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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11185695

THREAD CHALLENGE: make a nexo knights-related MOC
HARD MODE: Use a rock villains season theme!
>This absolute garbage nexo spam as the OP
Disgusting. I'll take the D&D fag with cool photography over this shit any day
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Give her a name!
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Give her a name too!
Im not "that" nexo guy. Im the one that wants the krakenskull minifigure.

Next time i will make a thread with a photo.
John Whitaker.
>Give her a name!
by your logic whole thread hates DnD because it was shitposted to the ground to the point im ignoring anything dnd-related
Pixie Shit
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>tfw there are people who have this..
>DnD set and CMF is ongoing and just a few months old
>Obviously many people care about it
I'm not denying the constant DnD OP photos are annoying but to compare it to a nearly decade old heavily disliked dead theme makes no sense. It's not the same thing in the slightest
>I promise I'm not the nexo spammer but also let me spam some nexo
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meant to reply to >>11187839
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just look at how shiny and cool this figure looks
this is the best castle villain minifigure ever created

He's way cooler than Basil the batlord because basil while being cool - a bit of "classic red/black castle villain".

While Lord Krakenskull is a whole new level
whoever designed this figure outdid themselves.

He looks like some dark fantasy badass warrior. Or Dark Souls boss.
i hate that stupid car so muck. It looks so out of place in that set.

Who in a SANE MIND WOULD PUT THAT FIGURE AS A SMALLER PART OF A SET with a gigantic lime green fucking WROOM WROOM buggy car in a CASTLE SET.

nexo knights didnd die because "durr hurrr kids didnt like it" - it died because some moron idiot at Lego was making shitty as fuck sets like this.

If it was 2010s lego this sety would be a cool climax moment with Lord Krakenskull being a center of attention on the box. Like standing on a ruins of a castle build or something like that.

man...what a waste
See yall in the next thread. I'm out
i clearly said that im the guy who obsessed with this specific minifigure and i posted a post with this minifigure?

Megadam X
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>See yall in the next thread. I'm out
see you again 30 minutes later
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Name a cozier feel than playing with Legos while it rains
playing with Legos while it rains with the nexo knights tv show in the background
This. also when watching a good movie.

I tend to build lego while watching 80s fantasy films.
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Lol, I made this montage to be this thread's OP, this is what you are missing out on.

By all means enjoy your nexo garbo instead
>there are posters here who never had any raised baseplates
One of my friends thought they were bootlegs or something… Need to show some of the missing classics to others man
>DNDreg seething at NexoCHAD outspeeding him
lmao, better shit than shill
>dnd shitposter got outmemed by a based Nexo bro
get mad
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What makes your think that your shitty REDDIT (you are that faggot that keeps posting whatever gets popular on PLEBBIT) photos are better than my stock picture of the best castle minifigure?

I didnt hate DND but i really starting to.

Nexo knights is a better castle theme than DND slop
If you samefag harder the thread might be over soon
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You reddit fag
Nice inspect element
cuddling your gf while it rains
What element. you ot shat on by 2 different people but was too reddit brainrot of a fag to get that.
Get mad.
nexo anon is not nearly as annoying faggot as DND zoomer
>he's still going
Guess we'll get to 300 in no time
Creating a Lego batcave out of official sets, followed by a nice drawing session where you draw a redesigned Batman.
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Missing out on what lmao
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>eagle guy in a suit
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He's kinda the mascot for WKTT 106.6! The #1 Conservative talk radio station in Lego City!
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Wish I could own some Chima stuff
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My favorite Nexo vehicle. What's yours?
everything about chima is super cheap - just buy it.
Chima don't even have "expensive minifigures" or stuff like that.
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Probably this one
just look at this epic thing. It's a giant carrier with tower that spins and shoots stuff

Also it blows my mind how people ignoring it because remove that knight figure and it's just a Classic Space set
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I wish he had gotten more character development
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I'm partial to her
>>> 11187935
>>> 11187935
>>> 11187935
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Imagine hating this
playing with Legos while it rains with the monkie kid tv show in the background
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Come to think of it, if you replace the vampire guys with toxikita and macy with an ultra agent this becomes a top tier ultra agents set
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i know right - Nexo Knights had a lot of sets like that.
Picrelated is basically a SPASESHIP out of nowhere

