in reality
Bursts on contact.
Yeah, like >>11188259 said, this is actively letting physics work against you, basically ensuring a burst. The long points turn the ratchet into a lengthy lever arm, your goal is usually to keep it as far from harm's way as you can.
The only way this could actually work is if the contact points are apart of the housing assembly instead of the ring itself.
I wonder if Hasbro will be bros and give us mass retail versions of Phoenix Feather and Cobalt Drake.
Wouldn't surprise me, they give out booster prizes like candy, which isn't a bad thing. I think the only way it stands a chance of making it big in the US is if they keep it as affordable as it is. Even the expensive arena is affordable in terms of what you get, you're basically paying $30 for the arena and you get a good unique bit along with it. Right now, the only one I expect Hasbro not to get is Aero Pegasus, but even that's just a strong feeling.
I'm setting up my next deck and going with a sort of counter attack/stamina theme to it but cant come up with a third bey so far I've got hells chain 7-60 taper and unicorn sting 5-60 orb anybody got any fun combos that would fit?
Im going to Japan next week. Is there any place I can go and let it rip?
Posted by Beyblade Asia instagram account

>Asia Championship exclusive
>UX-00 Dran Deck Starter
>DranSword (Metal Coat: White) 4-80DB
>DranDagger (Metal Coat: White) 9-60LF
>DranBuster (Metal Coat: White) 3-70N
>White & Gold String Launc,her
>Releases November 9th
No info if Japan will getting this too or not, because it looks like Asian region exclusives.
Which region and prefecture you will visit? There's a chance you could participate in G3 tournaments too
Im gonna mainly be in Tokyo but I will also visit Osaka for a short bit. I will arrive on the 17th and leave the 30th.
Well there's gonna be X-treme Cup GP tournament on 27th at Sunshine City. But, there's a chance you already at Osaka on that date. So best chance is probably you could visit B4 stores like Omocha no Bunbuku「おもちゃのぶんぶく」at Toshima City.
How do I make Sphinx good?
Launch him REEEEAAAL fucking hard and then pray for the best. Sphinx is really fun to use he's basically RNG based.
Builds for Phoenix Rudder?
>it's the nerfed dran sword
No thanks. These recolors look good but they have been neutered in performance
i'm not well versed in the meta but these parts seem very arbitrarily chosen
It's okay to use off meta parts. Try it sometimes, it's fun.
i'm not asking for metaspam but for something that is clearly going for a premium feel, having a build like sword 4-80 DB feels like it was made by a random number generator
Has BeysandBricks shipped their whales yet? I haven't gotten anything as much as a shipping email, and it's definitely past September.
Fuck Gamestop. Any idea when Roar Tyranno will show up in stores so I don't have to pay double? "October 2024" is the only estimate I've seen, no actual release date.
What region are you in? I've seen em around in Midwestern US, but only at Target, never anywhere else (as far as wave 2, wave 1 are all over). I've recently started seeing Roar in online/Shopify stores, too, some of which have free shipping.
I have been beaten by sphinx on quake. It just KOed my shark it happened so quick.
Dran Sword's weakest metric is stamina, so putting a diskball on it and jack it up to 80 height says this thing is evasive stamina maxing. The aggressive blade still gives it a bite, but it wants to avoid and keep other blades away from bursting its disk.

Needle being a defensive type means this asymmetrical bad boy is going to lean into the wind and endure hits against that broad buster blade. Tilting at windmills the bey.

Dagger has always had interesting barrage properties, now strapped to the most volatile bit makes it a crit monster with a hell of a lot of burst resistance.

All of these setups are counter to the intention behind the design of the blades, and yet these build represent the strengths of the system where you can alter the behavior of a BB just by going against the grain and keeping your opponent guessing. Also the additional weight added on to these will make them quite heavy compared to their siblings.
i've actually been testing Sphinx 2-60 Hexa recently. Early when I was just fucking a around with it, consistently KO'd PW5-60Orb and sometimes even bursted. Even Rod on Orb/Ball got a burst. Then I tried recording and of course it started losing to spin finishes. 2-60 surprisingly well and I only got a bursted once. I think it gives a good balance.
I mean to say that Sphinx manages to burst both PW and Rod here, not that Sphinx itself burst. It did only burst once though against PW
I feel like it's rather telling that they haven't tried making 6 or 8 ratchets, like they know 4 is a bit of a flop and whatever gimmick 2 was trying for was a complete failure
Is this a good deal? I can't tell. A blade for 6.13 is pretty fucking cheap. It's the stadium that tanks the deal, I think.
>whatever gimmick 2 was trying for was a complete failure
the gimmick is literally just even balancing, which was so strong they nerved it by giving it a glass chin.
October 2024 is the actual release date for wave 2, Hasbro just fucks up the distribution by giving some store early wave 2 stocks.

