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Rathalos Prime is coming and he mains a charge blade.
Who else could fit in this crossover? What weapon would they use?

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>Street Fighter
>Monster Hunter
>STILL no Megaman collab
>STILL no Megaman collab
>Robot turn into robot, wow!
>metal dreamcatcher charm
We get that mailbox spam too, kek
Bought Classics Optimus. Not the good one, but the one with the sping-loaded sides and spinning torso action. Gotta say: this is the worst TF I've ever handled. The truck mode is more of a suggestion than an actual alt mode. Tommy gun and his light piping are the only saving graces.
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And once upon a time he was the most accurate looking Optimus we'd gotten. I remember standing in a Walmart with $20 in my hand trying to decide between this two-pack and the one with Classics Ultra Magnus/Skywarp. I chose Optimus/Megatron.
>I never got a Classics Skywarp and my seekers remain unfinished to this day
classics skywarp is super expensive isn't he? Have prices come down now that we have more modern versions?
Looks like $40-$80 depending on whether you want the whole 2-pack, and if you want it boxed or not. Sirtoys (I think that was them?) put out a KO of Skywarp and a bunch of other seekers like Sunstorm and the other rainmakers back in the day, I'd be wary trying to buy Classics Skywarp these days due to how any KOs wound up in circulation. He was in high demand for a long time, after all.
If I recall those KOs are perfectly fine though. If you're looking for a Skywarp and unconcerned about resell value I don't see why you'd sweat it too much if you got a KO (unless you're paying a premium for official)
I always disliked how pinkish the purple on the KO Skywarp was, it never looked right in photographs. The urge to complete the set was satisfied when I eventually got all three FoC seekers, that Skywarp is beautiful and the lightpiping is perfect.
My first full set was the Leader ones from T30. They're not the best but they scratched the itch at the time, and it took a while to get the full FoC set if I recall. I think I got the Legends class ones around that time too; they may have been my first actually.

I don't really sweat it now unless they're very novel (The Dr.Wu Micromaster set) or they're going to be THE Seekers for a while (the Earthrise ones,) but most of the time I just buy Starscream by himself. Maybe a gimmicky repaint if they do one. (I have NA Toy Starscream and NA G2 Ramjet but didn't bother with the rest, and only got Siege Starscream but the set with Senator Shockwave later.)
Someday we're gonna get Green Biker Dude that turns into an Armorizer bike so you can emulate his famous last ride.
Believe it.

It's a crying shame there's no Palico Mini-Con to go with him.
Hey, does anyone know of any Transformers that scale well with 1/12 figures? I've always wanted to give my figmas a vehicle to ride that turns into a robot buddy.
Probably 5th after Resident Evil and Devil May Cry
Unless there is some low-effort recolor that is a perfect match to another series in between.
Closest I can think of is the 1:18th GI Joe x Transformer crossovers meant for 1:18th figures. But maybe a small anime girl can fit them? Soundwave has spots for hanging off the back too.

There are a ton of motorcycles that might work too. Like the SS86 Junkions
What would a Dante Transformer turn into?
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>And once upon a time he was the most accurate looking Optimus we'd gotten.
Not quite. It was basically a budget Robot Masters or Hybrid Convoy(who were both just budget MP-01s). Sure, they're smaller, but it's not like that Optimus is gonna be any closer to working with the other classics.
Pretty sure only henkei skywarp ever got KO'd.
Mega Prime and Bass Megatron would be good. Could have them transform into their dogs
I havent owned a transformers toy in ages, recently saw that armada optimus and armada galvatron in stock on bbts and impulse bought them cuz they looked cool and transformers has been on my mind recently. Are they as good as they look? I saw some youtube vids calling the optimus one of the best figures they own
They couldnt pick a better TF to be Rathalos?
Megatron is kinda barebones but I don't think he's necessarily bad outside of the fixed shoulder stacks
Armada prime is awesome though
This guy and his bloated torso always looked like shit to me. Hybrid Galaxy Convoy looked good though.
The Japan led project will always use Optimus
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Idk why people are getting so hung up on Liolaeous being a Prime, it's not like he has to be THE Optimus Prime when there's a bunch of Convoys running around in the JP BW continuity. There's even a whole council of em, so it's pretty easy to imagine he's just another one like Lio Convoy or Big Convoy who just landed on the world of Monster Hunter.
>Head master where megaman x head turns into a smaller megaman x and body turns into ride armor
I'm just going to pretend he's his own dude. Rathalos are known as 'The Lord of the Skies' because they're ultra aggressive, extremely territorial apex predators that always cause problems whenever they show up in a region, without fail. It's not really the kind of alt mode a good guy (particularly the LEADER of the good guys) would choose, and certainly doesn't fit Prime's established personality; this mold was better suited for a Decepticon or Predacon.
Megatron has already had multiple dragon forms.
Guns (two of em)
is not like it isn't the first time a rathalos adjacent thing was put in with a good guy (see: megaman x dive)
>the world of Monster Hunter.
Yeah, about that...the world of Monster Hunter is Earth, thousands of years in the future, according to the first game's artbook. Humans had become too technologically advanced and were waving war with each other using gene-boosted soldiers, monsters cloned from fossils and merged with various other animals' DNA, and weapons of mass destruction, and in the process they woke up Fatalis. Long story short, Fatalis basically hit the reset button on humanity, and while the few remaining humans retreated underground and lost all of their technology, Fatalis, the Elder Dragons, and the manmade chimeras took over the planet, with the chimeras interbreeding and eventually becoming the Large and Small monsters we know now.
As of the time if the first game, humans have only just started coming back into the world and forming small, primitive communities, with the descendants of the gene boosted soldiers becoming Hunters; the recurring theme of the games is mankind realizing they're not the top dog anymore and trying to find their place in this new world; humans have been out of the picture for so long at this point that they've been largely replaced by lizard people (who look like elves for some reason) called Wyverians who have taken it upon themselves to help rehabilitate mankind the same way modern humans help rehabilitate endangered species, and humans have only just recently rediscovered flight.
The point is, whatever incarnation of Prime that is, he'd have to be from the far, far future - one where the wildlife have reclaimed the planet and humans are only just barely hanging on by a thread. Maybe Earth just prior to BWII?
That works well enough. It could also just as easily be a case of "alien planet that just happens to be 99% exactly the same as Earth" which isn't an unheard of concept in sci-fi. Or an alternate dimension thing, like Car Robots. Mostly I'm just trying to make the point that this probably isn't meant to literally be Optimus Prime cosplaying as a Rathalos, and Takara has a history of treating Prime/Convoy as more of a rank or title that multiple bots can occupy at once than a singular character
I'm not super into collecting this line; I basically just collect Beast Wars since they've been making them. But I always wondered, why did it take so long for them to start making the classic looks for them? I assume starting with Siege, which then led to the more accurate Earthrise figures.
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God, Monhun "lore" is so fucking gay and retarded. I had hoped that this board would be the last place I had to see that awful image again
Isn't most of that head canon?
Probably a dope motorcycle, I'd imagine.
>But I always wondered, why did it take so long for them to start making the classic looks for them?
The short answer is that for about a decade, Transformers was run by a guy named Aaron Archer who felt like in order to maintain relevance, they needed to keep changing things up and pushing boundaries and not just imitate the past.
And he had some reason too. G2, which was effectively an attempt to bring back the classic series, bombed hard. Transformers reboots with BW and Armada did well- better than other, more faithful 80's updates.
The other tricky aspect is that the G1 TF looks are very tied to their altmodes- which are long out of date. Transformers is (or was) aimed at kids, so making them things they can see or are familiar with makes the alt-modes more appealing.
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This is a cool Beastformer, but I'm hella salty neither Godzilla crossover fig gets even a little bit of a remold. Like, they didn't even put spines on Grimlock's back. Hella weak. They don't even give Prime two of those double barreled guns to emulate Kiryu on each arm. But Monater Hunter gets THIS?! Doesn't seem right
I'm still reeling at how they gave Grimlock Sludge's head and tried to pass it as Megatron.
Aron Archer got kicked out to go do Power Rangers. He killed that brand completely dead and now he's back to put Transformers in the grave too
>Monhun "lore" is so fucking gay and retarded.
...And you think Transformers lore is any better? Especially when it can't even make up its mind on things like Unicron's origin, or who created Cybertron? Ye who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones, bro.
Nope. It's in the first game's official artbook. You can find scans of some of it on SadPanda, but I don't think it's all been translated yet.
it's also a terrible mold to use, tiny deluxe liolaeus? all spindly legged? who asked for that? and the altmode looks hilarious, the head-neck piece is maybe a tenth the size it should be.
that was only suggested and implied, it's not solid.
that's also not the backstory for the monsters I was told, by people who played all the games and talked about the weird backstory lore. they were descendants of elder dragons.
I imagine it's because beast wars guys have to cheat a lot, and it took them a while to figure out the best ways to do it.
You appear to be confused
Power Rangers is alive and well?
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Aaron Archer isn't coming back
You're thinking of Warden.
You're right. It's Warden that killed Power Rangers and is coming to kill us next.
That book also had goblins instead of shaka-lakas. I think a lot of that isn't canon until it gets added to official media.
>that's also not the backstory for the monsters I was told
In-game, human believe Monsters are descended from Elder Dragons. In Fatalis' entry in the first litebook, creating genetic abominations for the sake of warfare is one of the things he condemned mankind for; the only actual, natural monsters were the Elder Dragons, who, like Fatalis, had all been in hibernation until he woke them up. That being said, it's still possible for both to be true, if the Elder Dragons chose to breed with the chimeras after mankind was more or less burned off the face of the planet with minimal survivors.
Also, the Hunter's Guild totally still has an EDW or two locked up somewhere, and we possibly fought a still-active one in one of the Frontier games (not really confirmed if that's what Duremudira was, but still a possibility).
It's true that we don't know how much of that is still canon at this point - the new games talk less and less about the past. I'm in the camp of "the artbook is canon until officially stated otherwise".
last i heard, they've abandoned using japanese footage. it's completely fucked.
Those books have several monsters that were concept art only, didn't they? I can't fathom how you aren't the other way around. Scrapped ideas are simply "what ifs " until they get used.
They sold off all the old stock of suits and props, the toyline is no longer being made, and the show afaik is on indefinite hiatus. They keep trying to pitch animated Mighty Morphing projects but nobody will pick them up. It's DEAD dead.
I'm actually scared, how do you fuck up something as influential and popular as power rangers?
They changed direction and tried to move away from Japanese footage. Also the shows were worse than they ever were. Toyline was too collector focused probably, since it focused on the rangers themselves with absolutely no mecha. The few monsters they did were wildly out of scale as well so nobody bought them (although they're good toys if you can find them now)

Basically fucked up absolutely everything.
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>multiple anons have complained (multiple times) that the original TM2 Megatron’s head is better than the Legacy
From a distance Lightning Collection didn't seem much different from Marvel Legends
I can understand frustration from not putting whole teams out as waves, we're used to that here too
I think I heard QC got *real* bad
I also thinknits was sort of a hyperbolated version of what we get, the collector stuff be very very expensive and overly nostalgia pandering and the current airing show being shovelware until it becomes vaporware
>Power rangers is popular

Since when?
This man is retarded, don't listen to him
Telling Toei and Bandai to eat shit?
Since 1993 to about 2005
Do you have some sort of counterargument, or are you just saying that for the hell of it?
Megaman hasn't been relevant in decades
All of that is fanfiction. Wyverns are descended from elder dragons and the MH planet isn't future Earth.
It was very easy to do, but keep in mind, what made it so easy is that it was dirt cheap. nobody got paid well. and these days, how many good-looking martial artist actors are willing to accept nonunion wages? and also live in new zealand?
that and the new shows aren't as good as the old ones. the tokusatsu charm is pretty much gone.
yeah there's no great affordable way to represent the monsters, since you really want them to be prohibitively expensively bigger than the ranger figures, yet if they don't scale with the zords then what are you even doing.
it's funny that's never been an issue in japan, you just buy the toys and do whatever. you don't need the monsters in scale.
i was so surprised to find out In Space actually went over well with people, since it was the first one I didn't watch and it looked stupid.
best trans formers ?
Japs never make monsters at all though. They barely make full teams. I have a friend in Japan who said there was a big market over there for Lightning Collection toys because it was the only way to get your favorite obscure team represented.
>i was so surprised to find out In Space actually went over well with people, since it was the first one I didn't watch and it looked stupid.
In Space is the one where they went all out because they thought it'd be cancelled, so it's got all the bad guys and a bunch of character drama and stuff. It's very well regarded.

