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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11179611
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The extreme team is recruiting rad dudes. Do you answer the call?
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Will you be ordering any of the bricklink designer program sets?
a city wave remake of this has so much potential.
cmf should be illegal because its basically gambling
I dont have enough space/money for real sets let alone fake sets
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>6 wheeled tank that transforms into a siege tower with a blasting function
This is the coolest shit ever, why have i not discovered this sooner.
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Thanks, is that basically the only way? Would scissors be a shit way to go about it?
I don't trust myself enough to make clean straight cuts ;_;
>nexo spammer is resorting to astroturfing
What theme is this?
Nexo Knights
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was it a good deal? more than he could have made selling the super ultra mega rare set not even LEGO had?
>no DnD dragon tower
what a loser
>lego house
>home alone
>indiana jones
Hate this dude.
Who tf stole my post
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You don't win money so it's not gambling (in the eyes of the law)
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is he lying for epic internet points?
You lose money
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Finally got my two most-wanted sets. Been doubting whether to pull the trigger on Barracuda Bay, as its prices have skyrocketed quite a bit since its retirement. But when I got El Dorado as a present a few days ago I couldn’t help myself anymore. So happy that I did ‘cause Pirates was always my favourite theme growing up as a kid!
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!


Get creator pirate ship
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>finally an OP that isn't D- Oh
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I like this well enough but I don't know if I 280€ like it
try taping it down, and dont use scissors stick to an exacto
It feels a bit cluttered, all these guys with swords and they can't put aside some time to trim the plants, seriously?
The lego magazines are so based
She's so cute
Bait? Anon they are forestman, they are nature lovers and the overgrown fooliage helps with camouflage/make it seem the building is abandoned
I always see these blue raven guys, did they beat the lion knight dudes or something?
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Went to the store today with no intention of buying DnD figs because of this reason. Bought my stuff and then scanned one fig at the front for the lulz and it was a Dragonborn. Feels good.
Why didnt jungle sets give us a temple like that?
>jungle explorer
>no hip printing
pippin reed?
How much did you pay for Barracuda? It was the first set i bought before it retired and not to regret later.
is this polish?
I'm not familiar with her hair piece. Anyone have an image of what it looks like from side or back?
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Dragons Rising year 1 concept art
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It's a braid on the back
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how do i get rid of a gwp???? i dont want this brown fortnite funko pop
You WILL accept our free DIVERSITY
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Should've bought ninjago
Whenever I see people scanning minifigs I mentally judge them on how normal they appear to decide if they're a fellow autist that just wants their collection or if they're a scalper trying to gobble up all the good shit
Does anyone know what novembers GWPs will be? I might wait till then to buy it. I have the rest of the year I guess.
Some type of boat for the big ship they plan to release in november
Well possible that someone with as much dedicated autism got to the pile first or whoever made the display was an epic troll and kept the 3 paladins from every box.
Seriously easy as shit if you know where they're located in a fresh box
>mfw I've been switching the paladins with the black dwarfs
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I would like sets at this scale and reasonable-ish price and dollhouse design but for better themes like Bionicle, Space Police 3, Fabuland, Chima, Rock Raiders, Power Miners, Atlantis, Mindstorms, Blacktron, Insectoids, Monster Fighters, Etc.... Lego... If you are listening, please hear my plea!!!!!!!!!!
i look pretty normal for an autist desu. I'm well dressed, groomed and trained in the arts of masking, so don't judge too fast next time.
I wish we could see it already
Maersk? Otherwise not that interested. If they are doing an arctic exploration ship set maybe they could give us the submarine from Ice Station Zebra? Or an Ice Station Zebra set? What about an Admiral Byrd set where he discovers a crazy secret about antarctica?
jang's viewercount is nosediving bros
Tandbricks is doing a q&a on instagram. Quick ask him about lego dragon ball z soemone here or dnd 2025
I like Jang but who the fuck wants to watch him "review" tiny botanicals?
What is the standard gwp that comes when you get anything like brite bomber and the pumpkin this month? I probably won't buy an overpriced Icons ship
Lego here. No
I'd say there's different levels to this insanity
>anons trying to collect the entire wave
>anons trying to army build with 1, multiple, or the entire wave
>the asshole army builders that dont know when to say enough is enough and single handily obtain every figure of the one their army building in a 50+mile radius
>those that Rip open the boxes like animals and leave the parts thrown everywhere like lions after a kill if it's not one they want
Seriously that last one I ended up with so many of those little scarab tile pieces from moonknight in the 2nd marvel wave because some anon kept ripping open and stealing the digs but leaving the accessories behind at a local store, shit was crazy
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Entire lego discord for leaks is falling apart lmao...leakers age is over
Too far Lego!!!!
Let the bricks of joy turn to bricks of sorrow; may each build crumble under the weight of despair, and every child’s laughter twist into echoes of lament. As the golden arches of imagination fade to black, bind the heart of the Lego Company in eternal dread, where it awakens to find its creations haunted by the spirits of unbuilt dreams, their colors draining to a dreary gray, shackled to the ground with unyielding chains of frustration and regret. For every brick they mold, let a memory shatter, and in the twilight of their legacy, be it said: they shall forever assemble but never find peace!
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>Brick Daddy is a pedo
Well, he did hang out around P. Squiddy a lot...
chocolate maybbe
Why is tax evasion still a crime? If any UK anons are here, every lego set would be 20% cheaper if we didn't have to pay VAT. The goverment is so greedy, and they don't even do anything with this money to help us.
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Christmas is coming... That means in a couple months I will be able to purchase my annual Lego set and I won't feel embarrassed because the cashier will naturally assume it's a Christmas gift for a kid.
What set are you getting? Also you know the cashier doesn't care right? They might even collect lego themselves.
I don't know yet, depends on what's available
Pussy. When I bought the Animal Crossing Isabelle set I looked the cute cashier straight in the face and asked her if she wanted to come over after work and build it with me then swallow my nut.
Also, you could just order online. There's a LOT of sets that are lego.com exclusive.
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Now that the dust has settled... Which one is your favorite?
Did you mod/combine any for an even cooler character?
My favourite is the squid guy. I haven't been able to get any though because in my town they put lego and any collectables like cards behind the counter... Don't know why, I don't even live in an area where this really any crime at all.
I'm scared that the package says Lego in the box. Sometimes my neighbors pick up my deliveries so it would be humiliating
I don't think they would care either... Lego isn't seen as much different to building model planes or trains these days.
Personal favorite fig as is is the mindflayer but I love the the warlock for the eyeball staff, the dagger and clothes
Her because I'm not poor
New thread???
Lego is acquiring fantasy themes at an alarming pace, did you guys hear that they might get the skyrim and elden ring license next year?
They're so soulless, are hasbrotroons really shilling this?
Hopefully they make a mind goblin
Dragonborn? More like Dragon bore!