It's good unless you're a metafag
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The Mandalorian and Zankye have teamed up; need it or keep it?
I wouldn't bother with the kong/knight one unless you just really want that fucker in purple. viper/wyvern is kinda hit or miss but I'd probably still go for it. rest are good
i have't trusted this dude's meta analysis ever since he tried to push lance on taper as a thing
Why does he looks like the brother of the little gremlin thing in LoTR? Maybe it's because I don't follow Beyblade influencers, but I can't not see the levels of Jew this man is emitting.
lance on taper is fun, but I don't know or care if it's meta
This but Tusk Mammoth.
Neat. I kind of want to try that with some of my favorites, going against the blades' intended use. Any advice for Shark Edge, Unicorn Sting, and Viper Tail?
This but for Steel Samurai.
Is Hells Hammer the first in the Hells series to not be that great? I have never heard anything remarkable about it but stock Hells Scythe and stock Hells Chain are so good. I put a used Hexa I bought on my Hells Chain after reading a post ITT and it's really good as a defense type.
I feel like the blade portion is too flat so it barely produces recoil. opposing bey just slips off. maybe a tall combo could so downward smash attacks, havent really bothered to dry it out. I absolutely love Chain so it kinda sucks that Hammer is ass. if only Takara played into the dual spin thing to make this mid blade a little moer unique
>Hasbro Dranbuster weights around 36.95gr
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Somebody got theirs early?
This just made me remember. I get that the singles don't have a proper winder launcher for cost/space issues (I guess?) but I really can't think of any reason why they couldn't include them with the arena at least.
after building these and spending all of 5 minutes giving them a test run against each other my first impression is that buster is a goofy ass bitch that jumps more than a quake bit
Can any anons ITT recommend me some builds for Phoenix Rudder and Hells Scythe? I wanna build an all red team
I like 9-60 O on my Scythe, but idk if there's a red Orb, I just use the orange one from Ptera. Otherwise, Ball works, too, and that's definitely available in red.
Ptera comes with Ball, not Orb.
Tail viper comes with Orb
I'd get Ptera anyway. Kino attack blade.
compact UX? Nice
X > Burst > Plastic > Metal Fight
in terms of fun to play
Plastic > X > Metal Fight > Burst
in terms of aesthetic
Burst > Plastic > Metal Fight > X
in terms of anime
X > Plastic > Burst > Metal fight
in terms of usability as a weapon
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as someone who grew up on plastic gen, i think X is the best in all regards
If there’s one thing X lacks that I miss, it’s stickers. I know a couple special beys have stickers, but it’s either for something rare or a remake rather than the norm. They always added a bit of extra pop to the beys. That said, I don’t miss placing those tiny eye stickers that were a pain in the ass to get off the sheet and fit into a small eye carving.
We really didn't know how good we had it with burst. Everything about x is just so damn souless.
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>We really didn't know how good we had it with burst.

There is no "we".
I had no issue with those but they were often the first ones to fly out during battle, leaving a sticky reminder of their absence. No thanks.
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One thing I miss about Metal Fight was the control over aesthetic. Just about every Clear Wheel came in multiple colors, it changed the whole look of the Bey. With X, you can match the Rachet and Bit, but you can't really see them in battle. Wizard Rod is only ever going to be yellow or green, you can't do anything about it.
brother the 7 years of burst were the lowest point of your entire franchise
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>using hasbro images
come on, anon you gotta admit that even early burst beys had nice details on them. painting and panel-lining X beys wouldn't be a popular thing to do if the X bey details weren't so drowned out. you can also start seeing how basic Dran Sword looks next to newer X beys like Leon Crest or Silver Wolf so even the designers know how basic early X beys are. even early burst beys had printed decals on them making them pop.
Burst is too much of a clusterfuck for me. That said one thing I find odd about this gen is the metal molding. You have some that are more basic, like Shinobi Shadow. Then you look at something like both Cobalt beys where you can see the dragon heads in the metal. It's extremely obvious with some of the clones as well, just look at Yell Kong or Savage Bear.
When it comes to gimmicks and aesthetics, Burst was the best. In terms of overall gameplay, it's X. As someone that started with the plastics, when Burst was new the designs reminded me a lot of the former. The beyblades were all sorts of colors and came in all kinds of shapes, things weren't as uniform as they were in Metal and currently X. Though admittedly Takara Tomy mishandled Burst as it went forward from giving the beys evens more weight so they could hardly move fast, let alone actually burst; but their crowning achievement of failure was creating the DB stadium which introduced even more drawn-out battles and stall outs than we were already getting with the smaller stadium. Don't know the driving force behind their decision making with DB and BU was, but the fact they hard corrected with X at least shows they know they fucked up bad.