Put this in some nintendo game like Starfox and nobody will think that it's out of place
PS: btw don't think i dont hate that fucking LIME GREEN CAR
worst fucking set ever
Pic >>11187990 is "random space stuff" set done right. It don't include anything crazy exclusive.

while this >>11187842 garbage was LEGO CAR + hidden super exclusive villain inside
overated fig and theme
literally underrated because only kids and nerds care about it. AFOLS and "hardcore' lego collectors dont give a shit about nexos.
one of the rarest figures ever
and it's not even on its peak because again - just nerds collect it for now and it's pretty niche.

Literally nobody talks about this minifigure despite it being super rare. I can't imagine how insane it will be when nexo knights will get some attention (no that rrSlug-like yotuber that made a video doesnt count - you need normie channels making videos for forgotten line to be mainstream)
not reading your gay nexo fanfic faggot
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>not reading your gay nexo fanfic faggot
>duel color chest
Thats pretty good…
Who’s starting all the lego city fires? There’s too many for it to all be a coincidence.
Arsonists, duh
Kill liscensefags. Behead liscensefags. Roundhouse kick a liscensefag into the concrete. Slam dunk a liscensefag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy liscensefags. Defecate in a liscensefags food. Launch liscensefags into the sun. Stir fry liscensefags in a wok. Toss liscensefags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a liscensefags gas tank. Judo throw liscensefags into a wood chipper. Twist liscensefags heads off. Report liscensefags to the IRS. Karate chop liscensefags in half. Curb stomp pregnant liscensefag whores. Trap liscensefags in quicksand. Crush liscensefags in the trash compactor. Liquefy liscensefags in a vat of acid. Eat liscensefags. Dissect liscensefags. Exterminate liscensefags in the gas chamber. Stomp liscensefag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate liscensefags in the oven. Lobotomize liscensefags. Mandatory abortions for liscensefags. Grind liscensefag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown liscensefags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize liscensefags with a ray gun. Kick old liscensefags down the stairs. Feed liscensefags to alligators. Slice liscensefags with a katana.
Licensed themes saved lego anon, half of the best pieces come from them
Migrants from bootlego city.
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Hey guys, check out my power miners MOC :D
The main idea is that the rock monsters got tired of getting crushed and harvested, so one of them started growing and transformed into something simmilar to a rock rider vehnicle :p
where is my majoras mask set nintendo
Lego dragon ball z when?
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if nexo knights was this instead it would be 1000x better. wish we got power miners show and new sets instead
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WHY is this still here??? i thought it was going away today... the item I want is on back order... I might not be able to get it guys, or I might have to bite the bullet and get this UGLY and DISGUSTING funko pop shit.... What should I do???
Thinkegn about it, Lego could make a shitload of cash by doing more of the one-off licensed sets for vidya and anime. Imagine Normandy with Shepard, Garrus, Liara and Tali? (I don't have a lot of fav series, so that's the first normie-friendly thing that came to mind).
purple bitch
Stop being a fag and just throw it out if you don't want it.
1. I cant use the parts in my collection because they are purple, pink, brown flesh tone which I do not use ever and never will
2. I cannot sell it because I do not have a license in my country to sell (I am banned from selling)
3. I cannot donate it because no one wants it
It's a DARK reality
>I am banned from selling
You can't say shit like this without explaining it anon
plus none of that stops you from just throwing it in the trash you autistic sperg.

LMAO this is ultra based actually.
It looks like some badass new PM line with build able rock monsters

try to cut wings of that huge colossus and paint it green
>I am banned from selling
Are you wanted? wtf
>2. I cannot sell it because I do not have a license in my country to sell (I am banned from selling)
you calling it "brown flesh tone" says it all. you're incapable of seeing it as anything other than skin because that's how it was used in the set. zero creativity
What would you use it for? A wardrobe? A brick built shitter?
its literally a new colour that lego only uses for black minifigs. it doesnt match the other browns so unless you can make something using only those tiles, they are useless
sure, there's some ideas
skill issue LOL
OK post a wardrobe or shitter made with only those pieces (you cant since they are useless tiles and no actual practical or functional building bricks)
>they're heckin USELESS cuz they're tiles and not the right color
not a picture of a wardrobe or shitter i guess you concede defeat. now jump off a cliff as punishment
you must be a jeet the way you keep bringing up turds lol
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Jang bought the overpriced fortnight bus for 100 usd, but refuses to buy the most iconic and bang for your money DnD Red Dragon's Tale. What did he mean by this?