It's the Druid for me. I ordered a deer mount for him and I'll have to snatch him a wolf companion when the next cmf series releases
Top left and the squid guy will make fine additions to my Space Police aliens....
Eagle guy for my chimas....
Dragonborn for something???
Did that lead to anything
Yep got married and had 3 kids
That was fast
Cope and seethe. Literally the best cmf series of all time.

>Inb4 fleshie hate
Most of the characters are not skin colored and you can just swap heads since the hands were deliberately covered so that you could
Why are they fleshies in the first place? I thought only figs based on real people are supposed to be fleshies, Speed Champions is licensed but doesn't use fleshies so it's not a license thing.
>Skyrim acquisition
>Maiq minifig
God, I wish
Maiq would make a great foil or polybag fig.
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It wouldn't be that bad if they just released a pack of differently styled and colored hairs with yellow elf ears
Stop suggesting me sets that would be perfect for DnD. Im not made of money
Lego lord of the rings full theme should be a thing
Characters like the witch queen are part of the series. She's as real as Link and Zelda
Lotr is fucking boring dude
You're quite a few years late.
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and so it begins...
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What is the best ninjago set in your opinion?
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whatever the last one will be so I never have to see this theme again
Anon, ninjago will outlive all of us
They're all crap but we got some useful torsos from the various enemies, at least
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I'm still upset they blew the opportunity to give us a new Toxikita. she's in the set, but awful. what are they going to do, put her in another new set, but different? nope. that's the one we got. boooo.

the original is way better
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This one
No contest
the one that buckbroke jang