RPM is the more modern version of that since it's a post-apocalypse thing with robots having killed most humans
Optimus masterpiece MP-10
>Japs never make monsters at all though.
I just said that.
yeah RPM looked like it was really gonna revitalize things. I enjoyed watching Linkara's History of PR videos until he somehow, out of fucking nowhere, turned into a leftite. I mean it's one thing to be a puss and praise them for putting the gay into power rangers, but to then slam them for not doing it many years earlier?
Oh you're one of those "people"
They put homos in Power Rangers? No wonder the franchise died lmao
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>86 Swoop finally shows up in africa
>195 buckaroos
Powers went woke then broke
The Blue Bomber is forever
Yet Juhn is too much of a faggot to make Roll.
baycels keep winning
Is this achievable natty?
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>looking at Transformer on eBay
>wishlisting shit for later because I'm broke
>one of them sends me an offer
>the price is reduced by $2
>but the postage price is increased by $4
What the fuck? Are these offers automated by eBay, or is this guy just hoping I'm retarded?
kek what a dick move
>Bay celibates
I'm pretty sure these are automated, set up by the seller.
>yeah RPM looked like it was really gonna revitalize things.
Disney literally cancelled the show as it was airing. Those of us who saw that news knew it was a last hurrah and there was no hope.And really even after Saban bought it 2 years later, it might as well have been.
disney really was a golden age for Power Rangers. Production had matured enough that they weren't as limited as the old days, so it actually felt like a good show. I've heard they would also reverse-import Power Rangers to Japan (iirc the import of SPD features into Akibaranger.)

The second Saban era was all the worst aspects of original era Saban without any of the good. Fucking dogshit shows. I don't know if Hasbro's run was worse or not since I didn't watch them.

I have fond memories of marathoning SPD late at night on Disney the summer before I went off to college.
in the most flamboyant and irritating fashion, too. she rips the skirt off her costume.. which.. means they could no longer use japanese footage? or the japanese footage didn't, so hers was an american addition just so they could go NYEHH TAKE THAT FEMININITY

but again, I'm sure some people like that, and that's fine. It's when you give the show shit for not-doing-it-sooner that you're an asshole to me.
I doubt people like that tho, otherwise the show wouldn't be on hiatus
i didn't say a LOT of people do, I'm saying it's not automatically a friendship-breaker if you do. But the thing Linkara did, is.

god damn I am sick of losing friendships over shit like this. The last one, 22 years we were friends, suddenly stops talking to me after I didn't like what they did to Doctor Who.
anon I'm going to guess there's a lot more reasons people don't talk to you anymore
>The last one, 22 years we were friends, suddenly stops talking to me after I didn't like what they did to Doctor Who.
Their opinion is incorrect, yours isn't.
i forget the name for that bias, but it sure is popular.

oh and I forgot to say, no idea if that hurt the show's popularity. I'm pretty sure a bunch of other shit did and this is just a symptom.
first of all he's not a they. secondly, that's not the point! we were friends anyway. we liked star trek together. man I hope that guy is okay.
>this retard is whining about "they" AGAIN
Yeah I know exactly why nobody talks to you anymore, schizo
you can stop anytime
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Send him a message sometime, surely there's some stuff you still have in common that you can talk about. One of my friends is into online multiplayer vidya shit that isn't really my speed, another is a ham radio guy, neither one of them gives a shit about transformers. We're all still friends, one hobby or interest difference shouldn't ever be a deal-breaker.
I mean I did, over the course of three or four weeks. it took me ages to realize he was just not responding anymore.
I think it was just a last straw thing, as he grew more lefting over the years, coupled with an inability to talk about it. he's the one who got me into new Who in the first place.
Anyway, transformers. I miss playing with transformers with my stepbros. Good times.
ironically, it's because they tried to out saban themselves.
Saban was great at maximizing the marketability and product range of his projects, making sure he had to have as little to do with the original productions as possible, while still keeping the core of what made the show a success in Japan.

So they saw that, and was like "What if we did it ALL ourselves"
so the cut out the things that made it a good show.

The reason Transformers gets remade again and again is because it's universal.

Good versus Evil, protect the innocents, try to achieve your goals, but not at the cost of others. All while doing cool robot stuff.

Forget that premise and you get failures like Earthspark.
It's funny, Saban is such a cheapass, a walking stereotype, but he did get things done and made products we enjoyed, at the expense of decent pay for the actors and such. But incompetence beats out cheapness anyday for ruining a show.
Power Rangers was unironically better under Disney. The Nu-Saban era has been nothing but lame shit and poor quality. Even RPM was better than this crap.
>at the expense of decent pay for the actors and such
for that industry, the pay was perfectly reasonable.
Kids shows, before saban, were money pits. Almost none of them actually turned profit, a bunch of them basically existed SOLELY to drive toy sales, arguably like Transformers.
TMNT showed that there could be something more, but it was still very toy forward.
He was basically to kids TV what George Lucas was to movies. No one got paid hardly anything in a new hope. But by the time Return of the Jedi was made they were making bank.
Similar thing.
I mean, at the start, absolutely.
but once it became big, I sympathize with the actors quitting because 500 90sbucks a day was not really worth it for acting and stunts, especially living in california.
But there's always that issue there, something gets big, the creators grow rich, and everyone below them is like "us too, right?" and no matter what you give them, it's never enough. buuut they should get SOMEthing.
The first one or two times the simpsons actors demanded raises, i'm with them. The subsequent times, fuck no. and when they took a pay cut I was very in favor of that.
What the actual fuck.
whoever designed the leg armor did not think it through
The segmented plates should be on the FRONT. But then you'll still run into issues when you hit the ankle.
That pic is fanart
>500 90sbucks a day
That's a LOT of money if you work 20 days a month, even in california.
Assuming they're only working half the year because of shooting schedules, that would still be plenty.
The bigger issue is the longer they stay on a show, the harder it is to get work elsewhere, so they need raises every year, etc.
It's official art, but it isn't canon. It's from back when capcom were testing the waters with what they wanted the series to be, and thankfully is not the direction it ended up going in.
I think they worked year round. they were CRANKING those episodes out.
Plus I assume shooting days were pretty long, though probably not Star Trek long where you literally only work and sleep for 7 years.
surely the longer you stay on a show, the easier it is to get work elsewhere. You're a big name now.
amy jo and walter landed on their feet, but poor austin... somethin's not right with that boy.
MH is gay
>killing beasts and wearing them as trophies
Nothing manlier than hunting.
well they do have tiny lil feet
damn straight man. real cool.
The logical MH crossover would be a hunter figure wearing transformer pieces as armor. like movie ravage or something
It would be cool if it wasa two-pack with an autobot hunter and a decepticon/predacon monster
yeah! not sure how well that would work but it is worth a fucking try.
this was... like, they tried, but it felt like they were contractually obligated to try. nobody's heart was in this.
most of the ones that actually went off to do big things pivoted pretty early
johnny young bosch immediately pivoted to anime voice acting (and his band, lol)
Jason David Frank (RIP) used his funds to start up a dojo, which made him far more money than stardom ever did.
the voice of alpha five is STILL doing voice acting all these years later.
Rose McIver's career really blew up once she got the role on Izombie
Mystic Force
Mystic Force was great
you know what had potential but was probably massively overbudget? Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog. the designs weren't half bad! there were dagrons and everything.
>mfw an Ultra Magnus Silver Rathalos

On top of being cheap Power Rangers had an insane airing schedule
Where most shows aired weekly, MMPR was airing on the daily
So they shot 5 episodes worth of scenes, including wardrobe changes, per set before moving to the next part of each episode
>The logical MH crossover would be a hunter figure wearing transformer pieces as armor. like movie ravage or something
Better yet, just make the Rathalos 'bot be a Weaponizer/Fossilizer/Junkion/Rock Lord style character who comes apart and can be worn by other characters. Literally the best time to use the gimmick in a way that makes sense, especially if the parts are shaped in a way to make them look like the classic Rathalos armor set, complete with a helmet of some sort.
My brother and I had some of those as youngins. Pretty fun, I always love an armor up gimmick, something like Ronin Warriors.

Ban-Dai has some fun out there toylines in the late 90s/early 2000s. I feel kinda bad for kids nowadays, it felt like back then, anytime you were lucky enough to go down the toy aisle, there was just something novel waiting for you. I think I see more fellow adult collectors in the toy sections nowadays than I do kids. Maybe they find phones and tablets just as enthralling as I did toys, I dunno. But I've been drinking. Fuck you.
>mfw I forget my face
>I think I see more fellow adult collectors in the toy sections nowadays than I do kids. Maybe they find phones and tablets just as enthralling as I did toys, I dunno
You guys keep saying this but every I go to the toy aisle there are kids and their parents getting them stuff
yeah i'd be okay with that. they're practically doing it here, you partsform the skirt
yeah i was a huge sucker for armor stuff as a kid. then i grew up and realized it required you to make the head really small to fit under the helmet etc
It always puts a smile on my face when someone else remembers that show besides me. I wonder who has the rights because I've had a crazy thought for years now that a Mystic Knights movie could work
Who would be azure rathalos then?
yeah all that really needed was for special effects to be cheaper. you could do all the dagrons and shit way better now. have some real cool fight scenes... it'd be boss.
magna convoy
I have Tyrune on my shelf right now. It was a toy I always wanted.
I'm more interested in who the Rathians would be. Arcee would obviously be Pinkian, but what about the normal green and the gold variants? Greenlight and...Transmutate, maybe? How many gold fembots are there, again?
>Arcee would obviously be Pinkian,
PotP Elita
Nah, she's be Dreadqueen. Also, who would be Dreadking?
My counterargument is that some of what he's saying is based on unused concept art, some of it is pure fanfiction, and none of it is canon
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>mfw I'm the repaint
It was worth buying the original on eBay instead of the new one.
still really baffled that they gave Speedbreaker such a dour expression. its not even the usual stoic expressionless face they go for this is just a straight up grimace like he tasted something bitter
He knows how shit his alt mode is
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Some Pedophile (likely Zat, or Athena judging by one of the replies) is raiding the catalog with TF threads, either trying to kill generals or get the spam situation so bad the jannies have to do something
Anyways I like Browning
didn't get linked in here, that kinda defeats the purpose.
I hope they escalate this so they rangeban his country.
Currently 4 threads, and people who link stuff like that often get banned so I don’t wanna risk my shit over this since I’m tired of being the one at the front end of abuse.
Clean it up tranny janny
Five now. Things are only gonna get worse it seems :(
i wasn't-
anon my point was HE didn't link his thread/s in here, which is what he normally does, to try to get people to post in them and.. yknow, to taunt. otherwise how would we know?
the fact that he didn't is baffling.
Seems like a different raiding M.O., the fag has namefagged himself VTG on one of them though it seems to only be accidental, still 5+ threads all on shit that can be contained here is lego levels of raid
What board rules is this infamous spammer breaking exactly?
Being gay, like (you)
Six, like sewer sludge in the rain.
All his filenames are apple ones besides the first one, the third party one, check the archives for Go/Zat/Athenas filenames to compare, and maybe this fag is a new one.
Retroshitter doesn’t have either of those filetypes, so it isn’t him. Haven’t been able to check Athena yet nor a confirmed go filetype so somebody else do it, I’m going to sleep
let's not exaggerate the issue though
two of the threads are the old threads lingering on page 9 like that last turd that won't let go of your sphincter. and one is this one.
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Talking about this garbage
>oh no our viral marketing and data mining campaigns cannot work without a singular containment board
Get your tranny janny back in line John Hasbro

He’s not breaking any rules, they’re malding over nothing
ah, then yes, six
sorry there were six total the last time i checked.
Theres 3 legit tfgs (this included) and 6 spam threads
Do mods actually remove Athena's posts now?
yes thank you I can count.
Its like that for Lego Generals too. Actually there's even more. And there are tons of Elvira spam threads for some reason. Maybe 4chan is just dead now. /m/is ruined like this too
4chan's been dead for a long time. everything is. we're riding the corpses.
The thing that doesn't seem to be Transformers at all is really cool looking.
I'd say based only because holy fuck /toy/ has gone downhill so much and desperately need actual jannies who give a shit about the board
So maybe this will make one actually wake up and go "Okay wait what's going on here"
This board needs a mods attention, probably why they’re doing it. The janitor is unhinged and barely does anything except hand out bans once a day to anyone that talked back to them
>Anyways I like Browning
Thoughts on Browning's newest figure? If they were going to just use silver paint from the start, I feel they should have used black plastic for him instead.
Spamming/Flooding, except instead of dumping images to flood and kill a single thread, he's using entire threads to flood the board and kill multiple, slower threads. Given that /toy/ is a slow board, this is a much bigger issue here than it would be on something as fast as, say, /b/.
He's also bumping all his old threads daily when no one else replies to them to prevent them from falling off the board.
>Thoughts on Browning's newest figure?
Needs some brawn.
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I’m none of those fags in fact I’m the one who ran them all off. I will sacrifice myself to save this board
Honestly, everyone here should just mass-report all of his threads. Like I said before, while it's not the same Spamming/Flooding most people think of when they look at the report options, it IS still a form of Spamming/Flooding, and is this bannable. Enough reports pouring in should make even the laziest, most incompetent mod take notice that something's wrong here.
We have been mass reporting him. For literally years. Mods don't care. /toy/ is too slow of a board I guess to deserve a dedicated mod so as long as you're not doxxing people or posting CP, you can do whatever you want.
Can we get dead Windcharger and Wheeljack in the 86 line pls?
I love these guys without the plain smile look faces.
i already got netflix wheeljack for this purpose
>decide to watch Transformers One
>enjoy it, lived up to the praise people give it
>producer guy wasn't lying when he said the first trailer sucked and gave the wrong impression
Color me impressed. Still don't want toys of any of those characters. Darkwing excepted.
>Still don't want toys
then it was a bad Transformers movie
literally one job
I like the tf1 movie story fine, but the character designs weren't unique.
I swear, every character shares the same height, body frame and face.
Did you custom them with battle damage?
Can i see?
>Still don't want toys of any of those characters
I really want that Airachnid design as a toy tho. She was dope.
he comes damaged fren
he lie down
Missing that blaster hole in his chest.
my condolences on your autism
Buy a 22
She certainly was a good hench, and she's not a MINER.
I buy Transformers. What gave it away.