Surely he has bought red dragons tale, dude has serious fomo issues. He buys everything, despite how much of a ripoff it is.
>Lego city goes from a unified yellow skinned culture to a diversified one with every skin color and gender under Satan's upside-down gay rainbow
>Random fires and crime rates skyrocket
Hmmm i wonder why?
I've got this guy. He's metal as fuck.
I bought him for $30 a few years ago, and at that point, was the most I'd ever spent on a single minifigure.
Seeing his price now is crazy. Glad I got him when I did.
Lego City is still yellow-faces. It's mostly the licensed themes where Lego uses colors that are meant to match the characters' actual skin-tones.
Anons i unironically keep rewatching this over and over again.


Bros...i want to go back...
If you spent your 4chan time on work you'd have more money to buy nexo knights. Shocking, I know.
>nexo knights is 8 years old
Fucking how????
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I know right...+2 years and it will be 10 years. Almost a decade old "vintage" theme at this point
>Rex was Emmet the whole time
>if a kid watched Nexo when he was 14y/o then he will be 20 years old today
Okay this hit hard.
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not familiar with lego lore but why does it look so similar to the lion knights castle
would have been more unique if it was more forest-y
honestly it looks pretty lame even
Ninjago is soon 15 years old...and still going. I was 6 y/o when the pilot aired...
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I hope you get it one day, anon, s'a good figure
oh fuck that's my image, kek
heavily disliked? The fuck you on about
I actually really dig lance's twin jouster. Insanely fun little set, the detaching gimmick is really fun
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Ok here's my titan crystal king MOC :p
That's a weird way to spell Bionicle.
(And with the wings too why not)
This is by far the worst thread we had in a long time

lore excuse reason: the forestman repurposed an abandoned lion kingdom ruin
real reason: this bootleg set was directly aping the aesthetic and design techniques of the lion castle set
that's unironically AWESOME
It's like a giant underground creature that lives in a huge underworld
This is by far the best thread we had in months, long live nexo chads
Bionicle is tranny shit
That is such a weird paint job as well
>this bootleg set was directly aping the aesthetic and design techniques of the lion castle set
its strange how uninspired it is for such a big set, only thing that looks remotely 'interesting' is the rope swing.
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>halloween coming
>no spooky theme
TLG considers wicked and wednesday halloween themes
What if I told you vidiyo is back in 2025?
I’d say you’re a retard lying faggot troll?
Scooby doo back..2025
So fred got turned into a black guy and daphne and velma got turned into a pink haired girl and a dog?
Asian pussy good
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Post sets you dislike from a theme you love
This thing is ugly and barely functional. In both forms. Kind of impressive. Comparing it to icebite's mech makes it look even worse.
I dont understand why you guys love to cling on trash themes from the past. Maybe it's nostalgia. But that would mean the people in this thread grew up with Nexo Knight... A terrifying thought.
>But that would mean the people in this thread grew up with Nexo Knight... A terrifying thought.
its literally the only explanation how someone could spend their time ruining an entire general defending that crap in any way. grim
Guys, what if nexo knights vehicles were all colored based on their knights colors and didnt all have blue accents?
I hope you understand how much you're repelling people from engaging with this thread
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If I was at lego, I would reboot knights kingdom with the team doing ninjago dragons rising. Fuck it, Vladek is Lego's Sauron
Ninjago has goldbarf, nexo knights has dark blue plague
You just gotta live with it
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
Did you want to sperg out about some shitty youbute nobody instead?
I get people are annoyed by the constant nexo knight spam, but at the very least it's some actual engagement with the hobby itself instead of talking about the trannytuber or jang going broke again
It's just one guy from new jersey shilling nexo knights in /lg/ threads like it's his job and to make some profit from krakenskull.
Not a bad idea desu, I'm primarily a Bionicle guy getting into Castle, if they used the classic factions and made brickbuilt figs that would be sick
Would it be fine if Velma was a black guy?
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I got the Eagle for Eris.
Why we dont get catalog leaks anymore?
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In a recent YouTube video from Stacey at Brick and Giggles she speculates that her Bricklink order from Poland will be delivered by ship and therefore delayed by the dockworkers strike.

