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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11182706
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latest leaks
nobody else stopped...
did anybody ever find out why?
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are space babies based or cringe?
cringe and reddit
My five year old loves them.
kinda cringe, but i can't help but like the baby-scale builds they come with
I don't think of them as space babies, just adults represented in a different scale
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Why did they make Metal Sonic a minifigure?
I hate the droid body pieces, but something like that would look better than a regular minifigure.
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This step feels bad. Those little bits are rickety as shit
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What's the greatest disappointment of the year?
>1 girl 20 tentacles
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No Drizzt!
Other than these kinds of faggots? >>11184514
Everything highlighted.
How'd they fuck up all the expensive City Space stuff but somehow the cheap ones are all based beyond belief? Like literally EVERYBODY loves the SCV and that one spaceship.
the Zelda set, even when you ignore the ridiculous price, is just not good

I still have some hope for 2025 but it killed my hype for a zelda theme
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Holy shit
Giant space mommy
That price and it's not even a 3-in-1. Sad!
This fig is great but the space baby doubles the price on the after market so its the most expensive s26 fig now
there's something so soulful about the classic smilley compare that to this abomination >>11184530 with giant eyes
What is with the obsession with classic space that lego acknowledges it the most
Most popular space theme among redditors
historical and cultural relevancy

>"hurr why does nintendo always shill the original 151 pokemon?"
They should bring back mixels. I really liked them, non licensed, and they kinda reminded me of spore. Don't care if they do the cartoon again, just the toys should be enough. But I feel like thats some trap Lego has fallen in to, everything they release MUST have some kind of cartoon or game or other media thing connected to it.
it's from the 80s (yes I know it started in the late 70s shut up) and for whatever reason the "retro" cultural zeitgeist has never moved on from that era. I mean sure some 90s/00s nostalgia bait is out there don't get me wrong but if you look at the greater pop culture focus it's still all on the 80's. I really don't understand it, as someone that grew up on That 70's Show and whose parents grew up on Happy Days.
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>HEY! It's me, Goku!
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The inn turned out nice even with some rearangements but the tower honestly seems over designed.
woah, big purchase for jang!


>jose's inn
are you MOCing before building the set as is?
I have no intention of paying 400 euros for it so i'm just winging it following the instructions on the lego website.
I have enough pieces lying around to make the entire set (aside from the dragon).
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I used the spare head of my D&D minifigure to make a jack o'lantern for my little house
Very cringe
White dots on LEGO eyes are antisoul. If a fig doesn't have them, the fig has a soul.
Is it okay if i buy this?
oh, fair enough. though I feel like a lot of value of the set is on the unique monsters, figs and accessories I can appreciate your resourcefulness. The challenge of figuring out close enough alternatives should provide a different type of fun

looks dumb, are you the unboxing weirdo who previously mentioned doing that?
are you a child or a furry?
I just like my friend Sonic?
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boomers get in here
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way to drain the soul out of a product
It's pointing up like that cause it would fall over otherwise.
Later gens had special helmets.
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>259 interlocking pieces
>Endless building possibilities. See the back side of this package.
>2590 pieces(259 1x1 flat tiles)
>Follow the instructions and display on your shelf.
I like the DOOM guy
This space elephant thing is pure sovl
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I am happy to report that the Creator Vespa goes quite well with 1/12 figures.
its jang approved!

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I can't believe I used to only buy Technic, holy shit I love this set
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Also it's insane that it comes with this many minifigs.
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We do not support the grey block in this thread
I'm sure it's a great set but I always thought it looked ugly as sin on the outside. And not in a soulful way.

