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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11184467
What do you guys do with minifigure stands? My lego tubs are overflowing with these
a wank in the wilderness, jizz in the jungle, nutting in our natural world
I usually just stick custom figs on them
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For me it's Monster Fighters
I put my minifigs inside builds not stands so I cant use them for that

my white whale
she cute
Every D&D shill pic posted has a tranny aura to it, crazy
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I'm pretty much done with Lego for 2024... I was waiting patiently when this set will be at least 150.
>Every D&D shill pic posted has a tranny aura to it, crazy
It's what shitposting spam does to your (and mine) brain.
It's normal to start hating when some idiot shakes the same subject matter in front of your eyes.

I didnt hate DnD but i really starting to. Because it now associates with lego brainrot zoomers that shitpost same shit over and over again.
fucking christ. What a shitty thread.
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Same here
I need to get this guy for MOC pieces but 160$ is way too much. Screw lego store prices.
My beloved
I'm thinking of setting up a castle diorama, has anyone made a forest with a group of small villages instead of a centralized, big city/fortress?
For me, it's I LIVE AGAIN.
nor ne nits nonster nighters
Zeldabros... How are we holding up?
I have no idea what lego and nintendo were thinking.
It's way too expensive especially compared to something like the DnD set.
We shall ascend Summer 2025
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Same as I've been, waiting for discounts. If it's the flop everyone keeps saying it is then I should be able to grab it cheap sooner or later.
I for one like OP's pics, much higher quality than the usual crap
I miss niggercock OP. It’s the same asshole who didn’t like “vandals” making new threads constantly and it’s as simple as the retard can’t scroll.
>overpriced set
>only four minifigs, three of which are just different Links, and only 1 Zelda
It seems a waste, there’s so many things they can make instead.
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leaks? pics? where the heckity heck!
Dead general
It's all so tiresome
If they are minifig scale with minifigs and have play features and aren't overpriced I might buy otherwise dont care
dead toy
dead general
dead website
dead internet
dead society
dead civilization
dead planet
Neat, I hope they do Longwood Gardens

So glad I bought this. Always regret not getting the haunted house.
Wait, is it 8 wide? I want this even more now.
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>hope you notice that tiny minifigure hidden in that set because it will cost you around 80-100 eurodollars in the future

I love nexo knights but not surprising its dead - who the fuck in their right sane mind would make a CASTLE theme set with a great villain inside that has a FUCKING HUGE AS FUCK LIME GREEN CAR ON COVER THAT TAKES ALL ATTENTION

if i was a youtuber i would make a video "TOP 10 LEGO SETS I ABSOLUTELY HATE" with this one taking the first place.

I remember walking by boxes with this set and thinking "wtf? Nexo knights is like Lego TECHNIC now with stupid huge cars now??".
I swear i didnt even notice the minifigure in this set back when it was released!
>Not buying to use the lime green and orange pieces for a power miners moc
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>So glad I bought this. Always regret not getting the haunted house.
Same! It was an instant grab for me and i use it as a party car for all my halloween minifigures
The vampire needs a haircut
>power miners moc
Here is your power miners set bro, i herd u liek DRILLS???? :^)

REMEMBER THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A "CASTLE THEME"...geez what the fuck they were smoking during the last season.
I swear some prick sabotaged nexo knights with these sets.
Use them as SNOT wall panels.
That's closer to rock raiders but the colours are wrong so missed opportunity. Also a castle mining vehicle would of been a great opportunity for Dwarves
lol, figfaggots BTFO again
I love this set because of the giant lime green car, you "love" it because OMG 1 OF 1 ULTRA RARE FIG NEVER REPRINTED BUY BUY BUY!!!!
We are NOT the same
Why no halloween theme? Missed opportunity by "lego"
Lego more like le goys amirite?
Hanukkah set when
>We are NOT the same
Of course we are not the same. I actually have taste and note easily fooled but shitty brainrot clickbate-tier covers.