Lego said that any leaker is a literal Nazi and will be banned from buying licenced sets forever
This chick is as exciting as a stale glass of milk.
Wtf I want to put my penis in a stale glass of milk.
her videos seem to be chopped to delete uncomfortable pauses. like, a lot. almost every sentence has jumps. so... they could be even MORE un-exciting!

they are perfectly fine videos tho
her voice has a pleasant tone, and she sounds sincere about whatever she is talking about.
filling the void in my life with plastic bricks :D
>thread so dead its going down to page 2 multiple times during peak hours
bravo nexofaggot
Anyone know if the GWP will change tomorrow? Surely they are not extending that hideous fortnite GWP another minute beyond today...
Yeah I love her, but thinking the dockworker strike is going to impact your tiny Bricklink order from overseas? This is obviously a person who has no understanding of international commerce.
They aren't even real themes since they use minidolls instead of Technic or Minifigures
>pathetic simps
>Comparing it to icebite's mech makes it look even worse.
Icebite's mech is unironically one of the best lego mechs ever.
Better than some of famous Ninjago mechs even.
To be fair, I would say most Americans didn't understand the strike. Thankfully, the companies decided on paying their employees.
>shitters whining about people actually discussing favorite lego sets instead of e-celebs and DND slop
Fucking kek
best thread ever.
>thread so dead its going down to page 2 multiple times
Because we made polfag shitposters go away and Lego thread became just a normal /toy/ thread that not getting bumped by retards?

Yeah you are welcome.
Leave. Nobody likes you. This thread is pure.
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>/pol/ out of NOWHERE
broken, talk about bricks fag
I really like this set; it's one of the few non-bird Chima sets I have.
How are Chima and Nexo Knights trash themes? They're loaded with gimmicks, interesting pieces, and just great, creative designs all around.
They'd be poorly-unified and look like they belong to different factions.
What's so good about Icebite's mech?
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that actually looks great. Unfortunately i left all my chima figures at parents place and i yet have to encounter an eagle rainger (despite having multiple dragonborns)
But i assume you can already buy these wings on bricklink.

kinda want to collect few classic Chima sets eventually so thanks for showing how cool this looks with new wings
funny how these disappeared all of a sudden, remember there being quite a lot listed on bricklink back in 2019
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>this post triggers polfags
Hit a nerv, huh?
your the only polfag here since your bringing up pol for no reason
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>tfw just got this in the mail
chima bros....
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this looks great
I should get an actual lego dino tho
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You’re the one who brought it up underage fag
Maybe during the great “mysterious lego” purge then, either that or because some private guy bought up all of them
Dude you are a sw-faggot. Nobody is lower than you.
>your the only polfag here
>You’re the one who
Kek polfags i swear.
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I was choosing from my files of then little bro, there was a lot of shit that went down in 2022 on BL
You are speaking like Pedothena, ESL Brat.
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Anyways, some non SW stuff from then
Chima is gay
Animal crossing is retarded faggot shit for trannies and women.
Projecting much
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>dislike shitposters
>attack an innocent anon because you mistaken him with shitposter sw-fag
>you've become the one you despise

Anons.....So...this is how you become a villain...you let the poison of negativity penetrate your heart and become like a shitposter yourself...
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Like how did he get all those basketball legs?
>Chima is gay
Remember that the guy who hates nexo knights/chima is an Animal Crossing/Minidolls/Minecraft fanboy.

really makes you think
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I’m just posting shit from when we trolled some weird bricklink pages for being weird
If only I could into water slide decals, then I could erase the print on the eagle legs and place Eris' leg printing on to the Eagle's legs.
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Why did I save all this stuff? Idk its just funny pointing out these “don’t look at it” sorta oddities you find, also are you talking about yourself or me there
Are they from germany? At german lego land you can get weird parts like this in bulk
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I really miss those simple times when /lg/ was for a couple of manchilds because normies didnt like afol-ing yet.
And anons in this thread would send gift minifigures to each other and we even had some insiders who would spot weird unknown bricklink lots.
This how i got the zombie shark from that Pirates of the Carribean set before set was released.
Some chinese factory guy slipped sharks in bricklink (and put it under a weird stealthy category) and quickly sold them for super cheap (for $6 if i remember it correctly). I got a few of those.