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Hell yeah, more grey bricks for my SW MOC
Once I was getting a stack of technic on clearance and the cashier(cute) said "ooh, there's a little boy who's going to be happy today" and I said "Yeah, it's ME!" and she blushed, probably in embarrassment for me, but so what I enjoyed it
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Estor the cleric

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>tfw secured the deal for mammoth walker, all figs, good condition for a little over 60$
Sensei Wu's dragon
When women blush it's because they are turned on or drunk
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With this post I'm manifesting a 25% discount during black friday
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why is he like this?
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DnD set
I'm not buying Ninjago anon
blessed deviltrips
I'm not supporting the theme that's responsible for lego largely abandoning future original themes
Just found out a guy I went to school with died in a car crash, I feel like I should feel some type of way but I kind of feel nothing, tbqh I'm more emotionally invested in plastic bricks.
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Bros only 4 days left until we can get our hands on this bad boy! Is your bank account ready?
is jabba barge early access at midnight or 1:00 for eu?
Was it on Highway 237 West?
Wont buy. overpriced with shitty figs and kind of boring. Original had way more soul and you get it sealed for the same price
i got the playset one which is way superior with slave leia
In deserts where the sands shift and mix,
Beware the fate of Jabba's sail barge bricks.
Brittle brown bricks, the formula not fixed,
Amidst the wretched Danes, where doom is affixed.
Despite the lies that whisper and twist,
A treacherous fall awaits, something's amiss.
So heed this warning, as shadows grow long,
With brittle brown bricks, nothing feels strong.
jang does not recommend this so I will have to pass on it
>can only review "affordable" sets
I don't like star wars
You rape Kids Chungus.
Does /lg/ remember going to the cinema to watch The Lego Movie?
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GNAJbricks was a cry for help and we didn't listen
Why do lego dudes use bows if it's impossble to operate with one arm (or perfectly parallel arms)?
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You guys are massive faggots. There's literally an app to check the packs, but fuckholes come in opening half the packs in the store. All of these packs shown were ripped open.

I scanned the 17 packs that were unopened and not a single Dragon dude or Bard was there. I had hoped I could get 1 of each, but it's looking like that'll be an impossibility without going to the after market now. Hella lame. This is the same thing that happened two sets ago. What the Hell, I thought folks quit this when they made them scannable in the Space series. Or was there just nothing worth ripping open/hoarding/stealing in that set?

I'm kind of ticked off
>try taping it down
Why didn't I think of that
I have a cheap chinese exacto I got I think with a soldering kit
Hopefully that does the trick
How would you mark the halfway point without marking the hose?
90% of people don't know you can scan them
Anon, ill let you in on a secret. The walmart grocery stores have the minifigs too and most neets dont know about it yet because I guess they dont go grocery shopping.
Lego should just print the figure inside on the box so people don't do this. No one actually cares about blind bag shit.
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>comes with 8 energy crystals
Based Detroit bro.
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>find a set I like
>Jang never made a full review of it
>still nobody has a real transparent neon yellow crystal
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>cmf series has 12 figs
>No Twelve Olympians series yet
Are you kidding me? It's such an obvious idea
this guy is so fucking punchable holy shit
You should feel embarrassed for being a frogposter instead of buying lego.
that'd be awesome, they already did athena in a previous cmf though
>alredy has a big set
>game coming soon
Can they make a wave of sets alredy. I want the robot dinosaurs.
Wasn't this a flop? Probably got cancelled
it's not even out yet you dumb nigger
>No one actually cares about blind bag shit
obviously lego cares because they make more money from idiots that buy way too many trying to get the ones they want.
It flopped and it's not even out yet? How sad
>obviously lego cares because they make more money from idiots that buy way too many trying to get the ones they want.
They don't make any money from that, the stores that buy from lego are the suckers here since they buy entire crates, then people just rip them open to see what's inside or scan them.
>They don't make any money from selling things to stores
wtf are you smoking anon.
Can you read? They make the money from selling to stores, not from "idiots that buy way too many trying to get the ones they want"
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I like this piece. they should make a triangular slope version though instead of a curved one as well
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Has legos abandoned the new road plate system?
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If legos is cantering to AFOOLS now .
Why do they neglect trains so much?
Hopefully, it's really ugly.
>making custom crew of antihero knights in Stud.io
>Vladek's shield isn't in it yet
A lot of minifig pieces are missing from stud.io, I wouldn't use it for that.
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I am a huge toxikita fanboy andI like new Tox.
She is clearly more...cyvilized.
I wish it had that liquid dropping from her mouth though.
luke gwp better be going for 100 bucks asap or I'm going to regret this shit big time. fucking lego man, you'd have to torture me for me to spend more than 50 bucks on pretty much any non-basic need thing yet here I am buying every sw they throw out. fuckfuckfuck
Is ripping packs in a store and getting away with it a typical American thing? here you would be hold by people working in the shop and the police would come to fine or arrest you. This is why you don't see ripped packs in any store over here.
as long as you understand what people really mean when they say 'american'
then yes, quintessentially 'american'
Yup. Saw it quite a bit when I was living in Ohio, but it's not as much a thing in Alabama
The last time those "Americans" thought about Lego was when Bionicle was around for it's first run. Trust me, they have no interest in the current Lego isle
How much of /lg/ is American?
9 out of 10
Are you actually retarded?
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lg is only a few dozen people after all the spam and trolling , at most.
What are these see-thru cube pieces? Is it impossible to get ones that don't have scratches?
It's fascinating that you would choose to question my intellectual capacity while showcasing a profound misunderstanding of the nuances of discourse; clearly, your argument lacks depth and rationality, suggesting that your bricks are brittle. Engaging in reductive name-calling reveals a lack of critical thought and introspection, which ironically highlights the very qualities you seem to project onto me. True intelligence lies in the ability to analyze concepts rather than resorting to childish taunts, and perhaps it's time for you to reflect on your own communication skills before passing judgment.
aislop didn't read
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it just -could have been- so much better
and the fact that it wasn't... sucks

