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A thread for both video games line made by Jakks
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is there a checklist for Mario?
They need to make Pikmin
Id be okay with more nintendo or sega figures, their mario stuff is really cool but i like the idea of say kid icarus or vyse getting a figure.
Why the fuck did target get rid of the regular Mario 4 inch but keep the fucking movie figures???
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Well if you need a Death Egg, Ollie's gotchu.
Because Target is fucking retarded.
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It's time Jakks made a 4" Deluxe Robotnik Eggman figure. Tired of having him as a manlet next to Sonic. Even the 5" movie figure looks bad.
So WalMart is getting two new Sega toys: Weredragon from Altered Beast and Roo from Streets of Rage 3. Fuck yes. Already sighted in stores.

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Anyone know where I could get a black spike ball for this four inch guy?
What weird choices.
Man why is the Mario line so lame
It's all shitty enemies and re-colors

Weredragon isn't, they probably just retooled the werewolf. Roo...yeah, thats outta left field.

I'm just glad the endless unsold AiAi toys didn't kill the line.
>It's all shitty enemies
Have you ever even played a Mario game?
I hope you mean the toys and not the enemies themselves. Who doesn't love Koopas or Boos?
There's thousands of characters that could be made figures, instead we get regular baddies and recolors
Who would you prefer besides the bad guys and recolors at this point? Those kings in Mario 3 maybe? Mario is not known for his supporting cast.
Toadsworth, a Sunshine Mario, Piantas, Paper Mario characters, Dixie Kong, Funky Kong, King Bob-Omb, Wiggler, Captain Toad, A DUAL PACK OF GENO AND MALLOW BUT THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING JEWS AT SQUARE ENIX OWNING THEM
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We got a Wiggler. He's a big fucker too.

>Paper Mario

Wouldn't making 3D figures kinda defeat the purpose?
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Will we ever get an articulated Cap. Lou Mario?
>Wouldn't making 3D figures kinda defeat the purpose?
I loled so hard at this.
Right, but some bundle packs with the parties of the first two games would be cool.
Also I meant more of a standalone Wiggler.
Anon they made a Mr. Game and Watch amiibo.
Sure, but that was a statue. How would you add articulation?
Make them plastic puppets to work like in the games.

Not the poster you are talking to but the Mario line, both the small and the larger figure lines DESPERATELY need more Super Mario 2 figures. In particular Sniffits, Tweeter, Birdo, and the five main bosses (Mouser, Triclyde, Fryguy, Clawfylul, and Wart)

Most of the above can be repainted even for maximum mold reissue even, with Wart and Fryguy even being reusable in a Zelda line given how they reappear in Links awakening
When was the last time we even got a new Mario figure
And I do mean NEW
Just use Lakitu's red Spiny ball. But what would be the point if it can't hold/barf it?
thought they'd be on the website, but just saw the first wave being readily available instead. I hope you the rest of you take that chance and also buy some cereal or something
>Weredragon isn't, they probably just retooled the werewolf.
You have no idea what retool means. That's an entirely new sculpt and set of tooling
Anyone know if Mystical Ninja figures exist?
Why does it feel like Jakks is losing the Nintendo license and they're avoiding spending any money on new tooling the last several waves? If sales are bad, its distribution's fault. But these really bad waves with super old figures aren't going to result in better sales either.

4" figures no longer sold at Target, 2.5" checklane figures no longer at Walmart, overall amount of figures at retail has been dwindling this entire year. What the heck?
Pokio, Chargin' Chuck, and the rest of the Koopalings
They're doing Simpsons now, no one cares about Mario.
That's my point. Retailers are all carrying their Simpsons line and Sonic lines more than the Mario ones at this point which has never happened before. Walmart is stocking the SEGA and Zelda/DK/Samus sub lines more too
>4" figures no longer sold at Target,
we just got the latest rerelease wave (Blue Yoshi, Piranha Plant) on pegs. They're even on the website. Also the King Boo and Wiggler aren't selling
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That is an all new body bud
Doesn't Sonic have a cartoon going on? When was the last Mario thing?
Ever since the Mario movie items, the Mario figures just seemed to stop selling. It's weird. And now retailers are stuck with mountains of unsold movie figures they cant get rid off. The discount stores like Ollie's are filled to the brim with hundreds of them at each store.
I wonder if all the unsold movie stuff and the non-movie stuff doing badly lately has freaked out retailers?