I wonder if we miss really great bricklink finds because anons don't do that anymore
i think they are 100% from germany.
There is a store that has Night Hunter parts for super cheap but you can't order less than 50 pieces (fucking 50 pieces!!!)...
I would love to get Night Hunter...even 3 maybe...
But not 50
From it's Fivehead, to the appendages that they call feet.
Yeah the whole “investigation” started when one of us saw the germans were selling a shitton of poop bricks and thought it was weird and funny, and now we’re here
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i like most of chima sets. Even this bear.
But none of my favorite sets is from Lion tribe.

I just don't like lion colors or lions as animals (they are cool i guess but idk i don't see them appealing to me)

The only lion vehicle i like is this one
I only like the Eagle/Raven/Phoenix/Vulture sets, with some exceptions like the bear and the wolf ice base because they're just too cool otherwise. I'm not really interested in fanged/violent/scary animals.
This set makes me happy
bros...we going home...
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Terabyte fits better than Toxikita
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>I'm not really interested in fanged/violent/scary animals.
>I only like the Eagle/Raven/Phoenix/Vulture sets

>i don't like violent animals
>i like vultures/ravens
>i don't like violent animals
vulture bros...
not like this......................
>Claw tank ambush but furry friendly
They are gross, yes
Violent? How is eating a corpse violent?
my fingers hurt after building with technic for 12 hours
In what set is this guy in
First time i'm seeing him
>*enter thread*
>*take a look around*
>*exit thread*
keep building and your hands will stop hurting as you get used to it
>Violent? How is eating a corpse violent?

>vultures being covered in blood and gruesomely eating dead animals/being associated with death is not violent
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I entered some stuff in the BDP contest this time.

My first entry is a little wagon train that you can put your DnD figures on.

Not sure if it's in USA but it's PRIME DAY RIGHT NOW

you can buy shadow set for 16 eur.
lots of discounts on KLOCKI
Looks cool anon!
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I realized I had a few extra days so I entered this aztec temple as my second entry. It's a rip of classic lego adventurers.

this is awesome but will never be made in lego because it's cultural appropriation.
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forgot the picture
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what're you working on, anon?
waiting for brite bomber to go away so I can buy a set from lego.com.... Then I have to save money the rest of the month so i can afford more lego
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Lego set for this guy when?
Banana splort staff is the best
Do you need Prime to get it? Cause I dont subscribe to that after they added ads to video lol
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For example me:

>like cool things
So most of the times those are cheap or on discount because cool things are usually kids stuff (interesting mechs/wacky looking shit/crazy stuff)
>like Harry potter
But not all - just castle part + some of first three movies minifigures so i won't buy The Burrow/malfoy mansion - just some small stuff and hogwards pieces
>like mechs
but not all - just specific looking ones so i dont have that many
but not all - just needed 3 velociraptors/Mouldoon (so that small 4+ junior set was perfect) and the final big scene set
But not all - just mechanical robot-like stuff and a bit of dark stuff (so i have just a crocodile car and will get T-rex mech later and possibly Nightmare creatures set)
>like various food/accessories
so it's cheap because such stuff i can get from discounted frienzzz/Bricklink

- i dont like expensive modular buildings (smaller Creator buildings are good)
- i dont like afol sets because you can't really do anything with them (thought i admit that the most expensive JP set is kinda AFOL-ish)
- no marvel
- no SW