I only want 1.
Age of the Primes Year 1 revealed our Commander and Titan early to get bits and pieces of toy out fast. Guess 2026 is gonna be the Year of the Ginrai, hopefully.
Amazon just updated my delivery date for Commander Class Prime from some time in November to this upcoming Monday. I'm hyped.
For 2025
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>Anons complaining they can't get Filch or their preorders were canceled
>Go on Walmart site
>Buy Filch at MSRP
She arrives tomorrow. I don't even really know the character, I'm just excited to post her soon and see the butthurt. It'll be nice to have another female Decepticon, too, what a sausage fest they are.
There are plenty of Star Seekers, Filchs included, in my area
I got one weeks back and haven't even opened her yet
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*DS1 Sif boss music plays*
it's likely the same jackass that's posted TEN elvira threads.
Someone's just trying to bump things off the board, and they decided to shift from elvira to transformers, hence the Purple Transformers thread, Tspark thread, UT thread, Beast Wars Thread, and Vintage thread.
It's clearly the same guy spamming new threads to bump old ones, not just TFs
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If Titan Star Convoy is Star Convoy + Grandus + Sky Garry like some suspect, is it possible that we get a Titan Big Powered with dai atlas + sonic bomber + roadfire down the road?
If someone told me 20 years ago people on here would be whining seriously about board rules and asking for moderation I would have hunted moot down, murdered him like a sick dog, and burned the 4chan servers.
Lol, just got notification she'll be here a day early now
Crying about board rules and manifesting boogeymen as well, its due to being online way too much. Theyve already blamed 5 different people while simultaneously blaming every problem on the board on the same person
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should Prime just have a physical axe instead of an energon one? I'm starting to think the axe is equivalent to Megatron's cannon
TFA's rocket axe is like the coolest weapon Optimus Prime ever had
>if we're getting a 3 pack
we're not.
That was absolute cope the TFW people were doing to "justify" a star convoy.
Because the ones that bought Super Megatron (a good toy in it's own right) are mad he won't scale.
But there's a greater than 50% chance that this star convoy's forarms won't be the truck, and the truck that hauls the star convoy will be it's own, deluxe sized bot so it can actually be articulated in vehicle mode so who knows which optimus that'll reference.
If this optimus sells well, expect Grandus and Sky Garry as a haslab.
But Big Powered was already done
It makes no difference if it's an energon one, a physical one, or a hybrid like TFOne did.
As long as he has it, instead of a sword.
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sure, makes no difference, maybe just because I love Getter Robos with giant axes that I want to see Prime in the same light
Sounds like when offsite shitters show up on /po/ to intentionally bump old threads off the board with spam. It's a form of raiding or, at the very least, spamming/flooding.
I dunno, I think a hand axe, viking style is the way to go.
2 handed poleaxe creates too much movement for a guy that isn't supposed to be agile.
I prefer a hybrid like Animated Prime's axe
Man, these threads suck lately. Have they announced anything good lately, or just the usual shit?
Depends on how you feel about a titan class Star Convoy
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It's the Flagship monster of the franchise that gets put into every game. It's even on the official game logo. So like it or not it's the one they're going to go with for the face of the transformers series as well.
You gave up pretty fast
Meh. Although I'm fully expecting it to be just commander class at a titan class price point, because Hasbro has successfuly convinced people that's an acceptable thing to do.
Near impossible to translate to toys but it's a shame TFA's grapples never showed up again
later this month we will get a wave of announcements of the new primes product line
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>the world of Monster Hunter is Earth, thousands of years in the future, according to the first game's artbook.

Incorrect, the ancient advanced civilization was not our earth. The ancient race used monsters as building material and slave labor in such huge numbers that it upset the balance of the planet and triggered the war against the elder dragons which ended in basically mutual destruction.

Additionally the ancient dragon weapon is not canon to the monster hunter series and is only a piece of concept art that was never added to any of the games. Capcom has never acknowledged it and it only exists as that single page of concept art that was cut from the game before it even got through the planning stages.
I could see it as an era thing.
Like early in the war he has a physical axe and by the time hits Earth he upgraded to a built-in energon axe.
>2 handed poleaxe creates too much movement for a guy that isn't supposed to be agile.
A two handed weapon is larger, heavier, and slower to wield, with the implied benefit being improved reach, stength, and leverage at the cost of maneuverability. Also, why would you think Optimus isn't agile? He's got an 8/10 tech spec rank for speed.

You people will just say anything, huh?
This. Also in every single incarnation Optimus is a skilled fighter.
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All my favorite transformers and Windblade too!
Windblade always being included in the stock art alongside all the main iconic characters standing out like a sore thumb with her crazy ass robo geisha getup will never not be funny to me. I can't even hate her for it
The only good fembot was Override and she wasn't even a fembot originally lol
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>rocket axe
Yeah the booster helps movement
Will we ever go back to having cool, memorable and distinct transformers designs again?
I made that same choice for the two pack vs just the classics Optimus by himself, clearly getting two friends was the better deal.
I'm still salty as fuck there was no possibility of ever getting a truly good toy of the Evergreen Wheeljack design. I loved his mis-matched shoulder blasters and patchwork body panels. The transparent red windshield was just icing on the cake.
To this day I've never handled that Classics Optimus mold. I've still got that Megatron somewhere too, and a second one I bought on ebay that someone customized into Brawl.
Feel like Hasbros really having a hard time trying to find a female transformer to stick with. For ages there was Arcee, then they push Windblade, now its Elita 1. Meanwhike I think the answer is Slipstream, the fans love'er... but shes a Decepticon. Idk, any year now I'm sure Hasbro will find one to stick with as a part of the "core cast"
Fuck you. Don't insult my girl Moonracer like that.
I'd stick with Arcee, she's legacy after all. Elita and her pals can come along too, I like the idea of a girl squad of terrorists on Cybertron operating as their own cell. Slipstream is a nice addition, I like bad girls so she's in.
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>I like the idea of a girl squad of terrorists on Cybertron operating as their own cell.
This and barricade are the only two evergreen designs I like.
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got the 3D-printed mountaindew-wave armor
Neat, does it all combine when not armoring Megatron up?
We will never see dispensor in studio series now that core class is dead :(
>If Titan Star Convoy is Star Convoy + Grandus + Sky Garry like some suspect
People who suspect that are retarded or have never handled a Titan before. The parts count for a three pack like that just doesn't fit a Titan budged. Titans are big, but never overly complex.
>We will never see dispensor in studio series now that core class is dead :(
Don't worry--they'll happily sell you less plastic in a bigger box for $25 plus tip at some point down the road. Core class was only phased out because the expectation of toys that only cost $10 is something Hasbro would like to dissuade you of.
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yup, it does
Unironically true. They'll start by selling you 2 core classes with very slightly interesting engineering, then it'll be one and so on.

I'd still buy my boy Dispensor though.
Cool, I don't even have that Megatron and I'd put this thing in my collection, I love weird battleships.
>the expectation of toys that only cost $10 is something Hasbro would like to dissuade you of.
this, basically. It's just a natural symptom of profit-margin creep. Now that Hasbro has effectively established the concept of untethering cost from size class, the next logical step is to simply abolish the smallest, most affordable size class. It certainly doesn't mean they're going to stop selling you small toys.
This's sweet, where from?
>They'll start by selling you 2 core classes with very slightly interesting engineering, then it'll be one and so on.
Reminds me of how Cliffjumper, the first "small" Deluxe, came with the giant bazooka made of 5 individual pieces as a sort of compromise, but then that just kind of stopped almost immediately after.
Next collab getting shown this month. He Tell Me guy says it's a Star Wars Mandolarian thing.
>star wars
Weren't we due a Sonic collab or am I misremembering?
I refused to by SS86 Bumblebee, on grounds that I just can't part with $25+ for a fucking scout. I'm out John Hasbro, I'm OUT do you hear me?! You can't squeeze me for more, that's my limit!
Most hilarious shit here is they reissued PoTP OP without any price hike
so yes. this confirms the bullshit they do is simply means to get profit
Always thought greenwave went better with Galvatron and headcanon'd it as his powerlinx colors.
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i tried :/

I got it from taobao but it seems to be on ebay and aliexpress too. Maker is QQT but no one actually labels their kits as such.
>they reissued PoTP OP without any price hike
I feel like they literally found a whole fuckton of those in a warehouse somewhere and just decided to dust them off and stick them on shelves for shits because it's Optimus Prime, and it this point getting any amount of money for them would be seen as profit.
Mandrake is official name - jtprime
>t. payed scalped prices for netflixshit.
Is there one in the other colors? I'm not buying an entire Titan just to give Megatron some extra bits.
What? I said I didn't buy it, and it was at a walmart. Are you a bot or just kind of stupid?
Yeah, you have a choice between green and purple.
It's amazing that the current team are so incompetent that they managed to kill off legends class after a decade of being onevof the lines most solid seller.
>that just kind of stopped almost immediately after.
Huffer at least had the little truck bed made out of a shield and the two halves of his gun, but yeah, that sort of extra feature died out pretty quickly once the pretense of "you'll pay more and you'll like it" was firmly established.
>inb4 they bring back legends/core for a third time with new compromises
Just give me a DC one
They'll bring back micromasters and minicons but single packed hoping we forget we used to get 2 for the price.
Toho is weird with their licensing when it comes to crossover stuff.
>Hasbro slowly increasing prices and lowering quality, while 3P prices feel more affordable in comparison, with increasing quality
Just fucking put Takara in charge
Oh joy then we can get nothing but a million optimus prime crossovers and no other characters ever again. Nips do not belong in the driver's seat of this franchise.
>forgetting about all the fun that we had with Takara
Even the beasts of the wild remember gratitude, anon-kun.
You retarded bro?
Takara is also garbage. look how they butchered the trainbots
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>Won the fanvote a few years ago complete with a bunch of people clamoring for him to get a new toy
>No toy made for legacy
>No name in the leaked 2025 listings
>3rd party is too busy making their one billionth devastator, megatron and prime.
Lugnutbros..... it's never been more over...
Hopefully it's at least the Razor Crest and not that dumb prequel ship they gave him after spin-off shilling made everyone stop caring.
It's unreasonable to expect them to understand the situation. Surface-level policing is all you can ask for, and on the surface, everything is fine and/or we're just as bad as him.
Takara with free reign gives us shitty modern MPs and awkward crap like the Transformers GO combiners.
Here's your Lugnut, bro
He is a fan of modern takara so yes
>bro what if we took this fan favorite character
>and removed all of his personality
>and made his design worse
>and turned his alt mode into a pile of shit
>and made him female for no reason also, because we're incapable of making competent females that can stand on their own
Fuck clobber I hate her
Why the fuck did I put off buying SS 86 Grimlock for so long.
Digimon's been doing some collabs with others lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if they get one as well at this point. Though honestly, I'm happy with my Greymon Grimlock.
Because now you know you have to spend another $200+ completing the team.
hehe pink
watch it, even saying this has gotten me banned before
i've also gotten banned for reporting his threads. but that was years ago and was only one time out of like 12.
the art style gave the wrong impression too, but i can forgive it if the story is good.
I guess i'm more likely to watch this than the bumblebee movies
i think they had a flubble and she's back now
i have her to and she's cute. i will make her the girlfriend of one of my tigatron customs.
I was honestly sleeping through what Takara was doing these days
Ok that's actually fair, what the fuck
I meant the old Takara
that is such a kickawesome design. i love everything about it.
It's weird to see a post like this that looks like I made it, but I didn't
i am always praising things and then it turns out I meant how they used to be.
>It's weird to see a post like this that looks like I made it, but I didn't
This except me and not you
>"old toys are stuff like G2 and Classics right? Titans Return was still pretty recent and pretty fun..."
>Titans Return was almost 10 years ago
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Nope you said it
SS 86 Grimlock as Greymon here we go
I'd buy this or the nazi UFO version
Feels bad, man. Manda has them going for 17,000¥ when available which seems to be my cheapest option.
Oh I'd definitely buy one in grey adorned with the iron cross.
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If this didn't have the text on the upper left I'd frame it.
The decepticon stacker was one of BKs only good items. Sometimes the Stacker comes back, its rsre but I love it. Shame they removed it form being a usual item, and so God has cursed BK to be the most very dogshit of fast food.
Shouldn't take much effort to shop it out, I'd give it a try but all my 25+ years experience in photo editing is in MSpaint.
That is his vehicle mode speed.
>>and made him female for no reason also, because we're incapable of making competent females that can stand on their own
This was the show that already had 4 females that were females in last iteration as well.
BK is by far the best of fast food, but it has the lowest likelihood of quality at each individual location.
Unsure if this is cope or urban legend but someday I'd like to find one that isn't dog ass lol
it's basically the polar opposite of mcdonald's
you could go to a mcdonald's 1200 miles away from another and get identical food. they have shit controlled down to the molecule.
BK is actually good, but they don't oversee their franchises for shit. tons of them are filthy, tons of them have no idea how to portion so you get 5 times the normal mayonnaise. all the ones near me have terrible reviews, I have to go down to the mall to get good BK.
The only BK near me replaced the McDonald's in a walmart a few years ago
The employees would as soon spit on you as look at you
But for like a dollar more than McDonald's you get a burger that's twice the size and tastes twice as good