This one looks better but it might be worse to play with.
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>the display dollhouse is worse to play than the set that is literally designed as a game
lol ok
HOOLY SHIT, metal sonic looks incredible. Way better than the lego dimensions version.
Why are those pine trees so tiny?
My favourite is the midget forestman girl and the cow with cart
>midget forestman girl
its a loli
Medieval Town Square
Same as a midget, legally.
>Hasbro slop for trannies
whatever bro
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>literally designed as a game
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>slop for trannies
>he says in the defense of the queen's castle where most knights are women
they are real women unlike dnd's """"women""""
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>gee willikers I just can't wait to gather round my friendly LGS table and play a chunky lil Hasbro® Lego© DND™ sesh with my DEI pals!!!1!!
new slugkino up
wtf cares about blind people!?
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I really should have put these $400 towards my sexual reassignment surgery
>put these $400
what shithole country are you larping as someone who can afford lego from anon?
Get on with the review!!!! Jang would never do this.
Is slugger GAY? What does he mean by "my partner"?
>Is slugger GAY?
did the voice not give it away?
straight couples calling each other their partners is much gayer than gay sex
hes referred to his partner as "she" before though
All americans sound like that?
It would seem so
His girlfriend probably identifies as non-binary or genderfluid now
found the trannie
he's Canadian thougheverbeit
>Tranny is jealous of women lego figures
What's the difference?
extra autism stat boost +10%
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only one of those sets looks like a castle...
simple as
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Not sure if i can post it here - i'm just too excited because this is pretty much all i wanted from Nexo Knights.
I was randomly scrolling through Ebay and found this lot of somebody selling multiple nexo sets.
I never won any auctions and when it said "sold" I thought "damn what a good price-that guy is super lucky".
And then i see a fucking "PAY NOW" option.

I actually bid "80 eur" (because it's all i had and could bid) but it was sold for 64. Not sure how that works but I'm super happy.

Gonna MOC that Jestro Castle to place my DnD minifigures in it!
Holy wow its all i wanted from Nexo - first 2 giant sets!!
noone cares lmao
What is that? New bionicle??
post bricks or die
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Friendly reminder only 3 days left till you can preorder from the bricklink designer program
As usual we can expect it to sell out in minutes so be prepared if you're interested

>love the tranquil garden
>want to build a weeb samurai town around it
I’m guessing Ninjago is the way to go, some of the temples look like traditional jap buildings.
I do miss the original Ninja theme sets, those were kino.
Will the chocolate one go on sale?
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i keked
on sale as in allowed to be bought? yes
discounted? no
why so expensive if no discounts ever? seems like a scam
are you stoopid?
im the smart one cause im not falling for a scam
Did the black knight mech always look so terrible?
its limited edition meaning they will only produce a very limited amount meaning the moment it sells out in the first minutes it wont be available anymore ever except the aftermarket for ridiculous prices. there's no time for it to be on sale
It's missing pieces obviously
What's the appeal of these soulless eyes and smiles? I hate space dudes because they look dowright fucking creepy.
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>Did the black knight mech always look so terrible?
I think it's pretty cool. Like a monolith of steel and power.

I know it's popular to be contrarian and hate nexo knigths these days.
See you few years later when it will be "kino" just like Galaxy Squad/Monster Fighters is Kino to current generation.
>grown man plays with toys while blindfolded.
>moved to tears.
very powerful stuff
imagine being this soulless
you clearly picked a photo that doesn't show how stupid the head looks
Define kino. It's fucked on the design and color scheme level.
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>heh, you clearly picked a photo that doesn't show how stupid the head looks
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>the tranny from this general upset the upcoming plush girl cmf is copyright infringing doesnt know this set already exists and its on shelves right now
post a pic with the helmet up so everyone can see how gay you are
>Define kino.
he got it for christmas from gramma when he was 6
Being a "classic" doesn't change the fact it's creepy as shit. Baby dolls also have a "classic" template but you don't want to be surrounded by dozens of those mfs at night.
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>UGH! post a pic with the helmet up so everyone can see how gay you are
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>creepy as shit
do the little plastic men scare you anon?
picrel might be more up to your speed
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what a great dragon
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that's a nice collection of wojaks you got there sweaty
did someone online make fun of your toys again anon?
Just fucking look at them goddammit. Don't you argue how it's important to play with legos and not just post boxes like le redditors? Well you have to be an unironic psychopath to play with more than 5 of these dudes staring at you with their soulless eyes.
take meds schizo
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>blocks your path
Do you guys think my display is based or cringe?
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So this is how they make the chocolate, huh? It's just like the ice cream in Lego Batman, huh?
that looks like garbage...
extreme cringe but thankfull there's a high chance it's not yours and you just pulled this image from reddit
It's cringe solely for the sidewalks not being parallel with one another.
>erm what is this brickbuilt garbage I want a molded printed head!
Its cool but there are a bit too many figures and a lot don't fit. The best are all the classic smiley figs they fit in well in the modern city. You should make a seperate sonic display for your sonic figs and build a module nearby for your spiderman figs. Ninjago riding tiger is cool but I don't know where you could put him. The alien needs his hat back so he can blend in more
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I'm an avid nexo knights defender byt year 1 mechs kind of such ass
Thw merlock combo mech blows them both out of the water in both build and playfeature
Whatever, you being a pissy little bitch instead of actually explaining what you like about them is enough for me.
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>pissy little bitch
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you probably think this is a good dragon too
I assume the main boss is that thing in the middle in the yellow sweater? Slagathor the consoomer!
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oh no zeldabros!
Its almost like the zelda set's target demo is Zelda fans
Did you know these molds were going to be squirt toys and if you cut them in half the mechanics for that gimmick are still there