So for me it's cool - i dont spend that much on Lego and always ready to buy stuff when i want because its on discount/etc
based islander-chad
just use few free days and then cancel subscription
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>still out of stock
How can I edit medium legs in BrickLink Studio like picrel?
So far I can only use them as a whole piece instead of three
You have to build them from a hip piece and 2 leg pieces
There are no separate medium legs (left/right) on vanilla BLS. Only normal size ones
You cant do it then until they do a update to add those pieces
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Vladek is discount Basil the Batlord
Both most expensive Ultra Agents
Theres an alt with his hair
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Fuck here’s the pic
This is /lg/, no one builds anything here, now if you were to ask a YouTuber/tranny question. The responses would be infinite
I finished my Halloween displays for this year, first time doing it. Don’t wanna post pics cause I don’t have proper display shelves yet lmao.
That fan axe is cool!
>Vladek is Lego's Sauron
Ogel is Lego's true antagonist.
It's the next day and Brite Bomber is still the GWP. It's over guys.
I can build but the poison is in the house right now
I bet if you read the terms and conditions, you'd know when it ends and you could plan accordingly. But feel free to keep crying about it on here instead.
Wtf are you talking about schizo
what's the fag rainbow tile of the bard from?
DOTs probably.
It is in a few sets:
Friends Advent Calendar
Toys r us red riding hood exclusive as the wolf's blanket
Ninjago city gardens
Dots bracelet and bag tag
Tokyo architecture set
Trafalgar square architecture set (allegedly, was not able to see it)
and it appears as extras in those. very common for a printed piece
Oh hey, that's my pic. Look up "medium legs" in Stud.io, they're a premade submodel, so select and hit the "release" button on the bottom of the screen to pose them, also, have a rock golem from the same series of creature entries
It's still the GWP because it's being offered until the 7th. It says so on the website.
But it's the 8th now.
starts with a j ends with an s
Check your calendar. It's not.
Well, God promised not to destroys by flood next time.
Yes it is, meds now
It's not.
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Uh-huh, nice edit. Just admit you were wrong, retard.
I'll admit you're a faggot. Enjoy being wrong.
>"release" button
I cant believe I didnt know about it
Thanks a lot anon!
I wish Lego released sets themed around creating terrains/scenes for sets. Like how Lego City has a set that’s just a street intersection, a Creative set for an outdoor scene where you could stage various smaller sets with maybe various seasons would be great.
We USED to have raised baseplates, not anymore
How do you guys feel about masonry bricks? and how do you usually make simple trees for forests?
I’m not even talking raised base plates, I’m talking like you get a baseplate, and then an intuitive set of bricks, plates, and pieces for building terrain and foliage on top of it. So there’s more options on how you build the stage for your scenes.
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>How do you guys feel about masonry bricks?
I like them but less is more with them.
>simple trees
pic related or a stick with some green flower stems.
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I just spent like 3 hours looking at each and every set. I only vote LOVE if I would actually buy it. I don't have major funds and so am very picky and lean towards smaller sets. I voted LOVE on about 10 sets totally spread across all themes.

Without looking at who was doing what, I didn't even notice those two sets were by the same guy. Buy these two are both sets I voted LOVED and the Adventure set is my absolute favorite out of all the entries that were submitted in this series. Great to know it's a fellow anon. Great job, I hope I can order your stuff down the line. Your wagons are amazing. I would have given an option to make the two back carriages separately pulled to have one large carriage and a second two-carriage Wagon, but that could easily be MOCed by anyone who bought it. As is, it's pretty brilliant. You were smart to include multiple stickers for others themes, and this also is a great companion to the new D&D minis.

I wish you luck on both sets. I almost don't want your Adventures set to win because then I would have to buy it and it looks expensive. But so cool. Your Caravan if very affordable looking in comparison to MOST sets and I really hope it locks the small set option. Did you submit any sets in previous series? Since I liked two of your sets here so much, I wonder if I liked any previous ones too.

Pic related is also one of my favorites sets. It has playability and looks good from all sides. I'm a simple man that just likes to have fun, and this set is also quite fun for being small and simple. Interior is pretty limited, but it's got lots of character with fun story telling in the play features.

Right, that sounds reasonable
Sweet, thanks. I'm glad you like them.