Only thing I don't like about the place is how many items/options they have off the menu
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oh that's another thing. if there's a new item, it's a fucking diceroll whether it'll actually be available.
the best time was when you could get an entirely stick-based meal. fries, chicken sticks, french toast sticks, and funnel cake sticks
Fuck yeah, thanks anon. Looks great.
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I was so disappointed with that Synergenex Godzilla crossover. When discussing it, I found out they made a Transformer with a Vehicle mode based on a Maser Tank for Energon back in the 00s. I tracked down a repaint of it for the 07 live action Movie and its an absolute blast. Totally better than the Grimlock Godzilla and arguably better than the JXSDF Kiryu Optimus Prime.

Highly recommended for a Godzilla fan for sure and a real fun Transformer too. It has issues, but it's also a basic figure from almost 20 year ago. Overall, a real great figure I would suggest picking up if you can. I did an unboxing overview video if you wanna see more pictures and how he looks in action. Had a lot of fun with this dude. A proper crossover figure, even if not official

Found a shadow panther in the $1 junk bin of my local shop. Figured it was worth it just to take the head and paint it for cheetor.
I still have a headless Metalhawk I got at a local discount warehouse place, some shit store where unsold goods go to die. It was only a couple bucks, and I got a slightly broken buzzworthy Tow-Line (I fixed up his bicep and he's all good now, but I gave him a decepticon sigil because he looks like a baddie to me, so he's not ALL good)
Be careful with your Legacy Ruckus figures. Ruckus is afflicted with a form of rare reverse yellowing, all his light colored plastic turns black.
that's just photodegradation
God I hope so. I'd buy the absolute shit out of any Eggman robot Transsformer.
What? Pics?
No. You will take the same general designs from now on and like it, even when filtered through art styles that look like off model animated background characters.
No, the ion blaster is Optimus's signature weapon and should stay that way unless there is a setting specific reason for him not having it. It ideally should look like the original, but I'm not opposed to ones like cybertrons.
Orange energy ax goes back to the pilot too though. Nobody wants to ditch the ion blaster, never, but for melee?
oh so you can have the mutant head?
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that was a Boondocks reference, my good chums.
Se if you can't make, like, a JSDF or a G Force sticker for him
even if this wasn't the case with how utterly shit the plastic hasbro uses that would be a very real possibility
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lmfao. shit wars is even more dead than transformers and power rangers
A Die Glocke would be kino and strangely appropriate for the mold, but it'll never happen unless they scrub the unsavory associated markings from it.
Finally bit the bullet on one of those dirt cheap primal reissues. Not sure if I'll go for a megs too or just grab the kingdom one.
Two of the best characters and best toys from Cybertron.
>and made him female for no reason also, because we're incapable of making competent females that can stand on their own
not so
this show specifically decided to make more *background* characters into females.
The show co-lead was Windblade, and on the bad side was Shadowstrike and slipstream, who got a fuckton of character development.
>crossover shit is minimal effort repaints with obvious branding, only just good enough to entice braindead fanboys with more money than sense
Good. Wasting effort on crossover shit is retarded. If they can make more money to fund actual good toys by scamming retards who automatically open their wallets just because they recognize two things at once, more power too them.
>It's ok when takara does it
Just go to whataburger
Holy cope
Fuck you, i'd rather a HISS tank megatron than this shit
Anyone get Ruckus yet?
Then you're part of the problem.
Mine's in the mail
things very rarely spontaneously darken. breaking down tends to make simpler chemicals which reflect more light.
do not live in texas
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>"should the Micromasters be engaged in the construction of Space Marine Mecha at a scale designed to eventually wage galactic war on all robotry of superior size? My answer was then and is now, No...nevertheless that is what we see happening."
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Yeah, his torso is pretty chunky and feels pretty light. not the best combo
Not yet, but the more I look at them the more I've been thinking about getting all 3 doom-n-destruction packs. Someone talk me out of it.
looks like shit
The only thing that pisses me off is that Ruckus and Windsweeper should've been in their own pack. I really didn't need two more repaints of the Tarn/Bludgeon mold.
I think u need to include what toys u use in ur pics
no bussin ong fr fr
oh aye that's a brilliant idea, let's add credits to our posts.
an' ya know what, let's start adding citations to all of our factual claims.
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I hope we get an Evergreen-styled Barricade in AoTP or whatever the Earthspark replacement show is. This design takes everything great about the TLK Barricade design and gives it just enough G1 design aesthetics to make it work alongside all the other G1-like designs in evergreen.
I really like that design, though I dod like his 4 eyed look in TLK. They were gonna give him sunglasses... that would have been awesome
it would be kind of amazing to have both Prowl and Barricade in one show
and then finally after like 46 episodes, you've been waiting for it, they finally get into a 1 on 1 fight and the human companion is like "huh, good cop bad cop"
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>this thread
>discussed both Lugnut and McDonalds
>go to thrift store
>find pic rel
Yeah, you guys manifested this shit
cute! show robot mode.
Good Cop/Bad Cop
is there an echo in here?
I'm sorry, I honestly missed the last part. I was distracted.
Looks better in alt mode
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Dropped the pic
yes it does. oh happy meal transformers..
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TLK Barricade fits in as G1 better than just about any other movie figure ever made. I also really like the ROTB beasts as NuTransmetals
yeah they felt like what beast machines should have been
>Commander Prime shipped yesterday, will arrive Tuesday
>Ruckus Bludgeon set shipped today, will arrive Friday.
>Both are using the same type of shipping and we're shipped from the same location

Amazon, always working in mysterious ways.
There's a reason Barricade's become something of a fan favorite, and why he kept coming back. Having a bad cop car just feels like a puzzle piece that had been missing for a long time.
like we get why a lot of decepticons don't bother being deceptive, but a few of them still should. and when they did, it was usually an interesting surprise. like soundwave taking a massive downgrade in his altmode but also bringing mass-shifting back. or yknow, Alice.
I ordered that set way back.
Ordered a bunch of other stuff from Amazon last week.

It all came in the same box
it's annoying when that happens but at least it's more efficient.
Its strange because I ordered a bunch of other stuff recently, and they broke it down into so many separate deliveries.
this discussion is funny when you consider prowl's been the resident autobot dick. bros is hasbro doing anti cop propaganda?
and that's the other half. they're not consistent.
walmart gives you the option of grouping your shit for efficiency or sending in separate pieces for speed, i always choose group and they never group it.
with Walmart, you're lucky if you get the thing you ordered.
probably. everything's fucked now
which show you talking about? nevermind, just shut up.
that too
Hasbro bought into anti-cop propaganda and that’s why we’re probably never seeing Prowl or Barricade ever again
He wanted to mass-produce guys using the creation matrix for war without considering ethics. Always been one.
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>fuck Clobber I hate her
Are you gay? Do you need a hug? Clobber is a fun a busty woman known for flashing her headlights at Autobots
This is Streetwise erasure
SS TLK Barricade fucking when?
I still have a complete ransack, but I took my Crumplezone back to the store because I just though... he was boring? I kinda regret it.
Well, Studio Series 79 Bumblebee is TLK Bee. So even if they did I worry he might just be a repaint
It should of been a heavy Magmatron remold for a Rodan, Godzilla and Anguirus, then have Grimlock be Kiryu.
okay but it'd have those legs draping off the shield unless-
>anguirus's legs can turn into magmatron's arms
holy shit that could work. but you'd have to do something with godzilla's back plates if he's going to provide mostly the legs and then fold into a pauldron and hip skirts.
The guy that hasn't been used since like 86 as is just parts for Defensor?
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Reminder that instead of making that character you were waiting for, Mark thought it was a good idea to fill Legacy slots with literal rocks.
Rocks are cool
rocks are indeed cool
it's a shame they turned into rock vehicles though, which makes no sense
rock animals, I can buy. Shard almost becomes a fishy, so there's that.
And they're awesome! I just wish there were even more molds for 'em!
Now that you mention it, you may be right. Rock-best modes probably would've been cool.
I wish they weren't vehicles. I just want regular Rock Lords.
The rocks are really funny and I like the silly looking rock vehicles they turn into but I gotta agree with >>11182542 that rock animals or monsters would've been cooler.
so you'd rather they transform into lumps of rock?
Honestly, if they were very distinct familiar rock formations, I could get into that. but what would you do with it? I mean maybe a guy who turns into a boulder can roll into battle, and transform for defense, but a guy who turns into, say, stalagmites... or one of those cool standing-stones things eroded by wind out in the desert.. can't do much with that.
>so you'd rather they transform into lumps of rock?
that's what Rock Lords are
Passing altmodes aren't allowed in current day. Would only look like a rock from one side.
What do you guys think are the actual biggest wastes of tooling they've one? My go to arr Siege Chromia and core legacy shockwave. Honorable mention to retooling the head on black rorichi to something near identical because they looked at a shitty wiki screenshot.
I don't understand the question you are asking
Rock Lords were lame.
fuck you
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Hey hey, calm down. No hard feelings, okay? Look, I got a picture for you I'm sure you'll like. Why don't you stare at it for a while and chill out, I know you'll think it's super cool. Maybe you can hang it up in your bedroom so everyone knows how cool you are.
What are you stupid?
holy shit that's a pretty cool rock
You could even think down the line and Remold a Tripredecus into Ebirah, Battra and Megalon.
Only thing better than that rock would be if it could transform into a robot!
Man, I bet you could ride that thing for miles.
Armada Prime is great, one of the best figures of the wave. Armada Megatron is one I'm kind of mixed on. it almost feels like a side grade to the original. Better articulation and posability, but it lost a lot of the charm and play features of the og
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why is the 4chin telling me >>11182574 was my post? it absolutely was not.
Chromia especially pisses me off because for some reason Greenlight goes for ungodly prices. So my Orthia remains forever armless while a member of the same fucking team just stands there like an asshole unable to combine.
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They had potential, but they dropped the ball with the altmodes and and parts forming not having a dedicated combined form.