This why it had a completely opposite effect on me.
>Also a castle mining vehicle would of been a great opportunity for Dwarves
yeah may be coloring it in MUSTARD BABY POOP YELLOW wasn't a god idea either.
>ESL post
>thinks spending $100+ for a tiny 5poa doll is "good taste" and being a savvy consoomer
>thinks having an actual set attached and represented in the cover is "le brainrot :skull: :skull: :skull:"
Alphoomer ESL figfag, holy lmao, they really aren't sending their best!
>Alphoomer ESL figfag, holy lmao, they really aren't sending their best!
I think it was obvious that im using the "eur" currency on that screenshot?

Meanwhile LEGO is a european company (that is actually very close to my country).
Really makes you think.
>power miners
power miners sucks dick
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>gee willikers I just can't wait to gather round my friendly LGS table and play a chunky lil Hasbro® Lego© DND™ sesh with my DEI pals!!!1!!
Ok slugger
>Only white people and 1 vietnamese
Are lego racist or something?
>Only white people
are you blind?
NEW THEME IDEA: What if instead of City Space they did Space City with many subthemes like Space Police and Space Construction and Space Hospital? This has 10x the potential of City Space
Amazing; that would make many of my lifelong dreams come true.
>Space Construction
I wanna see a Space Janny, also post ideas for sets
>Space Parking Lot
>Space Zoo
these sets are racist as fuck. all the aliens are monsters and the humans are all good. why are there no space human criminals? why are they all other races? how did lego get away with this?
How, aliens aren't a race
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Genuinely because kids would put the humans on the good side and aliens on evil consistently kek, no alien cops or human robbers because oops
There was a friend's police set but they canned it because kids would use the black friends as robbers and the white ones as cops always
Did it have handcuffs or what, betting the marketing reaction’s to that were hilarious
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found this blue retard in a bulk last year, how much is his price going to tank?
He's worth about £50. New set is ludicrously priced so I doubt it will change much
Literally just swap the heads lmao
That's what I did when I wanted an alien cop (he was "one of the good ones")
still have no clue why they didn't just make a white base layer to make the face look somewhat normal...
the color is way off, is it a knock-off? also the one from the playset is a tiny different shade of blue than the one in the ucs sailbarge, so that technically makes them both different figures
Billion kroner company, please understand
meanwhile ninjago fans goon over pearl gold like their life depends on it. Dark blue and transparent orange being the base, and whatever characters color as accent to define the character.
I've got a dim light, it's the correct dark azure.
>so that technically makes them both different figures
Knowing star wars autismos, the price might even go up if this is the case.
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>He's worth about £50
Just 50$?
by current lego prices that's nothing.

I my theme we have picrelated.
Some of you are alright. Don't type "Lord Krakenskull" on Ebay search...
hes worth the same as krakenskull, a £ is worth more than a $
bros....why Lord Krakenskull is so cool

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>check ebay
>mfw people actually buying him for 100+ euros
what the fuck...i dont want to spend around 100 for a minifigure...

That first guy even spent 150.

what the fuck THAT SET IS ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. It's the shittiest lego set because the advertisement and design phylosophy behind Lord.K. set is absolutely AWFUL.

worst set ever because it locked the figrure in it by fooling everybody that it's a shitty lime green car set.

just fucking look at this based design: >>11186294

This design is TRUE CASTLE and mogs every other castle themed villain.
Even Basil the Batlord is not as cool as LORD FUCKING KRAKEN-FUCKING-SKULL

i swear i will spend 100 on this guy eventually
The show looks like jimmy neutron cgi
that's lego TV-show for you anon.
At least it's not cringe as ninjago where ninjas doing fart jokes
Just bricklink him from russia for $30
>buying minifigs on ebay
Bionicle movies looked better (and the bionicle commercial animations look amazing to this day), what happened? Did they lose the technology to animate just like they lost knee and elbow joints when bionicle ended?
I stack them all and put the large tower in places where pieces usually get lost because they roll underneath a ledge I can't get to.

