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Last thread died, so have a new one. make it as good as the last one! leave comments, questions or photos. Professional or Casual, Outside, Handshot, Deskshot, you're welcome. Let's go!

i'm in a "Storytelling" mood, so if you wanna join in: take a shot, tell a story! But its not mandatory

"Hens, feathers, muddy footprints... odd. No typical predators around. A couple of missing livestock, nothing too big. But the way the blood's sprayed... too violent for wolves, too chaotic for a leshen. Could be... something that burrows, moves through the muck. The way the chickens reacted, too. They’re nervous, scared, like they sense something underground. Kikimora, maybe. Nasty thing, if I’m right. Hates loud noises, drawn to—"

"You're doing it again, Geralt. Thinking out loud."
Can't wait for the 5 same people to post the 5 same pictures
Let's Dance
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Wow how'd you do that laser effect
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Took this one real quick while I was out the other day
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with my thumb on my phone
It’s a real laser he shot from his laser gun to make this image.
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"Yer gonna die, BROTHERRRRRR!!!"
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I am Sylvanas Windrunner, Queen of the Forsaken! And if you will not serve me in this life, then you will do so in the next!
Why is he pointing a kunai at his dick?
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Man, i really enjoy this guy. Turned out great, you gonna do suburban commando next?
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I need to make more poster
Beside the shelf are full of mini ps2,gamecube, ds and gba game
There is also manga with 4 pages each, hentai with 6 page each
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The wind carries the scent of blood and old spirits... This forest hides more than just its silence. Time to find out who's watching me.
Damn! Where did you got all that stuff or do you do it yourself?
*Click click click
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3d printing (model I found online, mostly for free or just 2-3 euros) and basic tamiya acrylic paint, for the wall it's real wallpaper that you could use for a real wall, for the poster I just scaled them down in openoffice, same for the manga
I can provide the ready to print manga if you want
For the bed it's real fabric (thank mom)
Also we don't see it but next to the tv there is vinyle (orange thing, it's a deathspell omega) I printed small plastic square and glued a cover on it, same for the videogames, it's easy to find full cover on pinterest and such
For the gunpla box, I made them myself with scan I found online
It's costed me less than 1kg of plastic (1kg=20 euros)
Here the focus was made on the back so you can see it more
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And next to it there is a mini game center I made
A lot of the machine are model kit, the rest are papercraft
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Ain't really photografic or such but there is no dollhouse thread alive
Also I made mini soda can for them, same as alway, print a small cylinder, painted it in silver and glued a soda can label on it
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Get Aqua out!!!!!
This setup rules, anon.
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Thank but it's not that long you know, only a 1.80 cm shelf
I plan to put the room elsewhere so I can extend on the game center
And make a stairs to the upper shelf so I can make a restaurant, bar and a pool
I just wish there was more model kit about acarde game they cost so much money since they haven't been printed in years
amazing work anon!
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Anyone else here just have a facsicnation with translucent effects? I just love how they look and get excited when a new figures come with some.
I didn't see lots of pictures of Rei and there isn't a lot of people doing reviews of the SAS HNK figures. So tell me, how's he? Did you like him? Share some pics
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He's really well done. I think they are getting better with the faces and this one comes with 3. The effects are also really nice. It's late here now, but I'm gonna try and take more pics over the weekend.
Still needs a link to the previous thread

Great detail work. I'm glad I save all those patterns for the arcade machines. I'd never want to do what you did, personally, but I'm glad I have the patterns for when I do want to make something.