The altmods should be rocks beasts or rock weapons like a giant shield and sword and then combine all of them into a golem dragon.
They're really dog
especially at that premium price point
The fact so many accept them and are like "Yea and? They're based"
PURE copium
These are some of the ugliest and worst releases in Legacy
Atrociously dogshit
There's no need to be shy about it, rock anon
It would have been cool if in addition to their made up rock vehicle alt modes they also had intentional dedicated rock modes like the kiramager mechs.
I'm still pissed core class died before we got more of the beast wars cast in their proper tiny scale.
it forseriously wasn't
core was too small. rattrap needs to be able to stand up to choppaface proppaly.
You joke but I was a geology major. I have quite a few rocks on my shelves. I've got a lot of chunks of raw amazonite and even some amethyst from an old gem mine.

Actually all this talk about rocks might have talked me into actually getting these rockformers.
No I mean the entire cast in core scale so I could pose them with G1 guys. We were supposed to get dinobot but that shot seems super canceled.
Scale is already dodgy just among ones in the same show.
when I was a lad, I got one of those rock identification dealies from a scholastic catalog. came with a bunch of lil rocks.. i loved that hematite. and the unpolished emerald was roughly a 5mm cube so I always wondered if I could get it polished into a gem..
Would you agree Shard would have looked better with translucency so it looked like extruded crystals?
that's... nonsense, but yeah you're right there was that dinobot..
How is that nonsense? In canon predacons and maximals are tiny and it'd be cool to represent that fact on a shelf.
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I can see the appeal but actually I was considering Shard specifically because it reminded me of amazonite. That'd probably make a cool alternate though. Some kinda special edition they could do to make them all translucent as gembots.
I mean they're not THAT small. As a dwarf t-rex, Megatron would be as big as the average carformer.
but i mean, you really want to post the entire beast wars cast all at the same size, next to G1 guys? how does that not defeat the purpose?
>rattrap needs to be able to stand up to choppafac
Both WFC Rattrap and Dinobot were smaller than they should.
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Yeah and wasps aren't the same size as cheetahs, I don't care about the actual nonsense that is beast mode sizes.
.... no i meant megatron is actually the size of a carformer. christ, anon. reading comprehension.
they are also different sizes from -each other- so displaying them all together with the g1 toys makes no goddamn sense. And if you're like "Scale doesn't matter" then why do you want small beast guys next to bigger g1 guys in the first place? you clearly care about scale, yet you're okay with megatron and rattrap both being cores.
Core literally isn't dead and we're still set to get some apparently
dinobot was about right. he stands at a good height compared to primal and Generations Rhinox.
i think blackarachnia was a hair too big, and rattrap considerably too small.
Man you are actually autistic.
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Man kinda disappointed with this thing

Pros: the new sculpting is great, the paint is great, the plastic feels good, the head looks cool, the cannons are well integrated into both modes and as long as hes standing straight looking right on he fits the bill

Cons: the second you try to pose him it all falls apart, the joints tolerances are perfectly fine but everything else is a mess. The new backpack means zero back motion on the arms, the elbows are way too high, the knees lock in at straight then bend way lower than the sculpt which looks awkward, conversely the ankle tilt is half way up his shins, the waist turns but its so tiny compared to his torso it looks ridiculous. Its just all wrong in every direction. And while the plastic feels good, the size of his torso mass means you can really feel how hollow it is, the weights all off.and the transformation is simultaneously baby easy and really annoying. You just need to straighten the arms and flip over the legs like a g1 minibot but the clearance between the hand covers, the back of leg gap filler panels and securing the roof to the backpack are all fighting and you keep having to wiggle it to get it just right
alright then why not explain it for my stupid autistic ass.
what the hell is your desire re: core-sized beast wars guys. explain it so a retard could understand.
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The buggy mode looks good and all but its so basic, theres not even an attempt to hide the head, you just turn it around so at least hes not staring at the road

I dunno, it all feels like a lesser unicron trilogy era toy that got gutted, like the backpack once had a mechanism for a spring loaded flip over cannons with lights and sounds and the legs had an awkward ankle forced in to replace the value, just weird and out of place
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Oh and bludgeon is fine, the new chest and head look great, plastic feels good, even more dense feeling without the clear, and the new chest is on much sturdier, if you want this bludgeon its worth it, but i prefer the mainline spooky clear orange, dont know what im gonna do with him
He needed to be about a head taller, Blackarachnia is pretty close.
i mean
from this size chart, rattrap and blackarachnia are the same height. her toes just dip down. but I recall her being about a head taler than him.
meaning the T30 one you have there is about the right height, but kinda bulky.. but in that situation you would want to make dinobot even bigger, yeah. it's confusing.
>dont know what im gonna do with him
You can always repurpose him as Banzaitron.
From what I've seen the guy who made all those scale charts got things pretty close. Don't know how accurate this is to the actual show but for comparison this is pretty much the closest we ever got to an official scale chart by mainframe.
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Forgot pic. God it's dumb that 4chan tries to upload a file before checking captcha
eh? are you not using 4chanx?
Phoneposting in bed.
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This is one of the few full body shots we got of them together, shes on the back, so she isn't as small, but shes not bigger than him.
I mean, to me they look identical in height... not acccounting for perspective.. meaning WITH perspective, he's shorter.
whereas rattrap looks a solid head shorter than airazor, rather than the half a head from that size chart. and his head is tilted slightly forward so it's taller than it would be since hte top of his head is pretty flat.
I chose the Ultra Magnus Skywarp Target pack. Never regretted it.
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Maybe if toyhax releases an extensive sticker sheet, thats gonna take some real work to bridge the aesthetic gap between this and banzaitron

With his industrial design chest and militant colours i wish he came with more guns instead of the sword, this feels like bludgeon before he finally snapped and started chopping dudes just to feel something
i want more transformers whose guns have bayonets so big and thick that they are basically axeheads.
Hell yeah, ive been a huge gunblade fan ever since playing ff8 as a tween, i want them all over
(please don't say tween. that's gross)
yeah gunblades are cool but most of them were a little too small, and/or the barrel doesn't play nicely with the blade.
Trim the headrest and he could pass for gutcruncher.
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Purple thighs and black paint will do the trick.
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>Core Shockwave
The only thing wrong with him is that I sold my RTS Megatron and that Core Sixshot dosent exist
>sees new 3p legends class Megatron
Wow c’mon John stop letting the chineese eat your lunch
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He felt redundant, is too close to the legends/TR.
If you wanna go all the way you could also strip the orange from the legs and swap the gray parts from retail bludgeon.
They also just look better than the new one too.
why are they making every size except chug
Probably the only time I'll get any use out of the dismemberment gimmick.
His left leg is even stuck and comes off at the mushroom peg instead.
well if it isn't my old friend Ultra MagGreg. With a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!
>this feels like bludgeon before he finally snapped and started chopping dudes just to feel something
iirc this is what this iteration of bludgeon looked like before donning the pretender armor, which he would fuck up doing and basically brain blast himself into stasis
one could argue it made him crazier, but he was always kinda batshit
To avoid pocking hasbros ass, they tolerate 3p as long as they don't fuck with their main market.
I thought they where supposed to include blast effect ports so you could actually do some dynamic shots with the gimmick at the very least?
Evidently they are missing, but nothing some blutack can't fix
>People say Jimmy Whitchard fried his brain one day from staring at the sun. Course, he couldn't have been too smart to do that in the first place.

>I usually don't tattoo anything on the neck or higher. One time at this party a guy requested that I make his nose green. No more'n 6 months later I saw the same guy eatin' out of a trash can, clearly with no sanity. And you know, I'm sure there was more to it than the green nose, but I know that definitely didn't help
I could never bite the bullet on this guy. I just ended up buying a cheap kingdom one and a junker Siege and frankensteining them together.
they make knockoffs of MPs all the dingdang time! and original toys in MP scale. why no originals in chug scale
Well put. Its so bizarre to me how the only transformation step for the entire back half of the vehicle/torso is pretty much turning the head around.
Visually, they were able to do alot to change him up from Beachcomber but once you get Ruckus in-hand you can really feel how shallow those changes actually are.
MP is not their main market, they know most tf collectors can't aford them, so they go for the cheap product than sells thousands, over the expensive option that only sells a few hundreds.
Fair enough, he has his flaws like his vertical shoulder movement being on a simple hinge and flopping down way to easily. Its easy to understand why some people would look at it and say no thanks.
I got the Kingdom as well when he was on deep sale and I had my fun with him. It is undeniably cool to armor up the white prime.
all in all I had fun taking these pics for dismembered UM but half of it was Bludgeon and Tarn pairing so well with their swords and poseability.
Otherwise as a standalone gimmick its not that exciting.
Newage is making a CHUG Megatron
I think Banzaitron needs his own head finally.
>make, like, a JSDF or a G Force sticker for him

That would be totally rad. I lean towards G-Force. What do you think?
I was gonna repurpose the one I'm getting as Blastwave (might also add some blue paint) and slap an Autobot/Wrecker sticker on it
Does Flame still have those tabs on the legs that restrict the knees like Megatron?
UT doin some black magic with this one
Even the truck mode looks great
are you gonna sperg out about bootlegs or something next?
You know what? We could really use some some for those cool UT guys we haven't seen again. I'm talking like Energon's Landmine and Scorponok. Those dudes were big and had all kinds of cool stuff going on. Landmine in particular had a really cool altmode, a super mode, and just great sculpting all around. I might just buy some parts and fix my old one. Scorponok there's no hope for. Those gold plastic structural joints are doomed.
I want a voyager class demolisher.
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>If this didn't have the text on the upper left I'd frame it.
here u go
Landmine is fucking awesome.
Fucking Amazon. What was the point of Pre-Ordering then!?
I like them as Transformers but they suck dongs as -Izers

[A finger curls on the monkey's paw] It's Siege Impactor with new accessories, at a voyager price
yes. I got mine yesterday
don't give them any ideas. I'm sick of this mold.
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Yep, still requires sanding if you want full knee bend
hope you're all ready for a dark age of TF to begin
How so?
we were already in a dark age since the age of extinction. Garbage shows, garbage games and even garbage toys. Toys became better starting with siege though but the former ones mentioned still applies.
Anon how? QC got worse, less screws so much harder to fix loose joints, budget cuts so bad that commander is now leader+, no small class since they fucked up core class and micromaster so bad it died.
How it will be worse?
diminishing returns on box office since TLK
another ...of the primes' toyline which did so poorly it was ended half way through and they started this price hike collector based model
last 3 years were total slop with no theme or shows to get it going
designers doing guerilla marketing months in advance to keep addicts on a drip feed and keep the whales hooked
green designers
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My checklist for Energon would be something like this.
based on what we've gotten from Armada so far ,which isn't that much.

Titan: Energon Omega Supreme
Commander: Energon Optimus + Wing Saber
Leader: Scorponok
Voyager: Landmine, Decepticon Rep(could be Shockblast, Mirage or even Starscream since we got voyager for both Armada and Cybertron already, though I think he'd be ok as a deluxe)
Deluxe: Hot Shot, Inferno(with the ability to Superlink, can probably only do it in one configuration) and Snowcat (hopefully comes with an energon chip)
>no terrorcons
how foolish
AOE, TLK, darkspark, RID 2015, Machinima trilogy, Netflix trilogy, Cyberverse, Outright games budget slop, highmoon games almost becoming lost media, combiner wars remolding to ad nauseum, IDW 2.0, fucking earthspark. You're honestly kinda right.
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forgot to mention we could even get a Gen Selects Energon deco Tidal Wave since the molds already there
no way we'd get all that translucent green plastic tho
I find that the arm cannon looks better if you turn it around so the orange part is the barrel
I could see them as a two pack but hasbro don't even want to give us minicons when they already have the mold(Armada Wheeljack) so where would they even slot in?
>does a GS redeco that includes Ramjet
yeah I could see Hasbro fucking people over that way
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deluxes like the insecticons
easy gen selects repaints with the special types
>deluxes like the insecticons
>easy gen selects repaints with the special types
I'd even take them as core class but thats dead
unless it becomes core class 2 packs, that'd be interesting.
I don't see the omnicons fitting that size tho
Don't trust them new Decepticons over there
Leaving their Decepticon essence everywhere....
I wish Grimlock was playing a saxophone in this image.
I used to think he was boring too, but I never threw mine away or took him back simply because I figured one day I would need a big decepticon goon like him. That and I knew if I got rid of him, I'd be cursed with having to get Dark Crumplezone whose colors I think look really ugly.
>but the clearance between the hand covers, the back of leg gap filler panels and securing the roof to the backpack are all fighting and you keep having to wiggle it to get it just right

Yeah, that part is frustrating as fuck. It looks like it should be simple but those pieces just don't want to go together. I actually had to watch a youtube reviewer transform his to compare steps because I kept thinking I was doing something wrong.

