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Jesus how fucking long did it take them to release anything, was getting worried they didnt show up
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how fucking big is it going to be to fit a 1:12 figure inside, and what price is it going to be if a normal figure cost 100 bucks
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Fuck yeah!
Camel seems pretty basic when it comes for articulation but this is how animal mounts are done usually so not a big complain.I just hope it can lay down like in the game.
I'm a bit worried about LV Armor being unbalanced, that it needs the stand all the time. But I'm pleased how compact it is. Really good size. Can't wait to see the final price. I want two of those...
... and the seam lines could be hidden a bit better. But fuck it, I want it.
They need to reissue some older figs for new people to jump the bandwagon. More soldiers would be quite useful.
>we have to pay hundreds just because Hasbro or whatever won't get them
First time with imports?
I do hope those uneven gaps are just the prototype's issue. They really make it look cheap, I do consider Tunshi a high end fig creators, despite problems with articulation on most of the figs, and I hope it stays that way (the high end part, not the articulation one lol).
Wholesome little six inch kino haslab 1/12 haslab affordable price?
They need to do THE tank someday, fuck, hope the line will survive till we get it. Hope it sells good.
Yeah, I like Metal Slug, but I fell in love with the original game almost 30 years ago at this point. I would've been all over most of this stuff 20 years ago. As it is, I bought Eri and called it a day. They're too late to be too expensive.
It's SNKs fault they mismanaged the brand. Instead of CupHead we should get non-pixel (stop milking those 30year old sprites) smoothly animated hand drawn Metal Slug run&gun game.
But can you imagine late 90s early 2000s MS toys? I see small, few inch tall, 3 POA figs (amrs and head) and bunch of cheap looking, pure plastic vehicles that have rather questionable proportions.
Hasbro somehow let their Fortnite license rot on the shelves and die what makes you think Metal Slug is worth their time
Well I mean 20 years was after Marvel Legends started so we were starting to get decently articulated figures. Even 5-9 POA wouldn't have been so bad as long as it wasn't ReAction tier shit. Bandai's 1994 Mega Man line, if you could find it anyway, wasn't bad.

But you're right, they wouldn't be as nice as the current stuff. $100+ for just the standard figures isn't conducive to collecting many of them though.
>Well marvel legends marvel legends marvel legends marvel legends

Can you faggots fuck off already with your retarded capeshit.
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
Marvel legend wholesome six inch kino robot don't know rub adub play time?
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Yeah, they are on the expensive side. I do wish they were cheaper, but new figs come out so slowly that after catching up it's not a big problem. I kinda prefer them to be high quality than McFarlane tier. I wish Tunshi reissues at least the main crew, so others can get them too. Now it is impossible for a reasonable price.
Man, I know it's technically accurate to the sprite, but it looks so bad and dull somehow. Too many big smooth surfaces. This really needed some more surface detailing or heavier weathering or something, when I opened it up I almost thought it was a kinda bad custom.

Also, what a weird choice to make this before any of the more iconic Slugs.
If I remember right, this is actually your display, right? Super impressive stuff. I bet all of this cost a fortune. You did a really nice job with that background and sand too.
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It's mine, still got one Prisoner coming, want him to be tied to a pole. I got many ideas regarding this display. So far only made this sand tray and backdrop. Want to make a real deal diorama in the nearby future, recreating few levels from the game, mostly this arabian one and the factory (this is where I want to put LV Armor). I live in a small town so I don't have a hobby store here, I'm forced to buy everything online. It sucks, when I need something right now I need to wait 2 days for delivery.

I have even some 3D modeled stuff for 3D printing, but I told myself I wont get a printer before I finish renovating my basement. It's getting cold already so printer wouldn't work that great anyways.