>I would have given an option to make the two back carriages separately pulled

Yeah I think improving the coupling is a good idea. In the rare chance it wins that can be refined a bit.

>Did you submit any sets in previous series?

No, but I might enter again next contest. I mostly play with bionicles and technics so it was kinda interesting switching to system for this.

That MOC in your post caught my eye too when I was looking. I really, really like the goat.
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Guys, I am slowly setting up for building the ultimate MOC!
This raised base plate will be the defining part of it.
My question is, could this base pass as medieval (middle european) baseplate?
I mean, green, grey and blue is fine, the sand could be bit off
You can always cover the sand with plates.
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fucking LOL anons
I went to bed after having fun in this thread and last posts were from that "weird bricklink lots" anon.

And in my dreams i saw myself finding super cheap Lego Magazines in store.
Magazines came with polybags of nexo knights "building pack" - a knights + some useful parts.
And it came with 2 wings from General Garg (a $50+ minifigure). And i was like "holy shit i will buy at least 10 of these magazines!!!"

But of course like with your regular /toy/ dream i was unable to buy magazines even if i was trying to do that during MY WHOLE DREAM.

This is the first time in a long while when /lg/ entered my dreams!
>tfw /lg/ made me feel like a kid again and have dreams where im trying to get lots of toys
this is the best thread ever - i'm saving it on my PC when it dies
Have fun with the 8 dollar a piece wings bro.
I think the magazine was going for $3 in my dream (at least it felt like that).
And polybag was transparent like this pirate pieces polybag.
And it had a minifigure + lots of useful parts inside

I kept trying to buy those magazines but they kept disappearing from my hands. Or i was returning them back and then taking again.
Did it just have Nexo and random generic or orher stuff
I saw some trans-orange parts, blue knights armor, demon weapons and stuff like that. I saw a black wing and started shaking the polybag and a second wing appeared which blew my mind.
So it might have come from reality, are you polish?
Is that minifigure your oc? Pretty badass anon
If you cover up the sand, that terrain could pass for a welsh mountain, I've been to some with plants like that. It would be good for forestmen
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>waiting for brite bomber to go away so I can buy a set from lego
Are you that vindictive against popular thing because popular that you would pass on free lego?
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just wait for the cmf series this will be in and you'll get a new giant wolf mold too
He's the only one I want out of that wave
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Yep, pretty much. We had one good licensed cmf series (dnd) where every fig was kino and now it's back to this....
No the thing is just ugly as fuck and looks gross in a cart.
It sucks. I only got back into lego when series 25 dropped and only got the goat peasant, and I regret not scanning and buying up every M-Tron guy I saw, definitely gonna be doing that with the Wolfpack guy though
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>Is that minifigure your oc? Pretty badass anon
thanks. it's a cyberpunk cowboy - headhunter
Pic is his rival
>ice planet 2002 visor+samurai helmet
Damn, makes me wish it came in more colors or was third partie’d in neon green
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OK Guys there is no way that anywhere in the world it's still the 7th unless you live in freaking alaska or inside the earth where it's the past and dinosaurs are still chilling or whatever that crazy theory was and LEGO is not form alaska or the earths core it's from denmark which means it was the 7th like 9 hours ago so WHY is brite bomber still in the store and how long until something on back order on lego goes away? will it even get filled if I order it? I really don't want brite bomber I want to wait for next gwp but it feels like I might have to do it.
None of the pieces will ever be used by me because they are all in colours I never use (even the brown is a unique colour different to normal browns) and it will be difficult for me to sell it or donate it. So to me it is just like they are putting trash in your cart you wouldn't order from the grocery store if the clerk put a pile of trash in your cart and went "you have to take this with you as well" you'd just leave and go to another but I can't since this is lego store exclusive so I just have to wait.
Wow that is cool great moc anon
>tfw it using nexo knights minifigure as base
>but it's good
For a cool fig I just discovered, this guy, he looks cool and his head thing should be useful if it isn’t glued to the hat
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>the hat is glued to the head
Fuck, too good to be true I guess
the body would be great for a druid character literally has a giant celtic symbol on it. kind of weird that lego used such a hecking wholesome celtic symbol on this evil necromancer guy
Likely because it looked cool and wasn’t as instarecognisable as a cross or something
>Surely he has bought red dragons tale, dude has serious fomo issues. He buys everything, despite how much of a ripoff it is.
but anon jang has mortgage repayments
If I was Jang I'd spend my money on lego instead of mortgage
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Damn this pic is awesome. could fit those nexo vampires
Can you imagine how hard it’s going to be to get the Wolfpack beastmaster cmf
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Keep trying, bros. You can build nice classic-style Wolfmen from them
>Just thought i'm done with mechs because sinse Exo Force and then Legends of Chima lego was doing MECHS MECHS MECHS and more mechs
>even batman got a mech
>yeah too many mechs
>see this video:

What is this mech obsession that is like...installed deep into your soul?
I just love mechs so much
Velma has always been a bitch though?
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Got 13 of these guys now for retail price.
From the head down this fig is so amazing.
Great castle army builder. Don't really know what to do with the dragon heads.
You could eat them, I dont know about the gold pieces because I don't think I actually have got any to eat but one of the tastiest colours is the new yellow colour so they are probably pretty tasty if they taste like those.
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*guitar riffs*
Take it, we fight as one!
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Well that was embarassing
What lens is that?
Beard too small
Give them a few years and they will be too brittle to do anything with.
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I just used a phone camera with normal zoom
It's actually too long for me but I only had a few minifigs
Are you me?
I'm getting all the big ones from the last decade. I alredy have all the titan ninja mechs and z-blob knight. Soon monkie kid ultramech and mei's mech.
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How are you gentlemen !!
I'm a newcomer looking to recapture the magic of Lego from my youth. What's the best place to find 1990s sets and how screwed am I as a poorfag?
Bricklink. And not too badly assuming you're fine with buying used (i.e. not in unopened box) sets and aren't specifically looking for the big expensive sets like the big spaceships or castles.
you're like 14 aren't you
Very. Only one walmart in my city stocks cmfs so I'll have to try any neighboring ones
How long does it take for a set on backorder to retire on the lego site and how long does it take for a backorder to be fulfilled if it gets filled at all ? thanks if anyone can tell me
no velma?
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>Ordered Sep 29
Nah if he was 14 he'd want it, he's just an autistic sperg.
file a non sending seller report or whatever its called and get a refund
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I hope the set you want goes out of stock while waiting.
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Did lego lose the Ankylosaurus mold?
They keep releasing the baby version and now a brick build one, but the regular one hasn't been released since 2020, while they keep pumping out t-rexes, dilophosauruses, raptors and triceratops. Also the gallimimus hasn't been seen since 2020, but that one is less iconic.
Backorder just means they don’t have it in stock. You just gotta set up notifications for it, it’s not in danger of retiring unless the site actually says it’s retiring.
Bricklink Designer Program 3 is up now. Here’s the direct links that will add them to your cart on lego.com.

The Art of Chocolate:

Harbormaster's Office:

Camping Adventure:

Lost City:

Forest Stronghold:

I picked up the forest stronghold, but not really interested in any of the others.
Never really payed attention to these before, so is it like crowdfunding sets? Do they only ship if they’re funded? I am a little interested in that Camping Adventure one not gonna lie.
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Yeah, although every single one is already funded except one and it will fund by the end of it. They have an expected date of 3/1 of next year, so your card will be charged when you place the order to check for funds, but then the charge will go away and you won’t be charged again until when it ships.
I'm a big castlenigga so I got the Forest Stronghold too, it looks excellent. The Art of Chocolate is fairly tempting as well but I don't want to spend that much.
Christ, you're fucking retarded.
>I picked up the forest stronghold, but not really interested in any of the others.

damn rich mf, that thing is 280 euro's
I see, thanks for the info. Might wait a bit then until after Christmas to see if I’m still into getting it then.
I wish, but nah I’m not. But like I said as long as you have some extra money on hand, you can purchase it and get the money back and then have 6 months to save up for when it actually charges.

Well the crowdfunding ends in 24 days, it just doesn’t ship out until next March. So if you want it you have until then to decide. Although, if I had to guess the forest stronghold and the camping adventure will most likely sell out in the next couple of days.

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