This seems to be a reoccurring problem with their figures. I don't know if they're getting sloppier with their measuring, but a lot of times, a part just doesn't go into the slot or tab its supposed to without a lot of effort.
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TM2 Megatron (Bot mode back panel, dragon mode hips)
Chase (shoulder)
Sideburn (entire alt mode)
Skyquake (torso assembly)
Vector Prime (shins & forearms)
Cybertron Starscream (shoulders)

All the above figures have one or more serious, widespread fitament issues. They all have something that either fails to tab in or stay tabbed in. They really need to work on their locking mechanisms, and their parts color separation while they’re at it.
>tfw they’ve been making the same type of toys for 40 years and they still can’t paint eyes and faces without flaws
Sometime I look at a Walmart delivery truck on the road and wonder if Filch and Cannonball are in there
I thought Walmart was starting to get those guys in stock
yep learned that lesson many a time
you can always return or resell it, but if you miss it you're cooked
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>finally decide to go to buy the last Road Pig at local Walmart, it’s been sitting there for a entire week, saw it again just yesterday
>mfw it’s gone
Grab those figures when ya can boys
Still havent seen a drop of the pirates in person, i got the thundertron box and road pig on preorder which already delivered a few weeks ago but missed the preorder on filch so i hope ill see her in person at some point, every walmart in my area is now just flooded with ss toy bee and all the tfone gimmick crap
>Skyquake (torso assembly)
Didn't that turn out to be an problem with the order of operations, or am I thinking of a different QC issue?
I’ve seen Flich and Road Pig multiple times. Thundertron twice. Cannonball only once and zero Lockdown. Ferak is the only easy one. Velocitron and Toxitron were both easy to get eventually, I imagine they made a similar amount of the pirates
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>See figure, unsure whether I even want him or not.

>Figure I better get him now because he'll be gone later.
>Guy is in stock everywhere, forever marked down

>Decide to wait until I'm really sure
>Guy is immediately sold out, never to be seen again

being a collector is hell
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Any other good Action Master substitutions out there (Official or otherwise)? So far my Action Master squad includes
>Legacy Jackpot
>Botcon Kick-off
>Rad (Cybertron Smokescreen, in the mail currently)
>TR Krok
Plan on getting DCS Mainframe too whenever he releases, and probably Furai Models Banzaitron

I saw this STL for a new head/chest piece for Cyberverse Deluxe Megatron to turn him into Treadshot too and I thought that looked pretty good. Will probably make a go for it whenever I see a cheap one on ebay.
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There is a lot of user error involved, but the general design of his shoulders and waist assembly is just very weird. I can get his waist tabbed in fine but it’s his shoulders that seem to come nowhere near where they’re supposed to tab in. The only reason this does not bother me is because he has some of the best butterfly shoulders ever seen on a transformer. They go extremely far both ways
Depends on how much you're willing to pay. there's a lot of new Action Master figures but they're probably expensive as all hell now.

has a list of new toys near the bottom
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His possibility is phenomenal, but literally 75% of him is untabbed in this photo. It’s not shocking he triggers a lot of people. Despite everything being untabbed he never goes actually floppy (excluding one of his hips that chewed itself to bits the first time I moved his leg, known issue)
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You wont find too many Transformers that can hit this pose
Huh. Arcee(Chun-Li)'s eyes are painted over, and would be yellow if they were not. Has there been a TF with lightpiping brown eyes?
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The problem is a lot of Action Master redos are mostly Botcon affairs (And I was lucky to get Kick-off back in the day for like $50, the only one on Ebay right now is like $160), and the ones that aren't also go for buttloads of cash too (Really wish I got HFTD Axor back in the day).

I'm probably gonna grab SG Slicer next, but I'm thinking more about "Dudes that could be repurposed as existing Action Masters". Like I feel that Universe Hardhead is one headswap and some Decepticon stickers away from being a good stand-in for Gutcruncher
>Dudes that could be repurposed as existing Action Masters

The only action master I ever had was Jackpot. I loved that figure so much for some reason. Never did get around to grabbing the most recent update, the lopsided head issue turned me off so badly. Anyone have that figure and it’s head isn’t crooked?
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>tfw your picture doesn’t come close to properly demonstrating how deep and dynamically he’s crunched over
It’s crazy tho
FOC Brawl, normal version.
Just add some yellow to the chest and paint the head
You miss your shot, you go hungry.
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Glad I'm not the only one whose been catching Action Master fever.

I plan on getting a Treadshot soon as my "rare botcon figure" for my collection. Thanks for the list also, thats cool. Sounds like a fun thing to sub-collect.
I had no idea Dramatic Capture's Mainframe was an action master. Now I have to have him.
Their capes look badass
Scorponok has no gps, it's just bad tolerances on thin parts. You can fix it by swapping the two piece that break and filing down some tabs to make the detents less stiff. Or alternatively you can just not transform it into it's dog shit jet mode which is the only time you actually risk breaking it.
Just a warning, you're gonna be shelling out 90 burgers for a voyager that's worse than your average deluxe
to be fair he also comes with jazz
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>Reveal the Shield
>Laser Prime
Ok thanks for the segue. I’m as big a Legacy fanboy as they come but I’m starting to think I never fully appreciated RtS Prime.
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>Actual footage of Tidal Wave's designer
I get that the arm has Le funny shoop but is that actually him?
>spends more time grooming for gay sex than focusing on his work at my dream job
Makes sense
nah I just looked up 'japanese man waving' and this was the best one where I could extend his arm without it going offscreen. i don't think he's even japanese.
I'm also realizing that whoever designed for UT is obviously pretty old. but then jappyknees age like trees, not like yous and mes.
That 3p head makes a big difference, the random bayformer stock head looks off on that body.
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Got Ruckus in, I have most of the same complaints about him that >>11182678 had regarding tolerances and the transformation with the legs. He's still fun and I like the flip-out nature of his guns. Neat to finally have all of these guys together.
Bro what did you do to crankcase...
My ideal laser prime would the leg collapse of the original but with a modern non-sliding joint design and the upper body transformation of rts with the windshield on a rotating panel so you could switch from a real window chest to fake window tooling for scourge or a matrix chamber for prime.
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3D printed a new head (Need to do a few more paint touchups), cannons, and some gap fillers for the legs. I'm honestly not a big fan of how the cannons look and they have nowhere to be stored in vehicle mode anyways. There's another design online that actually has 5mm pegs and some pegs for the top of his vehicle mode, might try those instead.
Buy why
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Anon wants his Crankcase to be the one from the Scavengers
Because dude was like $15 and made for a decent test subject for a first array into 3D printing stuff for TFs. It's not like anything I did is a permanent change, the cannons slide onto the old one and the thigh gap fillers come off. Plus >>11183597 since it's pretty much the only notable version of the character.
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Thanks to that anon that posted a few days back about the Target sale on Magmatron. Got him in and he is a lot of fun. I can handle the rubbery plastic on the figure itself, but that sword is something else. It is just way too floppy and soft, it can't even stay straight unless it's completely upright which obviously limits posing options. I know there's at least one kit that has a replacement, but I think I'm gonna try something new and make a silicone mold of it and cast it in resin. I'll probably just end up painting it in a similar gunmetal grey. Never done something quite like this before, but I think it'd be fun.
i love how like
your version understandably has a lil paint slop
but the factory one fucking misses painting that area entirely
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That was me! Im glad you were able to grab him! I have been working on straightening his sword and I’ve realized that its not actually floppy, its warped. Ive got mine almost straight now and does not droop under its own weight
True but at the very least I don't have any the 3 molds already
wow my sword isn't a fraction that bendy
>mold of it
well you'll have to get it straight first. i eagerly await seeing the results of that.
i am told you want to use like a vibrating massager or something to vibrate the silicone so allllll the bubbles come out. and then again for the resin?
So the only characters from the US G1 toyline that don't have a proper CHUG figure are
>The Omnibots (Downshift/Camshaft/Overdrive)
>Ramhorn (There's the TR release that turns into a tank but not a proper cassette)
>Every Throttlebot except Goldbug and Chase
>Slugfest/Overkill (Overkill has the Grimlock repaint but no cassette)
>Every Sparkabot/Firecon except Cindersaur
>Every Triggerbot
>Horri-Bull (Has the headmaster but no body)
>Siren (Same deal as above)
>Joyride & Slapdash
>Most Pretenders were done in PoTP, but the only ones with actual figures are Bludgeon/Bomb-Burst/Skullgrin/Iguanus (Octopunch too if you count his Botcon SG figure)
>Technically the Pretender Monsters, but the molds are there if you count Dinoking
>Majority of Micromasters
>Most Action Masters

Pretty much everything from 84-87 has been made which only really leaves stuff from late-G1. Once the obvious stuff gets made like Venom and Horri-Bull get made to complete their respective teams, what do you think will get made next? I have a feeling an attempt might be made at the Autobot Headmaster Jrs.
Personally, I'd include Getaway alongside Joyride and Slapdash. Even though he got a Titans Return figure, only the face and color scheme resemble his original toy.
There hasn't been a proper nightbeat in fucking ages
What the fuck is a chug
Answer me
Didn't they do some of those in Universe?
Outdated term for the nostalgia remake lines. Classics Henkei!Henkei!(which was the Japanese release of classics), Universe (second time the name was used), and Generations. There have been a decade of renamings in-between.
Prime Wars/WFC/Legacy/Studio Series are all sublines under Generations.
There were ones made in the 2010 toyline as well which is none of those.
>AoE Grimlock is CHUG
It's not an outdated term so much as its meaning shifted and was adapted for the Generations mainline.
It's why people don't usually think of Studio Series as CHUG, because Studio Series is just Studio Series, has been since 2018. But we don't have an official name for the line that is Prime Wars/WFC/Legacy/Age of Primes so we still call it chug.
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it's just stupid and not the best it could have been
we like optimus prime, we think he's better suited to.. Ohh.. let's say Navaldeus. Something that feels more 'heroic' and has a .. trailer..
or vehicleformer autobots who have hunteresque weapons (dual blades, sword and shield, greatsword, lance and tower shield, and gunlance come to mind) vs predacons with monster altmodes.

or just stick with beast mode characters and give us rajang primal and liolaeus megatron.
Speaking of that Grimlock mold, are they planning on doing his OTHER G2 look, the dark blue one?
there's going to be another G2 Grimlock but no telling which G2 Grimlock it will be.
i can't stop laughing at the fucking logo on his chest. a senile japanese executive OK'd this.
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Hey, lookit what showed up in the mail today. Kinda neat, but I'm not sure I like how his robot legs transform - one half of his dino tail doesn't like clipping in on his left leg.
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Beast mode. Looks cool, tail isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I wasn't expecting his entire underside to be hollow. I still think he looks cool, though.
grimlock is cursed with the dumbest leg transformations, but this is one of the better iterations.
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His light gimmick still works - really, REALLY well. I had to perform some minor surgery to get his old batteries out, though - they hadn't exploded or leaked yet, luckily, but they were both swollen and ready to pop. Now he's got some brand new ones in, and it looks great.
Still haven't thought of a name for him yet, though - I might just settle for 'Fireblast'.
he can join Landsaur in the "Can touch legs with his own elbows" theropod club, but having a neck disqualifies him from the movie grimlock club.
A really cool repaint for a really, really bad mold
I hope 86 grimlock gets this deco eventually
What's so bad about that mold?
Nowadays it kinda whatever, a bit dated but fine
Back then it was one of the prime victims of the 2012 budget cuts so it was a big step down as a voyager
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>local TRU visit

Jesus Christ

I know the movie is in theater, but you really have to sell a deluxe figure for the price of Voyager- even if you are TRU??