Not that anon but I like them because they remind me of smiley faces. Literally that simple. Tons of cute characters have this appeal like Charlie Brown characters, Playmobil. However it can somehow go wrong and I hate Funko Pops and Beickheadz so idk man. Im not a smiley face psychologist.
>Set released half a year ago is owned by more people than the set released a month ago
Asian girls?
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you're clearly a zoomer who doesn't have much experience using your own imagination.
the classic smile is a blank slate and much better than the dei garbage we get today.
My mom thought all lego minifigures were asian because they were yellow...

I also remember when I was a kid and got Ninja sets and my older cousin visited who didnt collect lego anymore was shocked there were lego heads that didn't smile.
Reminder that this guy is a neurosurgeon
Ive been wondering this for awhile now because its brought up with retro games but what do people mean by using your imagination for stuff like that? I was born in 1990 and I remember doing it as a kid a lot, and I prefer older Lego but I can't remember what it was like at all. I cant even figure out how to articulate what Im trying to ask 100%.
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I kinda liked this one. Though I thought of it less as a space atation and more as a pack of modules.
Aw man we could have gotten a red :) but they cheaped out. Imagine it on UFO droids or nexoknight demons or whatever.
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Thanks for the pointers anon. I actually threw in more figures for the photo, the aliens usually hiding on the yellow roof too. I honestly made it mainly as a sonic display emulating the adventure games with the american city setting, the humans are NPCs for the sonic characters to talk to

I understand however The buildings themselves look better with the jazz club further out, its pretty sunken in normally
when things are more simplistic your mind fills in the blanks to make everything a little bit more how you would like it to be.
when every piece (or game model) is excruciatingly detailed with pages of lore describing each tool or character there is very little room for your imagination to fill in any gaps.
as a child your mind just does this naturally but it becomes harder with age
>I'm an avid nexo knights defender byt year 1 mechs kind of such ass
>Thw merlock combo mech blows them both out of the water in both build and playfeature
You are wrong.
You don't even have that awful mech otherwise you wouldn't say such retardation.

Prove me wrong by posting your mech photo.
Whic you obviously won't do because you are retarded shitposter.

Always remember that.
>waaah post your own photo!
>posts stolen photo
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Too over-designed. I prefer the exquisite functionality of Ninjago.
Nexo spammer is not a smart fellow
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I don't have to post anything.
It's you who have to prove me wrong. Not me.
I have those mechs and know what i'm saying.
It was you who burst into the discussion in a hysterical attempt to prove something to me on a toy forum.