For now I will just make that small building. Done some references and scaling, gonna print those and start shaping the modelling foam. I'm not sure if I should just make those signs by hand or model them digitally and 3D print them later.
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He's literally (you).
did the jonkler got a botch facial lift?
Holy shit that's nightmare fuel.
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He reminds me of Mask 2 movie villain.
I was curious how my 3D models would scale in relation to figs, so I decided to print fronts and sides of the models I'm working on, and damn, shit's big. Anyways, finally started working on that Arabian shop. I'm carving hard styrofoam rn.
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>forgot pic
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Soft goods look like shit, but it’s based on Dark Knight Returns Joker, which his face did kinda look like that in it.
Crazy, those are huge. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Gonna print them next spring. It's getting cold here so printer would give questionable results in such conditions. I will spend this time on polishing those models.
Meanwhile I will try to make few terrain elements. Carving the Arabian shop rn. Never done this before, I'm a bit afraid of painting live.
Gonna stop spamming the thread, diorama making is kinda off-topic. Will drop some photos when stuff is finished.
Godspeed anon, this is some good shit.
Looks great, you have a good eye for the right amount of wear.
I was kinda hoping for Trevor and Nadia after Leona but I guess killing my entire bank account works too.
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All we know, besides of what is presented in OP, is that Allen O'Neil (pic rel) was teased. So we don't know much. If they make Allen, hope they wont reuse the existing body, guy supposed to be huge.
Personally, i would prefer more if they do characters from first 3 games first, before they do from later sequels, or coomer baits from mobile games. I would love to see Morden, Aliens and Zombies.
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>Allen O'Neil (pic rel) was teased
How'd they tease him? This is the main bastard I'm waiting for. If they go hard with this line, I've already accepted I'm going to buy him twice. Human version and <lol toy spoilers> terminator version <lol toy spoilers>

Morden might be cool too, the aliens I'm not sure how you'd do them without making them statues. Zombies are obvious recolours, and uh...

>coomer baits from mobile games
There's an obvious pair of bait characters that are 100% repaints from Metal Slug 3...

>i would prefer more if they do characters from first 3 games first,
me too, but with ralph and clark and leona already on order, I'd just want trevor and nadia to "complete" the player character line up. And I guess Rumi Aikawa (the backpack girl) to hang out with the POW guy.
they only showed a picture of Allen's sprites and art of the Camel

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>I would love to see Morden, Aliens and Zombies.
Zombie would be a killer to make, i always loved them in any form of media, especially Metal Slug
i would be okay if they ask me even 150 bucks if they give me the blood vomit
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Worst part is, after Leona we are gonna have a long drought. While we have seen the 3D printed prototype of LV Armor, there are no promo images of it yet, meaning it can take even up to a year for its final release. Hope I'm wrong.
Honestly considering how much a figure from this line costs, I'm going to need up to a year to save up for that fucking thing.
>blood vomit
Considering the figs have just one alternate head, zombies kinda have no other option than to go with standard idle face and the vomit. They would need to fix those god damn ankles, so they can do in-game poses.
I'm still mad.
Duke Nukem takes forever to release.
Another big brand mismanaged to its death.
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Just got the JNB Toys Not Luke
Skywalker. First impression is he looks good but he’s too tall and I hate the lack of ankle articulation. Also I don’t care for the Mandalorian stuff they included, I’d rather have Salacious Crumb or something else from RotJ than baby Yoda hologram.
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>lack of ankle articulation
That's my biggest gripe with my Tunshi collection. I can forgive needing to heat the joints up every time you want to switch the hands, but shit ankles hinder articulation to much. I thought they finally learned how to do them with Ralf and Clark, but Ichimonji has them fucked again. Zero range bending upwards.

With garbage ankles you can't do dynamic poses without a stand.
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Even with a stand most dynamic poses will look bad if there’s no ankle articulation. I think poseability and playability is less of a priority with this line than looks.
I’m pretty sure this is the same company that made not-Maul, the packaging and bases are very similar, but they used a much bigger base body for some reason so now Luke is out of scale with all other SW lines, even among third party cloth figures.
The Death Trooper torso accessory is a waste of plastic and has terrible paint
$290 at BBTS. Yeah, no thanks. No chance the actual tank is happening.

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