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Thread for mocs and moc related conversation.
Lego dragon ball z sets when?
When you build them yourself,
Oh but if your from /lg/, I doubt you can build anything
Give me instructions and officially licensed sets
What MOC from jang's lego city is your favourite? I'm partial to this train station.
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Does it count as a MOC if I'm just making a diorama out of other sets, mixed the minifigures up and add details like I did here? This is a Food Truck Rally at the park. The vehicles are from actual sets, as is the carousel, but I built up the park it's all set up on and organized it. Not sure if that counts as a MOC. Either way, this is how I've organized these guys and I like how it looks so far.
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Don’t really watch jang, but cabbage girls recent moc has way more soul
Wrong thread, retard.
I don't care for celebrity dicksucking and don't watch her. But that does look soulful.
Holy kino, she even used a raised baseplate
I’d say more of a mod than a moc but I’m all for mods of regular sets even if they’re simple. I think the main point of the “moc” vs “general” is that here people actually play with and create things with legos vs the behavior in /lg/ (trolls, YouTube eceleb garbage >>11183216, leaks, general shelffaggotry, and retarded thread creation to name a few).

TLDR- yes you’re good here fren. Things are a lot more civil around these parts.
I remember Egypt guy let’s see the pyramid fella.
I wouldn't call it a moc but you're welcome to post here.
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Small MOC update. Getting the most out of this creator set
Hate when mocs bricks go over the edge of a base plate
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I made a small change to my M:Tron display.
"Something is off about that guy, but I can't quite put my finger on what..."
Where do you see a baseplate?
There are no bricks sticking out a baseplate and it's not even finished so stfu we don't know what it will end up like
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Modern art moc
There is something about older scifi elements that I think just look better than the more modern stuff. This is not nostalgia bait. I genuinely think the art style of the older space sets just look better. The modern stuff, licensed or not, is either too detailed realistic prints or they use too many tiles and curves, as if ashamed of being made of lego.
Better than most stuff out there, definitely deserve a million budget. I hope those brown pieces are minorities among these whites who rise on top of the base they built.
Yes Lego had great simple designs. Most modern sets look like fake Lego.
Modern pieces and build techniques do let you better capture the likeness of something, like if you compare the Star Wars vehicles Lego made 25 years ago with the latest versions of the same vehicles, the modern ones are generally much more film-accurate.
But when it comes to original themes, the limitations breed creativity, and older Lego space stuff has a very distinct visual language stemming from their need to use blocky pieces and sharp angles on everything. I don't really mind the newest space stuff, but most of the designs just look very "generic science fiction".
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I bought the Y-wing microfighter mostly for the Captain Rex minifig, and since the fighter was already mostly blue and white I modified it into an Ice Planet snowspeeder. I should probably get some skis to mount it on, though.
I still prefer the SW sets from 99-03, even though some UCS sets are cool.
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But jang! Cutting pieces is illegal! You're never gonna get in the lan that way.
Nice one!
The original run of lego star wars had its own art style, including the helmets, modern star wars has gone out of its way to try to hide the lego-ness as much as possible, which I find to be completely pointless, and defeats the purpose of building with lego in the first place. If you want a perfect 1:1 replica, why not just buy a model kit?
I hate jang as much as the next person but you have the wrong piece:
>Soi Wars
Faggot shit.
>Ice Planet

This is a perfectly neutral post.
thingkingn boumbt aguanuts fsgtions
Does rebrickable list all the pieces lego ever released? I thought that between City, DC/Marvel, spooky and fantasy themes there'd be tons of maids in various colours, but nope, the closest design is red riding hood's dress. Even FRIENDS doesn't have a black dress + apron.
Really cool combos!
Part number(s) for what the fella on the left is holding?
The medium azure plate your using as a base you fucking imbecile
It's not mine you dumb nigger and not a baseplate.
If it’s built on top of it, it’s a base plate.
Just because it isn’t a thin molded shitty one, doesn’t mean it doesn’t comprise of plates and is a base.
Still looks like retard shit made by a 5 year old.
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Nta, but pic related is a base plate.
Those medium azur pieces are just plates.
Sure, they are at the base of the build, but calling them base plates would be incorrect
>It’s a base and plate but calling it a base plate is incorrect.
Cunt take your fedora back to d R/
Lazy trolling faggot.
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Updated version of the Ice Planet snowspeeder. I moved the thrusters a bit forward to make it look less like the Y-wing and mounted the satellite dish on a separate component connected to the rest of the vehicle with a technic pin like how ot is in some of the smaller Ice Planet vehicles.
This is legit sexy
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Good to see the Ice planet love. It's probably my favorite old school space theme. I'll go ahead and contribute with my space MOCs.
Didn't ask.

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