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Why the fuck are porn ads showing up on a blue board?
because you touch yourself at night
Speak for yourself, coomer
Technically, >>11184167 is correct. What ads show up depend on what Google scrapes from your long-term browsing history, regardless of the color of the board you're on. If you're seeing porn ads on a blue board, it's because it has been decided from your habits that those are relevant to you.
>Inb4 'I use a VPN!'
Doesn't matter - those things do nothing to block Google spiders - they literally pay VPN companies to have access to their backdoors so they can track you and collect your data no matter where you're pretending your IP is coming from. There is no privacy on the Internet, only the illusion of such, and someone's always watching.
Wrong. Impossible since I don’t search porn, ever. And I 100% guarantee everyone is seeing the same ad.
That's bullshit. The ads on 4chan aren't targetted ads from using tracking cookies. I've never been to Games123 or whatever the fuck it's called, but I've been seeing the Queen's Blade ads for the past fortnight. And I'd never been to Onlyfans until certain whores started advertising here with ads made specifically for 4chan, so I had to see what kind of predatory whore was advertising on /toy/let.
And then we also have all the times that Junkman bought ad space on this board.
Of course, you can use an ad blocker, but then you'll never see ads by that channer that wrote the novel that predicted the Jewish tunnels below NYC. I like that guy.
This is the board with Revoltech.
I just realized there isn't a 4channel anymore. Couple years ago, they separated and redirected boards for SFW purposes. Is that anything?
Yeah, sure - you're a saint. The last one on Earth, even. The Church is totally gonna canonize you when you die.
You are browsing the same board that has both a comer and furfag general, on a site with multiple red boards with straight-up porn on them. Doesn't matter if you go to the boards or the threads; all that matters is that you frequent the site daily. Your ads are tailored to the kind of activity that goes on in the domain, not necessarily where in the domain you prefer to hang out.
Yeah. Funnily enough, they were using generic anime girl ads telling you to "tap to bounce" with an arrow pointed at the tiddies until a few weeks ago, so when they switched to Queensblade I was like "yeah, that at least makes sense for the board."
A while back, another anon bought some adspace on here to troll another thread on /pol/ and when submitting your application, you get to choose what boards it appears on. I don't think Junkman would want his ads wasted /hc/ or /m/ when he is trying to troll us specifically.
4chan doesn't use those systems for their advertising. You've hit midwit point, anon. You know enough to think you know what you're talking about.
Bad associations anon, it's a clear message you should leave this place.
Its all just 4channel now, i forget why the board split stopped honestly.
Because they make our glorious leader money
they realized it was pointless to think that advertisers would flock to the site if /pol/ and /b/ were in their own pretend containment from the blue boards
>ads on 4chan
lmao retard
4chan has ads?
No dude, that's literally why. The porn ads only show up if you are a coomer.
Repent, my brother in Christ.
This is the most likely answer. Hiroshimoot cares not from whence the money flows, only that it flows directly into his wallet.
Makes sense, why spend if you arent earning.
He cant be getting rich of this, kinda suprised he never shows up i mean even moot sat around for a few hours to say bye.

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