You can use also use them as lids for to close off the 3 x 4 crate pieces.
are there black crates like that? I might make some cargo with them then
Some people have more money than sense.
I should know, I’m one of them, as I spent $100 leaf-dollars on Akita cause anime wolf-girl calls to my inner weeb.
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Reject cringe 3D lego shows, embrace traditional 2D Monkie Kid Kino.
The regular solid black ones, ehh just whatever.
The star ones from the past wave I'm still not sure what to do but the brick tiles from the dnd wave I saw another anon using for stairs and liked it so that's what I've been doing
You'd think they'd use Halloween as an excuse to put out unofficial sequels to retired series like monster fighters and hidden side sets.
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>Reject cringe 3D lego shows, embrace traditional 2D Monkie Kid Kino.
Yeah Monkie Kid is the BEST lego tv-show no disccussion here.
I didnt watch Ninjago and dont think the show is good.

But i did watch Chima and enjoyed it. It was a good kids show - not super stupid like others. It almost felt like Lord of the Rings for elementary schoolers.
I'd say
Monkie Kid > Chima > Ninjago/Nexo > Dreamzzz
btw there is a part in Monkie Kid where mr.Piggy talks about round fruits but saying it meaning the tits of that Spider villain waifu
>I didnt watch Ninjago and dont think the show is good.
i meant i didnt watch Nexo. (i saw it few times and its obviously 3d slop for kids just like other 3d shows from Lego like ninjago or dreamzzz)
I wish monkie kid wasnt so hard to get, by far my favourite current original theme
yeah, i wonder if bricklink will seperate the figures, the one in the ucs is slightly darker than the playset, but only people who look for it are able to notice
That nexo knights Opening is awesome thought.

I'm waiting for the time when kids who watched this show grow up and make cool remixes (also it needs to be longer):


heavy metal+techno synth pop new wave version when
Monkie Kid opening also rocks

damn I might have to consider this one, this is like the definitive HP set
I just don’t get why they don’t sell them in the stores out west, like sure you can order them online from the Lego site but actual stores never carry the sets.

So you don't get a discount ever because lego is evil
I feel yah, if this thing was sold retail it would already be 100 bucks.
>Hermione Granger fantasy game for BOYS
wh...what kind of game

New thread?
Why not two?
I'd prefer the older 2D where the characters were imagined as actual people not lego minifigures. Leaving them as such in all iterations is just too looped.
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I'm honestly considering going on a quest to have all the sets from this giant Hogwarts.
It's so lucky to get in during the time when great hall going on sale.

Here - I tried to imagine the size of the final Hogwarts.
It will be insanely huge.
I will probably won't open sets until I will prepare a secure place where I can put it in.
But i'm sure it will be impossible to get it complete if you will miss most of the parts.

Imagine how huge it will be. And it's not just castle - it will have tons of spaces inside with magic lessons and chambers and bonus buildings and stuff like that.
What if those are the only hogwarts sets they release at that scale?
>What if those are the only hogwarts sets they release at that scale?
No - they already said they will be releasing it year by year and it's from their "most detailed hogwarts line"

But it's sure insane to imagine even that huge tower.
I assume it will cost more than $200 because it's super big. I guess we will see it soon in 2025
>watch chinkslop, goy!
It's danish though
>franchise for teenage girls
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>started collecting this
>slowly understand that i don't have and won't have a space for even 3 parts of this castle
You are years late anon.
It's more like a Millenials Bible.

teenage girls like Wednesday
really? it's kind of small... I remember in the video game there's at least 3 of those long tables. I think if you really want to get the proper giant hogwarts you will need 3 of this set, once again lego is price gouging us
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>it's small
>i want 3 long tables
And it will cost 600 dollars?

By the way this part has those bar hooks. It will probably will have an extension with an additional table in the next set.
It will cost that much since I have to buy 3 to get 3 tables. Lego are overcharging for an inaccurate and downsized product
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+ roof part has technic connection points

I wont be surprised if you will be able to close this hall to make it be complete
>It will cost that much since I have to buy 3 to get 3 tables
No you don't
I do or it's not good enough
>drill a wall with the double drills
>can't drive forward because the drills still leave a wall of rock untouched in the center
No, you don't, you can just buy the specific parts for more tables off bricklink or something
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Post a set that brings you joy
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>Post a set that brings you joy
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My favourite I got so far this year
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My first set, only ever had the van and house. My uncle who previously owned it must of had the windmill. I should part it out some day
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Pvre sovl
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Call me reddit idc
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Less cringe alternative, though its also about contraband lol
Why would this be R*ddit?
Because le funny dark mature theme snuck into a children's toy.
>Why would this be R*ddit?
because it's your classic le heckin wholesome set from "better times when lego was simple block-toy"
It's a drug deal