-they covered her chest with a vest jacket (no boob contours to worry about! isn't that so much more use-able gender-wise?! good for you!)
-had to use a skull for "poison" so you could see it peeking through the vest, the biohazard symbol would have been chopped and unrecognizable)
-wrong color hair (is she older so it's like a grey-green?)
-could have used a better hair piece, I guess the mohawk sort of "fits" but it would have been a good opportunity to get a different piece in green, that would not ever have been green any other way (this mohawk is already available in this green in another set!)
-the mohawk hair doesn't properly cover the back of the head, so we do not get a double-faced figure (she could have had two expressions)
-hypocrisy in the use of yellow rips in the pants. if they wanted to make the torso use-able for gender character (boy or girl because no boob lines) the pants are only use-able for "yellow" figures and not the flesh-colored ones.

wow I must have been upset to have typed such an essay! lol... I suck
just the same 5 people over and over
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bricktsar lives in cabbage girls comment section

Isn't he married? Gross
The forest castle looks cool, but I’m honestly out of room for more castle stuff unless I buy another table.
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For me it's Ervan Soulfallen(F)
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Do you ever fill out the Lego product surveys?
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Moving is very scary…
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crazy that they would add so much detailing that just gets covered by the armor
Holy mother of fuck how much dust is that.
Not this time. I was considering the forestmen's castle but it's a bit too big and I feel like I could moc something a bit more fitting. I will save my money for the Wild West Train or the Transylvania set
>the Transylvania set
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Yeah this one, it's in series 5 so still a while off yet.
I'm thinking of adapting it and making it taller to be a castle for my Fright Knights.
CMFs do this sort of thing regularly. A lot of them seem to be made with customisation in mind.
Have amazon D&D boxes been sniped over by the workers+returns? Do I need to buy from lego to get a real chance?
I'm not American and I'm jealous you guys got such kino themes as Unitron, Roboforce and best of all, Dark Forest. Getting those sets is basically impossible in England.
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They already do.
I've been thinking about this a lot since I really wanted to build an Elven faction, but if you want them to be yellow you're pretty shit out of luck, there's currently only 3 yellow eared elf hair pieces. And a few pointy hat pieces with yellow ears but they look more like santa elves or gnomes than high fantasy elves.
just scan them retard
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>realizing I'm going to fomo tonight and buy the sail barge
Are you so stupid that you think Ninjago suddenly disappearing means we will suddenly get Agents, Power Miners, Space, Pirates, etc back again? Ninjago is not responsible for any original themes going away, if anything we should all be glad it still exists as a piece of a bygone era.
Dust Wars: The Dustpire Dusts back
I think individually they are nothing super special what makes the series particularly cool is having the whole group as a unit
guaranteed to be a Black Friday sale