I'm working on something Green Lantern related so you do need some power effects. I can see with lighting that it might look good in a display no matter what you were using as base figures.
I regret missing Souther but I'm going to get Toki, also really cool that he's coming with Amiba face, hopefully will get Shin soon
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Good news for you. Souther is getting a re-release. Medicos just annoucned it. PO up this month.
I would love to have a Suburban Commando, but that might be a bit beyond my abilities. It'd require either a lot of sculpting or 3D scanning and modeling and I'm not confident I could do it justice. I am working on John Rambo and John Matrix from Commando though and I'm hoping to have something to show on at least one of those soon.
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>I save all those patterns for the arcade machines
Thank and what do you mean by that ? papercraft of the files from the dude who made it for the fortnite mini arcade cabinet ? Or real cabinet size so you can make them in good proportions ?
I want to add more but those model kit cost so fucking much
I'm not gonna pay 150 euros for just one astro city when I want multiples lmao
I still like it. I recommend checking Aliexpress, they may need to be placed on something to give them some height since even though they’re called 1/12 J-Dream always run small. I’m looking into these for a mini arcade, since they do pachinko machines too.
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Oh sorry, picrel.
Thank anon, those kind of thing a pain to make yourself (not enought model in 3D print and I not confident enought to make it myself with wood,cartboards or other) and it's cost so much for handcrafted made on etsy
What is this image trying to convey

surprise buttsex
I hope you can find some ones you like! I think I might get some and use some little boxes to make them taller for my figures to use. They only look to be about £3-4 each, probably even less on places like JP Mercari.
>use some little boxes
use extruded polystyrene, very cheap, easy to cut,easy to paint, easy to glue
Just use glue for wood but don't use spray paint, gonna destroy it, get water based paint
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Here's another. Effects from the musou revo and fang clan grunt from the 200x
>you are already drunk
>the musou revo
how do he compare to the standard one ? I want a rei but I don't know which one to take
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Medicos SAS is the way to go. The revo's were small with soft sculpts. The range was ok, but pretty dated by todays standards. The only plus with the musou rei and ken were the effects which I still use in my collection now.
That said, I have just ordered the revo Uighur since it will scale well with the Dig Actions.
I mean the guy who often was posting a similar arcade room, and put out a bunch of zip files to share his patterns. We also had a thread about four-six months ago of someone who was making their own manga, and other books, so that might have been you? Because their book shelf kinda looked like yours - but they had more books and manga and other stuff on their bookshelves than you depicted.

Those look good, but just like the crates of soda, and other plastic food items I see, much of that stuff is done for 12" figures so you can't really use it for a 6' or so sized figure.

I have a bunch of Spider Men and I would like PROPORTIONATE SIZED hot dogs and pizza slices for them without spending fucking $20 for a tiny piece of plastic from some scalper on EBAY.
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>zip files to share his patterns
I saw a guy who was sharing stickers to print for the fortnite arcade toy (he made gozilla, the beat them up simpson ect...) maybe it's was him ? pic rel
>so that might have been you?
Nah, I only posted it one time in a dollhouse thread and I started it cause I saw a post about it
>but they had more books and manga and other stuff
all I made are in the bookshelf you already saw+I only made manga (and hentai lol)
is the pic related the one you saw ?
man I wish revo would give it another try. I'm sure they would do a much better job now
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+I started to do the Megumin room cause pic rel
Reposting arcadeanon's stuff.
Depends if you like yamaguchis style. I for one don't so I'm pleased they don't have it. Still waiting for someone else to get one punch man.
I mean I like Yamaguchi style that's why I'm saying it, also Genos prototype looks really good to me, can't wait for Garou and I hope we get metal bat too
yup that was him
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SCP-XXXX spontaneously activated at [REDACTED] hours. MTF Psi-7 and Omega-12 operatives were dispatched to contain any emergent entities. Four entities emerged: Tokisaki Kurumi, Tanya Degurechaff, John Wick, and Rimuru Tempest. Negotiations were initiated after initial hostilities were subdued. I also was considering writing incident reports for specific groups of my figures.
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These tiny guys are a lot of fun.
YEP, you're responding to me not >>11195606
but he was also spot on

thanks saves me from digging those from my external to do that as well.
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>YEP, you're responding to me not >>11195606(You)
>but he was also spot on
nah, those two post were mine kek
here more stuff I found online (papercraft)
this dude made a lot of stuff, small packaging, arcade machine ect... ready to be printed
And here some fully made room too
J-Dream gashapon stuff will fit 1/12 and smaller, not above, it would be teensy with 12 inch toys. I have a bunch of their stuff. Re-Ment is the mini company that is a toss up between 1/12 or 1/6 or some random place in between. Try looking for dollhouse food for 6 inch figures.
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I got some Lori brand dollhouse stuff that I'm decently happy with. They say it's for 6 inch figures.
i bet they are kanji
cool stuff, thanks anon. I still have to make that christmas tree from max factory... this year for sure. I have everything I just don't do it https://papermau.blogspot.com/2012/11/christmas-time-mini-christmas-tree.html
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Last week I got an RC kei truck off of aliexpress