I want the red crates
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>tfw no money for blue dragon...
Just paint one of the worthless vidiyo dragons blue
The gold heads are going to be the worthless ones also red is a cunt to cover with paint
gold is from a somewhat desirable series, vidiyo arent and once the invoosting craze dies there will be no demand for them so they will drop in value a lot and be more worthless than the gold one. sell them while you have them and can sell them for those prices
Lego will make more dragon colors which only make them more expensive.
Not if they do red and blue again which they are going to for ninjago most likely
>vidiyo arent
Doesn't matter.

Vidyo is not a "wtf" theme anymore. It's highly desirable super rare theme. There are not that many dragons exist even.
Literally only few of them exist so people can put whatever price they want.
You have to be retarded to think that lego will reuse this mold of ninjago.

Every time lego makes new molds for ninjago villains.
That's the whole point of a new ninjago season. To show NEW toys.
not old toys in another color
that would be wasteful and lego love recycling now #shavetheplanet
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Will they ever bring back architecture?
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>once the invoosting craze dies
It's been a decade. How much longer must we wait?
Theyre still on clearance in quite a few places people are just retarded
2 more weeks of demonrats
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>Theyre still on clearance in quite a few places people are just retarded
the fuck are you talking you stupid faggot

Only 6 of them exist in the whole world on bricklink.
And just 1 (o n e) of them is less than $100 which is $99.
And the most expensive is $200

You fucked.
You missed out on these. They will never be affordable ever again.
Sure, it might be expensive now and there may not be many, but you need to consider the long term. Exclusive items often experience an initial surge in price due to scarcity, but these trends can reverse if demand declines or if collectors shift their focus. Vidiyo is extremely niche and people only want this now because of the rare dragon head parts. When Ninjago releases their dragon wave, even if it's a slightly different mold most people will be happy with those. And, as more collectors lose interest in these figs because of it's unattainability and new dragon heads releasing, prices will drop significantly. TLDR: while it holds value now, it may not maintain that worth as you anticipate due to supply and demand.
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>tfw buying Jabba's Sail Barge was the right choice
Something is seriously strange and wrong with the aftermarket
When nobody can afford homes anymore this is what people buy unironically. Sad but hard truth.
Brite bomber is going away tomorrow, right? I want to order from lego.
I'm really hoping for black friday deal
30 or even 20% less and i'm getting it right away.
1) sorry i was sperging - this thread makes me act like other anons that throwing around faggot/kys

>long term
There is no way this blue dragon will fall long term.
It's "over" - this lego item went to the "artifact" zone.
It will be forever unobtainable by regular users from now on.
This blue dragon will never be in the hands of a normal person who will make the price go down.
It will always be either in a private collection of a person that won't sell them or from a guy that knows what's going on and will be sure to sell it for awful prices.

There are simply not that many of them exist to "crush the market". It's not a regular set. It's a super rare set that came out not in many countries when the line died so not many stores even had those.

I'd say $100 is a good starting price for it. And it's only up from here.
>prices will drop significantly
Such stuff never happens with lego (it can happen to something like regular Chima set or stuff like that but this dragon is not from this level of rarity). Especially when it's something this rare.
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Lego really outdid themselves with the post apocalyptic mad max stuff with lego movie 2 and ninjago hunted in 2018/2019, wish i didn't sleep on it back then.
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this thing was so cool but too big for me.
It sucks that i missed this because this thing looks cool next to picrelated
2013-2023 was my lego dark age so i missed out on all this stuff, feels bad
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imagine theres a cool graveyard or church behind this
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Man, PostApoc cars or Space Mining Train are the main two future “I will get to it” type mocs I have on my pallet now, both taste good and likely will feel good to build
imagine this : m-tron / futuron monorail train being highjacked by blacktron while space police cowboys fight them
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What is up with these gorgoyles looking so odd?
Wouldn't this guy look better?
its a stand in for this guy since hes not in studdio
>young wu dyed his hair white
was he a twink?
He was born with white hair
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More likely some kind of age magic fuckery
That's his brother, Xhu. Thing is with asian minifigs is they all look the same so its easy to mix them up.
What the fuck is that door hatch part on the front of the caboose? Or is that brickbuilt and it's just the low resolution making it seem contiguous?