Still Burst Beyblades are more pleasing to look at and collect. With X you're pretty much expected to buy Beyblades multiple times or at least have replacement parts readily available because bits wear out and can shatter very easily.
matching up ratchets can have a certain level of effect on its aesthetics especially if the blade is translucent rather than opaque, but yeah honestly trying to line up the colors on the bit is just me being autistic
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>Silver Wolf owner is Ekusu's sensei, Ginro
Sex...with a legal consenting adult.
I was playing with my beyblades up until the power went out last night. For hurricane Helene, I practiced all through the night with the lights on. Milton however had it's own spinner, and he let it rip over our house in Apolo Beach last night. Playing beyblade by candle light doesn't work very well, FWI.
Stay safe out there, anon
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What about this legal adult?
I will NEVER have sex with a Wizard Rod player. Ever.
>Wizard Rod
She's going to cuck you, anon.
>how good we had it with burst
Non meta person here, but if it’s stock Wizard Rod then what’s the problem? It burst pretty easily, especially to stock Shark Edge.
The only thing I don't like about X is that its really hard to play alone because of how fast the battles go.
>Get X Driger in the mail yesterday
>tip breaks off within the first 5 battles

I'm going to try to super glue it back on but I figure there's no way it's going to hold..
I've been testing my meme-y Shinobi Shadow combos and the results are very iffy because of it.
My idea behind giving it Point is to have it dodge some attacks and appear behind attack beys in case it can kick them out of the stadium using their own momentum, or to dodge for the first part of the battle to, essentially, act like a flashy tornado staller until the last part of the battle. On Hexa it's meant to position itself such that it will always be in a good position to take on attacks and then win the stamina battle, if not shoving the attacker out by gently tapping it during a dodge.
Some days, these work; others, it gets ragdolled around the stadium for being in the same weight class as the Sonic Wacky Pack tops.
3 faves from every gen
Driger G, Dragoon V2, Wolborg
Big Bang Pegasus, Fang Leone, Gravity Destroyer
Master Diabolos, Astral Spriggan, Mirage Fafnir
Dran Buster, Tyranno Beat, Phoenix
I only have the hasbro stadium so I've thought maybe its better in the takara one. In the hasbro one its so small that those few seconds it takes to fire off the 2nd Bey is often too long. Too many self kos and instant knockouts.

Review's up
i'll wait for the Zankster
Why would anyone ever choose to watch that gene disaster pygmy?
he's by far the most knowledgeable beytuber
>made an hour long video on one of the best defense blades in the game just to discard it because he doesn't know how to play defense, with a tall ratchet, or with an unbalanced blade
Knowledgeable my ass.
Nobody slanders my Mammoth bro.
He's genuinely retarded and I'm pretty sure he's also illiterate have you seen the way he writes?
Anon, try to watch japanese beytuber for once
What's the difference betwen Unite v1 and Unite v2?
v1 the point doesn't protrude enough, v2 does
I know. I meant performance-wise.
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Good bait anon
Do Beyblade Geeks count? They're unironically the only Beytubers I watch when it comes to new stuff.
I have found out something interesting, to me at least. While the remakes of Dranzer and Driger suck in the extreme line stadium, They're actually really viable in a regular old bucket stadium.

They somehow get a weird stamina boost and its hard to beat them via knockout because they're so light they usually just bounce off the walls of the pockets and back into the stadium.
Was there any info on when the v2 went out? Do I need to buy another weiss tiger?
>no launch test

>one (1) half a centimeter more of ripcord
They want us to buy this set, right?
>it's that thin
Rubber Accel is going to be unusable after like three launches.
Has anyone who ordered a whale wave from beys and bricks actually got theirs yet? I wanna buy a couple boosters but I've heard they haven't actually shipped anything out yet.
Maybe it's a design limitation. For some reason bits and made of two parts bolted together with a pin.