You will always be a lesser human being than me, shitposting anon.
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at least it's not a minecraft lover like last time
>exquisite functionality of Ninjago
cmon dude
I've been getting into fasting lately, it's a good way to lose weight(im not obese or anything but it would be nice to be leaner) and you can save all the food money for lego!
What an ugly ass mech with baby connectors. burn it with fire
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This one's better than black knight but still akwardly designed with the disproportionate arms that can virtually only move up and down
Also my room's got shit lighting but here you go
you type like a school shooter
you type like a school shooter
why do you keep your lego in your evil jeffrey dahmer cellar
Man, listen to that youthful, enthusiastic voice. Where did it all go so wrong?
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im sorry you bought this mech anon.
It's a shitty design with awful colors like most of sets from that late line.

Only first 2 nexo mechs are good.
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These are both soulless, shit castle sets, even Harry Potter is better. True Lego fans will get a few of the 3-in-1s and make their own
oh wow I thought it double posted somehow
guess I'm not alone in worrying for nexofags classmates
That guy may be a neurosurgeon but he’s also clearly also an autistic retard. I almost got a seizure just watching all those leds.
literal "brain surgeon"
tons of money to spend on Nintendo stuff
not smart enough to purchase a comfortable couch

at least buy a couch that matches the rest of the room

why does that couch look so cheap? Is it his childhood 40-year-old nostalgia couch? the one he grew up on?
Why does every single Lego building have that doll house look to each room now?
He chose an uncomfortable couch because he knows he should never get fully comfortable, if that happened he could slip up and make a vital mistake.
>I’ve been getting into fasting lately
Nigger are you choosing plastic building blocks over food? Maslow wants his ladder back.
Sometimes when you click abort on posts when its 100% even though you technically made the first one only the second one will be able to receive (you)’s
>t. Has had this happen to myself many times
>awful colours
It's the same color scheme as the one you posted but with lighter blue added and with some more gold...?
thanks for the warning for if i ever need surgery and this guy shows up.
New Nexo Knights video on youtube:

Literally evebody in the comments loving nexo knights, showing that /lg/ is a contrarian faggot.
> True Lego fans will get a few of the 3-in-1s and make their own
Abso-fucking-lutely! It should be called the 50-1
it's color choises are shit (dont even compare to base blue + STEEl or black+STEEL colors of season 1 you pleb) and gimmick is stupid as fuck making mech look awful
any mocs of this that can fit in a space/modern city?
As opposed to this?
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do you even have eyes
compare based colors of that 1st season mech to this baby blue+gold+orange with mech looking stupid on its own due to gimmick

what the hell were they thinking
That last wave killed nexo knights because it had many questionable design choices
Last 'wave' was a dead man walking right as it was cancelled
They didn't even drag the show that far
>still posting this gay picture
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bro you do not need to make a new thread everytime we hit the bump limit ffs just make it when we hit page nine or something
Op is a Pedo spammer, we simply have to live with this until he gets nuked :(
Yet you post in the new thread!
I am very intelligent
Guys when is next gwp i don't want fortnite funko but i want to order lego thats exclusive to lego.com :(
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Wtf I don't want that either
I do like Nexo Knights you Kunt.I have the first mech that came with the king. It's just the cockpit area on the black knight is really flat. It slopes back weird. The head is attached dumb.
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>crying about nexo knights "shitposter"
While we literally have a DnD shitposter that spamming DND-related threads.
i mean look at this crap.
what the fuck

I swear its the same 1 autistic faggot from pre-dnd cmf time. He was having the same annoying style and stupidity. It's just that he now obsessed with DND because his zoomer brain likes "thing but popular"
Look how smooth it is with absolutely no studs.
muh technique!
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When is this actually tasteful GWP going to be out?
thanks bro
It's just a fucking box
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it would be cool if it contained like a miniature pirate scene inside
rate my cart. The monster truck I want because I want to build the suspension mechanism. Thor set I want cause it could be a good Balrog. And the mechis apparently one of the best mech's ever according to jang
>based beyond belief
3/10 , 3 for monster truck, 0 for rest
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/lg/ cant make me hate the dnd set and cmfs
I’d love to say yes but honestly no. There’s a couple of cool haunted house mocs I’ve seen. It’s definitely a castle themed set.
Check out the alt. builds there are dozens. I haven’t seen anyone do a millennium falcon out of it yet. Be the first.
bros it bleeds when i poop. I fear my klocki building days are coming to an end
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who's ready for another BASED sovlful moc?