other, better, large Star Wars sets are still available, Sail Barge guaranteed to shelf warm due to poor selection of minifigures, you CAN wait for it

you are much better off waiting until they have a Gift With Purchase that you WANT to have, and have to buy like, $300 to qualify for. if you absolutely are going to buy the Sail Barge, at least wait for one of those insane GWPs
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Rate my custom oni fig I made from PaB.
It can be scary. If you're woefully unprepared like that moron.
And they're all retarded faggots.
I like it. 7/10.
Immortalize him as a moc of his final moments
I understand this reference and I chuckled. I can't hate that silly slug, even with his silly takes.
What sort of tables do you guys use for your displays or Lego cities?
I’m using an old office desk but want to expand, and everyone claims those Linnmon desks from IKEA are the best.
I'll buy it on may 4th for 20-30% off, a better gwp and double points.

I already bought the old Bib head piece, old skiff guards and Leia legs to add to the figs.
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as an American, it is more of a theft problem in general. Stealing from a store is not deemed worthy enough to enforce by some states or are such slaps on the wrist that nobody cares so stores are locking shit up in some places because of it...
>guaranteed to be a Black Friday sale
You mean on Black Friday in the next 1-2 years?
If you can break things into small sections, putting htem in sealable bags and blowing them up so they are their own cushions helps sometimes.
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>You guys are massive faggots. There's literally an app to check the packs, but fuckholes come in opening half the packs in the store. All of these packs shown were ripped open.

Chaotic Evil people exist, anon
That's different though, it's not a full slope.
How did you make the club?
they need to select "something" to put on sale
and the Sail Barge is so over-priced, it's begging for a sale

this year, for sure
do you have brain damage? its a stick with 3 gears
Looks like it turns into an axle halfway
shut up its gonna be the dnd tower so I can grab it. last year the lion castle got 25% and its not like it was selling poorly
if the D&D set is on Black Friday sale, be ready with your tent for the night before, you're going to need to be at the front of the line! lol
Kramer's modular information is incorrect. It is not a townhouse.

40792 Dumbo
40797 Eeyore
40798 Red Panda Mei
January or February

40817 Yellow Travel Suitcase
40819 Up-Scaled Racing Driver Minifigure
gary newman what are you doing here??
Dude, you're nuts if you think a brand new Star Wars UCS set is getting discounted the literal next month it comes out.
It's just one normal bar. Maybe it looks like an axle when viewed from the top because of the gears.
got the Dragonborn Paladin, Mindflayer, two Aarakocra, two Tieflings, two Dwarves, two Halflings, two Gith, two Elves, and Tasha completely by accident, how'd I do?
>no szass tam
imagine not scanning your purchases. do you enjoy the thrill of gambling?
>not just buying a complete set of the dnd cmf for $60 on ebay
>not buying a full box of 36 and selling the duplicates in a couple years
they only had one and I misplaced him with Tasha, I fucked up
I did scan them, the wave isn't complete without male and female counterparts for the adventurers. No idea why I bought the extra bird though
oh, when you said completely by accident I thought you meant the whole haul
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>the wave isn't complete without male and female counterparts for the adventurers
dont forget to buy 2 dragon towers
Does it have a good alt build? If so, I'll honestly consider it
This looks like AIslop lmao
You're supposed to moc it yourself silly
>find a set I like
>Jang cant afford it

>No idea why I bought the extra bird though
I bought a couple extra of them just for their wings.
Figure I’ll make a couple Valkyries to go with my Vikings or something.
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>google "Jang review X set"
>see thumbnail of video with the set and white background
>think it's Jang
>click on it
>it's someone else
How long until he starts begging his fans to send him expensive sets that he can't afford to review?
here he mentions how in the next 6 months he is gonna have to make some "adaptations" to his content and some "different things". I wonder what he means by that

I don't know if he still has it, but I do recall he had a $300 dollar patreon tier where the patron can select a set up to $300 in value for him to buy and review.
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Is this good value for the parts like the bushes?
the Stuntz subtheme was kinda the successor of this.

stop looking for "part packs". just buy the pieces you want directly
>buying used dirty pieces
I feel like this face is too good for these shitty bodies
Its just easier than finding a store to buy on bricklink + having to deal with royal mail so if it's good value i'd rather buy it straight from lego or amazon.
Anyone know when this GWP will be out? Hopefully it replaces that shitty fortnite funko pop gwp soon...