Shit is tight, though. I can just imagine the perpetual twilight of the craggy prison planet this beast circumnavigates with its cargo of Blacktron and Spyrius.
Caboose with built-in shuttle is so kino
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No its just weird (in a really cool way)
https://davidglennsimmons.com/archive/MyLegoCreations/Space%20Police%20II%20Prison%20Train.htm Where I got it from with higher res imgs
Yeah, legit a very inspired moc
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What the fuck the lights actually work, modern moc artists get much lazier with lightup stuff vs this, this looks great+is functional though it likely cost a lot
Literally nobody at my based lego store is buying her.
What were lego and wotc even thinking?
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Only interesting part of that ugly thing is the ax head, thats it lmao
barely looks like a dwarf - fantasyfags dont want
black - chuddies dont want
ginger - wokies don't want
who is left who wants this? also the brown and ginger clash horribly it just looks bad and makes no sense.
this looks like a level loading progress from PS1 game
moments later this image will get closer and that door will be opened and you will enter the graveyard

N 0
this is the shittiest dwarf i ever seen
and i've seen a lot of bad fantasy art

>fur coat for some reason
>shitty california style man-bun hair style
>NO BEARD (shut up print does not count)

worst dwarf ever. It looks more like a rich merchant to me than a dwarf
are we getting double points or a sale this month
Lol, its based on the gate outside one of the churches in my village
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>its based on the gate outside one of the churches in my village

>picrelated is a church statue
anon...i think you should escape your town as soon as you can.

You will thank me later
they scare away evil :)
Where do you live? The lego stores in the uk carry monkie kid stuff.
all they had to do was give her completely different, black colored hair and an optional beard instead of a collar
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What duplo figure style do you prefer?
Definitely 3
Really can't stand the coffee shop aesthetic of nu-D&D.
>Slagathor the DEI Orc DM blocks your path
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3. Five is definitely cursed,
Kill liscensefags. Behead liscensefags. Roundhouse kick a liscensefag into the concrete. Slam dunk a liscensefag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy liscensefags. Defecate in a liscensefags food. Launch liscensefags into the sun. Stir fry liscensefags in a wok. Toss liscensefags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a liscensefags gas tank. Judo throw liscensefags into a wood chipper. Twist liscensefags heads off. Report liscensefags to the IRS. Karate chop liscensefags in half. Curb stomp pregnant liscensefag whores. Trap liscensefags in quicksand. Crush liscensefags in the trash compactor. Liquefy liscensefags in a vat of acid. Eat liscensefags. Dissect liscensefags. Exterminate liscensefags in the gas chamber. Stomp liscensefag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate liscensefags in the oven. Lobotomize liscensefags. Mandatory abortions for liscensefags. Grind liscensefag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown liscensefags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize liscensefags with a ray gun. Kick old liscensefags down the stairs. Feed liscensefags to alligators. Slice liscensefags with a katana.
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Speaking of duplo, these dino sets look extremely based
I can see some fun mocs with those canoe and log pile pieces.
Best part about this is dinos are canon huge so they fit perfectly any minifig setting and so the environment
It would be perfect if they had blank indented eyesockets like the classic System dinos instead of the cartoon eye printing.
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imagine having the patience of a 6 yo child
The armor and bodies of that particular minifig are desirable, the heads aren't.
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a bunch of one by one clip pieces from my older sets are broken
>didn't manage to find the dragon paladin
I don't understand?
Aren’t Himeji and Notre Dame part of the architecture series?
I was able to grab another 3 today.
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I scan and rip them all right as you are about to enter the store
What do >we think of brickowl?
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Are little girls really that obsessed with cats for lego to make an entire cat themed minidoll line?
Yes do you not remember unikitty
>do you not remember unikitty
that was for ponyloving adult males
Are you fucking retarded or are you a just a fucking nigger?
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this is what they choose to invest new molds on. bravo lego