Uh the Mario movie? Sonic Prime is over now. But there were several waves of large figures and a few smaller figure multi packs that sold alright I guess.
Jazwares has another new license they've acquired but not revealed yet. Could it be Mario??? They've been taking so many video game licenses lately. Pokemon, Halo, Call of Duty, Fortnite, FNAF, Roblox. Could it be Nintendo next?

When was the last time Jakks renewed the license with Nintendo? I only see articled from 2013, 2018, and 2020
The Mario movie is kind of its own thing. It's like the MCU and Marvel comics.
So? It's still very similar in the retailer's eyes since they're both toy lines from the same IP made by the same company. One Mario line doing badly hurts others as well.
I'd liek them to do Hanna Barbera and Nicktoons again with their new skills.
You did not just forget my nigga bendy

They mog the hell out of the phatmojos too
It may unironically be tadc or skibidi

I stand corrected. Still can't wait to get one though.
Ironically, the figure that is clogging pegs at every store is the Monkey Ball one. The only figure that young kids may actually recognize since they've had recent games and apps. The others may be selling well just for their generic cool look. Wave 2 should probably sell way better than 1 did if that's the case

I know. With my luck my Walmart won't put out Wave 2 until they sell all the AiAis. Which will never happen.
That one is too damned expensive for what it is.
I don't think so but apparently the general public thinks so. It's a tiny figure but there's like over 20 POA on it so that's the value there.

People have no problem paying $5 for figures the same size without articulation so a fully articulated one with an accessory for $10 seems fine
>standalone Wiggler.
So did you mean the big Wiggler but just without the two small figures?
yes they are very expensive and rare.
Make sure you sell it on Ebay to the highest bidder, faggot.
There is a smaller version of Wiggler too.
I think we'll get Toadsworth and Dixie eventually. Sunshine Mario would be cool but I have a feeling it won't happen unless there's a new Sunshine game.
We have all the Koopalings in the 2.5" line- unless you mean the 4" line in which I think there are only two still left.
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Wow that looks good, Jakks is fucking killing it. Also got their Simpsons set since I've always wanted to display these fuckers
Damn that’s a good looking line. I wish I was rich and had a giant house to just buy all these cuz sonic kicks ass. My 8 other lines take up way too much room and money though.
I suppose during the Mario movie deal
But it seems they didn't renew the previous licenses, only Mario
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>sell it on Ebay to the highest bidder
yes, the highest bidder is usually the one that pays and buys the item you are selling
>hey so we have this character where their most iconic pose involves them placing their left hand over a blaster on their right arm, their forearm
>ok, so what you're saying is we should get rid of the cheaper, easier to manufacture, and more effective bicep swivel and instead we should give them butterfly joints that clearly fail to replicate the pose
>wait...WHAT? no, no why the fuck would we ever do that? ARE YOU INSANE?
these things are going to kill at 9.99.
>unless there's a new Sunshine game
Pffft.... hahaha. I think Nintendo wants to forget all about that little diversion.
I suspect Jakks is doing well enough to keep renewing it. They keep making new characters and the stuff usually seems to sell (at least the newerr figures / non-repeats). I think my only problem is their distribution is wacky. Sometimes waves just don't show up in stores, like the Wario wave for me. I had to order some online because of this.