Can she do a space moc
can she do a sex moc
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not as good as mandr's moc
oh, wrong link, I'm a moron

wow this is absolutely amazing! no wonder holly fell in love with him
is mandr retarded? how is this a moc, its just official sets on green baseplates? and why did he choose one of the worst movies to make a moc of?(not countinng disney wars)
blessed post. dnd is the only licensed theme I endorse. the license is basically just a technicality anyway since most characters are templates for OCs
Still mad that they locked rogues behind a 300+ dollar set
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Have you gotten yourself a mermaid kitty and/or fairy kitty yet?
why do they lock the kitties behind friends sets no one wants?
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Bulk lot came in
gith has daggers(cooler ones than the set's rogue's), bird has bow, vampire has cape, that's most of what you need

you can experiment with combining torsos and legs from all other figures for cool rogue clothes. shame tasha's torso is female only but the legs still go well for either gender
Go watch the video it’s worse than you think.
For me it’s the cool Wizard robe.
The fighter and cleric are alright I guess as well.
that boy needs therapy
Do you guys keep your boxes?
Yes. I list them for double after the set retires. I’ve made $230 on cardboard.
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The good. Didn't see the panther in the lot, the jag and tiger are worth more than I paid for the lot
do the hasbro shills not realize their shilling is making people not buy the sets?
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The bad holy fuck the courier/seller (due to shit packaging) did a number on it.
He hasn’t been laid in a month of sundays.
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Boy am i glad he's frozen in there and that we're out here
Cute fluff
Now build a tank for her
I got my own 1 bedroom apartment recently.

THinking of putting my bed in the living room studio style and having the entire bedroom as the lego / computer room.

What would you guys do?
I'd probably do that but that's cause I don't have anyone who'd come over to my place.
Seeing a lot of dark blue and orange. Decent haul of animals though.
Yeah it's mostly the mammoths set a chunk of an older arctic set and parts of like 4 jungle city sets.

I have a shit tonne of orange and dark blue due to bulk lots.
>african american girlboss elf mage
Did this survive an explosion or something?
Holy fuck
Lego would send ninjas to assassinate me for building war machines out of their blocks.
In your opinion what would be the acceptable way of featuring a black character?
Epic xD
I remember seeing this on an old brickset or something page, what website had a bunch of mocs like that including comics from the early 2000’s or mid-late 2000’s?
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>when the set is so crap in comparison that you feel the need to apologize
imagine being an old fart and racist
At least i can understand an underage zoomer.
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>80S dark synth starts playing
Bros...i can't wait to get him
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When I see nexo knights on the thumbnail I instinctively always scroll through the posts without reading
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thanks for your input, nexo hating faggot!
they should make an update of this video: https://youtu.be/mcENl2Gg4HE
I'm going to buy the druid halfling, dragon paladin and skeleton warlock cmf's today.
What am i in for?
>dnd /v/ style brainrot post
The druid halfling, dragon paladin and skeleton warlock, obviously

Btw it's a lich not a warlock
Honestly, only figure that i have no intention of getting is the lady of pain. Everyone else is great.
She's my least favorite too. I only got her because I thought the dress and especially the cape could be useful down the line.
>What am i in for?
Probably not finding the paladin
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That can't be right?
When I don't see a thumbnail, I instinctively scroll through the posts without reading. Yours got a read because someone replied to your bitchpost with an image.
Foreshadowing Monstrox in the background
>can’t handle racism on 4chan
Also you do realise a fair portion of zoomers now are in their 20’s. Answer the fucking question about the site it had other stuff besides racist memes and stuff and was a dark mode sorta layout from my hazy memory, also it had a big layout of a greek or egyptian bathhouse as one of the posts (lots of yellow bodies lmao), so help find it or fuck off
The head looks fucking awesome what are you smoking
to me it's hideous, but he likes it good on him.
Does the Tails Cyclone machine transform into a plane?
Wo the fuck buys this?
based, this is tempting even though I have the normal tails fig already
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I don't care if you bros call me a queer, these sets are fucking amazing and i'm gonna buy them!
I get wanting the dragon but why the tranny house?
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>based draganon
That is something. lol
not as good looking as this one
If you want a serious answer, women and effeminate men?
I don't get wanting the dragon unless you want to have sex with her then you do you. king.
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Shut the fuck up shitposter.
Go back and take your gay tranny dragon with you.