Aren't they based on Florida or something?
California it's why they've been my go to so far stuff gets to me real quick.
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Where's the FUCKING single release, Takara?!
I hate how this looks in profile so much
Agreed, its my only gripe with Beyblade X design wise, it's side profiles, just wished the connector port on the ratchet for the bit didn't protrude so much it makes the Blades look taller than they should be.
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To the anime watchers, is this green dragon thing behind Khrome gonna be a beyblade? L-Drago equivalent? I mean we ARE missing an Eastern Dragon.
I mean it DOES just look like a team logo but Dragoon looks nothing like that and he definitely doesn't have whiskers.
That's just Pendragon's logo. Don't have to watch the show to figure that out.
>L-Drago equivalent? I mean we ARE missing an Eastern Dragon
So we're just magically forgetting Cobalt Dragoon is a direct call back to Dragoon, aka Seiryū, aka the homage to the Chinese dragon of the east.
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Well yeah I know but he looks* nothing like a traditionally "Eastern" dragon, with the long body type, short arms, and whiskers. Maybe he'll grow to have those features? Or will the next seasons big baddies be MFB-based?
Everyone in Team Persona is the protagonist.
>Mexico holding Hasbro official tournament this week
>Still no official tournament news for US
Bumping this.
Similar like Point I guess
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How the fuck do people think midfakes = reissue?
No country is as sick in the head about piracy as America.
looks like we're actually getting x xone outside japan english steam page with an english trailer went up today kinda hope that means we're also getting physical but I doubt it.
I might get it just because the PC girl is super cute.
Keep in mind: you won't get the Bey that comes with the physical English version.
Has anyone ever had a Rachet break? A lot of mine have white stress marks in places from being hit, but they're still fine.
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How do I make this guy good?
Same shit as what you'd put on Wizard Rod.
>How do I make one of the best Beys good?
Be like Robin and learn to Revolve Judgment.
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This lol. Hells Scythe is literally a Cross Wing, i.e. one of the best attack rings in plastic generation, but made out of metal.
From what I see, they are made out of a slightly rubbery plastic that can flex just enough to take the abuse. My pink 3-60 from Tusk Mammoth has taken a lot of punishment and is still fine.
Speaking of, when will we get more pink pieces?
>Hell Scythe
>Curse Satan
>like 20 more

Why does beyblade do so much satanic imagery? I wouldn't care if it was just a couple but they use so many demon names its weird. They never use their angel counterparts either.
Would you guys consider Hells Scythe better than Knight Shield or Phoenix Rudder? They keep jobbing to Shield during testing but that guy is pretty easy to figure out and I just feel like I haven't figured out Scythe and especially Rudder.
Because all of that is interspersed with standard anime imagery, like everything else. Plenty of what you listed is barely "satanic," if at all (only two actually fit), and there are plenty of "angelic" (which, by your metric means "heroic") types like Raphael, Valkyrie, Longinus, Achilles, Excalibur, and so on.
This sounds like the same excuses I was hearing from concerned pastors and mothers when they wanted to ban Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! twenty years ago, and it shows a complete misunderstanding of how the Japanese perceive these kinds of things.
What I'm saying is, if there's like 5 different burst beyblades alone all named after different forms of the devil, why isn't there a single Jesus beyblade?
My guess is that while angels and demons are cool, using angels would feel disrespectful or, worst case scenario, cultish; remember that Japan abused themselves, from top and bottom, into becoming a non-religious society so people who are religious over there are treated as dangerous cultists.
Or maybe it's simply that demons have strange alien names nobody wants to use in a serious manner but still sound cool while angels often share names with real life western people. Like, I have one cousin who shares a name with one of the few angel-themed beys in the series. Imagine announcing a combo named, idunno, Michael Wing 4-70 Ball. It's weird when you think of the names you'd end up with.
Another reason might be that marketing is aware that Japan has had angels more present in girls media than boys media and want to keep Beyblade a franchise for boys centered around competition.

So far, that I know though, they used Gabriel and Uriel in Bakuten and Raphael in Burst. Not unheard of but pretty rare. It didn't help that late V-Force was pretty overlooked and that Gabriel and Uriel weren't mass retail releases over there while they got released here as part of G-Revolution.
I'd be really uncomfortable playing in a game where I could end up beating up an image of Jesus with a toy.
But what you're asking now is "why isn't there a Buddha/Abe no Senmei/Confucius beyblade?". I mean, those are people. We don't have named people beyblades except for Achilles and as far as the japanese are concerned that name means "super cool ancient warrior guy".
>Burst generation
>Jesus Christ beyblade
>White, gold and red
>Golden cross in the center
>red streaks
>golden crown of thorns armor
>Driver that makes it rise from the dead