Whoa whoa, back up. They made a Caterkiller?
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Symbiote Shadow to go with Doc Ock Tails
>Team Sonic is complete
>Team Rose is complete
>Team Dark is complete
>no Charmy
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>Captain Toad
Yes please.
>they could easily repack Charmy
>they'll repack six more Sonic variants instead
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>here's that next wave of Sonic figures you wanted
Right. This wave goes in the pegs next to the Walmart exclusive all Sonic assortment. Which is next to the SEGA line pegs where 1/3 of the next wave is also a Sonic figure
The classic line is pure SOUL
Do you prefer the 2.5 or the 4? For some reason, I just like the 2.5s better, which is weird, because normally I'm a "bigger is better" guy. I think it's because I think of classic Sonic as little and cute.
Out of scale though.
Hey, does anyone know what other retail stores in the US sell the 2.5" Mario figures?
Walmart hasn't refreshed theirs in many months (I suspect they stopped?).
Target sometimes gets a new wave, but its totally random when and they seem to skip around.
CVS has them sometimes, but the ones near me are stuck on a much older wave.
I heard Dollar General has them now?
I saw some at Joan Fabrics, but not sure how common that is.
Anywhere else to check? I'm trying to get Baby Peach, Baby Luigi, and Mecha Koopa.
Also does anyone know if they made the following in 2.5" scale?
>Red Shelled Koopa Troopa (not the flying ver.)
>ParaBones (flying Dry Bones)
>Fire Bro or Boomerang Bro (I have Hammer Bro. and Ice Bro, not sure if there were other variants)
Meijer sell them
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>Jakks has made more Badniks than actual classic characters
Loving this timeline
Missing Espio, Super Shadow, Silver, Mephiles, Metal Sonic 3.0, and NEO Metal Sonic
Only have Heavy King
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Mattle recently released a figure of him. Maybe if you can do a good custom Mario out of him/
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Local Target got that Sonic 3 multipack.
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>I've come to make announcement.
Got these the other day, Knuckles is fucking huge compared to Sonic which is great
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Took a while but I got the SMRPG lineup. Hopefully the remake gets some Nendoroids of Geno and Mallow!
Which Bowser is that?
S.H. Figuarts Bowser
I only have a poorly printed Geno model that looks like an amiibo
I'm just glad Jakks finally made a larger Princess Daisy. Would've preferred an SHF but they didn't even do Princess Toadstool.
Where'd you get that cool Geno and Mallow?
There's a larger than 4 inch that's not a Mario Kart outfit?
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it's just a remold. calm down
Definitely want her for my Smash Bros. collection.
ok, but she's still just a statue
Her arms and head move.
Is the 2.5 inch Peach the only one that has fully modeled legs, panties and ass?
NTA but it's been mentioned in other threads with that picture that the owner 3D printed them. They look pretty cool.
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>here's that next wave of Sonic figures you wanted
She's wearing a bigass dress, what do you expect?
If Geno and Mallow were 3D printed do you have the STL file?
Man, you really gotta learn to be proficient on your own. Right click, Search with Google Lens, go to Reddit link and find username of image poster, find their IG, see who they credit the model to, find model hosted on site. It's for FDM printers only though. No STL afaik
Not interested in faux-classic or Modern Sonic in the first place
What do you mean by that? I always felt like something was off with those, but I couldn't nail it down.
in my own autism, it's the gringo sonic ass brow he has and the fact he no longer has the same dark blue as "modern" sonic, instead being light blue
>haha fag you should use google lens
>i didn't find the stl you asked for whopps
>still a lazy fag doe
You dumb fuck. It's not hard to find
So a statue. Got it
Look up "sonic santiago"
What the fuck do you want? How do you expect a fully articulated figure with that big ass dress that has to be plastic?
That they replace the dress with cloth
Is that look not based on an old 90s cartoon?
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I think it's supposed to be The Classic Sonic in Sonic Generations, which is supposed to be the 90s classic Sonic but it's not really.
After nothing else in the line has fabric? Do you have any idea how hard it is to incorporate that if you've never done that before? Look at Jada's Edge Runners stuff.
No one cares you midwit manchild hipster.
Won't happen. Jakks has never used cloth in the line and isn't going to introduce a new material. That's more expensive than just doing it in plastic. It would never look good anyway att he quality of a $10 figure.
The 3d classic sonic sega has been using since generations is a weird combination of japanese and american sonics
They couldn't get her height right
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exactly. therefore it's garbage and not worth buying
I better be able to grab a Roo. Fuckers are selling him for 50 on eBay and I refuse to pay that for a 10 dollar still. I'd still like my kangabro though.
Do you expect figures under 10 dollars to have high end articulation and a cloth robe that complex ? Also, the robe would need to be three layers, Even Max Factory wouldn't do that at ten times the price.
They could always pointlessly articulate the legs just to make it easier for modders to add their own balloon skirt, or even just a regular one. That would be achievable for a $10 product. But you're just adding reasons that it isn't worth $10
>They could always pointlessly articulate the legs just to make it easier for modders to add their own balloon skirt, or even just a regular one.
Yes, they are totally going to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to articulate legs that will never be used just so customizers can rip off the plastic dress and make their own. That is 100% realistic and will definitely happen.
character heights have never been consistent in the mario series besides vague rules (luigi's a bit taller than mario, bowser is taller than both etc)
These are great. Really hoping this line lasts long enough to get Harrier and Opa-Opa.
Man, wish Jakks would give us a Petey Pirahna 4" figure
Birdo first. S/he's overdue
I think Nintendo wants to ignore Sunshine as much as they can.
They don't mind Petey though.
For me, it's Golden Axe.
Throw in Rosalina