What an insufferable faggot.
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Is dreamzzz ending in 2025 or continuing past it? Because I tell you this, no lego theme gave me such a feel good building experience than dreamzzz. And I will feel sad if 2025 is the last year, but I hope it ends with a bang if so...

Like, this is a lego movie theme on how high quality the builds are, I think people forget the building experience is very important and all focus on minifigs, but dreamzzz minifigs are dope.
On the one hand I don't want it to end because the sets are so great. On the other hand when it does end I'm going to be rich as hell, so...
>rich as hell
Most Dreamzzz sets will skyrocket in price after the theme is retired. The shark ships, most minifigs, they'll be worth a fortune. My bagged Night Hunter figs alone should fund my retirement.
Isn't the ship itself retired?
Just like crypto bro
Retires in december, its still in production until december. Dreamzzz wave 1 and 2 retire this december and wave 3 next december (2025).
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>really want Lord Krakenskull
>hmm, what if I cheat and instead of buying 1 expensive figure at once, I collect it bit by bit on Cracklink???
>I'll go and see how much the helmet costs!!!
>there are only so many lots in the whole world
>the first 3 from fucking Russia and Ukraine
>then Thailand
>2 from the USA
>and only 1 from Europe which costs 42 euros for 1 fucking helmet
I will never stop being butthurt because this figure was in that shitty set with that stupid as fuck FUCKING CAR

It's just my most hated lego set. If I were a YouTuber, I would make a "TOP 10 lego sets that I hate" and this piece of shit would take first place
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More life experience means more racist... Are you stupid anon?
So what's exactly the issue here, money or your /pol/ mentality?
Did somebody hurt your feelings?
What does that have to do with pol?
I dunno? Even with shipping 5 euros isn't a lot so I assume the problem is that the guy's russian.
>5 euros
Are you retarded. Do you even read.

Don't answer - polfag shitposters brain is smaller than a peanut, im just mocking you.
Guess I didn't read. Chill the fuck out.
None of those look like squishmallows though?
The 5 euros one is cracked retard.
Well learn to read before posting, you 3rd worlder monkey.
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Literally never saw this piece in my life before.
Why did you just post the head of those figures?
its joever
there's no body, they are on top of a cupcake
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Not really, xd.
whats with the paint cans?
Lol look up the cape.

My next bulk lot has at least the torso in it
new thread
The thread hasn't even left page 1 yet you retard
You have a problem
>list them for double
soon, /toy/ will ONLY be about lego...
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You only have yourselves to blame. That faggot keeps stating new threads. And like lemmings, you retards keep following him off that cliff over and over again. We need mods to start deleting these excess threads when The Reigning King of Faggotry starts one too soon.
Make a note of the price on eBay now while it’s out. When it retires offer up the box for double the current price. For example I have four of these and will keep one set of instructions. I’ll list them for $30 each in January and $15 for the lone box. Should easily recoup the cost of one set and I didn’t pay retail for any of them.
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leaks? pics? where the heckity heck!
What cancelled theme has ever ended with a bang?
Let's check. Are you still here?
Not that guy but I am. Niggercock OP when? I love how the second people start having a nice back and forth the same retard has to start a new thread and the rest of the sheep jump right on as much as anyone. But you’re right and he’s exactly the same as the fag he describes.
>new board /leg/ is created
>April Fools Day joke is merging boards again
>/fitleg/ its a thing
What's in the box? What's in the boooox?!?!
That's a compliment.
Well you never want to skip leg day anon.
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That's not plane mode. That's hover mode. Its plane mode might need to be an alt build.
That's it's hover mode.

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