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cool looking robots thread
I thought that was Fugitoid from the thumbnail.
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nah its the wild robot, hope someone else get another try because this thing weight 1.5kg
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Kind of looks like a more futuristic take on the Laputa robots from Castle in the Sky
Aw yeah, just the thing I dreamed to have. I do find it odd that it isn't being merched hard. It's like companies don't take chances anymore because TRU's dead
Which were in turn inspired by robots from a 1940s Superman cartoon.
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It's like if Drossel and the Laputa robots were mashed together.
That looks fantastic.

Yeah I find it strange too. Especially since it's getting rave reviews but I guess it might be kind of hard to merchandise since most of the characters besides the robot are just small and generic forest animals. Seems like the kind of thing that will just get either high quality collector figures and then cheap little PVC figurines sold in multipacks.
>ugly crap doesn't sell
Really? One Piece seems to do gangbusters, and there's not much on the market uglier than that.
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If you haven't seen the movie yet I suggest you get out and see it on the big screen it is awesome!
Pretty damn cool but I didn't realize it was so huge. I think I'd rather have a 1/12 kind so she can hang out with my mecha musume
I fucking loved the movie and thought ThreeZero would be perfect for a late-movie version where she's all covered in moss and damage

Either way I'm super happy a high end figure is being made!
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shame that these guys are so expensive
>12 inches tall
I have one you want mine? Is 65 a lot?
dude there's people who want 200 for them
BoonBoomger is love, BoonBoomger is life
Kilograms, bro. Most of the planet uses the Metric System; America's an oddball when it comes to measurements.
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They're worth the price, but can get pretty expensive depending on the design.

65 would be a bro price, but I've seen cheaper.
Piece of shit toy that doesn't even combine with the main robot in the series, Just so they could introduce a new line-up of toys that will fail epically because they refuse to put decent articulation into the designs.
King's Guard
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Paid like 5 or at most 600 for this 8 set of Armstrong figures, can’t remember. I’ve EMGY on my desk at work, gotten lots of compliments. Definitely cool dudes.
I’m looking at a Bertie but it’s almost 500 just for one figure. That’s seems a bit too much I don’t know if it’s worth it…
That Star Wars thing looks much nicer in a photo.
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I like it anyways.
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UV will be releasing a new Bertie soon.
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I have a robot shelf
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I made this guy, experimenting with a tiny lego-clone, but ran out of colors for the cannon.
I tried to go for a manned-Bohrok look, with the saucer-like head/torso (it reminds me of the Asshimar), and how it squats.
Very cool anon!
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This reminds me a bit of Battletech, very cozy
Who's the little gold guy?
That's a cute little robot.
Nuggit from Rock Lords
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I was going for a look like the one in the middle. I had been playing Sandland and wanted to do a ride armor, because one of the robots reminded me of picrel.
I wonder if there's any good toys of this.
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>absolute zero chance of her figma or chogokin getting reissued at all
her articulated figures will soon be lost to history and insane second hand prizes...
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I might do it

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