tell me it wouldn't be kino
>why isn't there a single Jesus beyblade
Because Satan is just a fallen angel, not an actual deity. Using his various names and grouping him in with other random demons isn't the same as using the name of the God of Christianity. Japan doesn't view demons the same way the West does, they're just cool, edgy folklore monsters to them. It doesn't hold the same weight as using a major religion's God.
>Islamic Demon (very bad but not explicitly the big bad)
>Cornish Myth
>Grim Reaper but fiery
>Greek for bad person
>Greek God that's nothing like the general perception of Satan
>Giant Fish in Islam
retard retard retard
leave this general and don't come back until you study some actual theology
Jesus is a specific historical figure with religious importance surrounding him, it's why nobody will touch it with a ten foot pole outside of the occasional harmless joke. The devil, however, is a faceless cartoon villain that gets used all the time without referring to Satan specifically. Of everything you listed, you could count Curse Satan and Diabolos (which would be a pretty loose translation, as the word means "deceptive"). The rest of what you listed has all been associated with Satanic imagery by the Christian church and draws its origins from cultures with no connection to Christianity, ignoring the hyperbole point at the end.
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Yep, that shape is amazing. It's why Deathscyther was banned.
>Grim Reaper but fiery
Hells Scythe is based on a shinigami, so it's actually, "Grim Reaper but Japanese".
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Pretty sure the main theming of Burst was the alphabet. Each bey's motif was designed around a single letter.
>Why does beyblade do so much satanic imagery?
Because it's fun. Where else can you get Lucifer and Satan at the same time and be entirely different entities?
really? which one?
not that fire wheel guy, is it?
wait, that's yokai.
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Part of a set
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that's pretty cool. Another knight bey is lame though.
Yooooo I've been waiting for a set like this
i'm guessing that's the new version of dranzer?
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You guys think Rubber Accel will be any good?
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Samurai Saber 2-70 L (Level)
Price: 1980 yen
Inaccurate render for 2-70, they will be bulky as fuck like 2-60
they've been purposely using the wrong render for 2 ratchets
How the FUCK do you activate the sabers? Do they just flip out at high speed or what? On impact they will cave back in.
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Shit I type the wrong price. It's 3300 yen and will be releasing on November 2nd.
instant buy for me
So looks like Level raises itself up out of the center arena to aggressively seek the extreme line out and KO the opponent. This is a possible delayed attacker that could counter hastey rushing beys with a decisive blow!
I can't understand this gimmick from just the pictures

Rubber on the blade? A tip guard for extra defense? High burst resistance aggro?
It's supposed to be a multi mode tip those little edges go all the way in when they dont line up with the ratchet or stick further out when they do when you're assembling it and supposedly change how the tip performs the pictures are too shitty to really see the difference tho.
really glad they kept it a bx to fit with the other three, kinda wish silver wolf was a bx too but oh well
kind of want
feel like I'd need to see in action but also want
another 2 ratchet is a shame but this is still a mighty need rather than a want
So Knight Mail os obviously the best in this set, no? I dunno how good rubber will be in X with the Xtreme Dash and everything
supposedly rubber accel has that big dome on it to float above the xtreme line like elevate does so the rubber doesn't fuck with the xtreme dash.
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the best
Is Talon Ptera going to be the same as the Habro blade?
Comes with new ratchet at least
So is the new wolf bad or not? Is freeball a liability or a serious option?
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It's a decent stamina type beyblade, many already use it as on G3 tournament. But, it can only perform better if not using any X-80 ratchet.
Is Hells Hammer any good? I have no idea how to use this blade.
Last I checked Garuda and Vermillion Bird are not one in the same. Plus I'm not seeing any signs of the 2000 gen's logo like with Cobalt, Black, and Silver.

Disappointed this wasn't given to Black Shell, but holy shit that thing is tall. Also I'm glad we're starting to get X beyblades able to transform. Im looking forward to Crimson.
Can I get a close-up of its parts?
you want a closer look at his balls?
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The manga stated that the blades come out upon impact. Maybe there's a spring-loaded mechanism that triggers the sabers.
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Actually, I want a closer look at this section of the page.
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Kino, I've been waiting for this
Any good Tyranno Roar combos? I've been trying 5-60 Point since it's just a rounder Phoenix.
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>Plus I'm not seeing any signs of the 2000 gen's logo like with Cobalt, Black, and Silver.
The bakuten logo is supposedly on the tails like picrel, but the image wasn't clear enough. Also the hook is kinda the indicator of Bakuten reference.

5-60 Rush
I've never had a sticker come out.
>want a yellow Ball for Wizard Rod
>yellow ones only come on Arrow Wizard and the Iron Man crossover
Why do they always pair one good part with two bad ones?
When does the new stuff typically go up for pre-orders? I missed the first round for Wolf last month, don't wanna go through that anxiety again.
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Anyone know if Takara Tomy Mall charges for pre-orders immediately or only once items are ready to ship?
To get you to buy the bad parts duh?
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You know these scale details they put on Viper Tail? They should really do that more often
I think Wolf is supposed to officially release at the end of the week, but I also saw that in an email I didn't read too carefully.
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Bunch of HD pictures just went up
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the blue hammer looks real nice, and I usually avoid the painted beys like the plague
Predictions for Bound Spike?
best spike bit
I have a feeling that Spike is going to be a sleeper hit for defense beys.
People playing X nowadays assume a lot of shit that's just dumb.
Wish Garuda had some blue accents to reference Dranzer. Cobalt Dragoon had red accents, Black Shell had green accents, an Weiss Tiger had gray accents.
what is the role of the bit beast in beyblade x
they look cool. in the anime/manga they're holograms based off of the stats of the blader and bey
Now that you mention it, what's the point of having the chips spin freely and be connected to the bits?
is this going to be the only way to get those 3 beys?
I'm not saying I'm smarter than everyone but did anyone else notice that the lime green ratchet has a completely different design?
>blue Hellshammer
See that just makes me want to NOT use it.