We really need some Zelda figures too.
OOT Link Zora Tunic
OOT Ganondorf
WW Zelda
SS Zelda
EOW Zelda
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You know what I want? A Tantaga.
I want a Roo for retail price dammit.
Tatanga and Wart, the forgotten bosses.
Where's this guy from?
He's the villain of Super Mario Land.
Nintendo is looking at this post and seriously asking "Why want him? Wouldn't you rather have a Koopa Troopa with a BLUE shell instead?"
I like his ship. Is he ever out of it?
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He falls out of it when you beat him in SML2.
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Found a movie 3 Shadow with bike today. Feels good not paying scalper prices. Anyone know of hot latina figure I can put on the back of the bike?
Worst version of Shadow
>If Geno and Mallow were 3D printed do you have the STL file?
I don't have the files sadly would love to get them though. Despite being unofficial those 3D printed figures look great. I wish the maker would provide them.
Why is everyone dumb? Literally read this thread. The files are even linked in a post here if you're too dumb to find them yourself
>Why is everyone dumb?
Have you seen this board before?
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U knoe?
They'd be fun Hot Wheels
They could also put metal balls inside of them like Speedez or Micro Drifters. That could be fun.
anything new at nycc?
Uh, Neca had a bunch of tmnt "furries" coming, nothing related with Marvel or DC... Unless you want that statue Kong McFarlane is doing.
Oh woops, wrong thread lol. Didn't see jack shit for video game stuff except the Figma Tears of the Kingdom trio on display.
lucky for you I'm a furfag, thanks for helping me get off
And there's Mega Man...but I don't think anything new was shown that we hadn't already seen?
I typed that comment before scrolling down more. I saw the link right after but don't care enough to bring it up. Anyways those prints are probably the best we're going to get, we'll probably never see official merch of the SMRPG exclusive characters nowadays.
I just got a Charmy, he scales pretty well, I'll post a pic when I get home
I don't know why people lie like this, he most certainly does not. I'm not even a stickler for scale, but I've seen several people say this when it just isn't true, he's supposed to be as tall as Cream and the 2.5" is absolutely tiny. I guess he looks kind of okay with Vector, who is supposed to be massive, but he looks like a dwarf next to almost anyone else.
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Here ya go. Judge for yourselves I suppose.
It's weird that Charmy hasn't made it to the checkout lane figure waves, he's so damn hard to find.
SoR Roo is up on Walmarts site for anyone interested.
Sure wish they'd finish the fucking Koopa Kids. We only need two more right? FINISH IT GODDAMNIT.
Which ones?
4" Roy and Morton.
Package size/scale issue. The others completely filled the package so the last two will either be super tiny to fit in there and it'll piss everyone off, or they'll have to stick them in one of those few oversized box sets like the King Boo one
too much paint app too much expensive small indie company please understand
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They don't look that big
Annnnd its gone.
Morton is definitely much bigger than all the rest and will definitely have a hard time fitting in the 4" package bubble. Roy maybe too, only due to the depth from stomach to shell.
Box set with both of them. Sell it as an online or Target exclusive. Watch the scalpers scoop them all up. Jakks and nintendo win!
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Fuck you cyborg ninja holy shit I hate them in SoR4.
Mine will be here friday... Looks a bit alien from the side.
>my mephiles order from months ago finally shipping from amazon when i thought it was canceled
holy fuck that makes my week
don't have to worry about scalper price now
since the sonic thread is gone i'll post it here
my local walmart had a shit ton amy 4 inch toys from the anniversary wave for only $4 each
fags on facebook were trying to flip them for $15 each lol
Huh. After messing around with the Chaotix Charmy can perfectly hold onto Vector's earphones. Weird.
That's kino in disguise honestly. I bought Jazwares Charmy (damaged antennae) any how. I plan on drilling holes in his head and making my own antennae with hobby putty, paper clips nad paint.
I saw that one on eBay. Show us how it turns out I'm curious

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