I know that's not good value though
you're fucking deluded if you think its not better value than buying a set with a fuckton of pieces you don't need just to get some that you might(but likely not the right amount)

just say you're looking for an excuse to consoom sets
I never said that, I only asked, retard.
is Eurobricks still active in 2024?
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>Affordably elegant
>Cheap can still be good
>Small, pretty, affordable
it's not looking good for a hobby that's notable for how expensive it is
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So now that the year is coming to an end, what's your "Set of the Year"?
DnD t. /lg/
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For me its this, great large scale spaceship. Interior could be better but I guess it is designed for you to make your own
>inb4 slop wars
i shouldnt have to justify it and people should not care so much about movies that are only related to this product in that they come from the same franchise but I use this for space police anyway so I don't care if you're going to whine about le star war I think the new movies suck too I can still enjoy the sets.
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I might still get the DnD set if it gets a decent discount but for now I'm going of what I own
i don't get why shops don't just pre-open minifig boxes and sell them based on their market value. most anime shops i know just pre-open the gacha capsules and let buyers pick what they want.
Shops do.
Some shops do like bricklink or quite a few will just open the boxes, take out all the good figs and reseal all the ones with bad figs and sell you those, usually online ones.
nothing. nulego is poop
Roman lego when
The best part is the drip being used for a leaking test tank/blood tank
Yes since it can double as a dildo
>old good new bad
it might break though...
We don't do war anymore sweaty. Notice how in the Lion Castle the black falcons are now friends
Literally! Because they keep putting poop pieces in sets!
The celts and romans can be friends :)
Just shit it out
hhhnngg. .... it's stuck...
Cool rhyme I came up with for Lego fans about this I call it "The Bricklink Seller's Decree":

With 40743 Christmas Table Decoration Dildo in hand,
I peddle vile treasures across this foul land.
Caking bricks in shit makes all bricks brittle brown,
Browning bricks makes me cum as I wear my crown.
With each sale on BrickLink, my dark fortune will rise,
As I watch the innocence fade from their eyes.

These overpriced sets, crafted by wretched Danes,
Are mere fodder for my insidious gains.
In this grotesque game, I wear my crown of sin,
Crafting chaos with every vile brick I bring in.
So tremble, ye mortals, for I've come to claim,
Your childhood dreams shattered, in my twisted game.
Sell it at an insane markup on BL after it's unavailable from Lego.
I don't want to, no one wants this except the most vegetative redditor, and it will take up space in my house
Donate it. Throw it away. Maybe re-purpose the pieces for your own creation because it's fucking LEGO? Retard.
It's not if you're rich enough.
They are all ugly pieces no one wants. Would feel bad donating it also because it's landfill crap no kid wants. I will wait for the next gwp
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Rate my latest order, /lgl/.
Extremely questionable financial decisions, I guess you got a lot of GWPs but none are that good. Luke's lightsaber is somehow selling for a lot, does it even have any unique pieces?
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>selling for a lot
grim. wonder if they've heard of bricklink
>does it even have any unique pieces?
One piece has an exclusive print that says "Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber". That's why people are paying $150+ for it. Otherwise you can part it out for maybe $30?
I was working at a theater at the time, so I saw it three or four times for free.
almost every other set eventually gets sold in other stores on sale but this one retained its price since release. why?
It's a lego store exclusive
Is there any extra of those green revolvers?
I thought this was some sort of MK Ultra sleeper agent activation code until I saw those on the mantis' feet.
You get 4 sand green revolvers, I don't think there are any extra.
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Bricklink says theres 1 extra, also apparently these are a new mould of revolver vs the other ones
Also discovered somehow theres a brown revolver among other stuff
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Also still no idea where this specific tape one came from, since theres no dark bluish gray listed ones for sets
I'd move everything down 4 tiers
Not true, I've seen it in store at my local Barnes and Nobles, along with other Idea sets.
I have seen a lot of stuff like that in barnes and nobles, gotta save up for the brickworld this year to get some good bricks or figures
That's just because Barnes and Nobles don't give a fuck
Yet for some reason they don't carry Ninjago. I've seen every other theme, Star wars, Dreamzzz, Sonic, Ideas, ETC, but they dont have that theme for some weird fucking reason. Well, that, and Monkie Kid, but not even fucking Lego Store has Monkie Kid.
About right? I'd move the c-rex, car and tower to A.
I hope the new jurassic world film next year makes good enough money to continue funding our dinosaur stuff, I just want there to be a new mosasaurus
Even if the films sucks, I think the lego sets do well. I know my Nephew has gotten a new Jurassic World/Park set at least twice a year.
The modern dinosaurs molds are atrocious
Space Car or Croc Car? Rex is decent just feel its too messy. Tower is cool, and with recent price drops, might actually be A-tier now, I agree.
I think there might be a bit more coherence and slightly less retardation when it comes to it, considering its the 4th film, also got the therizionosaurus and gigna set, idk if I will ever be able to get the Indominus/Indoraptor sets because >poor but will be on a watchout for this ones studf
What minifig looks closest to an FF black mage? I want to make a classic FF party
Google bricklink blue robe and start there
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this guy, then swap the head for a jawa head and give him a brown wizard hat
starwars jawa head