on that note pisses me off that friends have different animal style instead of sharing molds with regular lego. we would have so countless animals(capibara, beaver, giraffe, panda, racoon, hedgehog) if they were done in normal style. by all means add the accessory head hole on all animals but keep them normal style. it's fucking ridiculous that they did friends and city jungle lines and they had to make two different elephant molds plus two different baby elephant molds.
half those are just prints you cretin
No shit, just pointing out the ridiculousness of everything that requires specialization to depict cat stuff outside of standard bricks(printing is also expensive). Talking exclusively about molds, on this set alone(there's more in other sets) there's ten(10) new cat molds. I forgot to point to the cat ears accessory in the transparent box on the right
Better than giving that budget to furry crap like animal crossing
So are you Athena
5 is that kid raised by terrible parents that thinks it's ok to steal.
Are they incompatible or too cutesy or something?
Ok Boy Rapist Pedothena
Also >everybody who calls me out is SLT
whatever makes you sleep Chunguspedo
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Wrong retarded idiot. Grow up and stop playing with little girls toys like a sissy and play with men's toys like Fabuland.
On pick a brick what colour is actually just green, I can't tell if it's "bright light green" or "dark green" or something else. wish they would just use same colours as bricklink instead of inventing a new schizophrenic system to confuse us all
That's why he's still a man and you're a gay sissy faggot
I guess you coukd use them in a non-realistic setting? Maybe at the zoo? But yeah they don't look good for a jungle build.
Only use for friends stuff is passing it on to your niece or something. Nothing for afools here
that fact that those two exist as separate colours is a sin in itself, you can barely tell them apart

but yes, Lego's "Dark Green" and Bricklink's "Green" are the same thing, the regular Lego green colour. Lego refers to the colour most of us would call dark green as "Earth Green".
Thanks anon
You sure love projecting Athena
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Oh boy, I've been sleeping on that paddleboat wheel piece.
Imagine if this released today it would be $900 and 1x1 tiles everywhere
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How many photoshopped explosions would the background have?
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1,226 pieces
do you think the brown tiles are there to represent chocolate?
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If they made one with a floating hull i would buy it immediately
>floating hull
what's people's obsession with this? are you really gonna place your lego on the bathtub?
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when the hurricane hits your north carolinan bum shack you're going to be looking like quite the fool as your brick-built boats sink beneath the murky debris
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what are those chrome pieces at the front?
are you sure? they look more bowl shaped
I used to do this all the time as a kid even with non-floating hulls and eventually they'd sink
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Dungeons and Kinography
it looks like the dragon is pissing and lactating at the same time
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Lego's Message to Parents in the 1970s Still Resonates. Powerful :)
Lego should make a dollhouse spaceship
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Microdoll fairy godmother is INSPIRED
what is the very top left fig in the brown outfit with black hair? looks cute
Rapunzel's friend from the TV show
What is her name?
I guarantee if you look up "rapunzel tv show" you'll be able to find her name on your own.
I wasn't able
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sexo with Cassandra
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just imagine... if Legos made sets for ADULTS...
parts to make this fig?
undye his hair and reamputate his legs, this is the crippled twink fig, I just know it
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The hair is from Series 7 Rocker Girl
The ahegao face is from Build a Minifig, exclusive I think,
The Torso is ID twn352
Legs ID 970c00pb0058
Thanks anon youre a legend
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No problem ask me anytime for help with lego hentai
Fucking based.

>we are now in an era where people don't recognize the chromed spotlight dishes
They're in a lot of Hydronauts sets, look there, it's not the part >>11187279 linked.