With the clearer image >>11197228 I see what you're referring to. Garuda honestly looks better than I thought it would.
Man I could really use a dot bit, but I just picked up the hasbro prize viper recently. Beautiful colors and textures.

This looks dumb in the render but I bet in person it's really nice. I'm just not quite sure if it'll be good, but being tall is a cool gimmick.

If this is a deck set, I'm definitely interested. I never have been able to find tyranno for myself. Already have Talon and Hammer, but those look pleasant.
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It's a deck set
I'd love to see them make more things like this, even if it's just Rachets and Bits. Like an assortment of high-demand meta parts in colors they don't normally come in.
So level is just gonna be the ultimate balance type bit? point flat and gear flat all in one.
>Samurai cord is longer
Wow, we're getting the longer ones earlier than expected.
Guys, should I get Garuda or Samurai Saber?
>launcher's rubber grips can be attached to other launchers
That's neat, but where's the metal grips like you had in Burst? In X I'm having to hold the launcher itself while the launcher grip acts as a balance because they're so damn light.

Between this and Garuda I'll pretty much be set until next year. Hell I need to find out when I plan to get Whale Wave and L Drago.
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I can almost taste it...a UX Left Spin...
My favorite part is that the test battles they have are perfect, never one time showing a misfire or bad feel straight hop into the out zones without connecting. Does this idealistic performance marketing ever grate on the Japanese? I feel like they should show off all angles of a product, not surprise anyone when the fluff advertising glosses over some legitimate quirk of the toy. That's just me though, I'm a realist.
Japs usually trust companies a lot unlike in the West. Like we saw last Sunday, people over here were laughing at Game Freak for keeping bestiality fanfics in their servers while over there they were acting as if some crime was just committed. Which it was but Game Freak is not a very sympathetic company.
They also have some plausible deniability when pitting Samurai Saber against stock Wizard Rod, which sucks.
Who the FUCK do I use Glide on?
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My local is running a "gambling" format next week, where we each use 1 bey and only play 1 round to advance in the tournament, so all win conditions are equal. What would you bring? The most obvious choice would be to bring a WR stamina build but I'm considering a burst build for that reason
Finally got my whale booster and managed to get the prize bey. Elevate isn't as aggressive as I thought it'd be.
Also is there a place to read about what each beyblade's gimmick/design is meant to be? Can't read moon and hasbro boxing says basically nothing.
you can safely assume 90% of the entrants will be running rod 9-60 ball or some variation and the other 10% will be hard countering that but honestly with such a specific meta it might be best to just shitbrew counter-counter metapicks more than anything else
zankye's database, I guess, if you want to take his word.
tyrano beat 1-60 low flat and will probably fuck up any WR you encounter either by KO or extremely violent bursts.
I'd be happy with the green Tyranno Beat if I wasn't looking forward to the silly idea of owning a Dino Thunder/Power Rangers deck.
Is Steel Samurai good for anything?
its an amazing repeller if you can manage to shoot it off at the right angle
>show up for tournament
>kids and grown ups alike hype, trading beys, shittalking, seasoning tacos
>suddenly cartel pulls up
>no more beys

