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>35 dollary doos for a figure with reduced accessories
>only includes one weapon
>ab crunch gets unstuck and leaves a nasty paint scratch blemish as a result
Thanks brian
I found a full peg of Lion-O figures today so I got to pick the best one. Painting around the belts and boots can be spotty and the molding seam line on the head can either be barely noticeable or extremely terrible from the four figures I saw. Got him open and he absolutely reeks, haven't smelt plastic this pungent in a good while. Started moving him and the left shoulder was seized so I worked it out with some hot water, but now I noticed any time you put the shoulders all the way back to where it touches the torso that makes the dark blue paint on his clothes rub off onto the shoulder. Overall it's an okay figure but it does have issues. I bought it because I had the light up eyes figure on pre-order and if this figure was good enough I was going to cancel it but if the other one turns out better I'll just get rid of this one.
I only really wanted monkian because im more of a villain fag. I MIGHT get lion-o if he ever hits clearance, tho
Could be worse, it could be Neca quality.
Fuck off with your trolling.
man, this happened to my rocksteady a few weeks ago... i need to get those reissues with the regular balljoint hips because those old ones blow.
Oh no, a thing that already got fixed ages ago! Idiot, Jesus Christ.
I was shocked at how much worse the $35 Lion-O is vs the $55 one. I would have thought that the accessories would be the main removal, yet it looks like they made a whole new worse mold when they could have just reused the mold from the $55 one with less paint and that would have saved them a lot of money
Anyone know how to fix this? Same thing happened to mine. Neca quality is such dogshit, their sculptors do all the heavy lifiting
The quality is just fine, the factory fucked up that batch of figures.
Yeah it's sort of dumb they're calling these "deluxe" when they're missing 90% of the accessories. It's like they don't know what the word actually means.
Super 7 doesn't make standard figures. It's called Deluxe because Deluxe is less than Ultimate, which is what Super 7 primarily makes.

It makes sense, what doesn't make sense is that Super 7 refuses to make standard figures.
NECA always had bad quality. Even on figures that were mostly a statue. It's why I stopped buying them.
You're a fucking idiot, because that isn't true. They've always gad quality and still do, dick for brains.
I just don't see the value at this price. Surely they could throw another extra pair of hands and an alt head in for the same price, its an extra 50 cents of plastic for a mold you already made 2 years ago. Even fucking marvel legends do this and those are probably the cheapest piece of shit collector toys on the market.
these figures are new molds so the old hands might not fit. why they didnt just reuse the ultimate molds i'll never know. it'd be cheaper
>hese figures are new molds
They are not.
And I'm sure they sent free fixed replacements to all those who purchased flawed product.
Isn't Lion-O the pinless version they've only used for Mirror Lion-O and Dying of Hypothermia Lion-O? The hands will fit, but the plastic colors won't match.
Yeah, if you email and ask they do. Idiot.
Monkian isn't, Lion-O is. It's the same body as the upcoming light-up eyes Ultimate exclusive.
The new mold looks like a cosplayer. Modern sculptors strike again.
This cracks me up. It would have been cheaper just to mold the upper body in the color they wanted instead of painting it. Painting is way more expensive than molding a figure. They could have just molded the entire figure twice and it still would have been cheaper than painting the entire upper body. Just absolutely zero fucks are given with figures like this. They arnt even maximizing profit. This entire company is probably a tax fraud scheme.
>ahaha they PAINT their figures in 2024?! they aren't even maximizing profits! what a bunch of maroons!
Are you sure you aren't late for your board meeting, Mr Goldstein?
You do realize painting toys costs more now right? Fucking retard racist
Some people like their figures to not look like happy meal toys. This is quite desirable in the collector market.
Only if you bought it through their online store, only if it's within 30 days, and even then it's unlikely they'll agree to replace it and they definitely won't replace it with an improved remake with flaw fixed.

tl;dr you're retarded
People on this board give me shit for collecting Loyal Subjects TMNT figures when this shit happens constantly.
Which company is worse, TLS or S7? I'd say S7 since they charge more.
Brian Flynn looks like a faggot so yes
Loyal Subjects are fairly priced for what they are. Super 7 have less articulation and cost $50 a pop. ReAction figures should be $15 and Ultimates shouldn't be a dime more than $30.
You still deserve it.
Nah, you're the retard because you're spreading complete lies about things.
Fuck off phoneposting troll
>Thanks brian

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