look for dress or slope piece in medium or dark azure, go to bricklink and filter to yellow or yellowish orange then pick the headwear category
Leaker Tandbricks of instagram teased the shire as next icons set for lotr and we get a non 18+ Transformers set next year...maybe more.

Its in his story btw, he is doing a Q&A

He also said on if lego gaming is looking good in 2025:
>more of everything(zelda, mario, animal crossing, fortnite, minecraft, sonic and teased more Horizon sets!)
>there will be more "movie" cars in summer speed champions wave!
DnD status?
Nothing yet, he most likely answears now the questions from yesterday, by the way of how fast he posts the answears he most likely picked what question he liked and wrote the answears yesterday so now he just posts them. I asked him about zelda/lotr/dnd status and no answear yet.
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Start speculating boys
That star wars eyes is perfect, thanks anons
Jawa head
NuMagisto robe(it's printless)
Dark tan classic wizard hat(all other witch hats have stupid hair)
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I have no self respect

But at least you're self aware
>250 usd
What's the catch?
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Shire chads
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What if lego do a kreo style transformer minifigs and playsets?
He took out the figures and glued down the box again
Probably a proper Castle line, not the 100+ dollar nostalgia sets we've gotten.

Overwatch is another possible option, as Blizzard has been mostly cleaned up, but the IP has been handled so shittly the last few years I dont know if Lego is hyped enough to touch em again.
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He said no for overwatch
100%>>11182694, the figs and maybe monster build are missing.
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Also, he said something that wasnt touched again for past 1 year or 2. Castle had sets no matter if you hate the $500 price tag.
lego scooby-doo pog
....Maybe a Chima set tied to Ninjago? I know the recent lore in the show has had a villain hail from that realm.
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DnD chads...It's Joever
Fuck, actually a solid idea, its the least controversal, most popular IP they've had killed off in a while.
its a shame for you to be posting this in the bump limit thread

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Fuck, guess Hasbro's technical rivalry with Lego won out after all.
Lego Cars
We get duplo sets
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Yes, I know how the classic ones are better in style, play, and durability obviously, own a ptero and triceratops from that era and they are great I just want dinosaur toys to continue in general
What do you have against free lego pieces? They busted their ass to develop such an innovative parts distribution system and they did it for us.
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thicc bricc br0ther
Anyone else have horses with creaky hips? I'm trying to figure out if there's something lodged inside the joint, if it's just reddish brown, or if it's a modern horse thing. I'm close to shooting some graphite spray in there and seeing what happens.
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>we got an actual Escher set
God forbid the newest lg thread falls off the first page. Get fucked, autist.
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holy comf
those two sloped brick figures are severely underrated and cost literal pennies
Too young to be her
>wow I must have been upset to have typed such an essay!
Youre right though
>Zelda tree
>Home alone house
Look. I love Zelda and I love Home Alone but both those sets are so fucking pathetic.
I still have mine sealed
Wait for next year for May the 4th points.
This is literally me but a library of erotica and pornographic history and censorship.

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