Such is life en la américa central.
Is it a defense blade then?
How far do you go for aesthetic? I'm considering buying blades I won't use just because they come with parts in colors I want to match with something else.
when i'm fucking around with builds I'll just throw whatever together but the "default" setup I use on anything that isn't purely stock is based on aesthetics. for example I legit bought a steel samurai solely so I could put the white taper on weiss tiger and I'm currently trying to figure out what to get to have a decent green bit for wyvern gale.
You think Takara Tomy will release TP in the same shade of blue as their Dranzer S?
Same. I have multiple Wizard Arrows and Viper Tails for the colored bits and ratchets. I even bought a black Dransword for the black Ball.
Before that, I want to know what TP actually does. It seems a bit convoluted for just a height change.
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Speaking of, how do I make this guy good?
Iirc it means Translate Portuguese.
Hasbro please bring Tyrano Beat over to the states, I don't want to pay fifty dollars for one. Please, Hasbro. I know the third wave is out, just do this one(1) thing and I'll buy it ASAP.
if you're really desperate you can get that customize set posted earlier >>11197814
didn't catch if a price point for it was posted or not but even if it's more than that at least you're getting a bunch of new/useful shit alongside a beat
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>I know the third wave is out
Only on Midwest, the actual release for wave 3 is 2025
I did a sweep of my town yesterday and they still haven't put out wave 2 singles despite the 2-packs being on shelves for months now
Wells hit, I should hit up my walmart then. Getting a buster early sounds good.
Though that's pretty tempting too. Especially since the KnightMail looks neat.
>Wells hit, I should hit up my walmart then.
iirc most/all of the sightings were at meijers. I know when I tried going to mind it was still only wave 1 stock. kinda shocked me that they had the green buckets, literally nobody else is selling those.
What's the best destabilizer blade right now?
>midwesterners getting wave 3
>meanwhile I can't even find the Transformers beys
Gamestops in KY have only just gotten wave 2 stuff this week. I was finally able to find Tyranno Roar and the yellow Hells Scythe. That's the "newest" thing I've seen around here.
I'm in the Midwest and have never seen a Transformers set in person, let alone a new wave 3 release. It sounds like it's just one distributor that let their supply out early, because everything else is basically a coin toss on whether or not you're getting releases on time.
I thought the transformers ones were amazon exclusive? I know the marvel stuff is in both walmarts in my area
man I want a roar but I don't think I'm desperate enough to go into a gamestop for one
>I thought the transformers ones were amazon exclusive?
Fucking thank you! I've been wondering where the hell I could get my hands on Optimus Primal!
>Can't read moon and hasbro boxing says basically nothing.
I hate this the most. TT puts so much effort into their advertising it's almost obnoxious how much boasting they do for each and every release. I was looking forward to there being some level of communication for hasbro on what makes these blades unique, but they literally couldn't care less and are just assuming you already know why it's good.
I feel like their assumption is that any adults buying will already know or have resources on hand while kids will just buy whatever looks cool. which I mean isn't necessarily wrong but it's still a bullshit argument and basically passing the buck onto whoever shares TT's notes or does their own research for the western audience.
There's no room for Beyblade information when they have to repeat every line of text in four different languages. Hasbro doesn't even include unique instruction manuals like Takara releases, everything comes with the same generic, non-descript paper explaining how to assemble the Bey.
Bumblebee should have been Starscream's partner in the crossover 2-pack.
>no Phoenix Feather
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I get that meme reference
I have two phoenix feathers, one for blading one for displaying. Same thing for the Blue Sword.

Any new corocoro exclusives to be on the lookout for?
Same here in Australia famalam I feel you
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So, /toy/ what do ya think? Any weak links? Might replace Hell's Scythe but I just like the guy too much.
We should've gotten Beast Wars Megatron to go along with Primal. Who cares if they're both called Megatron, they're not the same character.
>Gamestop holding Beyblade Championship on October 19th and November 8th-11th