Was thinking getting a primer changer figure for my niece for Christmas, I guess I will gettonf the SS version (it is cheaper online)

And no, all the prime changer OP got bundled with alpha trion online so that is not a option
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>in discount

With this price we are talking about 42 usd

I don't know if it is a good price or not
And I already got the old one

Online sellers have it for $45
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And look a BB Voy Prime variant
Hollow and flimsy as shit, below average or just bad ranges on every joint, and imo just plain looks bad and disproportionate in both modes
Takara really tried to make you think stuff from that era was worthwhile with pretty paint, but metallic fleck can only fix so much
"kinda whatever" is too generous, it was about the equivalent price of a modern deluxe and still manages to be shittier than even the bad deluxes from today
Fucking grab swoop, grab two even
I'm not saying it's gotten better but time has rubbed off the stink
Then again it's been a hot minute since I handled mine
I must scream but i have no face
This list is very disingenuous. Imagine thinking we have a "proper CHUG Galaxy Shuttle" just because they shit out a white Astrotrain. Many such cases.
Boy oh boy, I can't wait for Transformers Reactivate to come out soon! All the news and rebeals about it have beem crazy!
>Proper CHUG Galaxy Shuttle
>US G1 toyline
Ah, my mistake. Whenever I see "US G1" together, my brain ignores it because it's worthless.
didn't it get renamed to transformers: rise?
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It's ok to just admit that you're retarded, no need to backtrack.
I thought it was renamed from rise to reactivate. Given the amo7nt of silence on it and the stage of live service gsmes right now I'm betting its undergone like its 10th rebuilt by now lol. Reactivate Optimis, Bee Starscream and Soundwaves are forever going to be Transformers toyline anomalies. Studio Series figures based kn a game that never released
Reactivate Bee getting a solo release next month is also very bizarre

>Studio Series figures based kn a game that never released
Concept art is fair game now so why not vaporware?
Studio Series Transtech Silverbolt and Blackarachnia when
Got armada optimus and galvatron in the mail the other day and they are really nice. I just have galvatron in tank mode because I like it so much.

Kinda wish they did a cheaper costing version of this optimus without the super mode so I could have him and the super mode to enjoy at the same time. The normal mode is great.
hell yeah dude. Did you also by chance post about a Target sale on MPM Bonecrusher a few months back? I also picked that one up because someone posted that lol.

I pretty much only have a Target account to buy Transformers on sale, I remember making it waaaaay back in the day because they were the only retailer for this fuckin' boss boxset...granted all of these have pretty much been superseded by the SS86 figures, but I'm still very fond of a lot of these molds, especially Kup and Springer
That Springer's nice, but I feel Sandstorm wears the mold better, even if it doesn't look like his G1 appearance.
That osprey retool could've been an oc, its too far from Sandstorm, doesn't even uses the main color, cool toy but should have a different name.
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I got tired of waiting to see if someone would make the Airaizor tail feather mod in Filch's colors, so I bought one and repainted it myself. It's not perfect - one, the closest color I could find was a gloss paint instead of a matte, so it looks extra shiny even though I thinned it to almost nothing, two, the color's still not a perfect match to the exact shade of cobalt they used, and three, it's technically not the right shape for her show model (but is closer to the shape of an actual magpie/raven), but it's certainly an improvement over the stump she has by default. It looks pretty good on her from most angles - just a bit too shiny, but there's nothing to be done about that.
Hasbro needs to update this bundle.
Haslab Omega Prime overview
can't wait till they have a good haslab again, not this goofy shit.
Fucking finally.
>can't wait till they have a good haslab again
You'll be waiting a long, long time.
Ep 2 in September

Well, we know they're late now.
She looks fine to me anon, nice work.
purty nice. what do you do with those parts in robot mode?
and in case your answer is "i'm not going to put her in robot mode, i like her as a permabirb" i meant what did the manufacturer intend
cram 'em
Looks like a lot of fun. I'm convinced that they could have made better figures if they weren't trying to stay so true to the original designs. Magnus having usable legs is big plus, and I'm still enamored with the figure they cobbled out of Blue Bolts, it feels like the most cohesive weaponizer out of the bunch, and I think that it's because the alt mode is a weapon itself. I'd like them to explore that concept more in the future, but it does seem unlikely. Very happy about how the vac metalized parts are all detachable, should ensure some 3P add-ons that are simply painted and therefore have a longer lifespan cuz that vac metalized stuff will flake off eventually. Also excited to see the bonus mode with all of Prime's trailer bits integrated into Omega, that was something I always tried to do with the OG toys, but it never quite worked out.
ah apparently they go on her hips. they are wing guns.
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They have cannons mounted under them and attach via 5mm peg, so they can be held, mounted to the backs of the wrists, or just kept on her hips (they swing around on their peg to become skirt armor).
huh those look kinda upside down from how you'd normally want em
but not bad!
You're supposed to rotate the feather parts over the tops of the guns, where they cover the big round connector piece; I just have them on the sides so you can actually see the barrels.
I long accepted that we won't see true soul like Unicron Trilogy stuff again
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Let the slop die and maybe they'll start giving a shit again
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Nice work.
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beeg boy
makes sense
i wish it was possible for them to learn lessons. lotta companies need to learn em right now
how hard is it. -go back to the 90s.- do business like you did then. with the confidence you had.
No, the mainline stuff is just cheapo midgets.
>Box Set
>SS86 Commander Magnus
>SS86 Leader Springer
>SS86 Arcee, Blurr and Kup taken from the mountain of unsold shelfwarmers
>Throw in a slightly different Core Exo-Suit Spike as Daniel
(Better face paint)
>$200 Retail price
>Pulse/Target exclusive
(Both sell out in first 30 minute and never restocked)
[Scalped for $340+ for months]

I can see it now
Bless Hasbro
It's funny to me so many companies have projects fail and fans go "Yea just do this, That's all we want"
And companies hit em with "huh? $400 Million Budget with a DEI group and make it a musical? got it"

Astounding Bumblebee was 2018 and almost everybody said "Take that Beginning part that feels like WfC/FoC and just make that a movie"
We've done quite literally almost everything BUT that
like, never in history have they had such a direct line to our wants. they used to have to guess, and sometimes they guessed right. now we're screaming it at them, but uncle pooh is like "nah"
Have them all painted with cel-shading like the 86 movie and I'm sold.
Thanks Evan. I’m not impressed, at all. I can tell you’re disappointed too. This figure is barely an upgrade in most regards and actually a downgrade in a few areas.
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One last pic of her, now that she's completely dry and I've looked at her from a bunch of different angles. I really, really like how much this changes her whole silhouette - she looks far more proportional now with the new tail length, even if it's not spikey like her show model's. The kit itself suits her far better than Airazor - Peregrine Falcons don't have long tails and she already comes with a pair of show-accurate blasters, while this kit makes Filch look more like what she should and gives her some much-needed ranged weaponry in robot mode. Definitely worth the purchase; if any of you guys have the skill to paint and the patience to try to match and blend colors, I highly recommend giving this a try for yourselves.
You guys have rused me yet again. I hate it.
Wow I haven’t seen anyone put this figure in this exact pose yet
well peregrine falcons have long tails when they're folded, they form that cool V shape. the original toy had it, but this one decided to spread it out, i guess so they could make Skywarp. they also placed it far too high on the body because they ALWAYS do that now.
I can't tell if you are serious or not
Meh. This is why I didn't bother with him - I'm perfectly happy with my Earthrise Prime.
Get your Sarcasm Detector fixed; even I can tell he was being facetious.
He has butterfly joints??!!?! That's more like it. Still hate him.
I hope whenever they do Energon Prime that his around that height in core robot mode, the drones will only give him a decent height increase so it should be big enough for a Commander Class.
They really should've just put in the extra $100 of polish and released these in the MPG line.
Falcons have fan-shaped tails - all of the feathers are of equal length all the way across, and they spread out fairly wide. Magpies and ravens, however, have wedge-shaped tails - they start off wide and short near the base, but get longer and narrower closer to the tip, similar (but not identical) to what the upgrade kit does.
Incidentally, this is how you can tell a crow apart from a raven or magpie - crows have fan-shaped tails like falcons, while the other two corvid species do not.
sorry I was talking about specifically when they're diving
the original airazor toy was sculpted in a dive, even the wingtips.
It must be very cold there. Poor Optimus.
Ion blaster is a perfectly serviceable but mediocre choice. Everyone gets a gun, and Optimus’ is about as generic as they come. The axe is iconic and unique. I’d take both but if can only be one I’m choosing the axe.
I'll never understand how the G1 axe is iconic since he used it once and lost. Maybe if he used in the movie. I don't think Megatron even gets that kind of love with his mace
Magpie's colors are very appealing. Airazor should have taken that instead.
Optimus Prime doesn't have better melee weapons.
It was basically forced into iconography because they kept including it with G1 primes despite how irrelevant it is in the actual show
It wasn't even a "normal" weapon for him until animated, where it was tied into his whole firefighter aesthetic
You twisting someone's conflicting opinion on a toy into thinking the designer is in here doing some sort of false flag operation is actually frightening
Whoever designed this, I hope you get the hiccups.
That red on the legs rustle my jimmies. Why is it even there for, it serves no purpose
The head also feels very off, looks like a cheap prime mask
Looks pretty good, but yeah, there's a few things annoying me and I wish they were different. My main gripes are:

-Vac metal in general, I just wanted paint.
-The God Magnua head looking off
-many clear parts where there shouldn't be. I'm also really hoping they changed the ankle so the stalk used for it is not a clear plastic rod, with modern clear plastic being so awful, I can't imagine that lasting long (if this ends up being the case I will sell it off immidiately).
-Basic Prime's proportions, but I get why they're like that.
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>Thighs and biceps are thicker and longer
>Waist is slimmer and groin is larger
>Virtually no kibble
>Wings are oriented better and bluebolts fits much better into the silhouette
Aside from the feet this absolutely btfos the original, it just looks so much better. I almost wish I backed it now
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i actually think that gun is pretty distinct and cool.
i like the hooks. and the armblades.
can't we fucking invent vac-metaling that doesn't flake? and/or apply a protective coating to it? essentially laminate the shit?
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Depth Charge Gundam also looks neat.
wot's this then
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>Magpie's colors are very appealing.
Indeed - their plumage can be quite vivid and striking, depending on the breed; Filch's colors really aren't off the mark in that regard. Magpies are also rather intelligent, though sadly it doesn't appear that our birb-bot was so blessed in the brains department (they went with the 'bird-brained' meme for her, but made her younger brothers the clever ones). At least she's got her looks going for her.
birds are one of those funny things that are smart enough for us to realize how dumb they are compared to humans. so they seem dumb but.. for animals they are smart.
NTA but I really like the Astrotrain mold, and making it a white shuttle and a black train engine looks cool to me. I actually was pretty excited to see that. I wasn't really familiar with the source material so I figured it was just cool to have more space shuttles.
I hate pettanko Omega Prime
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Some of them are quite clever
Wasn't feeling SS109 Megatron at first from online photos. But in person he's got a nice chrome shield and honestly feels more sturdy to hold than my WFC Trilogy Megatron.
Harassing a retarded giant bird robot by sticking Energon at the bottom of a container and seeing if she can figure out how to use rocks to raise the level!
>honestly feels more sturdy to hold than my WFC Trilogy Megatron.
I mean hes a bigger class but also tbat Megatron kind of sucked too. But he does look like a really solod bot mode. I'd get him if I could find him for cheap, I'm just not a su0er big fan of his alt modes, though I do appreciate there being 2 of them.
chrome shield?
Meant Chrome Shine. But my buddy has a Mars 3, and now I wanna print and paint a Chrome Shield with the Decepticon Logo on it.
it doesn't look very chrome, but by modern standards it is certainly very shiny. I lived through the wonderful era of actual-chrome. so mirror shine good times. i miss it. my transmetals are still in fine condition.
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Why bully the birb? It's not her fault she has one brain cell (or Cybertronian equivalent) and a four-word vocabulary.
>backed it
Is this some kickstarter only toy? Wont be sold online?
how the fuck would she eat with those sideburn-horns.
>How would she eat
Fucking stop
Pretty much.
i think the shrunken wheels really change the look. they used to be sitting like kneepads, kinda, sorta. now not.
By moving those away when not holding something.
what? does she not take in energon orally? she'd still need a straw, and she doesn't have lips! a regular cup wouldn't be able to pour in there properly. maybe a funnel.
Finally got around to getting Tidal Wave. Boy is he lame. Why didn't they put more features in the boat modes?
Well seats, ladder, and missiles are unavailable by design.
The same way any bird that isn't a raptor with a razor-sharp beak eats: by pecking it apart into small, bite-sized bits before attempting to swallow anything.
They could put some little cubbies or something for micromasters to sit in? They had more than enough room on those big things. The one boat can't even mold together. The clips are two weal to keep it from splitting into two.
they don't look like they move. if they do, why wouldn't she move them every time she moves her mandible?
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and if it gets stuck between the horns.... you just give up?
I'm reminded of some of the weirder star trek aliens... as someone on reddit put it, for these people the invention of the straw must have been like the wheel for us.
She can tear apart the innards of turbofoxes and other cybertronian wildlife.
>and if it gets stuck between the horns.... you just give up?
How would it get stuck? Remember: birds don't chew their food, so anything they eat has to be torn or crushed into small enough bits that they can fit down its throat in one go. She wouldn't be trying to eat entire chunks of Energeon - she'd be breaking it into tiny little crumbs and then pecking those up like bird seed. The things on the sides of her face would be a non-issue.
Alternately, she could just transform to eat, even though she clearly prefers the bird mode (and seems to believe she actually is one); however, anything that's small enough to fit in her robot mode mouth would be small enough for her to consume in bird mode, so that defeats the point of transforming in the end anyway.
>Boy is he lame.
And his knees are guaranteed to shear apart.
Just got my own Ruckus today
>bend his knees once
>how would it get stuck
by slightly misjudging the size or rigidity of the thing you tore into. One chunk of bread and you're nicked. Well I guess you could bite it apart but it just feels dumb. It should bother anyone to look at that. not even just for eating, but for using her beak as a weapon, having the extra spikes makes it harder to do that.
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>Mah ol' joints don' work like they used'tuh. The lawd coised me with darkthritis
I didn't even get that far yet. I was hoping If I waited, Hasbro might throw a running change in like they did with Trypticon.
wait til you try to transform him
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W-why do this knees tab into his thighs in robot mode if they're meant to be at 100% maximum bend in vehicle mode?
Why would someone think his legs needed to be locked straight like that?
How the fuck do you eat with those cheeks in the way of your jaw? You don't stick shit in there that you know is too big, duh. Obviously you'd know how to gauge whether or not something's going to fit in your mouth, so what makes you think she can't do the same?
That aside, there's probably not much that actually WOULD be too big for her - you're forgetting just how fucking huge this bird is. She could pluck Bumblebee's head from his shoulders and swallow it no problem at her size; I'm sure she could fit an Energeon cube or twenty down her gullet without an issue.
Just don't collapse the chest then.
Give me your FACE!
oh wow she really should have been a leader class toy.
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Bee and Cliff are actually standing a bit far from her in that pic. This one's a more accurate depiction of her size in comparison. She's HUGE, especially when you remember that Bee is the size of a car.
what's the current size above leader, commander?
Man, that missile storage on Magnus is just too clearly a last-minute addition, but they look so natural on Blue Bolts that you'd think they were planned from the beginning. I like all the new design considerations this has, like the extra reinforcement for Super Optimus's waist, the collapsing Omega chest, and Magnus's arms actually being stowed away somewhere in Omega mode. I wish they had actually improved on the original's hands, though. I get that Super Optimus's hands have to act as guns for the base mode, and that Magnus's hands have to do the handshake, but they could have at least done more with Omega's hands than just give them one extra joint.
Was thinking about looking for a SS72 Starscream to complete the trio since I got SS110 Shockwave on pre-order, but SS86 Starscream pairs pretty well.
>those hands
If we ever one day find out Hasbro owns DNA design I won’t be shocked
with how much DNA loves to rip you the fuck off, I wouldn't be surprised
>Flipper hands

