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Discuss Beast Wars Transformers
When I was a kid I thought Cheetor's water squirting intestine gun was the most metal thing ever
There's already a General for this >>11179613 #
It's bad enough you did this with those Elvira spam threads, among others. Grow the fuck up, get a life, or end it already - literally no one wants to deal with your immaturity.
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This wasn't my first but it was the first perfect one I owned. I will never forget the amazing feeling of a dinosaur toy that can transform into a cool bio droid, and it didn't look like PS1 geometry.
>pedothena crying yet again
I kinda fell off Transformers for a while until Kingdom remade the old Beast Wars lineup, and I was surprised how quickly that pulled me back in. I've got most of the lineup, but supply near me was weak and I missed out on filling out the collection. Really doesn't hit the same as the original toys did, though. I hope they do some more throwback releases, especially some transmetals.
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You are him falseflagging pedo.
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Fur and metal don't mix
ROTB was the one that made it work
RiD2015 was better when the alt-modes were animal/vehicle
I just forgot it, sorry about that sir
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Beast Wars was the Transformers i liked. Getting that two pack in OP got me into reading from the comic and then I wrnt on my dad's computer to read about Trabsforners lore on the ancient dial up that took 2 minutes to load a website that had pictures of a toy on it. Still love BW to this day and this boxset is my prized Transformer, the Takara TM Cheetor repaint of Ravage was my white whale growing up and I'm very happy to have this one as my replacement/stand-in
that is an extremely soulful display
shut up fag and learn to read.
what cheetor is that? The big one?
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I want some voyager class updates of these two. And not a half ass one, full on new sculpts and engineering. The 30th anniversary is less than 2 years away so here's hoping.
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Beast machines megatron was cool in the show
Have the kick ass toys from the 90s. Bought the war for cybertron rereleases the past few years, but sad to see they never did any transmetals with the rereleases except for transmetals II Megatron
i really fucking love BM Megatron so much. BW Megatron i love to begin with but BM elevated him to god tier villain status for simply having won in the begining.

Yeah he was genuinely scary in beast machines, he’s likable and a smart villain in beast wars. I wonder how that beast machines megatron toy was
Wow I have never seen this figure, ever.
Agree. Id settle for any size class. Deluxe would be nice, even core. Actually..why would a bat optimus be a voyager? I think deluxe would be perfect. They need to start spamming more redos of beast wars basics.
What is the center Megatron’s alt mode? Another figure Ive never seen!

That Cheetor is actually mine. I made a video on it, if you wanna check it out and see it better.

>Masterpiece Primal is still somewhat easy to get
Is he bad or something?
i really want to own the Megabolt Megatron mold, its my current grail.
I really liked the tm megatron design.
Anyone else use to pretend the arm spinning mechanism on Optimus Primal's Ultra figure was a drill/tornado punch?
It's a solid mold, it just had 3 runs and he last one came as the Kingdom line came out so a lot of people jumped ship to collecting that instead. lus in between runs it got a near perfect KO. So it's sort of a flooded market.
Shut up Mitt Romney, you imagination-lacking humorless fuck. Nobody cares about your shitty opinions

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