>Starts at 1pm on saturday
>Kid and teen/adult bracket
*teen/adult bracket will only be possible if enough show up in order for a separate bracket to be made
>Hasbro beyblades only (wave 1 and 2, no Wave 3)
>First come, first serve for 8 player tournament
>No personal equipment, only use what's available there. but for free play you can use your own personal stuff.
>Xtreme Battle set will be used and battles will be on the floor
>Can't disassemble or customize bey after round begins
>First to 4 points each round
>Beyblade prizes
>cant bring your own beys
it's shit.
Probably meant no launcher grips during the tournament
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>All equipment (tops, launchers & stadiums) will be provided by GameStop. No personal equipment can be used for the tournament.
Their store kits say you can only use what they furnish.
>Hasbro only beys
Well between Steel Samurai, Ptera Claw, and now Optimus Primal and Starscream, I do have some contenders. Likely won't participate though. Doing this with grown ass adults on Friday nights already gets looks.
>caring what other people think of the things you enjoy
Make sure you're only seen with an iPhone and Stanley tumbler when you're out in public, you wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about you.
When it concerns being in your mid 30s participating in something that's targeted at children there's definitely a point where it's just better to sit it out. And messing with Beyblades in public is one of the best things I've done and have been doing it for over two years. Doesn't mean I'm not aware that sometimes people look at us funny. I don't care, but I'm not oblivious.
Ah, it's a kit. Makes sense, it's not an actual tournament, it's a promotional event for the product launch. They don't want you bringing your own stuff so you can't just immediately walk over potential new customers, they want everyone using the same starter set parts.
New Beyblade X ending with the samurai added to the mix.
Only the fattest nerds would be disappointed by this. Sauntering up to a children's toy tournament with a deck kitted out with japanese imports is about the only power some people have and it is rightly taken away from them.
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Who the fuck is THIS in the new OP?
The spikes and the nose horn definitely makes me think it's a new Cobalt Dragoon
multiple stores have been cancelling their tournaments due to not being able to support the audience that Hasbro is pushing or have not had their kits sent out.
Called it. UX-11.
I can't imagine going to a beyblade tournament as an adult that would have kids at it. I went to a gamestop pokemon tournament once and it was like insanely awkward because there were multiole parents obviously seething and judging me as I curb stomped their children.
Manhattan Beach?
Let them seethe. If you've been into a hobby for longer than little Timmy has been alive, you shouldn't be the one to make concessions. He can take it as a learning experience, or he can go back to watching Paw Patrol or whatever the little tablet goblins like these days.
I would heavily recommend checking out BBAX (Beyblade Battle Associaton Xtreme) in my opinion. It's an 18+ tournament organization that also allows some 16 to 17 year olds if someone can vouch for them.
How come America continent doesn't had table while Europe had one? I thought table supposed to be standard nowadays
>that ass crack showing
i cant believe beyblade tournaments has gone woke now, why cant it be like the anime and manga where there's armpit and feet(and forehead and booba) of pretty girls?
dude that's not what woke is. Also, that's an official tournament. You won't see this in something like BBAX. Oh and BTW, fuck Hasbro.
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setup for the GameStop event (setups will vary between locations)
I went to one hosted by the WBO to see what it was like. It was a very friendly atmosphere, though the awkwardness of being the only adult there without a kid wasn't lost on me. Even gave some of the kids a few Beyblades I had, one of them gave me a spare driver for my Longinus. If anything I'm glad their parents didn't see me as some sort of creep for being there.
I've heard of some stuff that's going wrong with the WBO in recent years. Let's just say that they have some corrupt staff members.
Honestly, I will never understand why people defend the anime so much.
I wouldn't be surprised. What established organization doesn't have some haughty individuals on a high horse. Besides I don't really participate on that website, I only used it to experience a Beyblade tournaments. I'm content with beyblading with people my age and getting drunk in the process.
I've seen some organizations that are ok with adult stuff. I recommend BBAX (Beyblade Battle Association Xtreme)
Found out the hard way that the X Line in the bucket doesn't work.
anyone have pics of zanyke's mom?
Before I bought the extreme stadium I played with them using my burst bucket stadium and they worked fine, but it completely changes the game and makes attack types much less effective.
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Maybe her in the middle? This is a photo from a family trip to Japan.
oof. The fantasy of having a beyblade milf gf dies.
GameStop really has no clue to be honest.
I don't know what the company expected with this. My event was 8 Beyblades broken down on a counter for everyone to build one each out of the parts, only 2 proto launchers to go around for the whole group, and 2 bucket stadiums put on the floor, despite there being only 2 launchers available to use. The employees said they'd never touched a Beyblade before.
the whole thing comes across as one of those things the main/only real focus is in getting some kids to touch the product but they know in the back of their head their actual market (in the west anyway) is older teens/young adults so they include a bit of a mea culpa for them but they end up making neither happy in the process. I mean even just using gamestop in the year of our lord 2024 feels off.
Why would you want that bro
Wtf osva there
>why cant it be like the anime and manga where there's armpit and feet(and forehead and booba) of pretty girls
This, but unironically. I want to see cute girls beyblading, not """""cute girls""""".
Honestly, nobody should give a shit about who's beyblading. I want their actions to decide whether or not they should be allowed to compete.
I just bought a Soar Phoenix and I kept blowing up other people's beyblades, the scratches make me sad but I'm hooked
I'm going full pelican case
I've gotten a second Shark Edge to replace my first which I kidn of fucked up with getting too overzealous with paints. It's got a plastic coating over the blade that I hadn't noticed before. Feels nice and smooth, kinda like it.
I bought a case from home depot, but It's a bit full now so I'm going to have to upgrade to something bigger. Ideally something that I can also store my launcher in.
New ratchet design
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Yeah they started coating the blades pretty recently i think my red unicorn sting has it and hasent tarnished at all yet meanwhile all my other blades dulled almost immediately.
i met her, she seemed pretty chill. she also said i had beautiful eyes
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First chapter of the OL beyblade manga is out, though based on the cover it might cover just toy featured in CoroCoro in general.

So, does the points number actually mean anything, then? Because that 3-85 shape looks an awful look like a 9-60.
oh god, i miss B-Daman
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WOKE Takara be like; BTheymxn
you and me both senpai, you and me both

heres a bdaman thread i made a while back,
will prob do another one soon, as i got my hands on a brand new cobalt blade

will make the thread when i am done building it
forgot link >>11206494
Played in a Takara stadium after having only used the Hasbro one. Why did they change it? The TT one feels so much better. The Hasbro stadium feels like it focuses too much on the Over and Xtreme Zones to decide battles, whereas the TT one seems more like blade-to-blade interaction is the focus with the wider floor.
I think the given reason is shelf real estate making the TT stadium a no-go for most retailers, which I mean fair enough, but a simple compromise would be selling the TT stadium on online retailers at least. the hasbro stadium is a nice alternative if you want something different (unlike the bucket which may as well not even have a functional rail) but it's really no comparison to the TT arena and frankly I don't think it's bias towards attack types in an already attack-heavy meta should be used as the default.
the anime fixed the manga and filled in the gaps in the story and gave some of the characters an interesting background, if u watched the anime, you'll know why bird has to do well or at least win a point against pendragon, but no u wouldnt because your a whiny faggot whose ass cleavage is showing whenever u join a tournament

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