It is lots of fun
Can you open the door of those? Or do you have to fit the figure though the window?
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Lol. Good use of props. Very Toy Story.
This is sick
Through the window unfortunately, and theres not a lot of leg room in there so you won't get something like a marvel legends in there
What say, the girls love the men with uniform!
There is only a singular prop used.
Ok, if you're going to WELL ACKTUALLY me, it's the GBA and the cart. So that's two.
Oh, wait... On closer inspection it's a poor Photoshop. I apologize but will have to dock some points for that.
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Thank you
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Right now is a great time to be an hnk fan
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nta still think you do way too much post processing.
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Better with 0 post edits?
I legit like that much better.
oh cool. I figured it looked better brighter and more colorful and defined, but then maybe i'm over doing it like you said. thanks
this isn't your personal blog kanji, cmon man.
I mean, the tinkered color is kinda cool. But then there's this weird grain over it and the background goes all bloby.
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lrn2process, that super bright blown out thing you were doing above ain't it

(yeea i know the stand situation is ugly but i only had like two minutes to demo this for you, if i had time i'd do a full cleanup)
actually looking at it small in the thumbnail, I went a little too dark/contrasty. but whatever it was a quick sample
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there we go. i think the figures stand out better with a lighter bg.
I don't really like that either. Why is there a halo around the outline? Can't you just learn the camera settings to black out the background? Low f stop, low ISO and fast shutter speed.
i'm not the photographer, just some rando doing a quick edit on my break. the halo effect is probably due to residual pixels from the figures on the edge of the quick cutout I did (to separate the bg into a separate layer so I could blur it further along with the stand).

these are things that i personally would take more time to edit (or just take a better photo in the first place) if it were my own.
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I think the original pictures are taken on a camera phone? There’s a mode that can produce an approximation of what a camera does with DoF but it’s often very janky and can’t differentiate between an item’s edges and the background, I think maybe it just uses some kind of cutout AI + blurring?
That is exactly the case. These little phone lenses are not capable of the aggressive DOF you see in expensive DSLR shots, but that look is what consumers wanted, so they had to fake it via software. Even in the iPhone camera interface, you can see the software blur wobble and shake around the edges if you move the camera too fast.

You can tell this is the case by looking at the inside of Goku's halo, which the software incorrectly judged as part of the foreground, or the tips of his hair, which it started to blur too early.
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Gotta be. I use my phone because I spend all my disposable income on toys like a dumbass but it always looks pretty ‘off’ to me if I use the DoF function unless I do some significant shooping afterwards.
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You're using the default camera software?
nta but while i do have a whole bunch of "pro" camera apps that allow you to control iso, f-stop, etc. i am very lazy and end up using the default cam most of the time. if i want a nicer shot bad enough i'll use my micro 4/3 instead.
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What are they up to?
These look really cool. What line is this? Doesn't look like the SAS.
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Yep! I have a regular iPhone 11 that I won’t change out until they stop doing software upgrades so it doesn’t have the extra lenses a new or a max does, but I still have fun taking pics. A good camera will have to wait until I’ve Revamped my rickety old PC. What do you use for pics?
I haven't taken any action figure stuff yet, still learning macro stuff, but I have really old Canon point and shoot that might be decent.

The convenience of a cell phone camera seems nice. I like the way your backgrouds go if the blurry cutoff isn't extremely obvious.
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They're dig action 1/24 scale line some good articulation for an 80mm figure.
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Those triceratops look a bit small...
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Looks neat in black and white.
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They are far away...
That's maybe like ten feet proportionally...
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but we can't see the tag

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