If you're into lego chicks, post your fitness trainer from a couple of series back.
Good work. It's a cool part, the ones in my collection have held their chrome really well compared to the knives and crystals
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pic has the most soul
4 has the lest soul
6 is your average 2000s lego cringe
1+2 is for pretentious classicfags
3 is average normal way
5 is...uh...for weird pedo autists i guess
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I tried looking for her, but I think her body is being used for this custom right now? I dont know if thats the one you wanted
1 if it was soulless but just weird not evil
Soulless and evil
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It was too easy to pinch skin making one of them sit
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Thinking about this set a lot and how nice a house it would be for my recent CMFs. Should I bite the bullet?
Very based.

forgive the ESLness
Lego One Piece when?
I'd get that harry potter castle some anon was sperging about it seems better value, bigger and much cheaper
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>tfw Playmobil elephants are way articulated
Its fucking over
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If anything my backup alternative is the medieval townhouse but cant say Im a huge fan of the set
New thread???
Why not three?
>those grey hooks
>those technic holes
It will 100% have another part being released that will close this building to make it look complete or at least add more space
I have no doubt it's intended to be part of a larger whole, probably much more than one set but at that point the combined prices will be redonkulous.

plus its still hogwarts, it would take lots of work to significantly dehogwartify it
Nah, klocki elephants are more articulated than playmobil ones
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For me it's 6552
>this will never go on sale because of greedy sino-danes
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Any Lego fans here?
Nope. Just faggots that bitch about every aspect of Lego nonstop.
Kill yourself, autist.
Say something positive about Lego to counter the negativity!
the new bricks taste even better than before
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When did you regret shelling out 400 dollaridos for this?
>best modern Lego set
>tfw we're already nearing 300 posts
someone get that one autist banned before he spams up /toy/ with a new thread the moment we hit the bump limit
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Never because I never bought it. Before the reveal there were a lot of rumors and hype for the fabled upcoming giant classic castle so I was already daydreaming and preparing myself to buy it and for the first couple months after the big reveal I was still very intent on buying it but when the honeymoon hype died down a bit I was able to look at it more objectively and I decided to pass on it. Really glad I talked myself out of it because now I can clearly see I don't like it, I wanted to, but I really don't.
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Somebody make the next thread have non slopnslop as the OP
Barracuda Bay was the most expensive set I ever bought
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Thank you
>It annoys me that someone is starting threads as soon as we hit 300 posts
>Therefore I will be making a thread even sooner, that will show him
What an absolute you are. Kill yourself
I didnt regret it since I only paid 300 burger bucks for it
all is well. let this janitorial warning be a sign that you should let threads ran their course

I love legos so much bros
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>buckbreaks /lg/
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she hella cute yo
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
Hi Goku! You will never be a real Lego
Why dont AFOLs create dioramas like these to try to recapture the golden age?
real ones do
I'm spending less on groceries so I have more to spend on lego
their homes?
God I am so grateful to not be poor
As long as you're not going hungry that is perfectly valid. If you're cutting out candy and other junk it's even more of a positive than a negative.
I buy rare Lego just to eat them. I’ve consumed 3 of those faggot dragons this week alone >>11186649
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Name a cozier feel than playing with Legos while it rains
>all the men are clothed
>both women in bathing suits
holy based
Now this is meta.
I think if they released base plates like this nowadays they’d be highly sought after pieces. Imagine if they released two beach sets, each with their own beach baseplate, but when put next to each other they form one large beach scene seamlessly.
Paradisa? More like Paratrannisa
You must be 18 to post here.
>You must be 18 to post here.
Im 19. Am I not allowed to post here?
Didn't Lego phase out baseplates because they were 'too expensive'?
I think that was just the raised ones as they had to be outsourced to a third party
new thread:

moron. kys
You can still buy them separate from sets, but sets rarely ever include them anymore if at all (I haven’t come across one)
One of my friends who loves lego didn’t know of raised baseplates…
Then act like it.
>post your pics to 4chins to be picked apart by sperging autists and be derided for having ever posted anywhere else.
no thanks
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Some of the friends stuff looks like it would be a good part pack for adding to animal crossing sets.
Fuck floating hulls, I used to make double walled submarines for my minifigs to play with at bathtime.
shame her legs are molded together
Jannies actually did something for once?
Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
he is, he was born after 9/11
Oh, so he's retarded. Got it.

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