Man that has just rough.

Never saw the show, but I usually willing to spend the money if the design/engineering is good.

The super mode probably attract me the most but those hands...
I guess I dodged this one
lmao sideburn looks like ass riding on magnus
The fact that magnus's chest piece ends so close to omega's crotch piece makes the fact that they cheated it extra infuriating.
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>finally spot star raiders in stores
>Someone stole the wing blasters
Cant wait for this to end, wasnt planning on getting ferak anyway but this is so annoying

Not pictured, a headless chromia
But the environment tho pls understand!
>meanwhile Hasbro is producing literal tons of garbage plastic in the star wars and marvel lines
Luckily Hasbro saw the error of their ways and we're going back to plastic packaging for the next toyline. A few years too soon, but at least this shit won't be happening to Transformers anymore.
Yeah, if the sentiment came from a place of genuine concern I'd understand but for a company like Hasbro this is about 0.00001% of their plastic output at most, and you just know the majority of shitty gimmick toys like all the one steps and the finger puppets and all that crap are just going to end up in a landfill anyway

I get the appeal of the windows, I enjoy looking at them and when purchasing in store it's nice to be able to compare faces for a paint smudge but I do the vast majority of my purchasing online now anyway so fuck it just go with closed box

On the plus side I actually do prefer having all of the gear wrapped in a little bit of tissue paper and tape to the inside, I've had so many instances where paint got scraped by those stupid little plastic ties
Magnus' arm stumps folding away is so clean
The main issue with the open packing on shipping was that it could lead to the toy getting damaged via the opening due to the other product shipped with it. Meanwhile, the clam shell was great at preventing paint rub, ton of modern figured have paint issues due to a lack of clam shell.
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I'm definitely warming up to titan Star Convoy a bit more next year if this is about the size he ends up with.
Managed to snag a complete boxed Tripredacus for a not horrendous price. What am I in for? Always wanted that big beautiful bug bastard.
You are in for a big beautiful bug bastard
Do you live in the Los Angeles area? I saw one on Marketplace and now it’s gone. GG bro
I can understand why you dislike it. I usually always find individually articulated fingers to be way more annoying than they're worth, but the super mode fingers look big enough to not be fiddly pieces of shit.
Nope, not even in the US. But thanks! There's been a lot of cheap ones on eBay but always missing pieces. Not even little bits like "Oh, Cicadacon doesn't have his missiles"- it's integral things like Cicadacon's wings and Sea Clamp's feet.
aren't his fingers meant to straighten out and be guns?
that, and you can make simple clear plastic out of cellulose. it won't be the most durable but it'll last til you get the toy home.
i would think tissue paper would be more abrasive than plastic ties.
nta but i hate when figures have overly articulated tiny fingers with tons of hinges or balls, they never look good and it makes play annoying

The gold standard for larger figures in my mind was armada unicron, articulate but stable and chunky

For medium to large i prefer the thumb, pointer 3finger set up

Medium and under either the pinned flap or dont bother, once you get down to deluxe or lower its not helping

And i always love when a toy just goes for swappable hands, better than articulation 9/10 imo
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Love Armada Optimus. Megatron/Galvatron is probably fine if he's on clearance and you've never owned or even seen the original toy. But I was very disappointed by him.
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If you have access to a 3D printer you can print out some Minicon ports and a knife for Megatron to make him a little closer to his older toy, but a lot of the gimmicks from the old one like the sliding orange launcher and the "prison" are still gone.
new fred
NTA but I don't care about the gimmicks. The only thing that bugs me is the knife hand, if they weren't going to include the knife then they should had given him a closed fist
Just found a Nucleous in the wild. Got me to thinking. Think they'll ever do a Voyager or Leader class Infernac figure? Or at least another Shard variant?
Velocitron Scourge is going to look like a manlet next to Prime.
>the Transformers company buys Power Rangers but can't be bothered to sell all of the associated transforming robot toys
>the few role play toys that do exist are dumbed down to an embarrassing level (a literal magazine toy of the Striker Morpher was superior to the actual main line toy) and the Zords aren't any better
>terrible toy distribution meaning that kids don't even know that PR toys exist
>the premium collectors line is full of mistakes, has godawful QC and many figures have missing accessories
>decide to drop the Sentai suit designs in favour of awful American designs which had absolutely nothing to do with the mecha of the season they chose to partially adapt
>can only be bothered to make 1/4 of a season with these new suits before axing the show altogether
A reboot was supposed to come out last year but we still know nothing about it.
I gotchu matey, post 2 more pictures.
Mystic Force is marginally better than Dino Fury, and that was the least bad post-Disney season.
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They actually made new american designs?
kinda brings zyu2 to mind.
Why do you hate Mystic Force when there's fucking RPM?
>the toyline is no longer being made
Didn't Hasbro, a toy company, hand off the toy rights to some other company?
>the knees lock in at straight
They need to fucking stop with this shit.
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It was Bandai in my day wasn't it?

anyway new thread >>11186318
yes actually.
Why did Bandai stop making the toys anyway?
All they needed to do was show the previous green ranger being male as an explanation for why Izzy's suit doesn't come with a skirt. That cringeworthy scene was entirely unnecessary.
Because Saban sold the rights to Hasbro. It's a murky thing because Bandai Japan basically treats Bandai America as a separate company.
>have access to Disney money instead of Saban's loose change
>Disney don't give a crap about the show so they let you do whatever as long as it's within the budget
It really was the best era. As for Hasbro's run, Beast Morphers was basically a nu-Saban season so it was awful. I got 3/4 of the way through Dino Fury but that was okay. They toned down some of the nu-Saban-isms and the villains were a lot of fun. Cosmic Fury was a DF sequel so I haven't watched it.
I would have bought Netflix Wheeljack if they didn't remove his decals.
The main line Sentinel Prime looks like he could make a decent generic and he's almost certainly the base for a new Energon Megatron.
I find it amusing that the upcoming shovelware racing game includes Flamewar and Nightbird as playable characters because Hasbro insisted on having two females on each side and those were the least irrelevant ones they could find.
I don't buy live action toys but I definitely would have grabbed a core class Dispensor or three.
Netflix Bumblebee looks a hundred times better than SS86. The only issues are the shade of yellow and the partsforming (which is fixable with a kit)
I doubt they're rereleasing the tiger stripe one already so I assume he's the G2 Grimlock in the leak list.
Keep putting it off. He's getting a rerelease.
I thought people liked RPM
Like it was the In Space if its time
I found a wrecked Legacy Laser Prime for £1 a while back. Loads of bits missing but I figured I could use the rest for something eventually (especially his head)
I like the Energon axe. More characters should have Energon weapons.
Shame that Treds has to be in a 3-pack. I wanted to get a few of him.
That doesn't bother me as much as trying to transform him into vehicle mode and the boots fight sliding over the fists for no good reason/
I wish they didn't put the Decepticon symbol on him. I know why they did it but he's really supposed to be an Autobot
We do still get police car Transformers though. What was up with Rescue Bots anyway? Instead of Prowl, Inferno and Ratchet, they had Chase, Heatwave and Medix. Is Quickshadow a gender swapped Mirage as well?
The fists have a horizontal tab that you kinda have to hook into the slot
Will they at least retool Shard into Energon Bulkhead? Please put him in voyager class too. He's too small in deluxe.
They exist in the same universe as someone named Prowl and Ratchet already.
They should have given him opening hands.
RPM is great. Mystic Force is the second weakest Disney season but still better than everything that came after RPM.
I guess he can act as one of the remote controlled tanks from Day of the Machines.
Everything above a deluxe should have that.
As far as I know it flopped so hard it made Disney sell PR
You thought wrong. RPM was when the franchise was already on the way out at Disney, just like how In Space was made because they thought they were getting totally cancelled
So what killed disney PR? Jungle Fury?
I assume moving away from simply repainting the Bandai Japan toys after Mystic Force didn't help.
I'm not surprised hasbro tried to pivot away from sentai , the last decade of sentai and rider designs have gotten worse and worse. The real reason PR died is because the old CEO was the only one who wanted it, the guy who replaced him thinks it was a waste of money and none of the toy designers actually wanted to work on the brand.
I'd like a knife, just one more anime-accurate.
new thread here btw
OP is you know what

Megatron has an Energon Mace that he barely uses but it's the power-level equivalent of Optimus' Energon Axe, while his Fusion Cannon is the equivalent to Op's Ion Blaster. I was weirded out to find out that even 07 movie clusterfuck of Megs design has an adaptation of that Mace, I guess having it and using It once Is an universal constant
Bayverse is weird in that there are so many potential references where I can't tell if they're deliberate or not. Movie 1-3 Optimus' truck mode strongly resembling Laser Optimus Prime appears to have been a complete accident.
>strongly resembling Laser Optimus Prime appears to have been a complete accident

Anon theres only two types of trucks. Flat nose and longnose. Its going to be one or the other.
The flames as well.
Rath Prime is up on Pulse (and BBTS) for those who don't want to import him.
Also interesting that the description refers to him as 'Rathalos Prime', rather than Rathalos Optimus Prime' - I guess they're leaving room for people to headcanon him as an unrelated Prime after all.
Consider Robot Masters that turn into non-humanoid minions/sub-bosses. Ring Man into that missle-shooting hippo thing, or Bounce Man into the Frog Balloon.

It would probably just be recolor, but honestly I wouldn't mind a Megaman Bumblebee, Protoman megatron and Bass Starscream.
>always been one
shut the fuck up tourist
Armorizers were always a gay concept...in CHUG. If Hasbro had any balls, they would drop this stuff as a spinoff toyline or IP instead of jamming it into CHUG. Would be kino instead of annoying.
>don't worry anon, you can just make the stuff that should have been added in the first place yourself!
This line of thinking never ceases to depress me.
>still seething about idw
lol. just lol

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